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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 48
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Jérôme Molimard "Experimental Mechanics of Solids and Structures"
Laurence Harwood M. "Experimental Organic Chemistry"
Prof. Schwedt Georg "Experimente rund ums Kochen, Braten, Backen"
Prof. Schwedt Georg "Experimente rund ums Kochen, Braten, Backen"
Mazen Shahin "Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with Maple"
Mazen Shahin "Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with MATLAB"
Marybeth Gasman "Exploring Diversity at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Implications for Policy and Pra"
MacPherson Gordon "Exploring Immunology. Concepts and Evidence"
Wagner Wendy "Exploring Leadership. For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference"
Nance Lucas "Exploring Leadership. For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference"
Wagner Wendy "Exploring Leadership. For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference, Student Workbook"
David Prutchi "Exploring Quantum Physics through Hands-on Projects"
Peter Bond "Exploring the Solar System"
Rudolf Meyer "Explosives"
Amir Khoei R. "Extended Finite Element Method. Theory and Applications"
Alain Vignes "Extractive Metallurgy 1. Basic Thermodynamics and Kinetics"
Alain Vignes "Extractive Metallurgy 2. Metallurgical Reaction Processes"
Armin Bunde "Extreme Events and Natural Hazards. The Complexity Perspective"
Robert Doe K. "Extreme Weather. Forty Years of the Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO)"
Aliofkhazraei Mahmood "Fabrication of Nanostructures by Plasma Electrolysis"
Steven Hanft L. "Fachenglisch für Laborberufe"
Robert Cipriano E. "Facilitating a Collegial Department in Higher Education. Strategies for Success"
George Lakey "Facilitating Group Learning. Strategies for Success with Adult Learners"
Kathleen Taylor "Facilitating Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind. A Conceptual and Practical Guide"
Liddell Debora L. "Facilitating the Moral Growth of College Students. New Directions for Student Services, Number 139"
Rik Carl D'Amato "Facilitative Collaborative Knowledge Co-Construction. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Numb"
Harvey "Faculty and First-Generation College Students: Bridging the Classroom Gap Together. New Directions f"
Edna Martinez "Faculty Members' Scholarly Learning Across Institutional Types. ASHE Higher Education Report"
Heinrich Zankl "Fälscher, Schwindler, Scharlatane. Betrug in Forschung und Wissenschaft"
Umana-Taylor Adriana J. "Family Conflict Among Chinese- and Mexican-Origin Adolescents and Their Parents in the U.S.. New Dir"
Hamilton Sara "Family Legacy and Leadership. Preserving True Family Wealth in Challenging Times"
McKelvey Kathryn "Fashion Design. Process, Innovation and Practice"
Centner Marianne "Fashion Designer's Handbook for Adobe Illustrator"
Gaynor Lea-Greenwood "Fashion Marketing Communications"
Thomas Mitchell M. "Fault Zone Dynamic Processes. Evolution of Fault Properties During Seismic Rupture"
Joachim Nölte "Fehlerfrei durch die ICP Emissionsspektrometrie"
Schatz Gottfried "Feuersucher. Die Jagd nach dem Geheimnis der Lebensenergie"
Oleg Okhotnikov G. "Fiber Lasers"
Spillman William B. "Fiber Optic Sensors. An Introduction for Engineers and Scientists"
Govind Agrawal P. "Fiber-Optic Communication Systems"
Stephan Russenschuck "Field Computation for Accelerator Magnets. Analytical and Numerical Methods for Electromagnetic Desi"
Tse-lok Ho "Fiesers' Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Volume 25"
Tse-lok Ho "Fiesers' Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Volume 26"
Tse-lok Ho "Fiesers' Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Volume 27"
Tse-lok Ho "Fiesers' Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Volume 28"
Robert Dubil "Financial Engineering and Arbitrage in the Financial Markets"
Karin Forté Sprow "Financial Literacy and Adult Education. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 14"
