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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 66
Наука, Образование/Техническая литература
Hugo Hens S.L. "Building Physics - Heat, Air and Moisture. Fundamentals and Engineering Methods with Examples and Ex"
Hugo S. L. Hens "Building Physics - Heat, Air and Moisture. Fundamentals and Engineering Methods with Examples and Ex"
Adrian Smith "Building Procurement"
Jackie Portman "Building Services Design Management"
Jackie Portman "Building Services Engineering. After Design, During Construction"
Ambrose Moyer James "Building Structures"
James Douglas "Building Surveys and Reports"
Thomas Nowlin E. "Business and Technology of the Global Polyethylene Industry. An In-depth Look at the History, Techno"
Mehmet Toy "Cable Networks, Services, and Management"
Gimsing Niels J. "Cable Supported Bridges. Concept and Design"
Akihiro Ametani "Cable System Transients. Theory, Modeling and Simulation"
Henrik Eliasson "Camera Image Quality Benchmarking"
Dino Bouchlaghem "Capture and Reuse of Project Knowledge in Construction"
Ying Wu "Carbon Dioxide Capture and Acid Gas Injection"
Marc Monthioux "Carbon Meta-Nanotubes. Synthesis, Properties and Applications"
Liming Dai "Carbon Nanomaterials for Advanced Energy Systems. Advances in Materials Synthesis and Device Applica"
Sie Tjong Chin "Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites. Metal and Ceramic Matrices"
Brian Grady P. "Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites. Manufacture, Properties, and Applications"
Isaac Elishakoff "Carbon Nanotubes and Nanosensors. Vibration, Buckling and Balistic Impact"
Guldi Dirk M. "Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures. Synthesis, Characterization, Functionalization, and Applica"
Pierre Delhaes "Carbon Science and Technology. From Energy to Materials"
Ksenia Bagrintseva I. "Carbonate Reservoir Rocks"
Malgorzata Baranska "Carotenoids. Nutrition, Analysis and Technology"
Hideaki Tsuchiya "Carrier Transport in Nanoscale MOS Transistors"
Anthony Sofronas "Case Histories in Vibration Analysis and Metal Fatigue for the Practicing Engineer"
Stuart Sabol "Case Studies in Mechanical Engineering. Decision Making, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Tr"
Peerasit Patanakul "Case Studies in Project, Program, and Organizational Project Management"
Ulf Hanefeld "Catalysis. An Integrated Textbook for Students"
Lutz Ackermann "Catalytic Hydroarylation of Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds"
Volkan Cicek "Cathodic Protection. Industrial Solutions for Protecting Against Corrosion"
Andre Richardt "CBRN Protection. Managing the Threat of Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear Weapons"
Stuart Summerhayes D. "CDM Regulations 2015 Procedures Manual"
Rodney Jones T. "Celebrating the Megascale. Proceedings of the Extraction and Processing Division Symposium on Pyrome"
Andreas Ochsner "Cellular and Porous Materials. Thermal Properties Simulation and Prediction"
Nishith Tripathi "Cellular Communications. A Comprehensive and Practical Guide"
Ajay Mishra R. "Cellular Technologies for Emerging Markets. 2G, 3G and Beyond"
Juan Hinestroza "Cellulose Based Composites. New Green Nanomaterials"
Jean-Louis Boulanger "CENELEC 50128 and IEC 62279 Standards"
Philipp David P. "Centrarchid Fishes. Diversity, Biology and Conservation"
Jacques Lamon "Ceramic Matrix Composites. Materials, Modeling and Technology"
Fereidoon Shahidi "Cereals and Pulses. Nutraceutical Properties and Health Benefits"
Lifeng Zhang "CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing"
Lifeng Zhang "CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing 2016"
Schock Hans-Werner "Chalcogenide Photovoltaics. Physics, Technologies, and Thin Film Devices"
V. S. Sastri "Challenges in Corrosion. Costs, Causes, Consequences, and Control"
