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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 70
Наука, Образование/Техническая литература
Fan Xuetong "Food Irradiation Research and Technology"
Bhesh Bhandari "Food Materials Science and Engineering"
Osman Erkmen "Food Microbiology. Principles into Practice, 2 Volume Set"
Sanz María Luz "Food Oligosaccharides. Production, Analysis and Bioactivity"
Chen Jianshe "Food Oral Processing. Fundamentals of Eating and Sensory Perception"
Gary Tucker S. "Food Preservation and Biodeterioration"
Anil Anal Kumar "Food Processing By-Products and their Utilization"
Grandison Alistair S. "Food Processing Handbook"
Stephanie Clark "Food Processing. Principles and Applications"
Neal Fortin D. "Food Regulation. Law, Science, Policy, and Practice"
John Voeller G. "Food Safety and Food Security"
Carol Wallace "Food Safety for the 21st Century. Managing HACCP and Food Safety throughout the Global Supply Chain"
Cristina Martins M.A. "Food Safety in the Seafood Industry. A Practical Guide for ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000 Implementation"
Sylvain Charlebois "Food Safety, Risk Intelligence and Benchmarking"
Giuseppe Cirillo "Food Safety. Innovative Analytical Tools for Safety Assessment"
Ian Shaw C. "Food Safety. The Science of Keeping Food Safe"
Geoffrey Campbell-Platt "Food Science and Technology"
Danny Hunter "Food Security and Climate Change"
Alan Imeson "Food Stabilisers, Thickeners and Gelling Agents"
Jerry Banks "Forecasting and Management of Technology"
Jean-Louis Boulanger "Formal Methods. Industrial Use from Model to the Code"
Xiaoyu Cai "Formation Control of Multi-Agent Systems. A Graph Rigidity Approach"
Yanmin Zhou "Formation Testing. Low Mobility Pressure Transient Analysis"
Yanmin Zhou "Formation Testing. Pressure Transient and Contamination Analysis"
Robert Blevins D. "Formulas for Dynamics, Acoustics and Vibration"
Anne-Marie Pensé-Lhéritier "Formulation"
Peter Fryer "Formulation Engineering of Foods"
Michael Rychlik "Fortified Foods with Vitamins. Analytical Concepts to Assure Better and Safer Products"
John Nelson D. "Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils"
Terry Edwards C. "Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design"
Wen Geyi "Foundations of Applied Electrodynamics"
Wen Geyi "Foundations of Applied Electrodynamics"
Jan Jantzen "Foundations of Fuzzy Control. A Practical Approach"
Roger L. Easton, Jr. "Fourier Methods in Imaging"
Kedar Khare "Fourier Optics and Computational Imaging"
Pong Chu P. "FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples. Xilinx MicroBlaze MCS SoC"
Ammar Grous "Fracture Mechanics 1. Analysis of Reliability and Quality Control"
Ammar Grous "Fracture Mechanics 3. Applied Quality Control"
Naman Recho "Fracture Mechanics and Crack Growth"
Sheng Liu "Freeform Optics for LED Packages and Applications"
Daniel Talbot B. "Frequency Acquisition Techniques for Phase Locked Loops"
Venceslav Kroupa F. "Frequency Stability. Introduction and Applications"
Motohisa Hirano "Friction at the Atomic Level. Atomistic Approaches in Tribology"
Manuel Servin "Fringe Pattern Analysis for Optical Metrology. Theory, Algorithms, and Applications"
Jean-Claude Andre "From Additive Manufacturing to 3D/4D Printing 1. From Concepts to Achievements"
Jean-Claude Andre "From Additive Manufacturing to 3D/4D Printing 2. Current Techniques, Improvements and their Limitati"
Liming Xiu "From Frequency to Time-Average-Frequency. A Paradigm Shift in the Design of Electronic System"
Ruud Boer de "From Milk By-Products to Milk Ingredients. Upgrading the Cycle"
Beatrice Bressan "From Physics to Daily Life. Applications in Informatics, Energy, and Environment"
Rafael Gouriveau "From Prognostics and Health Systems Management to Predictive Maintenance 1. Monitoring and Prognosti"
Brigitte Chebel-Morello "From Prognostics and Health Systems Management to Predictive Maintenance 2. Knowledge, Reliability a"
Sergio Bruno "From Smart Grids to Smart Cities. New Challenges in Optimizing Energy Grids"
Rainer Waser "Frontiers of Electronic Materials. Correlation Effects, Spintronics, and Memristive Phenomena - Fund"
Elhadi Yahia M. "Fruit and Vegetable Phytochemicals. Chemistry and Human Health, 2 Volumes"
Emilio Alvarez-Parrilla "Fruit and Vegetable Phytochemicals. Chemistry, Nutritional Value and Stability"
Jeffrey Barach T. "FSMA and Food Safety Systems. Understanding and Implementing the Rules"
John Puskar R. "Fuel and Combustion Systems Safety. What you don't know can kill you!"