Margit Watts Misangyi "Finding the Why: Personalizing Learning in Higher Education. New Directions for Teaching and Learnin"
Peter Pollak "Fine Chemicals. The Industry and the Business"
Martin Alexander E. "Fire on Earth. An Introduction"
Brian Meacham J. "Fire Performance Analysis for Buildings"
Claire Belcher M. "Fire Phenomena and the Earth System. An Interdisciplinary Guide to Fire Science"
Lee Ward "First-Generation College Students. Understanding and Improving the Experience from Recruitment to Co"
Arno Klerk de "Fischer-Tropsch Refining"
Linda Suskie "Five Dimensions of Quality. A Common Sense Guide to Accreditation and Accountability"
Basil Roufogalis "Flavonoid Pharmacokinetics. Methods of Analysis, Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Safety, "
Uversky Vladimir "Flexible Viruses. Structural Disorder in Viral Proteins"
Scira Menoni "Flood Damage Survey and Assessment. New Insights from Research and Practice"
Faulkner Hazel "Flood Risk Science and Management"
Muhammad Sahimi "Flow and Transport in Porous Media and Fractured Rock. From Classical Methods to Modern Approaches"
Aisha Khan S. "Flowering Plants. Structure and Industrial Products"
Roger Prud'homme "Flows and Chemical Reactions"
Roger Prud'homme "Flows and Chemical Reactions in an Electromagnetic Field"
Roger Prud'homme "Flows and Chemical Reactions in Heterogeneous Mixtures"
Roger Prud'homme "Flows and Chemical Reactions in Homogeneous Mixtures"
Boris Faybishenko "Fluid Dynamics in Complex Fractured-Porous Systems"
James Ian N. "Fluid Dynamics of the Mid-Latitude Atmosphere"
Mathieu Mory "Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering"
Michel Ledoux "Fluid Mechanics. Analytical Methods"
Jean-François Sigrist "Fluid-Structure Interaction. An Introduction to Finite Element Coupling"
Bouchaib Radi "Fluid-Structure Interactions and Uncertainties. Ansys and Fluent Tools"
Marcus Wilhelmsson "Fluorescent Analogs of Biomolecular Building Blocks. Design and Applications"
Massimiliano Ghinassi "Fluvial meanders and their sedimentary products in the rock record (IAS SP 48)"
Om Singh V. "Food Borne Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistance"
Axel Rossberg G. "Food Webs and Biodiversity. Foundations, Models, Data"
David Stephenson B. "Forecast Verification. A Practitioner's Guide in Atmospheric Science"
Iain Clark J. "Foreign Exchange Option Pricing. A Practitioner's Guide"
Barbara Stuart H. "Forensic Analytical Techniques"
Byrd Jason "Forensic Botany. A Practical Guide"
Mitchell Damon "Forensic CBT. A Handbook for Clinical Practice"
Lawrence Kobilinsky "Forensic Chemistry Handbook"
Jay Siegel "Forensic Chemistry. Fundamentals and Applications"
Douglas Ubelaker H. "Forensic Science. Current Issues, Future Directions"
Jerome Vanclay K. "Forest Growth and Yield Modeling"
Bertram Husch "Forest Mensuration"
Rubin Shmulsky "Forest Products and Wood Science. An Introduction"
Randall Myster W. "Forest Structure, Function and Dynamics in Western Amazonia"
Dayan Nava "Formulating, Packaging, and Marketing of Natural Cosmetic Products"
Jameel Feroz "Formulation and Process Development Strategies for Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals"
Tharwat Tadros F. "Formulation of Disperse Systems. Science and Technology"
Bo Peng "Forward-Time Population Genetics Simulations. Methods, Implementation, and Applications"
Milsom Clare "Fossils at a Glance"
Marianne Huger S. "Fostering the Increased Integration of Students with Disabilities. New Directions for Student Servic"
Keith Kroll "Fostering the Liberal Arts in the 21st-Century Community College. New Directions for Community Colle"
Jovita Ross-Gordon M. "Foundations of Adult and Continuing Education"
Igor Toptygin N. "Foundations of Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics"
Bogdan Adamczyk "Foundations of Electromagnetic Compatibility with Practical Applications"
Pralhad Ron "Foundations of Pulsed Power Technology"
Kauppinen Jyrki "Fourier Transforms in Spectroscopy"
Rudd Oliver "Fracking. The Operations and Environmental Consequences of Hydraulic Fracturing"
Andre Dauphine "Fractal Geography"
