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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
0+ Organic Photovoltaics. Materials, Device Physics, and Manufacturing Technologies
0+ Organic Production and Food Quality. A Down to Earth Analysis
0+ Organic Thin Film Transistor Integration. A Hybrid Approach
0+ Orłowe Gniazdo
0+ Orthogonal Polarization in Lasers. Physical Phenomena and Engineering Applications
0+ Osadnicy
0+ Ostatni list do matki. Wspomnienia Żołnierza Wyklętego
0+ Ostatni pilot myśliwca
0+ Ostatni Rosjanin
0+ Ostatnia wizyta
0+ Ostatnie lato w Maisons Laffitte
0+ Oświęcim. Pamiętnik więźnia
0+ Oxidative Cross-Coupling Reactions
0+ Oxydative Ageing of Polymers
0+ Ozone in Food Processing
0+ Pacyfik i Eurazja. O wojnie. wydanie 2
0+ Paddlefish Aquaculture
0+ Pani Nela z Saskiej Kępy
0+ Państwo Islamskie
0+ Pantera
0+ Papież
16+ Parallels и прочие радости
0+ Parametric Time-Frequency Domain Spatial Audio
0+ Parasitic Helminths. Targets, Screens, Drugs and Vaccines
0+ Pasażerski transport regionalny
0+ Passive Macromodeling. Theory and Applications
0+ Pattern Recognition in Computational Molecular Biology. Techniques and Approaches
0+ Pavement Asset Management
0+ Peak Energy. Myth or Reality?
0+ PeeReL zza krat
0+ Peptide Materials. From Nanostuctures to Applications
0+ Performance Based Building Design 1. From Below Grade Construction to Cavity Walls
0+ Performance Based Building Design 2. From Timber-framed Construction to Partition Walls
0+ Performance Based Building Design 2. From Timber-framed Construction to Partition Walls
0+ Performance Evaluation and Design of Flight Vehicle Control Systems
0+ Performance of the Jet Transport Airplane. Analysis Methods, Flight Operations, and Regulations
0+ Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Drives and Controls
0+ Perovskites and Related Mixed Oxides. Concepts and Applications
0+ Perovskites. Structure-Property Relationships
0+ Personal Networks. Wireless Networking for Personal Devices
0+ Personal Protective Equipment for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Hazards. Design, Evaluation
0+ Perspectives on Complex Global Challenges. Education, Energy, Healthcare, Security, and Resilience
0+ Pervasive Computing and Networking
0+ Petroleum Refining Design and Applications Handbook
0+ Pharmaceutical Blending and Mixing
0+ Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology. Innovation and Production, 2 Volumes
0+ Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry
0+ Phased Array Antennas
0+ Phosphorus(III) Ligands in Homogeneous Catalysis. Design and Synthesis
0+ Photochemistry and Photophysics of Polymeric Materials
0+ Photoelectricochemical Solar Cells
0+ Photomechanical Materials, Composites, and Systems. Wireless Transduction of Light into Work
0+ Photonic Sensing. Principles and Applications for Safety and Security Monitoring
0+ Photonics, Nanophotonic Structures and Materials
0+ Photonics, Photonics Technology and Instrumentation
0+ Photonics, Volume 1. Fundamentals of Photonics and Physics
0+ Photonics, Volume 4. Biomedical Photonics, Spectroscopy, and Microscopy
0+ Photovoltaic Modeling Handbook
0+ Photovoltaic Power System. Modeling, Design, and Control
0+ Photovoltaic Solar Energy. From Fundamentals to Applications
0+ Photovoltaic Sources Modeling
0+ Photovoltaics System Design and Practice
0+ Photovoltaics. Fundamentals, Technology and Practice
0+ PHP 5. Экспресс-курс
0+ Phycotoxins. Chemistry and Biochemistry
0+ Physical and Biological Hazards of the Workplace
0+ Physical and Chemical Equilibrium for Chemical Engineers
0+ Physical and Chemical Processes in the Aquatic Environment
0+ Physical Chemistry and Acid-Base Properties of Surfaces
0+ Physical Properties of Concrete and Concrete Constituents
0+ Physical Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors
0+ Physical Properties of Macromolecules
