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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 68
Наука, Образование/Техническая литература
Brian Austin "Diagnosis and Control of Diseases of Fish and Shellfish"
Dolf De Rovira, Sr. "Dictionary of Flavors"
Chikezie Nwaoha "Dictionary of Industrial Terms"
Back Werner "Die Bierbrauerei. Band 2: Die Technologie der Würzebereitung"
Olivier Gallot-Lavallée "Dielectric Materials and Electrostatics"
Juan Martinez-Vega "Dielectric Materials for Electrical Engineering"
Farah Hosseinian "Dietary Fibre Functionality in Food and Nutraceuticals. From Plant to Gut"
Cheng-Sheng Lee "Dietary Nutrients, Additives and Fish Health"
Aliakbar Haghighi Montazer "Difference and Differential Equations with Applications in Queueing Theory"
Guido Buzzi-Ferraris "Differential and Differential-Algebraic Systems for the Chemical Engineer. Solving Numerical Problem"
Farhan Faruqi A. "Differential Game Theory with Applications to Missiles and Autonomous Systems Guidance"
Lauterbach Thomas "Digital Audio Broadcasting. Principles and Applications of DAB, DAB + and DMB"
Ralph Morrison "Digital Circuit Boards. Mach 1 GHz"
Mehmet Safak "Digital Communications"
Luca Corradini "Digital Control of High-Frequency Switched-Mode Power Converters"
Tertulien Ndjountche "Digital Electronics 2. Sequential and Arithmetic Logic Circuits"
Tertulien Ndjountche "Digital Electronics, Volume 1. Combinational Logic Circuits"
Tertulien Ndjountche "Digital Electronics, Volume 3. Finite-state Machines"
Fred Taylor "Digital Filters. Principles and Applications with MATLAB"
Anand Asundi "Digital Holography for MEMS and Microsystem Metrology"
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Jonathan Dell A. "Digital Interface Design and Application"
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Maurice Charbit "Digital Signal and Image Processing using MATLAB, Volume 1. Fundamentals"
Maurice Charbit "Digital Signal and Image Processing using MATLAB, Volume 2. Advances and Applications: The Determini"
Gerhard Ziegler "Digitaler Differentialschutz. Grundlagen und Anwendungen"
Milan Mashanovitch L. "Diode Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits"
Jean Alacoque Claude "Direct Eigen Control for Induction Machines and Synchronous Motors"
John Grandfield "Direct-Chill Casting of Light Alloys. Science and Technology"
Lee Bosher "Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment"
Gren Ireson "Discovering Superconductivity. An Investigative Approach"
Mohamed Jebahi "Discrete Element Method to Model 3D Continuous Materials"
Mohamed Jebahi "Discrete-continuum Coupling Method to Simulate Highly Dynamic Multi-scale Problems. Simulation of La"
Sally Brailsford "Discrete-Event Simulation and System Dynamics for Management Decision Making"
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Matthias "Distant Speech Recognition"
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Rashvand Habib F. "Distributed Sensor Systems. Practice and Applications"
Mohamed Ibrahim A. "Disturbance Analysis for Power Systems"
Eugen Stulz "DNA in Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanotechnology"
Sophia Kathariou "DNA Methods in Food Safety. Molecular Typing of Foodborne and Waterborne Bacterial Pathogens"
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Pradip Kar "Doping in Conjugated Polymers"
Gonzalo Abad "Doubly Fed Induction Machine. Modeling and Control for Wind Energy Generation"
Alasalvar Cesarettin "Dried Fruits. Phytochemicals and Health Effects"
Nehaoua Lamri "Driving Simulation"
SuPing Lyu "Drug-device Combinations for Chronic Diseases"
Muhammad Siddiq "Dry Beans and Pulses. Production, Processing and Nutrition"
B. Bala K. "Drying and Storage of Cereal Grains"
C. M. Van 't Land "Drying in the Process Industry"
Mujumdar Arun S. "Drying Technologies in Food Processing"
Yasushi Miyano "Durability of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers"
Jean-Pierre Fouassier "Dyes and Chomophores in Polymer Science"
Millard Alain "Dynamic Behavior of Concrete and Seismic Engineering"
Oana Cazacu "Dynamic Damage and Fragmentation"
Julio Banga R. "Dynamic Process Modeling"
Gregory Levitin "Dynamic System Reliability. Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic and Dependent Behaviors"
Hossam S. Hassanein "Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks"
K. Padiyar R. "Dynamics and Control of Electric Transmission and Microgrids"
A. Phani Srikantha "Dynamics of Lattice Materials"
Ranjan Vepa "Dynamics of Smart Structures"
Ranjan Vepa "Dynamics of Smart Structures"
Nicolae-Doru Stanescu "Dynamics of the Rigid Solid with General Constraints by a Multibody Approach"
Jean-Pierre Briffaut "E-Enabled Operations Management"
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. / German Geotechnical Society "EA-Pfähle. Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises «Pfähle»"
Rosen Alan "Early Intervention in Psychiatry. EI of Nearly Everything for Better Mental Health"
Heiko Balzter "Earth Observation for Land and Emergency Monitoring"
Sadao Adachi "Earth-Abundant Materials for Solar Cells. Cu2-II-IV-VI4 Semiconductors"
David Dowrick J. "Earthquake Resistant Design and Risk Reduction"
Donald Wilson A. "Easements Relating to Land Surveying and Title Examination"
Nicholas Brown "Echinoderm Aquaculture"
Paul Kemp "Ecohydraulics. An Integrated Approach"
Matlock Marty D. "Ecological Engineering Design. Restoring and Conserving Ecosystem Services"
