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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
0+ MAX Phases. Properties of Machinable Ternary Carbides and Nitrides
0+ Measurement of Antioxidant Activity and Capacity. Recent Trends and Applications
0+ Measurement Technology for Micro-Nanometer Devices
0+ Measurement using the New Rules of Measurement
0+ Measurement While Drilling (MWD) Signal Analysis, Optimization and Design
0+ Measurement While Drilling. Signal Analysis, Optimization and Design
0+ Measuring Colour
0+ Meat Inspection and Control in the Slaughterhouse
0+ Mechanical and Electromagnetic Vibrations and Waves
0+ Mechanical Behavior of Concrete
0+ Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Wave Dispersion. Instrumentation and Experiment Interpr
0+ Mechanical Engineering Education
0+ Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 1. Materials and Engineering Mechanics
0+ Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 2. Design, Instrumentation, and Controls
0+ Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 3. Manufacturing and Management
0+ Mechanical Measurements
0+ Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers
0+ Mechanical Vibration. Fundamentals with Solved Examples
0+ Mechanics and Uncertainty
0+ Mechanics of Dislocation Fields
0+ Mechanics of Materials For Dummies
0+ Mechanics of Microsystems
0+ Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation
0+ Mechanised Shield Tunnelling
0+ Mechatronics
0+ Mechatronics with Experiments
0+ Media Production, Delivery and Interaction for Platform Independent Systems. Format-Agnostic Media
0+ Medical Robotics
0+ Megatrends in Food and Agriculture. Technology, Water Use and Nutrition
0+ Mein Auto repariert sich selbst. Und andere Technologien von übermorgen
0+ Mein Auto repariert sich selbst. Und andere Technologien von übermorgen
16+ Meizu 16 и 16 Plus; Новая система пошлин при покупках в зарубежных интернет-магазинах; В Яндекс.Драй
0+ Membrane Materials for Gas and Separation. Synthesis and Application fo Silicon-containing Polymers
0+ Membrane Process Design Using Residue Curve Maps
0+ Membrane Processing for Dairy Ingredient Separation
0+ Membrane Processing. Dairy and Beverage Applications
0+ Membrane Reactor Engineering. Applications for a Greener Process Industry
0+ Membrane Technology and Applications
0+ Membrane Technology, Volume 3. Membranes for Food Applications
0+ Membrane Technology, Volume 4. Membranes for Water Treatment
0+ Memoire abrege sur la telegraphie en general
0+ Menschen und ihre Materialien. Von der Steinzeit bis heute
0+ Mercury Cadmium Telluride. Growth, Properties and Applications
0+ Mercury Control. for Coal-Derived Gas Streams
0+ Mesoporous Zeolites. Preparation, Characterization and Applications
0+ Meta-Algorithmics. Patterns for Robust, Low Cost, High Quality Systems
0+ Metaheuristic Optimization for the Design of Automatic Control Laws
0+ Metaheuristics for Production Scheduling
0+ Metal Chalcogenide Nanostructures for Renewable Energy Applications
0+ Metal Corrosion. Electroplating (Защита от металлов от коррозии. Гальванотехника)
0+ Metal Failures. Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention
0+ Metal-Air Batteries. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Metal-Catalyzed Reactions in Water
0+ Metallic Biomaterials. New Directions and Technologies
0+ Metallized and Magnetic Polymers. Chemistry and Applications
0+ Meteorology for Wind Energy. An Introduction
0+ Methodology and Technology for Power System Grounding
0+ Methods for Reliability Improvement and Risk Reduction
0+ Methods for the Study of Marine Benthos
0+ Methods of Measuring Environmental Parameters
0+ Methods of SEO evaluation
0+ Metody CAD i AI w inżynierii elektrycznej
0+ Metody klasyfikacji obiektów w wizji komputerowej
0+ Metrology and Standardization for Nanotechnology. Protocols and Industrial Innovations
0+ Mężczyźni z różowym trójkątem
0+ Miasta śmierci
0+ Miasto utracone
0+ Micro / Nano Replication. Processes and Applications
0+ Micro and Nanostructured Epoxy / Rubber Blends
0+ Micro Energy Harvesting
0+ Micro Process Engineering. Fundamentals, Devices, Fabrication, and Applications
