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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited
Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 73
Наука, Образование/Техническая литература
Nidhal Rezg "Joint Optimization of Maintenance and Production Policies"
Angus Andrews P. "Kalman Filtering. Theory and Practice with MATLAB"
Laurence Chèze "Kinematic Analysis of Human Movement"
Wei Wang "Kinematic Differential Geometry and Saddle Synthesis of Linkages"
David Dooner B. "Kinematic Geometry of Gearing"
Gary Kinzel L. "Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery"
King-Ning Tu "Kinetics in Nanoscale Materials"
Pierre Barbaroux "Knowledge Management and Innovation. Interaction, Collaboration, Openness"
Schuppener Bernd "Kommentar zum Handbuch Eurocode 7 - Geotechnische Bemessung. Allgemeine Regeln"
Ulfert Martinsen "Kostenrechnung in der Bauwirtschaft. Praxisleitfaden unter Einbeziehung der KLR-Bau 2016"
Deutscher Beton- und Bautechnik-Verein e.V. "Kurzfassung des Eurocode 2 für Stahlbetontragwerkeim Hochbau – von Frank Fingerloos, Josef Hegger, K"
Agasthya Ayachit "Laboratory Manual for Pulse-Width Modulated DC-DC Power Converters"
Wood Brian J.B. "Lactic Acid Bacteria. Biodiversity and Taxonomy"
Shengyi Li "Large and Middle-scale Aperture Aspheric Surfaces. Lapping, Polishing and Measurement"
Takahiro Numai "Laser Diodes and Their Applications to Communications and Information Processing"
J. Davim Paulo "Laser in Manufacturing"
Rolf Klein "Laser Welding of Plastics"
Anil Maini K. "Lasers and Optoelectronics. Fundamentals, Devices and Applications"
Frank Caruso "Layer-by-Layer Films for Biomedical Applications"
Bohdan Oppenheim W. "Lean for Systems Engineering with Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering"
Ilaria Gaudiello "Learning Robotics, with Robotics, by Robotics. Educational Robotics"
Hartmut Dunkelberg "Lebensmittelsicherheit und Lebensmittelüberwachung"
C. Hitz Breck "LEOMA and the US Laser Industry. The Good and Bad Moves for Trade Associations in Emerging High-Tech"
Abourashed Ehab A. "Leung's Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients. Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics"
Mary Curran Ann "Life Cycle Assessment Handbook. A Guide for Environmentally Sustainable Products"
Mary Curran Ann "Life Cycle Assessment Student Handbook"
Stepan Podzimek "Light Scattering, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation. Powerf"
VINAY SHARMA "Lignocellulosic Biomass Production and Industrial Applications"
Antonio Pizzi "Lignocellulosic Fibers and Wood Handbook. Renewable Materials for Today's Environment"
Vijay Thakur Kumar "Lignocellulosic Polymer Composites. Processing, Characterization, and Properties"
Anguan Wu "Line Loss Analysis and Calculation of Electric Power Systems"
Ishida Yukio "Linear and Nonlinear Rotordynamics. A Modern Treatment with Applications"
Christophe Basso P. "Linear Circuit Transfer Functions. An Introduction to Fast Analytical Techniques"
Kwan Godfrey K. "Linear Systems"
Robert Chen H. "Liquid Crystal Displays. Fundamental Physics and Technology"
Quan Li "Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays. Chemistry, Physics, and Applications"
Dina Shmeliova V. "Liquid Crystals. Viscous and Elastic Properties in Theory and Applications"
Paul Alsters L. "Liquid Phase Aerobic Oxidation Catalysis. Industrial Applications and Academic Perspectives"
Christian Glaize "Lithium Batteries and other Electrochemical Storage Systems"
Stefan Landis "Lithography"
Gil Francopoulo "LMF Lexical Markup Framework"
Pitbaldo Robin "LNG Risk Based Safety. Modeling and Consequence Analysis"
Bruce Phillips "Lobsters. Biology, Management, Aquaculture & Fisheries"
Dermot O'Hare "Local Structural Characterisation. Inorganic Materials Series"
