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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 45
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Vincenzo Barone "Computational Strategies for Spectroscopy. from Small Molecules to Nano Systems"
Norman Schneidewind F. "Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications"
Janning Petra "Concepts and Case Studies in Chemical Biology"
Buchholz Klaus "Concepts in Biotechnology. History, Science and Business"
Zvelebil Marketa J. "Concise Encyclopaedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
Donald Rogers W. "Concise Physical Chemistry"
Michael Marder P. "Condensed Matter Physics"
Anne Kelley Myers "Condensed-Phase Molecular Spectroscopy and Photophysics"
Mario Lanza "Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy. Applications in Nanomaterials"
Reed Matthew "Confessions of a Community College Administrator"
Pamela Eddy L. "Connecting Learning Across the Institution. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 165"
E. Carne Bryan "Connections for the Digital Age. Multimedia Communications for Mobile, Nomadic and Fixed Devices"
Robin M. Smith "Conquering the Content. A Blueprint for Online Course Design and Development"
Allendorf Fred W. "Conservation and the Genetics of Populations"
Sally Aitken N. "Conservation and the Genetics of Populations"
Ladle Richard "Conservation Biogeography"
Luke Gibson "Conservation Biology. Voices from the Tropics"
Jos Barlow "Conservation of Tropical Birds"
L. Mills Scott "Conservation of Wildlife Populations. Demography, Genetics, and Management"
Clayton Susan "Conservation Psychology. Understanding and Promoting Human Care for Nature"
Andy Hewitt "Construction Claims and Responses. Effective Writing and Presentation"
Gail Kelley "Construction Law. An Introduction for Engineers, Architects, and Contractors"
Mohamed El-Reedy A. "Construction Management for Industrial Projects. A Modular Guide for Project Managers"
Pamela Eddy L. "Constructions of Gender. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 179"
Chris Stabile "Constructivism Reconsidered in the Age of Social Media. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Nu"
Mirabai Bush "Contemplative Practices in Higher Education. Powerful Methods to Transform Teaching and Learning"
Linda Sanders A. "Contemplative Studies in Higher Education. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 134"
Michael Doyle P. "Contemporary Carbene Chemistry"
Ayala Francisco J. "Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology"
Joseph Bevelacqua John "Contemporary Health Physics. Problems and Solutions"
Maureen Coady "Contexts, Practices and Challenges: Critical Insights from Continuing Professional Education. New Di"
Ronald White "Continuing Education in Colleges and Universities: Challenges and Opportunities. New Directions for "
Conrad Rita-Marie "Continuing to Engage the Online Learner. More Activities and Resources for Creative Instruction"
Ganapathy Subramanian "Continuous Biomanufacturing. Innovative Technologies and Methods"
Peter Kleinebudde "Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals"
Christophe Goupil "Continuum Theory and Modeling of Thermoelectric Elements"
Bernadette Tessier "Contributions to Modern and Ancient Tidal Sedimentology. Proceedings of the Tidalites 2012 Conferenc"
Jean-Paul Louis "Control of Synchronous Motors"
Matyjaszewski Krzysztof "Controlled and Living Polymerizations. From Mechanisms to Applications"
Adrian Bejan "Convection Heat Transfer"
Tardu Sedat "Convective Heat Transfer. Solved Problems"
Engelbert Ciganek "Copper-Catalyzed Amination of Aryl and Alkenyl Electrophiles"
Alexandre Alexakis "Copper-Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis"
Blanchard Nicolas "Copper-Mediated Cross-Coupling Reactions"
Shinobu Itoh "Copper-Oxygen Chemistry"
Minow Nell "Corporate Governance"
K. Elayaperumal "Corrosion Failures. Theory, Case Studies, and Solutions"
Ghali Edward "Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys. Understanding, Performance, and Testing"
Marcel Roche "Corrosion Resistance of Steels, Nickel Alloys, and Zinc in Aqueous Media. Waste Water, Seawater, Dri"
Egon Jonsson "Cost Containment and Efficiency in National Health Systems. A Global Comparison"
Joseph Berk "Cost Reduction and Optimization for Manufacturing and Industrial Companies"
Joseph Berk "Cost Reduction and Optimization for Manufacturing and Industrial Companies"
Richard Balkin S. "Counseling Research. A Practitioner-Scholar Approach"
Michael Corey J. "Coupled Bioluminescent Assays. Methods, Evaluations, and Applications"
Conceição Simone C.O. "Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching. How to "Be There" for Distance Learners"
Evans Alvin "Creating a Tipping Point: Strategic Human Resources in Higher Education. ASHE Higher Education Repor"
Ackerman Robert "Creating a Veteran-Friendly Campus: Strategies for Transition and Success. New Directions for Studen"
Ralf Clair St. "Creating Courses for Adults. Design for Learning"
Klein Julie Thompson "Creating Interdisciplinary Campus Cultures. A Model for Strength and Sustainability"
Amy Reynolds L. "Creating Multicultural Change on Campus"
L. Fink Dee "Creating Significant Learning Experiences. An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses"
Michael Keane "Creative Industries in China. Art, Design and Media"
Dmitry Ivanov Yu. "Critical Behavior of Non-Ideal Systems"
Tom Billington "Critical Educational Psychology"
Chris Wood "Critical Incidents in School Counseling"
Mack Robert L. "Critical Media Studies. An Introduction"
Gus Gunn "Critical Metals Handbook"
Paige Haber-Curran "Critical Perspectives on Gender and Student Leadership. New Directions for Student Leadership, Numbe"
Portnoi "Critical Perspectives on Global Competition in Higher Education. New Directions for Higher Education"
Abes "Critical Perspectives on Student Development Theory. New Directions for Student Services, Number 154"
Dirk Rodricks J. "Critical Race Theory in Higher Education: 20 Years of Theoretical and Research Innovations. ASHE Hig"
Stuart Lane "Critical Risk Research. Practices, Politics and Ethics"
Martin Cohen "Critical Thinking Skills For Dummies"
Paul Smith "Crop Wild Relatives and Climate Change"
Henning Hopf "Cross Conjugation. Modern Dendralene, Radialene and Fulvene Chemistry"
Alexey Kondrashov S. "Crumbling Genome. The Impact of Deleterious Mutations on Humans"
Richard J. Thompson, Jr. "Crystal Clear. The Struggle for Reliable Communications Technology in World War II"
Hsien-Hsin Tung "Crystallization of Organic Compounds. An Industrial Perspective"
Wolfgang Beckmann "Crystallization. Basic Concepts and Industrial Applications"
Kelly Anthony "Crystallography and Crystal Defects"
Klaus Hermann "Crystallography and Surface Structure. An Introduction for Surface Scientists and Nanoscientists"
Klaus Hermann "Crystallography and Surface Structure. An Introduction for Surface Scientists and Nanoscientists"
Sri Urip "CSR Strategies. Corporate Social Responsibility for a Competitive Edge in Emerging Markets"
Shouping Hu "Cultivating Leader Identity and Capacity in Students from Diverse Backgrounds. ASHE Higher Education"
Jennifer Lindholm A. "Cultivating the Spirit. How College Can Enhance Students' Inner Lives"
Eugenia Siapera "Cultural Diversity and Global Media. The Mediation of Difference"
R. Freshney Ian "Culture of Animal Cells. A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications"
Andreas Hepp "Cultures of Mediatization"
Henri Ulrich "Cumulenes in Click Reactions"
Jones Anthony C. "CVD of Compound Semiconductors. Precursor Synthesis, Developmeny and Applications"
Greg Austin "Cyber Policy in China"
Erem Bilensoy "Cyclodextrins in Pharmaceutics, Cosmetics, and Biomedicine. Current and Future Industrial Applicatio"
Wanda Sliwa "Cyclodextrins. Properties and Applications"
Sahar Amiri "Cyclodextrins. Properties and Industrial Applications"
Oleg Kulinkovich G. "Cyclopropanes in Organic Synthesis"
Susan Zneimer Mahler "Cytogenetic Abnormalities. Chromosomal, FISH, and Microarray-Based Clinical Reporting and Interpreta"
Susan Zneimer Mahler "Cytogenetic Laboratory Management. Chromosomal, FISH and Microarray-Based Best Practices and Procedu"
Peter Graham "Darwin's Sciences"
Adolf Heschl "Darwins Traum. Die Entstehung des menschlichen Bewusstseins"