Yikai Chen "Characteristic Modes. Theory and Applications in Antenna Engineering"
Jiann-Yang Hwang "Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials"
Jiann-Yang Hwang "Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2013"
Jiann-Yang Hwang "Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2014"
Jian Li "Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2015"
Jian Li "Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2016"
Che Michel "Characterization of Solid Materials and Heterogeneous Catalysts. From Structure to Surface Reactivit"
Vikas Mittal "Characterization Techniques for Polymer Nanocomposites"
Grozema Ferdinand C. "Charge and Exciton Transport through Molecular Wires"
John Hayes E. "Chemesthesis. Chemical Touch in Food and Eating"
Jeffrey Heys J. "Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Calculations Using Python"
Jack Hipple "Chemical Engineering for Non-Chemical Engineers"
David J. am Ende "Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry. R&D to Manufacturing"
Robin Smith "Chemical Process Design and Integration"
Juma Haydary "Chemical Process Design and Simulation: Aspen Plus and Aspen Hysys Applications"
Gade Rangaiah Pandu "Chemical Process Retrofitting and Revamping. Techniques and Applications"
Michiel Makkee "Chemical Process Technology"
Louis Theodore "Chemical Reactor Analysis and Applications for the Practicing Engineer"
Jens Hagen "Chemiereaktoren. Grundlagen, Auslegung und Simulation"
John Gilman J. "Chemistry and Physics of Mechanical Hardness"
A. M. van Herk "Chemistry and Technology of Emulsion Polymerisation"
Philip Ashurst R. "Chemistry and Technology of Soft Drinks and Fruit Juices"
Elena Serrano-Torregrosa "Chemistry Education. Best Practices, Opportunities and Trends"
Yannick Tiec Le "Chemistry in Microelectronics"
Bartosz Grzybowski A. "Chemistry in Motion. Reaction-Diffusion Systems for Micro- and Nanotechnology"
Takeshi Akasaka "Chemistry of Nanocarbons"
Bernadette Charleux "Chemistry of Organo-hybrids. Synthesis and Characterization of Functional Nano-Objects"
Philip Dawson "Chemoselective and Bioorthogonal Ligation Reactions. Concepts and Applications"
Cyril Chern "Chern on Dispute Boards"
Goodman Robert "Child and Adolescent Psychiatry"
Daniel Ventre "Chinese Cybersecurity and Defense"
Prasanna Kalansuriya "Chipless Radio Frequency Identification Reader Signal Processing"
Jacek Mlynarski "Chiral Lewis Acids in Organic Synthesis"
Zhiyong Tang "Chiral Nanomaterials. Preparation, Properties and Applications"
David Amabilino B. "Chirality at the Nanoscale. Nanoparticles, Surfaces, Materials and More"
David Amabilino B. "Chirality at the Nanoscale. Nanoparticles, Surfaces, Materials and More"
Shakeel Ahmed "Chitosan. Derivatives, Composites and Applications"
Emmanuel Afoakwa Ohene "Chocolate Science and Technology"
Emmanuel Afoakwa Ohene "Chocolate Science and Technology"
Grivetti Louis E. "Chocolate. History, Culture, and Heritage"
Albert Ruehli "Circuit Oriented Electromagnetic Modeling Using the PEEC Techniques"
Farid Najm N. "Circuit Simulation"
Blandine Laperche "Circular Economy, Industrial Ecology and Short Supply Chain. Towards Sustainable Territories"
Qi Luo "Circularly Polarized Antennas"
Masayoshi Sawamura "Citrus Essential Oils. Flavor and Fragrance"
Ian Moir "Civil Avionics Systems"
Hansen Karen "Civil Engineer's Handbook of Professional Practice"
Nicolae-Doru Stanescu "Classical and Modern Approaches in the Theory of Mechanisms"
Martin Dodge "Classics in Cartography. Reflections on influential articles from Cartographica"
Martin Dodge "Classics in Cartography. Reflections on influential articles from Cartographica"
Masahiro Murakami "Cleavage of Carbon-Carbon Single Bonds by Transition Metals"
Joerg Lahann "Click Chemistry for Biotechnology and Materials Science"