Luo Ying "Fractional Order Motion Controls"
Wightman Marlene "Fractography of Glasses and Ceramics VI"
Mark Gordon S. "Fragmentation: Toward Accurate Calculations on Complex Molecular Systems"
Marina Petrukhina A. "Fragments of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes. Designed Synthesis, Unusual Reactions, and Coordinatio"
Carola Suarez-Orozco "Frameworks and Ethics for Research with Immigrants. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Developm"
Maureen Fordham "Framing Community Disaster Resilience"
Lynn Davey "Framing Youth Development for Public Support. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 124"
Stamatios Kartalopoulos V. "Free Space Optical Networks for Ultra-Broad Band Services"
Larry Stotts B. "Free Space Optical Systems Engineering. Design and Analysis"
Paula Keech "Freelance Fashion Designer's Handbook"
Yu-Ping Tian "Frequency-Domain Analysis and Design of Distributed Control Systems"
Niko Hildebrandt "FRET - Förster Resonance Energy Transfer. From Theory to Applications"
Alexandros Zografos L. "From Biosynthesis to Total Synthesis. Strategies and Tactics for Natural Products"
J. Howell A. "From Depositional Systems to Sedimentary Successions on the Norwegian Continental Margin (Special Pu"
Rajeev Bansal "From ER to E.T.. How Electromagnetic Technologies Are Changing Our Lives"
Nicholas Plant "From Genes to Genomes. Concepts and Applications of DNA Technology"
Adnan Ibrahimbegovic "From Microstructure Investigations to Multiscale Modeling. Bridging the Gap"
Rik Carl D'Amato "From the Confucian Way to Collaborative Knowledge Co-Construction. New Directions for Teaching and L"
Simón Uribe "Frontier Road. Power, History, and the Everyday State in the Colombian Amazon"
Parker Andrew "Frontiers in Geochemistry. Contribution of Geochemistry to the Study of the Earth"
Craig Manning "Frontiers in Geofluids"
Yukihiro Ozaki "Frontiers of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Single Nanoparticles and Single Cells"
Ryan O'Hayre "Fuel Cell Fundamentals"
Stolten Detlef "Fuel Cell Science and Engineering. Materials, Processes, Systems and Technology"
Ning Yan "Fuels, Chemicals and Materials from the Oceans and Aquatic Sources"
Michel Grediac "Full-Field Measurements and Identification in Solid Mechanics"
John A. Bryant "Functional Biology of Plants"
Marino Xanthos "Functional Fillers for Plastics"
Advincula Rigoberto C. "Functional Polymer Films, 2 Volume Set"
Cacialli Franco "Functional Supramolecular Architectures. For Organic Electronics and Nanotechnology, 2 Volume Set"
Vasilios Georgakilas "Functionalization of Graphene"
Jens Petter Nielsen "Fundamental Bioengineering"
David Yevick "Fundamental Math and Physics for Scientists and Engineers"
Bolon Brad "Fundamental Neuropathology for Pathologists and Toxicologists. Principles and Techniques"
Toshio Fuchigami "Fundamentals and Applications of Organic Electrochemistry. Synthesis, Materials, Devices"
Andrey Rubin B. "Fundamentals of Biophysics"
John Rudnicki W. "Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics"
Breckon Toby "Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab"
Luigi Sarno Di "Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering. From Source to Fragility"
Athel Cornish-Bowden "Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics"
Byong Lee H. "Fundamentals of Food Biotechnology"
Quin Louis D. "Fundamentals of Heterocyclic Chemistry. Importance in Nature and in the Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals"
John Tyrell A. "Fundamentals of Industrial Chemistry. Pharmaceuticals, Polymers, and Business"
Anthony Campbell K. "Fundamentals of Intracellular Calcium"
Mega Kar "Fundamentals of Ionic Liquids. From Chemistry to Applications"
Boris Smirnov M. "Fundamentals of Ionized Gases. Basic Topics in Plasma Physics"
Pedro Andreo "Fundamentals of Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry"
Pedro Andreo "Fundamentals of Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry. Solutions to the Exercises"
E. Onder Nihan "Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering"