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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
0+ Responsive Materials and Methods. State-of-the-Art Stimuli-Responsive Materials and Their Applicatio
0+ Responsive Membranes and Materials
0+ Restructured Electric Power Systems. Analysis of Electricity Markets with Equilibrium Models
0+ Reverberation Chambers. Theory and Applications to EMC and Antenna Measurements
0+ Reverse Engineering in Control Design
0+ Rewanż
0+ REWAS 2013 Enabling Materials Resource Sustainability
0+ REWAS 2016. Towards Materials Resource Sustainability
0+ RF / Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications
0+ RF Analog Impairments Modeling for Communication Systems Simulation. Application to OFDM-based Trans
0+ RF and Microwave Electromagnetism
0+ RF and Microwave Engineering. Fundamentals of Wireless Communications
0+ RF and Microwave Transmitter Design
0+ RF Circuit Design
0+ RF Power Amplifier
0+ RFID and Sensor Network Automation in the Food Industry. Ensuring Quality and Safety through Supply
0+ RFID and the Internet of Things
0+ RFID For Dummies
0+ RFID Handbook. Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards, Radio Frequency Identificat
0+ RFID Systems. Research Trends and Challenges
0+ Risk Analysis. Socio-technical and Industrial Systems
0+ Risk and Crisis Communications. Methods and Messages
0+ Risk and Safety Analysis of Nuclear Systems
0+ Risk Assessment. A Practical Guide to Assessing Operational Risks
0+ Risk Assessment. Tools, Techniques, and Their Applications
0+ Risk Management for Design and Construction
0+ Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management
0+ Risk Pricing Strategies for Public-Private Partnership Projects
0+ Risk Propagation Assessment for Network Security. Application to Airport Communication Network Desig
0+ Risk Reduction Methods for Occupational Safety and Health
0+ Robot Learning by Visual Observation
0+ Robot Manipulator Redundancy Resolution
0+ Robotic Micro-Assembly
0+ Robotization of production processes
0+ Roboty budowlane
0+ Robotyzacja procesów produkcyjnych
0+ Robust Adaptive Control for Fractional-Order Systems with Disturbance and Saturation
0+ Robust Control Optimization with Metaheuristics
0+ Robust Optimization. World's Best Practices for Developing Winning Vehicles
0+ Rock Mechanics Based on an Anisotropic Jointed Rock Model (AJRM)
0+ Rocket Propulsion Elements
0+ Rockfall Engineering
0+ Rok 1945. Między wojną a podległością
0+ Rosja i narody. Ósmy kontynent
0+ Rotating Electrical Machines
0+ Rotmistrz Pilecki
0+ Równonoc
0+ Rozbiórki budynków i budowli
0+ Rozkaz: Trzaskać!
0+ Rozmowy z niebem
0+ RSMeans Cost Data
0+ RTLS For Dummies
0+ Ru
0+ Rubber as a Construction Material for Corrosion Protection. A Comprehensive Guide for Process Equipm
0+ Rubber Nanocomposites. Preparation, Properties and Applications
0+ Rubber-Clay Nanocomposites. Science, Technology, and Applications
0+ Rubber-Clay Nanocomposites. Science, Technology, and Applications
0+ Rural residences, consisting of a series of designs for cottages
0+ Rusztowania robocze i ochronne
0+ Rywalizacja totalna. Wojny za kulisami F1
0+ Rzeczpospolita. Duma i wstyd
0+ Rzeczywistość wirtualna (VR) dla każdego - Aframe i HTML 5
0+ Rzeź Woli
0+ S.N.U.F.F.
0+ Safety and Health for Engineers
0+ Safety in Design
0+ Safety Management of Software-based Equipment
0+ Salmonid Fisheries. Freshwater Habitat Management
0+ Samodzielna naprawa laptopa
16+ Samsung Galaxy S6 жгли-жгли, и не сожгли…
16+ Samsung Galaxy S7 или кипячение?
16+ Samsung в «зефире»
16+ Samsung ждёт участь Nokia?
