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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
0+ Life in the Fast Lane: The Johnson Guide to Cars
0+ Light Scattering, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation. Powerf
0+ Lignocellulosic Biomass Production and Industrial Applications
0+ Lignocellulosic Fibers and Wood Handbook. Renewable Materials for Today's Environment
0+ Lignocellulosic Polymer Composites. Processing, Characterization, and Properties
0+ Likwidatorzy Czarnobyla
0+ Lila
0+ Line Loss Analysis and Calculation of Electric Power Systems
0+ Linear and Nonlinear Rotordynamics. A Modern Treatment with Applications
0+ Linear Circuit Transfer Functions. An Introduction to Fast Analytical Techniques
0+ Linear Systems
0+ Liquid Crystal Displays. Fundamental Physics and Technology
0+ Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays. Chemistry, Physics, and Applications
0+ Liquid Crystals. Viscous and Elastic Properties in Theory and Applications
0+ Liquid Phase Aerobic Oxidation Catalysis. Industrial Applications and Academic Perspectives
0+ Listy jak dotyk
0+ Listy niezapomniane
0+ Listy niezapomniane. Tom II
0+ Listy ze strefy zerowej
0+ Lithium Batteries and other Electrochemical Storage Systems
0+ Lithography
0+ LMF Lexical Markup Framework
0+ LNG Risk Based Safety. Modeling and Consequence Analysis
0+ Lobsters. Biology, Management, Aquaculture & Fisheries
0+ Local Structural Characterisation. Inorganic Materials Series
0+ Loft Conversions
0+ Logic for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
0+ Logika i argumentacja
0+ Logistics
0+ LOGO! 8. A Practical Introduction, with Circuit Solutions and Example Programs
0+ LOGO! 8. Praktische Einführung mit Schaltungs- und Programmierbeispielen
16+ Lollipop шагает по планете!
0+ Loop-shaping Robust Control
0+ Low Impact Development and Sustainable Stormwater Management
0+ Low-cost Smart Antennas
0+ Low-Dimensional Solids
0+ Low-Energy Lunar Trajectory Design
0+ Low-profile Natural and Metamaterial Antennas. Analysis Methods and Applications
0+ LTE - The UMTS Long Term Evolution. From Theory to Practice
0+ LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook
0+ LTE Security
0+ LTE Security
0+ LTE Services
0+ LTE-Advanced and Next Generation Wireless Networks. Channel Modelling and Propagation
0+ LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX. Towards IMT-Advanced Networks
0+ LTE, WiMAX and WLAN Network Design, Optimization and Performance Analysis
0+ Lubricants. Introduction to Properties and Performance
0+ Ludzie z placu słońca
0+ Lwów w cieniu Kołymy
0+ Łacińska wyspa. Antologia rumuńskiej literatury faktu
0+ Łańcuch krwi. Część I. Poszukiwany major Błysk
0+ Łańcuch krwi. Część II. Dziedzictwo towarzysza Kozakowa
0+ Łowca
0+ Łóżeczko, z którego wyjęłam miłość. Adopcja chorego dziecka zmieniła nasze życie
0+ M2M Communications. A Systems Approach
0+ Machinability of Advanced Materials
0+ Machine Analysis with Computer Applications for Mechanical Engineers
0+ Machine Tool Reliability
0+ Machinery Prognostics and Prognosis Oriented Maintenance Management
0+ Machinery Vibration and Rotordynamics
0+ Machining Composites Materials
0+ Machining of Stainless Steels and Super Alloys. Traditional and Nontraditional Techniques
0+ Macierewicz. Jak to się stało
0+ Macrocycles. Construction, Chemistry and Nanotechnology Applications
0+ Macromolecular Self-Assembly
0+ Macromolecules Containing Metal and Metal-Like Elements, Volume 10. Photophysics and Photochemistry
0+ Macromolecules Containing Metal and Metal-Like Elements, Volume 9. Supramolecular and Self-Assembled
0+ Made in Poland
0+ Mądrość i cuda świata roślin
0+ Mądrzej, szybciej, lepiej
0+ Mafia spółka jawna
0+ Magia Ruby
0+ Magiczne dwudziestolecie
0+ Magnesium Technology 2000
0+ Magnesium, Magnesium Alloys, and Magnesium Composites
0+ Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Groundwater