John Coutts "Loft Conversions"
Ricardo Caferra "Logic for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence"
Stefan Kruse "LOGO! 8. A Practical Introduction, with Circuit Solutions and Example Programs"
Stefan Kruse "LOGO! 8. Praktische Einführung mit Schaltungs- und Programmierbeispielen"
Philippe Feyel "Loop-shaping Robust Control"
Thomas Cahill H. "Low Impact Development and Sustainable Stormwater Management"
Wei Liu "Low-cost Smart Antennas"
Dermot O'Hare "Low-Dimensional Solids"
Rodney Anderson L. "Low-Energy Lunar Trajectory Design"
Hisamatsu Nakano "Low-profile Natural and Metamaterial Antennas. Analysis Methods and Applications"
Stefania Sesia "LTE - The UMTS Long Term Evolution. From Theory to Practice"
Xincheng Zhang "LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook"
Valtteri Niemi "LTE Security"
Valtteri Niemi "LTE Security"
Charlotte Letamendia "LTE Services"
Ben Allen "LTE-Advanced and Next Generation Wireless Networks. Channel Modelling and Propagation"
Abd-Elhamid Taha M. "LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX. Towards IMT-Advanced Networks"
Leonhard Korowajczuk "LTE, WiMAX and WLAN Network Design, Optimization and Performance Analysis"
Marika Torbacke "Lubricants. Introduction to Properties and Performance"
Olivier Hersent "M2M Communications. A Systems Approach"
J. Davim Paulo "Machinability of Advanced Materials"
James Doane "Machine Analysis with Computer Applications for Mechanical Engineers"
Divya Shrivastava "Machine Tool Reliability"
Jihong Yan "Machinery Prognostics and Prognosis Oriented Maintenance Management"
Brian Murphy "Machinery Vibration and Rotordynamics"
J. Davim Paulo "Machining Composites Materials"
Helmi Youssef A. "Machining of Stainless Steels and Super Alloys. Traditional and Nontraditional Techniques"
Higson Séamus "Macrocycles. Construction, Chemistry and Nanotechnology Applications"
Oleg Borisov "Macromolecular Self-Assembly"
Martel Zeldin "Macromolecules Containing Metal and Metal-Like Elements, Volume 10. Photophysics and Photochemistry "
Martel Zeldin "Macromolecules Containing Metal and Metal-Like Elements, Volume 9. Supramolecular and Self-Assembled"
John Hryn N. "Magnesium Technology 2000"
Gupta Manoj "Magnesium, Magnesium Alloys, and Magnesium Composites"
Anatoly Legtchenko "Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Groundwater"
Peter Curtis M. "Maintaining Mission Critical Systems in a 24/7 Environment"
Tim Runcie "Making Effective Business Decisions Using Microsoft Project"
Stuart Green D. "Making Sense of Construction Improvement"
Geoff Varrall "Making Telecoms Work. From Technical Innovation to Commercial Success"
Vaclav Smil "Making the Modern World. Materials and Dematerialization"
Frederic Landragin "Man-Machine Dialogue. Design and Challenges"
Carolina Machado "Management and Engineering Innovation"
Brian Cooke "Management of Construction Projects"
Avigdor Zonnenshain "Managing and Engineering Complex Technological Systems"
Senaratne Sepani "Managing Change in Construction Projects. A Knowledge-Based Approach"
Harold Kerzner "Managing Complex Projects"
Graham Winch M. "Managing Construction Projects"
Peter Williams "Managing Measurement Risk in Building and Civil Engineering"
Annika Olsson "Managing Packaging Design for Sustainable Development. A Compass for Strategic Directions"
AbouRizk S. M. "Managing Performance in Construction"
Ravi Jain "Managing Research, Development and Innovation. Managing the Unmanageable"
Tony Merna "Managing Risk in Construction Projects"
Frederick Betz "Managing Technological Innovation. Competitive Advantage from Change"
Nettleton David "Managing the Documentation Maze. Answers to Questions You Didn't Even Know to Ask"
John Murdough M. "Managing the Profitable Construction Business. The Contractor's Guide to Success and Survival Strate"
