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МК Московский Комсомолец 50-2018
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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited
Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 72
Наука, Образование/Техническая литература
Martin Rogers "Highway Engineering"
Claus Scheer "Holzbau-Taschenbuch. Bemessungsbeispiele nach Eurocode 5"
Letamendia Charlotte "Home Area Networks and IPTV"
Srinivas Katar "Homeplug AV and IEEE 1901. A Handbook for PLC Designers and Users"
Karam Sab "Homogenization of Heterogeneous Thin and Thick Plates"
Michael Smith C. "How to Do Systems Analysis. Primer and Casebook"
Mubarak Saleh A. "How to Estimate with RSMeans Data. Basic Skills for Building Construction"
Sudhir Dixit "Human Bond Communication. The Holy Grail of Holistic Communication and Immersive Experience"
Tex Crampin "Human Factors in Control Room Design. A Practical Guide for Project Managers and Senior Engineers"
Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt "HVDC Grids. For Offshore and Supergrid of the Future"
Nasser Sadati "Hybrid Control and Motion Planning of Dynamical Legged Locomotion"
Wei Liu "Hybrid Electric Vehicle System Modeling and Control"
Chris Mi "Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Principles and Applications with Practical Perspectives"
Siddhartha Bhattacharyya "Hybrid Intelligence for Image Analysis and Understanding"
Vikas Mittal "Hybrid Nanomaterials. Advances in Energy, Environment, and Polymer Nanocomposites"
David Carrion Sanchez "Hybrid Systems Based on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Modelling and Design"
Jamal Daafouz "Hybrid Systems with Constraints"
Chris Mi "Hybridkraftfahrzeuge. Grundlagen und Anwendungen mit Perspektiven für die Praxis"
Jun-Jie Wang "Hydraulic Fracturing in Earth-rock Fill Dams"
Anton Davletshin "Hydraulic Fracturing Operations. Handbook of Environmental Management Practices"
Thomas Laaman R. "Hydrocolloids in Food Processing"
Zhen-Gang Ji "Hydrodynamics and Water Quality. Modeling Rivers, Lakes, and Estuaries"
Simon Lo "Hydrodynamics of Gas-Liquid Reactors. Normal Operation and Upset Conditions"
Robert Franke "Hydroformylation. Fundamentals, Processes, and Applications in Organic Synthesis"
Lyon L. Andrew "Hydrogel Micro and Nanoparticles"
Ke Liu "Hydrogen and Syngas Production and Purification Technologies"
Mehmet Sankir "Hydrogen Production Technologies"
Corby Anderson "Hydrometallurgy 2003 - Fifth International Conference in Honor of Professor Ian Ritchie, Volume 1. L"
Michael L. Free "Hydrometallurgy. Fundamentals and Applications"
Frank (Xin X.) Zhu "Hydroprocessing for Clean Energy. Design, Operation, and Optimization"
Nariman Sepehri "Hydrostatic Transmissions and Actuators. Operation, Modelling and Applications"
Erik Braudeau "Hydrostructural Pedology"
Gerhard Hauser "Hygienegerechte Apparate und Anlagen"
Deyue Yan "Hyperbranched Polymers. Synthesis, Properties, and Applications"
Bruno Pignataro "Ideas in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences. Advances in Nanotechnology, Materials and Devices"
Rajamani Doraiswami "Identification of Physical Systems. Applications to Condition Monitoring, Fault Diagnosis, Soft Sens"
R. Koshel John "Illumination Engineering. Design with Nonimaging Optics"
Khan T. Q. "Illumination, Color and Imaging. Evaluation and Optimization of Visual Displays"
Philippa Mason J. "Image Processing and GIS for Remote Sensing. Techniques and Applications"
Frank Shih Y. "Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Fundamentals and Techniques"
Frank Shih Y. "Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Fundamentals and Techniques"
Haibo He "Imbalanced Learning. Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications"
Clifford Matthews "IMechE Engineers' Databook"
David Lawrence P. "Impact Assessment. Practical Solutions to Recurrent Problems and Contemporary Challenges"
Poh Loh Chiang "Impedance Source Power Electronic Converters"