16+ Mail.ru работает на собственным голосовым помощником «Марусей»
0+ Maintaining Mission Critical Systems in a 24/7 Environment
0+ Making Effective Business Decisions Using Microsoft Project
0+ Making Sense of Construction Improvement
0+ Making Telecoms Work. From Technical Innovation to Commercial Success
0+ Making the Modern World. Materials and Dematerialization
0+ Małe wielkie odkrycia
0+ Man on the Ocean: A Book about Boats and Ships
0+ Man-Machine Dialogue. Design and Challenges
0+ Management and Engineering Innovation
0+ Management of Construction Projects
0+ Managing and Engineering Complex Technological Systems
0+ Managing Change in Construction Projects. A Knowledge-Based Approach
0+ Managing Complex Projects
0+ Managing Construction Projects
0+ Managing Measurement Risk in Building and Civil Engineering
0+ Managing Packaging Design for Sustainable Development. A Compass for Strategic Directions
0+ Managing Performance in Construction
0+ Managing Research, Development and Innovation. Managing the Unmanageable
0+ Managing Risk in Construction Projects
0+ Managing Technological Innovation. Competitive Advantage from Change
0+ Managing the Documentation Maze. Answers to Questions You Didn't Even Know to Ask
0+ Managing the Profitable Construction Business. The Contractor's Guide to Success and Survival Strate
0+ Manson
0+ Manual of Construction Project Management. For Owners and Clients
0+ Manufacturing Yogurt and Fermented Milks
0+ Mapa zniszczeń Warszawy. W skali 1 : 20 000
0+ Mapping the Chemical Environment of Urban Areas
0+ Marine Bivalve Molluscs
0+ Marine Chemical Monitoring. Policies, Techniques and Metrological Principles
0+ Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture
0+ Marine Proteins and Peptides. Biological Activities and Applications
0+ Marine Renewable Energy Handbook
0+ Marine, Waterborne, and Water-Resistant Polymers. Chemistry and Applications
0+ Markov Decision Processes in Artificial Intelligence
0+ Marsz na Moskwę
0+ Marszałkowie Stalina
0+ Maschineller Tunnelbau im Schildvortrieb
0+ Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing Engineer
0+ Mastering System Identification in 100 Exercises
0+ Maszyny elektryczne i transformatory
0+ Maszyny elektryczne wzbudzane magnesami trwałymi
0+ Matematyka Fiszki gimnazjalisty
0+ Material science. Жаратылыстану факультеттерінің студенттеріне арналған әдістемелік құрал
0+ Material-Integrated Intelligent Systems. Technology and Applications
0+ Materials and Failures in MEMS and NEMS
0+ Materials and Infrastructures 1
0+ Materials and Infrastructures 2
0+ Materials and Structures under Shock and Impact
0+ Materials and Thermodynamics
0+ Materials Characterization. Introduction to Microscopic and Spectroscopic Methods
0+ Materials for Solid State Lighting and Displays
0+ Materials in Energy Conversion, Harvesting, and Storage
0+ Materials Kinetics Fundamentals
0+ Materials Processing Fundamentals
0+ Materials Science and Technology of Optical Fabrication
0+ Materials under Extreme Loadings. Application to Penetration and Impact
0+ Materials. Introduction and Applications
0+ Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Food Science and Technology
0+ Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis, Volume 2
0+ Mathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering. An Axiomatic Approach
0+ Mathematical Models of Beams and Cables
0+ MATLAB 7. Программирование, численные методы
0+ MATLAB For Dummies
0+ Mauerwerk Kalender 2011. Schwerpunkt - Nachhaltige Bauprodukte und Konstruktionen
0+ Mauerwerk Kalender 2012. Schwerpunkt - Eurocode 6
0+ Mauerwerk Kalender 2012. Schwerpunkt - Eurocode 6
0+ Mauerwerk Kalender 2016. Baustoffe, Sanierung, Eurocode-Praxis
0+ Mauerwerk Kalender 2017. Befestigungen, Lehmmauerwerk
0+ Mauerwerk-Kalender 2013. Bauen im Bestand
0+ Mauerwerk-Kalender 2014. Bemessen, Bewehren, Bestigen
0+ Mauerwerk-Kalender 2015
0+ Mauerwerk. Bemessung nach DIN 1053-100