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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 74
Наука, Образование/Техническая литература
Myer Kutz "Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 3. Manufacturing and Management"
S. Venkateshan P. "Mechanical Measurements"
Ward Ian M. "Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers"
Ivana Kovacic "Mechanical Vibration. Fundamentals with Solved Examples"
Maurice Lemaire "Mechanics and Uncertainty"
Claude Fressengeas "Mechanics of Dislocation Fields"
Stefano Mariani "Mechanics of Microsystems"
Konstantinidis Dimitrios "Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation"
Bernhard Maidl "Mechanised Shield Tunnelling"
J. Davim Paulo "Mechatronics"
Sabri Cetinkunt "Mechatronics with Experiments"
Graham Thomas "Media Production, Delivery and Interaction for Platform Independent Systems. Format-Agnostic Media"
Jocelyne Troccaz "Medical Robotics"
Michel Dubois "Megatrends in Food and Agriculture. Technology, Water Use and Nutrition"
Rolf Frobose "Mein Auto repariert sich selbst. Und andere Technologien von übermorgen"
Rolf Frobose "Mein Auto repariert sich selbst. Und andere Technologien von übermorgen"
Yuri Yampolskii "Membrane Materials for Gas and Separation. Synthesis and Application fo Silicon-containing Polymers"
Mark Peters "Membrane Process Design Using Residue Curve Maps"
Kang Hu "Membrane Processing for Dairy Ingredient Separation"
Adnan Tamime Y. "Membrane Processing. Dairy and Beverage Applications"
Angelo Basile "Membrane Reactor Engineering. Applications for a Greener Process Industry"
Richard Baker W. "Membrane Technology and Applications"
Lidietta Giorno "Membrane Technology, Volume 3. Membranes for Food Applications"
Nunes Suzana Pereira "Membrane Technology, Volume 4. Membranes for Water Treatment"
Hans Kricheldorf R. "Menschen und ihre Materialien. Von der Steinzeit bis heute"
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Constance Senior "Mercury Control. for Coal-Derived Gas Streams"
Kunhao Li "Mesoporous Zeolites. Preparation, Characterization and Applications"
Steven Simske J. "Meta-Algorithmics. Patterns for Robust, Low Cost, High Quality Systems"
Guillaume Sandou "Metaheuristic Optimization for the Design of Automatic Control Laws"
Patrick Siarry "Metaheuristics for Production Scheduling"
Ahsanulhaq Qurashi "Metal Chalcogenide Nanostructures for Renewable Energy Applications"
Jirapong Kasivitamnuay "Metal Failures. Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention"
Pierre Dixneuf "Metal-Catalyzed Reactions in Water"
Yufeng Zheng "Metallic Biomaterials. New Directions and Technologies"
Johannes Fink Karl "Metallized and Magnetic Polymers. Chemistry and Applications"
Lars Landberg "Meteorology for Wind Energy. An Introduction"
Bo Zhang "Methodology and Technology for Power System Grounding"
Anastasios Eleftheriou "Methods for the Study of Marine Benthos"
Yuriy Posudin "Methods of Measuring Environmental Parameters"
Elisabeth Mansfield "Metrology and Standardization for Nanotechnology. Protocols and Industrial Innovations"
Shinill Kang "Micro / Nano Replication. Processes and Applications"
Sabu Thomas "Micro and Nanostructured Epoxy / Rubber Blends"
Oliver Brand "Micro Energy Harvesting"
Oliver Brand "Micro Process Engineering. Fundamentals, Devices, Fabrication, and Applications"
Sabu Thomas "Micro- and Nano-Structured Interpenetrating Polymer Networks. From Design to Applications"
Oliver Brand "Micro- and Nanomanipulation Tools"
Patrick Meyrueis "Micro- and Nanophotonic Technologies"
Nicu Liviu "Micro-and Nanoelectromechanical Biosensors"
Huo Dr. Dehong "Micro-Cutting. Fundamentals and Applications"