0+ Micro- and Nano-Structured Interpenetrating Polymer Networks. From Design to Applications
0+ Micro- and Nanomanipulation Tools
0+ Micro- and Nanophotonic Technologies
0+ Micro-and Nanoelectromechanical Biosensors
0+ Micro-Cutting. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Micro-Manufacturing. Design and Manufacturing of Micro-Products
0+ Microbial Toxins in Dairy Products
0+ Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods
0+ Microbiology in Dairy Processing. Challenges and Opportunities
0+ Microfluidic Devices in Nanotechnology. Applications
0+ Microfluidic Devices in Nanotechnology. Fundamental Concepts
0+ Microfluidic Reactors for Polymer Particles
0+ Microgrids. Architectures and Control
0+ Micromechanics of Fracture and Damage
0+ Microrobotics for Micromanipulation
0+ Microsoft Office 2019 oraz 365 od podstaw
0+ Microstrip and Printed Antennas. New Trends, Techniques and Applications
0+ Microstrip Filters for RF / Microwave Applications
0+ Microstructural Design of Advanced Engineering Materials
0+ Microstructure of Dairy Products
0+ Microstructured Devices for Chemical Processing
0+ Microwave Amplifier and Active Circuit Design Using the Real Frequency Technique
0+ Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits and Systems. Emerging Design, Technologies and Applications
0+ Microwave and Millimetre-Wave Design for Wireless Communications
0+ Microwave and RF Engineering
0+ Microwave Bandpass Filters for Wideband Communications
0+ Microwave Imaging
0+ Microwave Line of Sight Link Engineering
0+ Microwave Materials and Applications
0+ Microwave Noncontact Motion Sensing and Analysis
0+ Microwave Polarizers, Power Dividers, Phase Shifters, Circulators, and Switches
0+ Microwaves in Nanoparticle Synthesis. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Microwaves Photonic Links. Components and Circuits
0+ Między demokracją a oligarchią.
0+ Między światami
0+ Mikrosystemtechnik für Ingenieure
0+ Mile morskie
0+ Militarni. Już wojskowi czy jeszcze cywile
0+ Military Laser Technology for Defense. Technology for Revolutionizing 21st Century Warfare
0+ Military Nuclear Accidents. Environmental, Ecological, Health and Socio-economic Consequences
0+ Milk and Dairy Products as Functional Foods
0+ Milk and Dairy Products in Human Nutrition. Production, Composition and Health
0+ Millennium, Stieg i ja
0+ Millimeter Wave Communication Systems
0+ Miłość, zbrodnia, kara
0+ MIMO-OFDM for LTE, WiFi and WiMAX. Coherent versus Non-coherent and Cooperative Turbo Transceivers
0+ MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB
0+ Mind Control Sąd Apokalipsy
0+ Miniemulsion Polymerization Technology
0+ Minuty
0+ Misja Python. Utwórz swoją kosmiczną grę!
0+ Misja Ukraina
0+ Mitigating Tin Whisker Risks. Theory and Practice
0+ Młodości szczęśliwa
0+ Młody bóg z pętlą na szyi. Psychiatryk
0+ Mobile 3D Graphics SoC. From Algorithm to Chip
0+ Mobile Ad Hoc Networking. The Cutting Edge Directions
0+ Mobile Agents in Networking and Distributed Computing
0+ Mobile and Pervasive Computing in Construction
0+ Mobile Intelligence
0+ Mobile Networks Architecture
0+ Mobile Radio Channels
0+ Mobile Robots. Navigation, Control and Remote Sensing
0+ Mobile Robots. Navigation, Control and Remote Sensing
0+ Mobile Satellite Communications. Principles and Trends
0+ Mobility Models for Next Generation Wireless Networks. Ad Hoc, Vehicular and Mesh Networks
0+ Mobility Protocols and Handover Optimization. Design, Evaluation and Application
0+ Modal Testing. A Practitioner's Guide
0+ Model Based Systems Engineering. Fundamentals and Methods
0+ Model Predictive Control of High Power Converters and Industrial Drives
0+ Model Predictive Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems
0+ Model-Based System Architecture
0+ Modeling and Control of Engines and Drivelines
0+ Modeling and Convexity
0+ Modeling and Estimation of Structural Damage
0+ Modeling and Managing Interdependent Complex Systems of Systems
0+ Modeling and Optimization of LCD Optical Performance
0+ Modeling and Prediction of Polymer Nanocomposite Properties
0+ Modeling and Simulation for Microelectronic Packaging Assembly. Manufacturing, Reliability and Testi