16+ Samsung объявила о старте продаж в России Galaxy A9 2018
16+ Samsung продолжает гнуть и увеличивать
0+ SAP. Zrozumieć system ERP
0+ Satellite and Terrestrial Hybrid Networks
0+ Satellite Communications Systems Engineering. Atmospheric Effects, Satellite Link Design and System
0+ Satellite Networking. Principles and Protocols
0+ Satellite Networking. Principles and Protocols
0+ Satellite Systems for Personal Applications. Concepts and Technology
0+ Scale Issues in Remote Sensing
0+ Scanning Probe Microscopy for Industrial Applications. Nanomechanical Characterization
0+ Scanning Probe Microscopy of Soft Matter. Fundamentals and Practices
0+ Schallschutz im Hochbau. Grundbegriffe, Anforderungen, Konstruktionen, Nachweise
0+ Scheduling in Supply Chains Using Mixed Integer Programming
0+ Schizophrenia
0+ Schreiben in technischen Berufen. Der Ratgeber für Ingenieure und Techniker- Berichte, Dokumentation
0+ Science and Technology of Separation Membranes, 2 Volume Set
0+ SCRUM i nie tylko.Teoria i praktyka w metodach Agile
0+ Seafood and Aquaculture Marketing Handbook
0+ Seafood Chilling, Refrigeration and Freezing. Science and Technology
0+ Seafood Processing. Technology, Quality and Safety
0+ Security and Privacy in the Digital Era
0+ Security Aspects of Uni- and Multimodal Hazmat Transportation Systems
0+ Seismic Vulnerability of Structures
0+ Seizing Power. The Grab for Global Oil Wealth
0+ Selective Visual Attention. Computational Models and Applications
0+ Self Build and Renovation For Dummies
0+ Self Compacting Concrete
0+ Self-Assembly and Nanotechnology Systems. Design, Characterization, and Applications
0+ Self-Cleaning Materials and Surfaces. A Nanotechnology Approach
0+ Self-Healing Composites. Shape Memory Polymer Based Structures
0+ Self-healing Control Technology for Distribution Networks
0+ Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites
0+ Self-Organized Organic Semiconductors. From Materials to Device Applications
0+ Self-Organizing Networks (SON). Self-Planning, Self-Optimization and Self-Healing for GSM, UMTS and
0+ Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning. Novel Strategies
0+ Semiconducting Polymer Composites. Principles, Morphologies, Properties and Applications
0+ Semiconductor Laser Engineering, Reliability and Diagnostics. A Practical Approach to High Power and
0+ Semiconductor Laser Engineering, Reliability and Diagnostics. A Practical Approach to High Power and
0+ Semiconductor TeraHertz Technology. Devices and Systems at Room Temperature Operation
0+ Sense and Avoid in UAS. Research and Applications
0+ Sensory and Consumer Research in Food Product Design and Development
0+ Sensory Discrimination Tests and Measurements. Sensometrics in Sensory Evaluation
0+ Sensory w obrabiarkach CNC
0+ Sequence-Controlled Polymers
0+ Serce i pazur
0+ Service Science. The Foundations of Service Engineering and Management
0+ Seryjni mordercy - suma wszystkich lęków
0+ Set-theoretic Fault-tolerant Control in Multisensor Systems
0+ Sex Control in Aquaculture
0+ Shadery. Zaawansowane programowanie w GLSL
0+ Shallow Foundations. Discussions and Problem Solving
0+ Shape-Memory Alloys Handbook
0+ Shaping Light in Nonlinear Optical Fibers
0+ Shelf Life
0+ Sherlock
0+ Short Circuits in Power Systems. A Practical Guide to IEC 60909-0
0+ Sieci średnich napięć
0+ Sigma-Delta Converters: Practical Design Guide
0+ Signals and Systems For Dummies
0+ Silica Optical Fiber Technology for Devices and Components. Design, Fabrication, and International S
0+ Silicon Photonics. Fundamentals and Devices
0+ Silicon Technologies. Ion Implantation and Thermal Treatment
0+ Siła małych celów
0+ Simulation and Modeling of Systems of Systems
0+ Simulation modeling and fuzzy logic in real-time decision-making of airport services
0+ Simulation of Transport in Nanodevices
0+ Single Event Effects in Aerospace
0+ Single-Chain Polymer Nanoparticles. Synthesis, Characterization, Simulations, and Applications
0+ Siniaki
0+ SiP System-in-Package Design and Simulation. Mentor EE Flow Advanced Design Guide
0+ Skarb Szeptuchy
0+ Skok na banki
0+ Ślad motyla. Oswald w Mińsku
0+ Ślepy Maks
0+ Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Parameter-Switching Hybrid Systems
0+ Słowo i sens
0+ Służąca