Joerg Lahann "Click Chemistry for Biotechnology and Materials Science"
Brandon Peter S. "Clients Driving Innovation"
Bruce Phillips F. "Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture. A Global Analysis"
Kay Jerald "Clinical Child Psychiatry"
Imad Abbadi M. "Cloud Management and Security"
Oliver Brand "CMOS - MEMS"
Krzysztof Iniewski "CMOS Biomicrosystems. Where Electronics Meet Biology"
Chi-Wah Kok "CMOS Voltage References. An Analytical and Practical Perspective"
R. Baker Jacob "CMOS. Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation"
James Speight G. "Coal-Fired Power Generation Handbook"
Raveau Bernard "Cobalt Oxides. From Crystal Chemistry to Physics"
CIOB (The Chartered Institute of Building) "Code of Estimating Practice"
CIOB (The Chartered Institute of Building) "Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development"
Yi-Fang Chu "Coffee. Emerging Health Effects and Disease Prevention"
Zhang Honggang "Cognitive Communications. Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI), Regulatory Policy and Economics"
Berlemann Lars "Cognitive Radio and Dynamic Spectrum Access"
Prasad Ramjee "Cognitive Radio Networks"
Arnaud Brignon "Coherent Laser Beam Combining"
Yu Wei-Wen "Cold-Formed Steel Design"
Mark Fairchild D. "Color Appearance Models"
Theo Gevers "Color in Computer Vision. Fundamentals and Applications"
Kriss Michael "Color Management. Understanding and Using ICC Profiles"
Rolf Kuehni G. "Color. An Introduction to Practice and Principles"
Richard J. D. Tilley "Colour and the Optical Properties of Materials. An Exploration of the Relationship Between Light, th"
Michael Tooms S. "Colour Reproduction in Electronic Imaging Systems. Photography, Television, Cinematography"
Daniel Chateigner "Combined Analysis"
Fang Fang "Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power Systems. Modeling, Optimization, and Operation"
Ludmila Kuncheva I. "Combining Pattern Classifiers. Methods and Algorithms"
Sunny Narayan "Combustion Engines. An Introduction to Their Design, Performance, and Selection"
Maximilian Lackner "Combustion. From Basics to Applications"
David Lowe "Commercial Management. Theory and Practice"
Francine Krief "Communicating Embedded Systems. Networks Applications"
Francine Krief "Communicating Embedded Systems. Networks Applications"
Barrera David Garduno "Communicating Systems with UML 2. Modeling and Analysis of Network Protocols"
Daniel Battu "Communication Networks Economy"
David Wright "Communication Practices in Engineering, Manufacturing, and Research for Food and Water Safety"
John Voeller G. "Communications and Information Infrastructure Security"
Adrian Graham "Communications, Radar and Electronic Warfare"
Jean-Marc Laheurte "Compact Antennas for Wireless Communications and Terminals. Theory and Design"
A. Bhattacharyya B. "Compact MOSFET Models for VLSI Design"
A. Bhattacharyya B. "Compact MOSFET Models for VLSI Design"
Lim Eng Hock "Compact Multifunctional Antennas for Wireless Systems"
Jean-Michel Lourtioz "Compact Semiconductor Lasers"
Nadav Morag "Comparative Homeland Security. Global Lessons"
Luc Quoniam "Competitive Inteligence 2.0. Organization, Innovation and Territory"
Pierre Maillard "Competitive Quality and Innovation"
Jean-marie Dubois "Complex Metallic Alloys. Fundamentals and Applications"
Dominique Luzeaux "Complex Systems and Systems of Systems Engineering"
Sau Tapan K. "Complex-shaped Metal Nanoparticles. Bottom-Up Syntheses and Applications"
Curlee Wanda "Complexity Theory and Project Management"
Kenneth Jackson A. "Compound Semiconductor Devices. Structures & Processing"
Luigi Mondello "Comprehensive Chromatography in Combination with Mass Spectrometry"
Debabrata Ray "Computation of Nonlinear Structures. Extremely Large Elements for Frames, Plates and Shells"