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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
0+ Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining
0+ Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Event Systems
0+ Modeling and Simulation of Logistics Flows 1. Theory and Fundamentals
0+ Modeling and Simulation of Logistics Flows 2. Dashboards, Traffic Planning and Management
0+ Modeling and Simulation of Logistics Flows 3. Discrete and Continuous Flows in 2D/3D
0+ Modeling and Visualization of Complex Systems and Enterprises. Explorations of Physical, Human, Econ
0+ Modeling Human–System Interaction. Philosophical and Methodological Considerations, with Examples
0+ Modeling of Complex Systems. Application to Aeronautical Dynamics
0+ Modeling of Digital Communication Systems Using SIMULINK
0+ Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems Using MATLAB. Simplified Green Codes
0+ Modeling Power Electronics and Interfacing Energy Conversion Systems
0+ Modeling the Effect of Damage in Composite Structures. Simplified Approaches
0+ Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Process and Energy Systems
0+ Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings
0+ Modelling and Dimensioning of Mobile Wireless Networks. From GSM to LTE
0+ Modelling and Managing Airport Performance
0+ Modelling of Engineering Materials
0+ Modelling Transport
0+ Modelling, Simulation and Control of Two-Wheeled Vehicles
0+ Modelowanie i symulacja 3D obiektów magazynowych
0+ Modern Borehole Analytics. Annular Flow, Hole Cleaning, and Pressure Control
0+ Modern Construction Management
0+ Modern Devices. The Simple Physics of Sophisticated Technology
0+ Modern Drying Technology, Energy Savings
0+ Modern Drying Technology, Volume 1. Computational Tools at Different Scales
0+ Modern Drying Technology, Volume 2. Experimental Techniques
0+ Modern Drying Technology, Volume 3. Product Quality and Formulation
0+ Modern Drying Technology, Volume 5. Process Intensification
0+ Modern Electromagnetic Scattering Theory with Applications
0+ Modern Glass Characterization
0+ Modern Heterogeneous Catalysis. An Introduction
0+ Modern Lens Antennas for Communications Engineering
0+ Modern Measurements. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Modern Methods in Crop Protection Research
0+ Modern Standardization. Case Studies at the Crossroads of Technology, Economics, and Politics
0+ Moderne Methoden der Werkstoffprüfung
0+ Modernisation, Mechanisation and Industrialisation of Concrete Structures
0+ Modular Multilevel Converters. Analysis, Control, and Applications
0+ Modulation and Coding Techniques in Wireless Communications
0+ Mój sąsiad islamista
0+ Moja odpowiedź na pozew o rozwód
0+ Moje pierwsze boje
0+ Moje zeznania
0+ Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists
0+ Molecular Catalysts. Structure and Functional Design
0+ Molecular Devices. An Introduction to Technomimetics and its Biological Applications
0+ Molecular Imaging in Nano MRI
0+ Molecular Materials
0+ Molecular Plasmonics
0+ Molecular Water Oxidation Catalysis. A Key Topic for New Sustainable Energy Conversion Schemes
0+ Molecules at Work. Selfassembly, Nanomaterials, Molecular Machinery
0+ Moleküle aus dem All?
0+ Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition
0+ Mona Lisa
0+ Monitoring and Control of Information-Poor Systems. An Approach based on Fuzzy Relational Models
0+ Monitoring Polymerization Reactions. From Fundamentals to Applications
0+ Moraliści. Jak Szwedzi uczą się na błędach i inne historie
0+ Morphing Aerospace Vehicles and Structures
0+ MOS Devices for Low-Voltage and Low-Energy Applications
0+ Mosty ruchome
0+ Motorcycling For Dummies
0+ MPLS-Enabled Applications. Emerging Developments and New Technologies
0+ MRI at a Glance
0+ Mrówka w słoiku
0+ Multi Length-Scale Characterisation. Inorganic Materials Series
0+ Multi-Agent Machine Learning. A Reinforcement Approach
0+ Multi-Agent-Based Production Planning and Control
0+ Multi-dimensional Imaging
0+ Multi-modality Cardiac Imaging. Processing and Analysis
0+ Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed Structures
0+ Multi-terminal Direct-Current Grids. Modeling, Analysis, and Control
0+ Multi-terminal High-voltage Converter
0+ Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Supported by Knowledge Based Engineering
0+ Multihop Wireless Networks. Opportunistic Routing
0+ Multimedia Networks. Protocols, Design and Applications
0+ Multimedia Semantics. Metadata, Analysis and Interaction
0+ Multimodal Transport Systems
0+ Multiphase Catalytic Reactors. Theory, Design, Manufacturing, and Applications