Vladimir Bagotsky S. "Fuel Cells. Problems and Solutions"
S. Srivastava P. "Fuels and Fuel-Additives"
James Njuguna "Functional and Physical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites"
Charter Edward "Functional Food Product Development"
Imran Ahmad "Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements. Processing Effects and Health Benefits"
Liu Zhanjiang "Functional Genomics in Aquaculture"
Mark Blamire "Functional Metal Oxides. New Science and Novel Applications"
Dongyuan Zhao "Functional Nanostructured Materials and Membranes for Water Treatment"
Dermot O'Hare "Functional Oxides"
Limin Wu "Functional Polymer Coatings. Principles, Methods, and Applications"
Theato Patrick "Functional Polymers by Post-Polymerization Modification. Concepts, Guidelines and Applications"
Giuseppe Cirillo "Functional Polymers in Food Science. From Technology to Biology, Volume 1: Food Packaging"
Giuseppe Cirillo "Functional Polymers in Food Science. From Technology to Biology, Volume 2: Food Processing"
Tao Franklin "Functionalization of Semiconductor Surfaces"
Alain Tressaud "Functionalized Inorganic Fluorides. Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Nanostructured Sol"
Felix Studt "Fundamental Concepts in Heterogeneous Catalysis"
Yinshun Wang "Fundamental Elements of Applied Superconductivity in Electrical Engineering"
Rosen Stephen L. "Fundamental Principles of Polymeric Materials"
Weiduo Hu "Fundamental Spacecraft Dynamics and Control"
Jan van der Meer "Fundamentals and Evolution of MPEG-2 Systems. Paving the MPEG Road"
Zbigniew Stachurski H. "Fundamentals of Amorphous Solids. Structure and Properties"
Trevor Bird S. "Fundamentals of Aperture Antennas and Arrays. From Theory to Design, Fabrication and Testing"
Simon Haykin "Fundamentals of Cognitive Radio"
Derong Liu "Fundamentals of Computational Intelligence. Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computa"
Parveen Saini "Fundamentals of Conjugated Polymer Blends, Copolymers and Composites. Synthesis, Properties, and App"
Rolf Johannesson "Fundamentals of Convolutional Coding"
Oliver Ibe C. "Fundamentals of Data Communication Networks"
M. Rafiquzzaman "Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcontrollers"
M. Hossain Enamul "Fundamentals of Drilling Engineering. MCQs and Workout Examples for Beginners and Engineers"
Massimo Ceraolo "Fundamentals of Electric Power Engineering. From Electromagnetics to Power Systems"
Pierre Muret "Fundamentals of Electronics 1. Electronic Components and Elementary Functions"
Ioannis Koutromanos "Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis. Linear Finite Element Analysis"
V. Babu "Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics"
Steve Hodges "Fundamentals of Infrared and Visible Detector Operation and Testing"
Murphy Douglas B. "Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging"
Shin-tson Wu "Fundamentals of Liquid Crystal Devices"
Liang-Wu Cai "Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations"
Keith Williams J. "Fundamentals of Microwave Photonics"
Kai Chang "Fundamentals of Optical Fiber Sensors"
Yasuhiro Koike "Fundamentals of Plastic Optical Fibers"
Stoyko Fakirov "Fundamentals of Polymer Science for Engineers"
Joseph T. DiBene, II "Fundamentals of Power Integrity for Computer Platforms and Systems"
Mohr Wanda K. "Fundamentals of Psychiatry"
Amitava Mitra "Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement"