L. Parker Temple, III "Implosion. Lessons from National Security, High Reliability Spacecraft, Electronics, and the Forces "
Kuo Way "Importance Measures in Reliability, Risk, and Optimization. Principles and Applications"
Wayne Ellefson "Improving Import Food Safety"
DuVall J. Barry "Improving Profitability Through Green Manufacturing. Creating a Profitable and Environmentally Compl"
Jacques Monnet "In Situ Tests in Geotechnical Engineering"
Gerhard Dehm "In-situ Electron Microscopy. Applications in Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science"
Vikas Mittal "In-situ Synthesis of Polymer Nanocomposites"
Michael Schreiber "In-vitro Materials Design. Modern Atomistic Simulation Methods for Engineers"
Коллектив авторов "INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook. A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities"
Alejandro Aragón-Zavala "Indoor Wireless Communications. From Theory to Implementation"
Jens Hagen "Industrial Catalysis. A Practical Approach"
Rudolf Eggers "Industrial High Pressure Applications. Processes, Equipment, and Safety"
Dr. Gurocak Hakan "Industrial Motion Control. Motor Selection, Drives, Controller Tuning, Applications"
Ralph Fehr "Industrial Power Distribution"
Pilz Stephan "Industrial Scale Natural Products Extraction"
Jean-Louis Boulanger "Industrial Use of Formal Methods. Formal Verification"
Konrad Szacilowski "Infochemistry. Information Processing at the Nanoscale"
Steffen Wendzel "Information Hiding in Communication Networks. Fundamentals, Mechanisms, Applications, and Countermea"
Zohra Fazal "Information Overload. An International Challenge for Professional Engineers and Technical Communicat"
Jerome Dinet "Information Retrieval in Digital Environments"
Philippe Dubuisson "Infrared Observation of Earth's Atmosphere"
Chiun-lin Wu "Infrastructure Systems for Nuclear Energy"
Hans-Wolf Reinhardt "Ingenieurbaustoffe"
Hans-Wolf Reinhardt "Ingenieurbaustoffe"
Rautenstrauch Karl "Ingenieurholzbau nach Eurocode 5. Konstruktion, Berechnung, Ausführung"
Oliver Brand "Inkjet-based Micromanufacturing"
Dimitri Uzunidis "Innovation Capabilities and Economic Development in Open Economies"
Corinne Tanguy "Innovations and Techno-ecological Transition"
Daniel Minoli "Innovations in Satellite Communication and Satellite Technology"
Bucher Benedicte "Innovative Software Development in GIS"
Ingrid Aguilo-Aguayo "Innovative Technologies in Beverage Processing"
Qi Huang "Innovative Testing and Measurement Solutions for Smart Grid"
Kang Li "Inorganic Membrane Reactors. Fundamentals and Applications"
Petra Reinke "Inorganic Nanostructures. Properties and Characterization"
Petra Reinke "Inorganic Nanostructures. Properties and Characterization"
Antonin Dvorak "Insight into Fuzzy Modeling"
Hirofumi Akagi "Instantaneous Power Theory and Applications to Power Conditioning"
Carl-Alexander Graubner "Integrale Brücken. Entwurf, Berechnung, Ausführung, Monitoring"
Xavier Roboam "Integrated Design by Optimization of Electrical Energy Systems"
Basile Angelo "Integrated Membrane Systems and Processes"
Mahendra Mallick "Integrated Tracking, Classification, and Sensor Management. Theory and Applications"
Wuwei Chen "Integrated Vehicle Dynamics and Control"
Arturo Losi "Integration of Demand Response into the Electricity Chain. Challenges, Opportunities, and Smart Grid"
Bollen Math H. "Integration of Distributed Generation in the Power System"
Ali Keyhani "Integration of Green and Renewable Energy in Electric Power Systems"
Felix Farret A. "Integration of Renewable Sources of Energy"
Basel Abu-Jamous "Integrative Cluster Analysis in Bioinformatics"
Schmitz Georg J. "Integrative Computational Materials Engineering. Concepts and Applications of a Modular Simulation P"
Vasileios Zeimpekis "Intelligent Agrifood Chains and Networks"
Ashutosh Tiwari "Intelligent Nanomaterials"
Ashutosh Tiwari "Intelligent Nanomaterials"
Asier Perallos "Intelligent Transport Systems. Technologies and Applications"
