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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 49
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Bernard Homès "Fundamentals of Software Testing"
Perumal Nithiarasu "Fundamentals of the Finite Element Method for Heat and Mass Transfer"
Pyotr Ufimtsev Ya. "Fundamentals of the Physical Theory of Diffraction"
Acharya Ragini "Fundamentals of Turbulent and Multi-Phase Combustion"
Geist Thomas "Fusion Plasma Diagnostics with mm-Waves. An Introduction"
Weston Stacey M. "Fusion Plasma Physics"
Weston Stacey M. "Fusion. An Introduction to the Physics and Technology of Magnetic Confinement Fusion"
Weston Stacey M. "Fusion. An Introduction to the Physics and Technology of Magnetic Confinement Fusion"
Klaus Jopp "Fußball, Fashion, Flachbildschirme. Die neueste Kunststoffgeneration"
Diana Dalbotten "Future Earth. Advancing Civic Understanding of the Anthropocene"
John Riches "Galatians Through the Centuries"
MacIsaac Bernie "Gas Turbine Propulsion Systems"
Bruno Kolb "Gaschromatographie in Bildern. Eine Einführung"
Bernd Meyer "Gasification Processes. Modeling and Simulation"
Wengenmayr Roland "Geheimnisvoller Kosmos. Astrophysik und Kosmologie im 21. Jahrhundert"
Dafina-Lazarus Stewart "Gender and Sexual Diversity in U.S. Higher Education: Contexts and Opportunities for LGBTQ College S"
T. A. Brown "Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis. An Introduction"
Wang Yongjun "Gene Discovery for Disease Models"
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Rhodes Terrel "General Education Essentials. A Guide for College Faculty"
Antonio Napolitano "Generalizations of Cyclostationary Signal Processing. Spectral Analysis and Applications"
Dean Diane R. "Generation on a Tightrope. A Portrait of Today's College Student"
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Joel Weller "Genomic Selection in Animals"
Elaswarapu Ramnath "Genomics. Essential Methods"
John Hunt "Genotype-by-Environment Interactions and Sexual Selection"
William White M. "Geochemistry"
Blair Schoene "Geochronology and Thermochronology"
Murray Gray "Geodiversity. Valuing and Conserving Abiotic Nature"
O'Sullivan David "Geographic Information Analysis"
Pierre Carrega "Geographical Information and Climatology"
Christian Sallaberry "Geographical Information Retrieval in Textual Corpora"
Susan Elliott J. "Geographies of Health. An Introduction"
Woodcock Nigel H. "Geological History of Britain and Ireland"
O. Pfiffner Adrian "Geology of the Alps"
Brierley Gary J. "Geomorphic Analysis of River Systems. An Approach to Reading the Landscape"
John Lommler C. "Geotechnical Problem Solving"
Martin Ziegler "Geotechnische Nachweise nach EC 7 und DIN 1054. Einführung in Beispielen"
Ledru Patrick "Geothermal Energy Systems. Exploration, Development, and Utilization"
Benjamin Jordan R. "Geotrekking in Southeastern Arabia. A Guide to Locations of World-Class Geology"
Helmut Werner "Geschichte der anorganischen Chemie. Die Entwicklung einer Wissenschaft in Deutschland von Döbereine"
Barnali Dixon "GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering"
Alberto Pistocchi "GIS Based Chemical Fate Modeling. Principles and Applications"
Holand Wolfram "Glass Ceramic Technology"
Eric Bourhis Le "Glass. Mechanics and Technology"
Heidi Whitford "Global Development of the Community College Model. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 177"
Marion Werner "Global Displacements. The Making of Uneven Development in the Caribbean"
Frances Harris "Global Environmental Issues"
Seitz John L. "Global Issues. An Introduction"
Angus Andrews P. "Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration"
Christof Ebert "Global Software and IT. A Guide to Distributed Development, Projects, and Outsourcing"
Pamela Smith J. "Global Trade Policy. Questions and Answers"
David Turner "Global Vegetation Dynamics. Concepts and Applications in the MC1 Model"
Jonathan Harris "Globalization and Contemporary Art"
Paul Cloke "Globalizing Responsibility. The Political Rationalities of Ethical Consumption"
Shang-Cheng Hung "Glycochemical Synthesis. Strategies and Applications"
Josie Ahlquist "Going Digital in Student Leadership. New Directions for Student Leadership, Number 153"
Patrick Prouzet "Governance of Seas and Oceans"
Stephen Trachtenberg "Governance Reconsidered. How Boards, Presidents, Administrators, and Faculty Can Help Their Colleges"
The University of Missouri Grant Writer Network "Grant Seeking in Higher Education. Strategies and Tools for College Faculty"
Malic Ermin "Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes. Ultrafast Optics and Relaxation Dynamics"
Siegfied Eigler "Graphene Oxide. Fundamentals and Applications"
Sood Ajay K. "Graphene. Synthesis, Properties, and Phenomena"
Clark Ruth C. "Graphics for Learning. Proven Guidelines for Planning, Designing, and Evaluating Visuals in Training"
Dr. Maletz Jörg "Graptolite Paleobiology"
Daizo Tsutsumi "Gravel-Bed Rivers. Process and Disasters"
Saad Bashar "Greco-Arab and Islamic Herbal Medicine. Traditional System, Ethics, Safety, Efficacy, and Regulatory"
Anne Marteel-Parrish E. "Green Chemistry and Engineering. A Pathway to Sustainability"