Tugrul Özel "Micro-Manufacturing. Design and Manufacturing of Micro-Products"
Adnan Tamime Y. "Microbial Toxins in Dairy Products"
Palmiro Poltronieri "Microbiology in Dairy Processing. Challenges and Opportunities"
Challa S. S. R. Kumar "Microfluidic Devices in Nanotechnology. Applications"
Challa S. S. R. Kumar "Microfluidic Devices in Nanotechnology. Fundamental Concepts"
Kumacheva Eugenia "Microfluidic Reactors for Polymer Particles"
Nikos Hatziargyriou "Microgrids. Architectures and Control"
Luc Dormieux "Micromechanics of Fracture and Damage"
Chaillet Nicolas "Microrobotics for Micromanipulation"
Antar Yahia M.M. "Microstrip and Printed Antennas. New Trends, Techniques and Applications"
Jia-Sheng Hong "Microstrip Filters for RF / Microwave Applications"
Dmitri Molodov A. "Microstructural Design of Advanced Engineering Materials"
Albert Renken "Microstructured Devices for Chemical Processing"
Pierre Jarry "Microwave Amplifier and Active Circuit Design Using the Real Frequency Technique"
Luca Roselli "Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits and Systems. Emerging Design, Technologies and Applications"
Ian Robertson "Microwave and Millimetre-Wave Design for Wireless Communications"
Giovanni Bianchi "Microwave and RF Engineering"
Rui Li "Microwave Bandpass Filters for Wideband Communications"
Matteo Pastorino "Microwave Imaging"
Romo Juan "Microwave Line of Sight Link Engineering"
Rick Ubic "Microwave Materials and Applications"
Li Changzhi "Microwave Noncontact Motion Sensing and Analysis"
Horikoshi Satoshi "Microwaves in Nanoparticle Synthesis. Fundamentals and Applications"
Christian Rumelhard "Microwaves Photonic Links. Components and Circuits"
Wolfgang Menz "Mikrosystemtechnik für Ingenieure"
Alastair McAulay D. "Military Laser Technology for Defense. Technology for Revolutionizing 21st Century Warfare"
Ara Kanekanian "Milk and Dairy Products as Functional Foods"
Young Park W. "Milk and Dairy Products in Human Nutrition. Production, Composition and Health"
Wang Zhaocheng "Millimeter Wave Communication Systems"
Yosef Akhtman "MIMO-OFDM for LTE, WiFi and WiMAX. Coherent versus Non-coherent and Cooperative Turbo Transceivers"
Jaekwon Kim "MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB"
Vikas Mittal "Miniemulsion Polymerization Technology"
Jasbir Bath "Mitigating Tin Whisker Risks. Theory and Practice"
Hoi-Jun Yoo "Mobile 3D Graphics SoC. From Algorithm to Chip"
Ivan Stojmenovic "Mobile Ad Hoc Networking. The Cutting Edge Directions"
Cao Jiannong "Mobile Agents in Networking and Distributed Computing"
Wang Xiangyu "Mobile and Pervasive Computing in Construction"
Laurence Yang T. "Mobile Intelligence"
Andre Perez "Mobile Networks Architecture"
Matthias Patzold "Mobile Radio Channels"
Gerald Cook "Mobile Robots. Navigation, Control and Remote Sensing"
Gerald Cook "Mobile Robots. Navigation, Control and Remote Sensing"
Madhavendra Richharia "Mobile Satellite Communications. Principles and Trends"
Paolo Santi "Mobility Models for Next Generation Wireless Networks. Ad Hoc, Vehicular and Mesh Networks"
Schulzrinne Henning "Mobility Protocols and Handover Optimization. Design, Evaluation and Application"
Peter Avitabile "Modal Testing. A Practitioner's Guide"
Patrice Micouin "Model Based Systems Engineering. Fundamentals and Methods"
Tobias Geyer "Model Predictive Control of High Power Converters and Industrial Drives"
Bin Wu "Model Predictive Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems"
Tim Weilkiens "Model-Based System Architecture"
Eriksson Lars "Modeling and Control of Engines and Drivelines"
Eduardo Souza de Cursi "Modeling and Convexity"
Kevin Murphy D. "Modeling and Estimation of Structural Damage"