Ivo Keller "Intelligente Videoanalyse. Handbuch für die Praxis"
Achintya Bhowmik K. "Interactive Displays. Natural Human-Interface Technologies"
Valim Levitin "Interatomic Bonding in Solids. Fundamentals, Simulation, and Applications"
Habib M. K. "Interdisciplinary Mechatronics. Engineering Science and Research Development"
John Pahl "Interference Analysis. Modelling Radio Systems for Spectrum Management"
Zhen-Guo Wang "Internal Combustion Processes of Liquid Rocket Engines. Modeling and Numerical Simulations"
Gregory Olson "International Conference on Martensitic Transformations (ICOMAT) 2008"
Thomas Grisham W. "International Project Management. Leadership in Complex Environments"
Jerome Downey P. "International Smelting Technology Symposium. Incorporating the 6th Advances in Sulfide Smelting Symp"
Pam Brewer Estes "International Virtual Teams. Engineering Global Success"
Hwaiyu Geng "Internet of Things and Data Analytics Handbook"
Imad Saleh "Internet of Things. Evolutions and Innovations"
Henning Schulzrinne "Internet Protocol-based Emergency Services"
Etienne Dombre "Intracorporeal Robotics. From Milliscale to Nanoscale"
Stephen Corda "Introduction to Aerospace Engineering with a Flight Test Perspective"
Jonathan Cooper Edward "Introduction to Aircraft Aeroelasticity and Loads"
Peter Stockinger "Introduction to Audiovisual Archives"
Bruce Finlayson A. "Introduction to Chemical Engineering Computing"
Root Thatcher W. "Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design"
Konyukhov Alexander "Introduction to Computational Contact Mechanics. A Geometrical Approach"
Atul Sharma "Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics. Development, Application and Analysis"
Wolfgang Neumann "Introduction to Crystal Growth and Characterization"
Cho W. S. To "Introduction to Dynamics and Control in Mechanical Engineering Systems"
Oleg Wasynczuk "Introduction to Electric Power and Drive Systems"
Ozgur Ergul "Introduction to Electrical Circuit Analysis"
Raffaele Persico "Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar. Inverse Scattering and Data Processing"
Alla V. Bailey "Introduction to Hydrogen Technology"
Malpass Dennis B. "Introduction to Industrial Polypropylene. Properties, Catalysts Processes"
Jeff Hecht "Introduction to Laser Technology"
Gilbert Laporte "Introduction to Logistics Systems Management"
Mohamed Ben-Daya "Introduction to Maintenance Engineering. Modelling, Optimization and Management"
Matthew Pelton "Introduction to Metal-Nanoparticle Plasmonics"
Jahns Jürgen "Introduction to Micro- and Nanooptics"
Sami Franssila "Introduction to Microfabrication"
Alexander Kukushkin "Introduction to Mobile Network Engineering: GSM, 3G-WCDMA, LTE and the Road to 5G"
Peter Fritzson "Introduction to Modeling and Simulation of Technical and Physical Systems with Modelica"
Andrzej Trzynadlowski M. "Introduction to Modern Power Electronics"
Omar Manasreh "Introduction to Nanomaterials and Devices"
Chris Binns "Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology"
Grigorios Dimitriadis "Introduction to Nonlinear Aeroelasticity"
Richard Christiansen L. "Introduction to Petroleum Engineering"
Montgomery Shaw T. "Introduction to Polymer Rheology"
Robert Brinkmann "Introduction to Sustainability"
Bernard Favre "Introduction to Sustainable Transports"
Hugh Magande "Introduction to Thermo-Fluids Systems Design"
Jerry Mendel "Introduction To Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control. Theory and Applications"
Gleason Thomas "Introduction to UAV Systems"
Ali Mohamad-Djafari "Inverse Problems in Vision and 3D Tomography"
Arup SenGupta K. "Ion Exchange in Environmental Processes. Fundamentals, Applications and Sustainable Technology"
Olivier Hersent "IP Telephony. Deploying VoIP Protocols and IMS Infrastructure"
Andre Perez "IP, Ethernet and MPLS Networks. Resource and Fault Management"
Andre Perez "IP, Ethernet and MPLS Networks. Resource and Fault Management"
Dong Shen "Iterative Learning Control for Multi-agent Systems Coordination"