Jiménez-González Concepción "Green Chemistry and Engineering. A Practical Design Approach"
Sanjay Sharma K. "Green Chemistry for Dyes Removal from Waste Water. Research Trends and Applications"
Singh Vandana "Green Chemistry for Environmental Remediation"
Tore Brinck "Green Energetic Materials"
Chemat Farid "Green Extraction of Natural Products. Theory and Practice"
M. Khan M. "Green Petroleum. How Oil and Gas Can Be Environmentally Sustainable"
Anastas Paul T. "Green Processes. Green Synthesis"
Anastas Paul T. "Green Solvents. Reactions in Water"
Zhang Wei "Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry"
Peter G. M. Wuts "Greene's Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis"
Klerk Arno de "Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes for Fuels and Feedstocks"
Lawrence Conyers B. "Ground-penetrating Radar for Geoarchaeology"
Ralph Morrison "Grounding and Shielding. Circuits and Interference"
Nicholas Cheremisinoff P. "Groundwater Remediation. A Practical Guide for Environmental Engineers and Scientists"
Sheri Bauman "Group Work With Persons With Disabilities"
Hermann Rau "Grundlagen der Elektronenspektroskopie. Theorie der Anregung und Deaktivierung von Molekülen"
William R. Dolbier, Jr. "Guide to Fluorine NMR for Organic Chemists"
Whittlesey Albert C. "Guide to Mitigating Spacecraft Charging Effects"
Wieslaw Ostachowicz "Guided Waves in Structures for SHM. The Time - domain Spectral Element Method"
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety) "Guidelines for Asset Integrity Management"
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety) "Guidelines for Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis"
Louis DiBerardinis J. "Guidelines for Laboratory Design. Health, Safety, and Environmental Considerations"
David Halliday "Halliday Physik"
Marie Bourgeois M. "Hamilton and Hardy's Industrial Toxicology"
Daniel Claus "Handbook of Battery Materials"
R. Sabnis W. "Handbook of Biological Dyes and Stains. Synthesis and Industrial Applications"
Konstantina Nikita S. "Handbook of Biomedical Telemetry"
James Speight G. "Handbook of Coal Analysis"
Jussi Meriluoto "Handbook of Cyanobacterial Monitoring and Cyanotoxin Analysis"
Markus Sauer "Handbook of Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging. From Ensemble to Single Molecules"
R. Sabnis W. "Handbook of Fluorescent Dyes and Probes"
Dennis Smith W. "Handbook of Fluoropolymer Science and Technology"
Nava Dayan "Handbook of Formulating Dermal Applications. A Definitive Practical Guide"
Hans-Joachim Hübschmann "Handbook of GC-MS. Fundamentals and Applications"
Woodrow Peter J. "Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation"
Miguel de la Guardia "Handbook of Green Analytical Chemistry"
Weiss Joachim "Handbook of Ion Chromatography, 3 Volume Set"
Cremers David A. "Handbook of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy"
Jie Zhang "Handbook of LC-MS Bioanalysis. Best Practices, Experimental Protocols, and Regulations"
Thor Fossen I. "Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control"
Se-Kwon Kim "Handbook of Marine Macroalgae. Biotechnology and Applied Phycology"
Myer Kutz "Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering"
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Robert Grubbs H. "Handbook of Metathesis, Volume 2. Applications in Organic Synthesis"
Ezat Khosravi "Handbook of Metathesis, Volume 3. Polymer Synthesis"
Sushil Misra K. "Handbook of Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. Data and Techniques"
Casciano Daniel A. "Handbook of Nanotoxicology, Nanomedicine and Stem Cell Use in Toxicology"
James Speight G. "Handbook of Petroleum Product Analysis"
Stefan Bäumer "Handbook of Plastic Optics"
Buehrer R. Michael "Handbook of Position Location. Theory, Practice and Advances"
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André Charette B. "Handbook of Reagents for Organic Synthesis. Reagents for Heteroarene Synthesis"
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Albrecht Bindereif "Handbook of RNA Biochemistry"
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Reichert Janice M. "Handbook of Therapeutic Antibodies"
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Rebecca Carey "Hawaiian Volcanoes. From Source to Surface"
Tonette Rocco S. "Health and Wellness Concerns for Racial, Ethnic, and Sexual Minorities. New Directions for Adult and"
Joseph Bevelacqua John "Health Physics. Radiation-Generating Devices, Characteristics, and Hazards"
Hall Georgia "Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Out-of-School Time Settings. New Directions for Youth Develo"
Jean-Paul Fohr "Heat and Moisture Transfer between Human Body and Environment"
M. Özisik "Heat Conduction"
Nicolas Boyard "Heat Transfer in Polymer Composite Materials. Forming Processes"
Gunkel David "Heidegger and the Media"
Roland Glaser "Heilende Magnete - strahlende Handys. Bioelektromagnetismus: Fakten und Legenden"
Sharon Parks Daloz "Helping College Students Find Purpose. The Campus Guide to Meaning-Making"
Molly Schaller "Helping Sophomores Succeed. Understanding and Improving the Second Year Experience"