Hoi-sing Kwok "Modeling and Optimization of LCD Optical Performance"
Vikas Mittal "Modeling and Prediction of Polymer Nanocomposite Properties"
Liu Yong "Modeling and Simulation for Microelectronic Packaging Assembly. Manufacturing, Reliability and Testi"
Jorge Ancheyta "Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining"
DongHun Kang "Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Event Systems"
Jean-Michel Reveillac "Modeling and Simulation of Logistics Flows 1. Theory and Fundamentals"
Jean-Michel Reveillac "Modeling and Simulation of Logistics Flows 2. Dashboards, Traffic Planning and Management"
Jean-Michel Reveillac "Modeling and Simulation of Logistics Flows 3. Discrete and Continuous Flows in 2D/3D"
William Rouse B. "Modeling and Visualization of Complex Systems and Enterprises. Explorations of Physical, Human, Econ"
Thomas Sheridan B. "Modeling Human–System Interaction. Philosophical and Methodological Considerations, with Examples"
Emanuel Grunn "Modeling of Complex Systems. Application to Aeronautical Dynamics"
Allen Levesque H. "Modeling of Digital Communication Systems Using SIMULINK"
Wilfried Elmenreich "Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems Using MATLAB. Simplified Green Codes"
Felix Farret A. "Modeling Power Electronics and Interfacing Energy Conversion Systems"
Christos Kassapoglou "Modeling the Effect of Damage in Composite Structures. Simplified Approaches"
F. Knopf Carl "Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Process and Energy Systems"
William O'Brien "Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings"
Maciej Stasiak "Modelling and Dimensioning of Mobile Wireless Networks. From GSM to LTE"
Amedeo Odoni "Modelling and Managing Airport Performance"
Rao C. Lakshmana "Modelling of Engineering Materials"
Eddy van der Maarel "Modelling Transport"
Mara Tanelli "Modelling, Simulation and Control of Two-Wheeled Vehicles"
Wilson Chin C. "Modern Borehole Analytics. Annular Flow, Hole Cleaning, and Pressure Control"
Ronald McCaffer "Modern Construction Management"
Santiago Bernal "Modern Devices. The Simple Physics of Sophisticated Technology"
Mujumdar Arun S. "Modern Drying Technology, Energy Savings"
Mujumdar Arun S. "Modern Drying Technology, Volume 1. Computational Tools at Different Scales"
Mujumdar Arun S. "Modern Drying Technology, Volume 2. Experimental Techniques"
Mujumdar Arun S. "Modern Drying Technology, Volume 3. Product Quality and Formulation"
Evangelos Tsotsas "Modern Drying Technology, Volume 5. Process Intensification"
Tretyakov Sergei A. "Modern Electromagnetic Scattering Theory with Applications"
Mario Affatigato "Modern Glass Characterization"
Rutger A. van Santen "Modern Heterogeneous Catalysis. An Introduction"
Huang Kao-Cheng "Modern Lens Antennas for Communications Engineering"
Paolo Carbone "Modern Measurements. Fundamentals and Applications"
Peter Jeschke "Modern Methods in Crop Protection Research"
Ron Schneiderman "Modern Standardization. Case Studies at the Crossroads of Technology, Economics, and Politics"
Krüger Lutz "Moderne Methoden der Werkstoffprüfung"
Kim Elliott S. "Modernisation, Mechanisation and Industrialisation of Concrete Structures"
Bin Wu "Modular Multilevel Converters. Analysis, Control, and Applications"
Krouk Evgenii "Modulation and Coding Techniques in Wireless Communications"
Bert Popping "Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists"
Peter Hofmann "Molecular Catalysts. Structure and Functional Design"
Michael Ting "Molecular Imaging in Nano MRI"
Dermot O'Hare "Molecular Materials"
Wolfgang Fritzsche "Molecular Plasmonics"
Antoni Llobet "Molecular Water Oxidation Catalysis. A Key Topic for New Sustainable Energy Conversion Schemes"