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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited
Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 69
Наука, Образование/Техническая литература
San Murugesan "Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing"
Sushil Khetan K. "Endocrine Disruptors in the Environment"
Michel Andre "Energy and Environment"
Frank (Xin X.) Zhu "Energy and Process Optimization for the Process Industries"
Ian Shapiro M. "Energy Audits and Improvements for Commercial Buildings"
Tarik Al-Shemmeri "Energy Audits. A Workbook for Energy Management in Buildings"
Belleville Marc "Energy Autonomous Micro and Nano Systems"
Ursula Eicker "Energy Efficient Buildings with Solar and Geothermal Resources"
Laloui Lyesse "Energy Geostructures. Innovation in Underground Engineering"
Yunfei Chen "Energy Harvesting Communications. Principles and Theories"
Beth Jones P. "Energy Management and Efficiency for the Process Industries"
Dermot O'Hare "Energy Materials"
J. Reddy N. "Energy Principles and Variational Methods in Applied Mechanics"
Thomas Blair Howard "Energy Production Systems Engineering"
Benoit Robyns "Energy Storage in Electric Power Grids"
Andreas Sumper "Energy Storage in Power Systems"
Soobhankar Pati "Energy Technology 2012. Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies"
Cong Wang "Energy Technology 2013. Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies"
Cong Wang "Energy Technology 2014. Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies"
Frank Johnson "Energy Technology 2015. Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies"
Lei Zhang "Energy Technology 2016. Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies"
Sanjeev Chandra "Energy, Entropy and Engines. An Introduction to Thermodynamics"
Anthony Fasano "Engineer Your Own Success. 7 Key Elements to Creating an Extraordinary Engineering Career"
Ravin Narain "Engineered Carbohydrate-Based Materials for Biomedical Applications. Polymers, Surfaces, Dendrimers,"
Ranjan Patnaik "Engineering Complex Phenotypes in Industrial Strains"
Paul Marnell "Engineering Economics for the 21st Century"
Stuart Jacobs "Engineering Information Security. The Application of Systems Engineering Concepts to Achieve Informa"
Roger Woods "Engineering Innovative Products. A Practical Experience"
Jon Leydens A. "Engineering Justice. Transforming Engineering Education and Practice"
Duffy Aidan "Engineering Project Appraisal"
Ahn Doyeol "Engineering Quantum Mechanics"
Wang Yu "Engineering Risk Assessment with Subset Simulation"
John Betz W. "Engineering Satellite-Based Navigation and Timing. Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Signals, and"
Brajendra Mishra "Engineering Solutions for Sustainability. Materials and Resources II"
David Doman "Engineering the CMOS Library. Enhancing Digital Design Kits for Competitive Silicon"
Stephen Hambric A. "Engineering Vibroacoustic Analysis. Methods and Applications"
Stuart Walesh G. "Engineering Your Future. The Professional Practice of Engineering"
R. Ganiev F. "Enhanced Oil Recovery. Resonance Macro- and Micro-Mechanics of Petroleum Reservoirs"
Masoud Karimi-Ghartema "Enhanced Phase-Locked Loop Structures for Power and Energy Applications"
Shauna Mallory-Hill "Enhancing Building Performance"
Bruno Vallespir "Enterprise Interoperability. INTEROP-PGSO Vision"
Sophie Boutillier "Entrepreneurial Ecosystems"
Makuch Karen "Environmental and Energy Law"
George Chilingar V. "Environmental Aspects of Oil and Gas Production"
Richard O. Mines, Jr. "Environmental Engineering. Principles and Practice"
Richard O. Mines, Jr. "Environmental Engineering. Principles and Practice"
John Wainwright "Environmental Modelling. Finding Simplicity in Complexity"