Stavros Kromidas "Das HPLC-MS-Buch für Anwender"
Helmut Greim "Das Toxikologiebuch. Grundlagen, Verfahren, Bewertung"
Olaf Behnke "Data Analysis in High Energy Physics. A Practical Guide to Statistical Methods"
Otto Wildi "Data Analysis in Vegetation Ecology"
Linda Hagedorn Serra "Data Use in the Community College. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 153"
Tarek Azzam "Data Visualization, Part 1. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 139"
Evergreen Stephanie "Data Visualization, Part 2. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 140"
Amanda Datnow "Data-Driven Leadership"
Findlay Tristan J.V. "Datensammlung Chemie in SI-Einheiten"
Stein Haaland "Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Planetary Plasma Environments"
Dianne Ramdeholl "Decentering the Ivory Tower of Academia. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 1"
Michael Conroy J. "Decision Making in Natural Resource Management. A Structured, Adaptive Approach"
Hidenori Terasaki "Deep Earth. Physics and Chemistry of the Lower Mantle and Core"
Kevin Pickering T. "Deep Marine Systems. Processes, Deposits, Environments, Tectonics and Sedimentation"
Dorrik A. V. Stow "Deep-Water Turbidite Systems (Reprint Series Volume 3 of the IAS)"
Amit Misra "Delivery Systems for Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment"
Fritz Vogtle "Dendrimer Chemistry. Concepts, Syntheses, Properties, Applications"
Anne-Marie Caminade "Dendrimers. Towards Catalytic, Material and Biomedical Uses"
Rob Wilson "Dendroclimatic Studies. Tree Growth and Climate Change in Northern Forests"
Karl Böddeker Wilhelm "Denkbar, machbar, wunschenswert? Wie Technik und Kultur die Welt verandern"
Steckel Janice A "Density Functional Theory. A Practical Introduction"
Lynne Walsh "Depression Care Across the Lifespan"
Manfred Noe "Der effektive Projektmanager. Die persönliche Komponente im Projektmanagement"
Stavros Kromidas "Der HPLC-Experte II. So nutze ich meine HPLC / UHPLC optimal!"
Stavros Kromidas "Der HPLC-Experte. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der modernen HPLC"
Stavros Kromidas "Der HPLC-Experte. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der modernen HPLC"
Werner Röpke "Der HPLC-Schrauber"
Werner Röpke "Der HPLC-Schrauber"
Jane Kucera "Desalination. Water from Water"
Julie Laity J "Deserts and Desert Environments"
Lucas Goehring "Desiccation Cracks and their Patterns. Formation and Modelling in Science and Nature"
Chen Ling "Design and Construction of Coordination Polymers"
Barron Randall F. "Design for Thermal Stresses"
Umit Ozkan S. "Design of Heterogeneous Catalysts. New Approaches Based on Synthesis, Characterization and Modeling"
Umit Ozkan S. "Design of Heterogeneous Catalysts. New Approaches Based on Synthesis, Characterization and Modeling"
Alain Puech "Design of Piles Under Cyclic Loading. SOLCYP Recommendations"
Kwang-Yong Kim "Design Optimization of Fluid Machinery. Applying Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Optimiza"
Bruce Friesen K. "Designing and Conducting Your First Interview Project"
Robert Hauhart C. "Designing and Teaching Undergraduate Capstone Courses"
Paola Ceroni "Designing Dendrimers"
C. Strange Carney "Designing for Learning. Creating Campus Environments for Student Success"
Sansone Eric B. "Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory"
John Voeller G. "Detection and Intelligent Systems for Homeland Security"
Robert Reason D. "Developing and Assessing Personal and Social Responsibility in College. New Directions for Higher Ed"
Jennifer Keup R. "Developing and Sustaining Successful First-Year Programs. A Guide for Practitioners"
Laura Osteen "Developing Culturally Relevant Leadership Learning. New Directions for Student Leadership, Number 15"
Arthur Schwartz J. "Developing Ethical Leaders. New Directions for Student Leadership, Number 146"
Charles Hulme "Developing Reading Comprehension"
Osteen Laura "Developing Students' Leadership Capacity. New Directions for Student Services, Number 140"
Hunt Penelepe C. "Development for Academic Leaders. A Practical Guide for Fundraising Success"
Patrick Prouzet "Development of Marine Resources"