N. Balakrishnan "Fundamentals of Sensor Network Programming. Applications and Technology"
Tsunenobu Kimoto "Fundamentals of Silicon Carbide Technology. Growth, Characterization, Devices and Applications"
George III T.Gray "Fundamentals of Strength. Principles, Experiment, and Applications of an Internal State Variable Con"
Poellabauer Christian "Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks. Theory and Practice"
Patrick Gehlen "Funktionale Sicherheit von Maschinen und Anlagen. Umsetzung der Europäischen Maschinenrichtlinie in "
Patrick Gehlen "Funktionale Sicherheit von Maschinen und Anlagen. Umsetzung der Europäischen Maschinenrichtlinie in "
Serge Luryi "Future Trends in Microelectronics. From Nanophotonics to Sensors to Energy"
Serge Luryi "Future Trends in Microelectronics. Frontiers and Innovations"
Serge Luryi "Future Trends in Microelectronics. Journey into the Unknown"
Timothy Ross J. "Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications"
Witold Pedrycz "Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision-Making. Models, Methods and Applications"
Young-Won Kim "Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys 2014"
Alex Lidow "GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion"
Daniel Broseta "Gas Hydrates 1. Fundamentals, Characterization and Modeling"
Qi Li "Gas Injection for Disposal and Enhanced Recovery"
Hermann Koch J. "Gas Insulated Substations"
Hermann Koch "Gas Insulated Transmission Lines (GIL)"
Dag Eimer "Gas Treating. Absorption Theory and Practice"
Yves Huttel "Gas-Phase Synthesis of Nanoparticles"
Damir Jelaska T. "Gears and Gear Drives"
Arzt Eduard "Generating Micro- and Nanopatterns on Polymeric Materials"
Kohlas Juerg "Generic Inference. A Unifying Theory for Automated Reasoning"
Yves Bertheau "Genetically Modified and non-Genetically Modified Food Supply Chains. Co-Existence and Traceability"
Debasis Bagchi "Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods"
Nordbotten Jan Martin "Geological Storage of CO2. Modeling Approaches for Large-Scale Simulation"
Pijaudier-Cabot Gilles "Geomechanics in CO2 Storage Facilities"
Villeneuve François "Geometric Tolerancing of Products"
Stephen Radzevich P. "Geometry of Surfaces. A Practical Guide for Mechanical Engineers"
Ahmed Nait-Sidi-Moh "Geopositioning and Mobility"
Ming Xiao "Geotechnical Engineering Design"
Laurence Wesley D. "Geotechnical Engineering in Residual Soils"
Jean-Louis Briaud "Geotechnical Engineering. Unsaturated and Saturated Soils"
Gerd Moller "Geotechnik. Bodenmechanik"
Gerd Moller "Geotechnik. Bodenmechanik"
Gerd Moller "Geotechnik. Grundbau"
Gerd Moller "Geotechnik. Grundbau"
Seama Koohi-Fayegh "Geothermal Energy. Sustainable Heating and Cooling Using the Ground"
Andrew Chiasson D. "Geothermal Heat Pump and Heat Engine Systems. Theory And Practice"
Karl-Eugen Kurrer "Geschichte der Baustatik. Auf der Suche nach dem Gleichgewicht"
D. Hood "Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks"
Tasche Silke "Glasbau 2012"
Tasche Silke "Glasbau 2013"
Bernhard Weller "Glasbau 2014"
Jasim Ahmed "Glass Transition and Phase Transitions in Food and Biological Materials"
Snejana Todorova V. "Glasses and the Glass Transition"
Photis Papademas "Global Cheesemaking Technology. Cheese Quality and Characteristics"
Charles O'Neil "Global Construction Success"
Evelyn Kirchsteiger-Meier "Global Food Legislation. An Overview"
Wayne Martindale "Global Food Security and Supply"