Kapustka Lawrence A. "Environmental Risk Assessment and Management from a Landscape Perspective"
Pratima Bajpai "Environmentally Friendly Production of Pulp and Paper"
Plamen Atanassov B. "Enzymatic Fuel Cells. From Fundamentals to Applications"
Oort Maarten Van "Enzymes in Food Technology"
Cong Wang "EPD Congress 2014"
Lifeng Zhang "EPD Congress 2015"
Cong Wang "EPD Congress 2016"
deAlmeida J.P. Moitinho "Equilibrium Finite Element Formulations"
Hanan Luss "Equitable Resource Allocation. Models, Algorithms and Applications"
Hanan Luss "Equitable Resource Allocation. Models, Algorithms and Applications"
Stephane Bonelli "Erosion of Geomaterials"
Ran Moshe "Error Control Coding for B3G/4G Wireless Systems. Paving the Way to IMT-Advanced Standards"
Edward R. Dougherty "Error Estimation for Pattern Recognition"
Steven Voldman H. "ESD Basics. From Semiconductor Manufacturing to Product Use"
Steven Voldman H. "ESD Testing. From Components to Systems"
Steven Voldman H. "ESD: Design and Synthesis"
Steven Voldman H. "ESD. Analog Circuits and Design"
Steven Voldman H. "ESD. Circuits and Devices"
Gordon Mair "Essential Manufacturing"
Seyed Hashemi MohammedBagher "Essential Oils in Food Processing: Chemistry, Safety and Applications"
Jochen Fricke "Essentials of Energy Technology. Sources, Transport, Storage, Conservation"
Takamichi Nakamoto "Essentials of Machine Olfaction and Taste"
C. Balaji "Essentials of Radiation Heat Transfer"
Tucker Gary S. "Essentials of Thermal Processing"
Sean D. C. Ostrowski "Estimating and Cost Planning Using the New Rules of Measurement"
Wayne J. Del Pico "Estimating Building Costs for the Residential and Light Commercial Construction Professional"
Dieter Jacob "Estimating in Heavy Construction. Roads, Bridges, Tunnels, Foundations"
Speight James G. "Ethics in Science and Engineering"
Frank Fingerloos "Eurocode 2 für Deutschland. DIN EN 1992-1-1 Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbeton- und Spannbeto"
Deutscher Beton- und Bautechnik-Verein e.V. "Eurocode 2 für Deutschland. Kommentierte Fassung. DIN EN 1992-1-1 Bemessung und Konstruktion von Sta"
bauforumstahl e.V. "Eurocode 3 Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten. Allgemeine Regeln Hochbau. DIN EN 1993-1-1 mi"
bauforumstahl e.V. "Eurocode 3 Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten. Anschlüsse. DIN E N 1993-1-8 mit Nationalem A"
Shih-Chii Liu "Event-Based Neuromorphic Systems"
Donald Wilson A. "Evidence and Procedures for Boundary Location"
Harding Jenny A. "Evolutionary Computing in Advanced Manufacturing"
Xinwei Wang "Experimental Micro/Nanoscale Thermal Transport"
Georg Schwedt "Experimente rund um die Kunststoffe des Alltags"
Christopher Lloyd D. "Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography"
Candace Tsai Su-Jung "Exposure Assessment and Safety Considerations for Working with Engineered Nanoparticles"
Billington M. J. "Extending and Improving Your Home. An Introduction"
Alain Vignes "Extractive Metallurgy 3. Processing Operations and Routes"
Giovanni Mazzanti "Extruded Cables for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission. Advances in Research and Development"
Jean-Marie Bouvier "Extrusion Processing Technology. Food and Non-Food Biomaterials"
Leszek Moscicki "Extrusion-Cooking Techniques. Applications, Theory and Sustainability"
Laure Morel "Fab Labs. Innovative User"
Edward Finch "Facilities Change Management"
Scheer Joachim "Failed Bridges. Case Studies, Causes and Consequences"
Bazu Marius "Failure Analysis. A Practical Guide for Manufacturers of Electronic Components and Systems"
Loui McCurley "Falls from Height. A Guide to Rescue Planning"
Wushow Chou "Fast-Tracking Your Career. Soft Skills for Engineering and IT Professionals"