0+ Physics and Technology of Crystalline Oxide Semiconductor CAAC-IGZO. Application to Displays
0+ Physics and Technology of Crystalline Oxide Semiconductor CAAC-IGZO. Application to LSI
0+ Physics and Technology of Crystalline Oxide Semiconductor CAAC-IGZO. Fundamentals
0+ Physics of Magnetic Nanostructures
0+ Physics of Organic Semiconductors
0+ Phytonutrients
0+ Pielęgniarki
0+ Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
0+ Piezoelectric Materials. Applications in SHM, Energy Harvesting and Biomechanics
0+ Piezoelectric ZnO Nanostructure for Energy Harvesting, Volume 1
0+ Piksele, czyli jeszcze więcej Photoshopa
0+ Piksele, wektory i inne stwory
0+ Pipe Flow. A Practical and Comprehensive Guide
0+ Planning Guide for Power Distribution Plants. Design, Implementation and Operation of Industrial Net
0+ Plantwide Control. Recent Developments and Applications
0+ Planung eines Wärmeübertragers. Ganzheitliche Aufgabenlösung bis zur Instandsetzung eines Rohrbündel
0+ Planungsleitfaden für Energieverteilungsanlagen. Konzeption, Umsetzung und Betrieb von Industrienetz
0+ Plasma Chemistry and Catalysis in Gases and Liquids
0+ Plastics Additives and Testing
0+ Plastics and Environmental Sustainability
0+ Plastics Product Design
0+ Plate and Shell Structures. Selected Analytical and Finite Element Solutions
0+ Plates. Theories and Applications
0+ Plumbing
0+ Poddaję się
0+ Podniebni żołnierze
0+ Podręcznik tworzenia stron internetowych na Facebooku
0+ Podróż wśród wojowników
0+ Podstawy maszynoznawstwa
0+ Poklask
0+ Pokochać Ukrainę
0+ Pokolenie dżihadu
0+ Polarimetric Scattering and SAR Information Retrieval
0+ Polityczni
0+ Polki, które zmieniły wizerunek kobiety
0+ Pollution Control Handbook for Oil and Gas Engineering
0+ Polowanie na Snowdena
0+ Polska, Polacy i suwerenność
0+ Polski backstage
0+ Polski most szpiegów
0+ Polski wir I wojny 1914-1918
0+ Polskie firmy rodzinne
0+ Polskie mięso
0+ Poly(lactic acid). Synthesis, Structures, Properties, Processing, and Applications
0+ Polyethylene-Based Blends, Composites and Nanocomposities
0+ Polymer Adhesion, Friction, and Lubrication
0+ Polymer and Biopolymer Brushes. for Materials Science and Biotechnology
0+ Polymer Blends and Composites. Chemistry and Technology
0+ Polymer Composites with Carbonaceous Nanofillers. Properties and Applications
0+ Polymer Composites with Carbonaceous Nanofillers. Properties and Applications
0+ Polymer Composites, Biocomposites
0+ Polymer Composites, Macro- and Microcomposites
0+ Polymer Composites, Nanocomposites
0+ Polymer Extrusion
0+ Polymer Materials. Macroscopic Properties and Molecular Interpretations
0+ Polymer Morphology. Principles, Characterization, and Processing
0+ Polymer Nanocomposites based on Inorganic and Organic Nanomaterials
0+ Polymer Nanotubes Nanocomposites. Synthesis, Properties and Applications
0+ Polymer Physics. From Suspensions to Nanocomposites and Beyond
0+ Polymer Processing. Principles and Design
0+ Polymer Waste Management
0+ Polymeric Chiral Catalyst Design and Chiral Polymer Synthesis
0+ Polymeric Materials for Solar Thermal Applications
0+ Polymeric Sensors and Actuators
0+ Polymers and Electromagnetic Radiation. Fundamentals and Practical Applications
0+ Polymers for Electricity and Electronics. Materials, Properties, and Applications
0+ Polymers for Energy Storage and Conversion
0+ Polymers for PEM Fuel Cells
0+ Polymers from Plant Oils
0+ Polymers in Industry from A to Z. A Concise Encyclopedia
0+ Polymers in Regenerative Medicine. Biomedical Applications from Nano- to Macro-Structures
0+ Polyolefin Reaction Engineering
0+ Polypropylene-Based Biocomposites and Bionanocomposites
0+ Polysaccharide Building Blocks. A Sustainable Approach to the Development of Renewable Biomaterials
0+ Polysaccharide-Based Nanocrystals. Chemistry and Applications
0+ Polyurethanes. Science, Technology, Markets, and Trends
0+ Pół godziny Tadeusza Kościuszki. Katastrofa w Lesie Kabackim
0+ Połtawa