0+ Multiphase Reactor Engineering for Clean and Low-Carbon Energy Applications
0+ Multiphysics Simulation by Design for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives
0+ Multiple Models Approach in Automation. Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems
0+ Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Channel Models. Theory and Practice
0+ Multiscale Analysis of Deformation and Failure of Materials
0+ Multiscale Analysis of Deformation and Failure of Materials
0+ Multiscale Simulations and Mechanics of Biological Materials
0+ Multivariable Predictive Control. Applications in Industry
0+ Musical Techniques. Frequencies and Harmony
0+ Myśli nowoczesnego Polaka
0+ Na czerwonym Olimpie
0+ Najem nieruchomości a podatki
0+ Najtajniejsza broń wywiadu
0+ Nalluri And Featherstone's Civil Engineering Hydraulics. Essential Theory with Worked Examples
0+ NAND Flash Memory Technologies
0+ Nano and Cell Mechanics. Fundamentals and Frontiers
0+ Nano Lithography
0+ Nano- and Biomaterials. Compounds, Properties, Characterization, and Applications
0+ Nano- and Microencapsulation for Foods
0+ Nano- and Microtechnology from A - Z. From Nanosystems to Colloids and Interfaces
0+ Nanobeam X-Ray Scattering. Probing Matter at the Nanoscale
0+ Nanocarbons for Advanced Energy Conversion
0+ Nanocarbons for Advanced Energy Storage, Volume 1
0+ Nanocarbons for Electroanalysis
0+ Nanocatalysis in Ionic Liquids
0+ Nanocatalysis. Synthesis and Applications
0+ Nanocellulose and Nanohydrogel Matrices. Biotechnological and Biomedical Applications
0+ Nanocellulose Polymer Nanocomposites. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Nanoelectromechanical Systems
0+ Nanoelectronics. Materials, Devices, Applications, 2 Volumes
0+ Nanoimprint Technology. Nanotransfer for Thermoplastic and Photocurable Polymers
0+ NanoInnovation. What Every Manager Needs to Know
0+ Nanomachines. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Nanomagnetic and Spintronic Devices for Energy-Efficient Memory and Computing
0+ Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites. Zero- to Three-Dimensional Materials and Their Composites
0+ Nanomaterials and Surface Engineering
0+ Nanomaterials for Environmental Protection
0+ Nanomaterials. An Introduction to Synthesis, Properties and Applications
0+ Nanomaterials. Inorganic and Bioinorganic Perspectives
0+ Nanomaterials. Processing and Characterization with Lasers
12+ Nanomateriały w architekturze i budownictwie
0+ Nanometer Frequency Synthesis Beyond the Phase-Locked Loop
0+ Nanometer-scale Defect Detection Using Polarized Light
0+ Nanoparticles - Nanocomposites – Nanomaterials. An Introduction for Beginners
0+ Nanoparticulate Materials. Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing
0+ Nanophysics and Nanotechnology. An Introduction to Modern Concepts in Nanoscience
0+ Nanophysics of Solar and Renewable Energy
0+ Nanophysik und Nanotechnologie. Eine Einführung in die Konzepte der Nanowissenschaft
0+ Nanoplatform-Based Molecular Imaging
0+ Nanoscale CMOS. Innovative Materials, Modeling and Characterization
0+ Nanoscale Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics. Key Processing and Characterization Issues, and Nanoscal
0+ Nanoscale Microwave Engineering. Optical Control of Nanodevices
0+ Nanoscale Multifunctional Materials. Science & Applications
0+ Nanoscale Multifunctional Materials. Science & Applications
0+ Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Human Health
0+ Nanostructured and Subwavelength Waveguides. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Nanostructured Conductive Polymers
0+ Nanostructured Polymer Membranes, Volume 1. Processing and Characterization
0+ Nanostructured Polymer Membranes, Volume 2. Applications
0+ Nanotechnologie für Einsteiger. Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Kohlenstoff-Nanostrukturen
0+ Nanotechnologies for Synthetic Super Non-wetting Surfaces
0+ Nanotechnologies. Concepts, Production and Applications
0+ Nanotechnology and Functional Foods. Effective Delivery of Bioactive Ingredients
0+ Nanotechnology Commercialization. Manufacturing Processes and Products
0+ Nanotechnology for Biomedical Imaging and Diagnostics. From Nanoparticle Design to Clinical Applicat
0+ Nanotechnology For Dummies
0+ Nanotechnology for the Energy Challenge
0+ Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Science
0+ Nanotechnology in Catalysis. Applications in the Chemical Industry, Energy Development, and Environm
0+ Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food Sector
0+ Nanotechnology Research Methods for Food and Bioproducts
0+ Nanothermites