Momoh James "Economic Market Design and Planning for Electric Power Systems"
William Rouse B. "Economic Systems Analysis and Assessment. Intensive Systems, Organizations,and Enterprises"
Arturo Pardo-Giménez "Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms. Technology and Applications"
Wolf Hamm "Edible Oil Processing"
Carl Carlson "Effective FMEAs. Achieving Safe, Reliable, and Economical Products and Processes using Failure Mode "
Krzysztof Ptasinski J. "Efficiency of Biomass Energy. An Exergy Approach to Biofuels, Power, and Biorefineries"
Shabana Ahmed A. "Einführung in die Mehrkörpersimulation"
Amir Khajepour "Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. Technologies, Modeling and Control - A Mechatronic Approach"
Om Malik P. "Electric Distribution Systems"
Marcel Jufer "Electric Drive. Design Methodology"
Zhenya Liu "Electric Power and Energy in China"
James L. Kirtley "Electric Power Principles. Sources, Conversion, Distribution and Use"
Steven Blume W. "Electric Power System Basics for the Nonelectrical Professional"
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K. Chau T. "Electric Vehicle Machines and Drives. Design, Analysis and Application"
James Larminie "Electric Vehicle Technology Explained"
Sabonnadière Jean-Claude "Electrical Distribution Networks"
Jens Weidauer "Electrical Drives. Principles, Planning, Applications, Solutions"
Sumper Andreas "Electrical Energy Efficiency. Technologies and Applications"
Daniel Hissel "Electrical Energy Storage in Transportation Systems"
Wayne J. Del Pico "Electrical Estimating Methods"
Jenkins B. D. "Electrical Installation Calculations. For Compliance with BS 7671:2008"
Bill Atkinson "Electrical Installation Designs"
Ian Culbert "Electrical Insulation for Rotating Machines. Design, Evaluation, Aging, Testing, and Repair"
Jean-Claude Trigeassou "Electrical Machines Diagnosis"
Er-Ping Li "Electrical Modeling and Design for 3D System Integration. 3D Integrated Circuits and Packaging, Sign"
Steven Voldman H. "Electrical Overstress (EOS). Devices, Circuits and Systems"
Pieter Schavemaker "Electrical Power System Essentials"
Ed Lipiansky "Electrical, Electronics, and Digital Hardware Essentials for Scientists and Engineers"
W. R. C. Beaumont "Electricity in Fish Research and Management. Theory and Practice"
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Digambar Tagare M. "Electricity Power Generation. The Changing Dimensions"
Benoit Robyns "Electricity Production from Renewables Energies"
Daniel Hissel "Electrochemical Components"
Jean-Marie Tarascon "Electrochemical Energy Storage"
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Laure Monconduit "Electrodes for Li-ion Batteries. Materials, Mechanisms and Performance"
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Martin Stumpf "Electromagnetic Reciprocity in Antenna Theory"
Xiangning Lin "Electromagnetic Transient Analysis and Novel Protective Relaying Techniques for Power Transformers"
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Wilson Chin C. "Electromagnetic Well Logging. Models for MWD / LWD Interpretation and Tool Design"
Yasuhide Shindo "Electromagneto-Mechanics of Material Systems and Structures"
Oleg Wasynczuk "Electromechanical Motion Devices"
Frederick Moritz G. "Electromechanical Motion Systems. Design and Simulation"
Michael Moats "Electrometallurgy 2012"
Bässler Heinz "Electronic Processes in Organic Semiconductors. An Introduction"
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Philippe Basset "Electrostatic Kinetic Energy Harvesting"
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Jens Weidauer "Elektrische Antriebstechnik. Grundlagen, Auslegung, Anwendungen, Lösungen"
Jens Weidauer "Elektrische Antriebstechnik. Grundlagen, Auslegung, Anwendungen, Lösungen"
David Daniels J. "EM Detection of Concealed Targets"
Pong Chu P. "Embedded SoPC Design with Nios II Processor and Verilog Examples"
Pong Chu P. "Embedded SoPC Design with Nios II Processor and VHDL Examples"
Jerome Hugues "Embedded Systems. Analysis and Modeling with SysML, UML and AADL"
Krzysztof Iniewski "Embedded Systems. Hardware, Design and Implementation"
Davletshin Anton "Emergency Response Management of Offshore Oil Spills. Guidelines for Emergency Responders"
Nivedita Datta "Emerging Dairy Processing Technologies. Opportunities for the Dairy Industry"
An CHEN "Emerging Nanoelectronic Devices"
James Lyng G. "Emerging Technologies in Meat Processing. Production, Processing and Technology"
Amit Konar "Emotion Recognition. A Pattern Analysis Approach"
Catherine Pelachaud "Emotion-Oriented Systems"
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. / German Geotechnical Society "Empfehlung Oberflächennahe Geothermie. Planung, Bau, Betrieb und Überwachung – EA Geothermie"
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. / German Geotechnical Society "Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises «Baugruben» (EAB)"
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. / German Geotechnical Society "Empfehlungen für den Entwurf und die Berechnung von Erdkörpern mit Bewehrungen aus Geokunststoffen ("
Viggo Norn "Emulsifiers in Food Technology"
Hideyuki Tokuda "Enablers for Smart Cities"
Oliver Brand "Enabling Technologies for MEMS and Nanodevices. Advanced Micro and Nanosystems"
Dr. Jamileh M. Lakkis "Encapsulation and Controlled Release Technologies in Food Systems"
Vikas Mittal "Encapsulation Nanotechnologies"