Alain Nussbaumer "Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures. Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-9 F"
Claude Bathias "Fatigue Limit in Metals"
Pineau André "Fatigue of Materials and Structures. Application to Damage and Design, Volume 2"
Pineau André "Fatigue of Materials and Structures. Application to Design"
Raghavan Srinivasan "Fatigue of Materials II. Advances and Emergences in Understanding"
Valter Carvelli "Fatigue of Textile and Short Fiber Reinforced Composites"
Kanes Rajah K. "Fats in Food Technology"
Xinzhou Dong "Fault Location and Service Restoration for Electrical Distribution Systems"
Guillaume de la Roche "Femtocells. Technologies and Deployment"
Emmanuel Defaÿ "Ferroelectric Dielectrics Integrated on Silicon"
Richard Kirkham "Ferry and Brandon's Cost Planning of Buildings"
Kumar C. Shiva "Fiber Optic Communications. Fundamentals and Applications"
Pouya Valizadeh "Field Effect Transistors, A Comprehensive Overview. From Basic Concepts to Novel Technologies"
Francesco Lattarulo "Filamentary Ion Flow. Theory and Experiments"
Huijun Gao "Filtering, Control and Fault Detection with Randomly Occurring Incomplete Information"
Peter Williams "Financial Management in Construction Contracting"
A. Baker J. "Finite Elements. Computational Engineering Sciences"
Jean-Marc Franssen "Fire Design of Steel Structures. EC1: Actions on structures; Part 1-2: Actions on structure exposed "
M. Heines Henry "First to File. Patents for Today's Scientist and Engineer"
Les Bratt "Fish Canning Handbook"
Culum Brown "Fish Cognition and Behavior"
Ronald Roberts J. "Fish Pathology"
P. Sorensen W. "Fish Pheromones and Related Cues"
George Hall M. "Fish Processing. Sustainability and New Opportunities"
Erlend Moksness "Fish Reproductive Biology. Implications for Assessment and Management"
Roar Gudding "Fish Vaccination"
Richard D. M. Nash "Flatfishes. Biology and Exploitation"
Beverly Tepper "Flavor, Satiety and Food Intake"
Elisabeth Guichard "Flavour. From Food to Perception"
Arun Banerjee K. "Flexible Multibody Dynamics. Efficient Formulations and Applications"
Dominique Paret "FlexRay and its Applications. Real Time Multiplexed Network"
Dominique Paret "FlexRay and its Applications. Real Time Multiplexed Network"
Lozano Rogelio "Flight Formation Control"
Charles Dole E. "Flight Theory and Aerodynamics. A Practical Guide for Operational Safety"
M. Rachinsky Z. "Fluid Dynamics of Oil and Gas Reservoirs"
K. Raju S. "Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Mass Transfer. Chemical Engineering Practice"
Alberto Fernandez-Nieves "Fluids, Colloids and Soft Materials. An Introduction to Soft Matter Physics"
Piégay Hervé "Fluvial Remote Sensing for Science and Management"
Paul Stevenson "Foam Engineering. Fundamentals and Applications"
Rajkumar Buyya "Fog and Edge Computing. Principles and Paradigms"
Smith Jim "Food Additives Data Book"
George Siragakis "Food Allergen Testing. Molecular, Immunochemical and Chromatographic Techniques"
Sean Liu X. "Food and Agricultural Wastewater Utilization and Treatment"
Coles Richard "Food and Beverage Packaging Technology"
Nurhan Dunford Turgut "Food and Industrial Bioproducts and Bioprocessing"
Georgios Danezis P. "Food Authentication. Management, Analysis and Regulation"
Ronald Wrolstad E. "Food Carbohydrate Chemistry"
Delia Rodriguez-Amaya B. "Food Carotenoids. Chemistry, Biology and Technology"
Shuo Wang "Food Chemical Hazard Detection. Development and Application of New Technologies"
Titus A. M. Msagati "Food Forensics and Toxicology"
Alam Zeb "Food Frying. Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Safety"
Helmut Traitler "Food Industry Design, Technology and Innovation"
Helmut Traitler "Food Industry R&D. A New Approach"