Jüri Sutt "Manual of Construction Project Management. For Owners and Clients"
Arun Kilara "Manufacturing Yogurt and Fermented Milks"
Alecos Demetriades "Mapping the Chemical Environment of Urban Areas"
Elizabeth Gosling "Marine Bivalve Molluscs"
Philippe Quevauviller "Marine Chemical Monitoring. Policies, Techniques and Metrological Principles"
Ricardo Calado "Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture"
Se-Kwon Kim "Marine Proteins and Peptides. Biological Activities and Applications"
Bernard Multon "Marine Renewable Energy Handbook"
Johannes Fink Karl "Marine, Waterborne, and Water-Resistant Polymers. Chemistry and Applications"
Buffet Olivier "Markov Decision Processes in Artificial Intelligence"
Bernhard Maidl "Maschineller Tunnelbau im Schildvortrieb"
Theodore Louis "Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing Engineer"
Rik Pintelon "Mastering System Identification in 100 Exercises"
Matthias Busse "Material-Integrated Intelligent Systems. Technology and Applications"
Atul Tiwari "Materials and Failures in MEMS and NEMS"
Jean-Michel Torrenti "Materials and Infrastructures 1"
Jean-Michel Torrenti "Materials and Infrastructures 2"
Patrice Bailly "Materials and Structures under Shock and Impact"
Pierre Delhaes "Materials and Thermodynamics"
Yang Leng "Materials Characterization. Introduction to Microscopic and Spectroscopic Methods"
Adrian Kitai "Materials for Solid State Lighting and Displays"
Kathy Lu "Materials in Energy Conversion, Harvesting, and Storage"
Ryan O'Hayre "Materials Kinetics Fundamentals"
Cong Wang "Materials Processing Fundamentals"
Georges Voyiadjis "Materials under Extreme Loadings. Application to Penetration and Impact"
Witold Brostow "Materials. Introduction and Applications"
Gaston Ares "Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Food Science and Technology"
Jean-Charles Pinoli "Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis, Volume 2"
Ismael Herrera "Mathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering. An Axiomatic Approach"
Angelo Luongo "Mathematical Models of Beams and Cables"
Wolfram Jäger "Mauerwerk Kalender 2011. Schwerpunkt - Nachhaltige Bauprodukte und Konstruktionen"
Wolfram Jäger "Mauerwerk Kalender 2012. Schwerpunkt - Eurocode 6"
Wolfram Jäger "Mauerwerk Kalender 2012. Schwerpunkt - Eurocode 6"
Wolfram Jäger "Mauerwerk Kalender 2016. Baustoffe, Sanierung, Eurocode-Praxis"
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Wolfram Jäger "Mauerwerk-Kalender 2013. Bauen im Bestand"
Wolfram Jäger "Mauerwerk-Kalender 2014. Bemessen, Bewehren, Bestigen"
Wolfram Jäger "Mauerwerk-Kalender 2015"
Jäger Wolfram "Mauerwerk. Bemessung nach DIN 1053-100"
Michel Barsoum W. "MAX Phases. Properties of Machinable Ternary Carbides and Nitrides"
Fereidoon Shahidi "Measurement of Antioxidant Activity and Capacity. Recent Trends and Applications"
Zongmin Ma "Measurement Technology for Micro-Nanometer Devices"
Sean D. C. Ostrowski "Measurement using the New Rules of Measurement"
Yinao Su "Measurement While Drilling (MWD) Signal Analysis, Optimization and Design"
Pointer M. R. "Measuring Colour"
Thimjos Ninios "Meat Inspection and Control in the Slaughterhouse"
Tamer Becherrawy "Mechanical and Electromagnetic Vibrations and Waves"
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot "Mechanical Behavior of Concrete"
Chevalier Yvon "Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Wave Dispersion. Instrumentation and Experiment Interpr"
J. Davim Paulo "Mechanical Engineering Education"
Myer Kutz "Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 1. Materials and Engineering Mechanics"
Myer Kutz "Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 2. Design, Instrumentation, and Controls"