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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited (USD) . Страница 14
Бизнес-Книги/Маркетинг, PR, реклама
Bill Chiaravalle "Branding For Dummies"
David Miller "Breakthrough Business Development. A 90-Day Plan to Build Your Client Base and Take Your Business to"
Simon Middleton "Build a Brand in 30 Days. With Simon Middleton, The Brand Strategy Guru"
Tom Kelly "Buy Now. Creative Marketing that Gets Customers to Respond to You and Your Product"
Adele Revella "Buyer Personas. How to Gain Insight into your Customer's Expectations, Align your Marketing Strategi"
Real Bergevin "Call Centers For Dummies"
Peter Shankman "Can We Do That?!. Outrageous PR Stunts That Work -- And Why Your Company Needs Them"
Andrew Jaffe "Casting for Big Ideas. A New Manifesto for Agency Managers"
Michael Masterson "Changing the Channel. 12 Easy Ways to Make Millions for Your Business"
Tina Wells "Chasing Youth Culture and Getting it Right. How Your Business Can Profit by Tapping Today's Most Pow"
Jeanne Bliss "Chief Customer Officer 2.0. How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine"
Karl Weber "Chocolates on the Pillow Aren't Enough. Reinventing The Customer Experience"
Keith Rosen "Coaching Salespeople into Sales Champions. A Tactical Playbook for Managers and Executives"
Anders Gustafsson "Competing in a Service Economy. How to Create a Competitive Advantage Through Service Development an"
David Williams S. "Connected CRM. Implementing a Data-Driven, Customer-Centric Business Strategy"
Carolyn Tate "Conscious Marketing. How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing"
Richard Rosen "Convergence Marketing. Combining Brand and Direct Marketing for Unprecedented Profits"
Benji Rabhan "Convert Every Click. Make More Money Online with Holistic Conversion Rate Optimization"
Kelly McDonald "Crafting the Customer Experience For People Not Like You. How to Delight and Engage the Customers Yo"
Paul McCord M. "Creating a Million-Dollar-a-Year Sales Income. Sales Success through Client Referrals"
LLC "Creating Value Through People. Discussions with Talent Leaders"
Bob Kelleher "Customer Experience For Dummies"
Bernd Schmitt H. "Customer Experience Management. A Revolutionary Approach to Connecting with Your Customers"
Peter Fisk "Customer Genius"
Maria Martinez "Customer Success. How Innovative Companies Are Reducing Churn and Growing Recurring Revenue"
Jill Griffin "Customer Winback. How to Recapture Lost Customers--And Keep Them Loyal"
Aldo Cundari "Customer-Centric Marketing. Build Relationships, Create Advocates, and Influence Your Customers"
Mark Jeffery "Data-Driven Marketing. The 15 Metrics Everyone in Marketing Should Know"
Jack Trout "Differentiate or Die. Survival in Our Era of Killer Competition"
Gregory Brooks "Digital Marketing For Dummies"
Vijay Mahajan "Digital Marketing. Global Strategies from the World's Leading Experts"
Brian Solis "Digital Sense. The Common Sense Approach to Effectively Blending Social Business Strategy, Marketing"
Belinda Ellsworth "Direct Selling For Dummies"
Fred Hahn E. "Do-It-Yourself Advertising and Promotion. How to Produce Great Ads, Brochures, Catalogs, Direct Mail"
David Kiley "Driven. Inside BMW, the Most Admired Car Company in the World"
Adam Morgan "Eating the Big Fish. How Challenger Brands Can Compete Against Brand Leaders"
Corey Perlman "eBoot Camp. Proven Internet Marketing Techniques to Grow Your Business"
Chris Baggott "Email Marketing By the Numbers. How to Use the World's Greatest Marketing Tool to Take Any Organizat"
Lisa Nirell "Energize Growth Now. The Marketing Guide to a Wealthy Company"
Michael Hugos H. "Essentials of Supply Chain Management"
Kerry Smith "Experiential Marketing. Secrets, Strategies, and Success Stories from the World's Greatest Brands"
Joel Elad "Facebook Advertising For Dummies"
Bob Hutchins "Faith-Based Marketing. The Guide to Reaching 140 Million Christian Customers"
Jeb Blount "Fanatical Prospecting. The Ultimate Guide to Opening Sales Conversations and Filling the Pipeline by"
John Plansky "Fit for Growth. A Guide to Strategic Cost Cutting, Restructuring, and Renewal"
Joseph Jaffe "Flip the Funnel. How to Use Existing Customers to Gain New Ones"
Jim Cockrum "Free Marketing. 101 Low and No-Cost Ways to Grow Your Business, Online and Off"
Aaron Ross "From Impossible To Inevitable. How Hyper-Growth Companies Create Predictable Revenue"
Gabe Zichermann "Game-Based Marketing. Inspire Customer Loyalty Through Rewards, Challenges, and Contests"
Peter Fisk "Gamechangers. Creating Innovative Strategies for Business and Brands; New Approaches to Strategy, In"
Cam Marston "Generational Selling Tactics that Work. Quick and Dirty Secrets for Selling to Any Age Group"
Steve Garfield "Get Seen. Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business"
Anthony Parinello "Getting to VITO (The Very Important Top Officer). 10 Steps to VITO's Office"
John Hallward "Gimme! The Human Nature of Successful Marketing"
Malcolm Kushner "Giving a Presentation In a Day For Dummies"
Dale Midgley "Golden Circle Secrets. How to Achieve Consistent Sales Success Through Customer Values & Expectation"
Nancy Lee "Good Works!. Marketing and Corporate Initiatives that Build a Better World...and the Bottom Line"
Neil Stern Z. "Greentailing and Other Revolutions in Retail. Hot Ideas That Are Grabbing Customers' Attention and R"
Scott Brinker "Hacking Marketing. Agile Practices to Make Marketing Smarter, Faster, and More Innovative"
Steve Martin W. "Heavy Hitter Sales Wisdom. Proven Sales Warfare Strategies, Secrets of Persuasion, and Common-Sense "
Steve Martin W. "Heavy Hitter Selling. How Successful Salespeople Use Language and Intuition to Persuade Customers to"
Mark Earls "Herd. How to Change Mass Behaviour by Harnessing Our True Nature"
Luke Sullivan "Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This. The Classic Guide to Creating Great Ads"
Steven Gaffney "Honesty Sells. How To Make More Money and Increase Business Profits"
Jeffrey Fox J. "How to Be a Fierce Competitor. What Winning Companies and Great Managers Do in Tough Times"
Mark Tewart "How to Be a Sales Superstar. Break All the Rules and Succeed While Doing It"
Derek Hall "How to Become Filthy, Stinking Rich Through Network Marketing. Without Alienating Friends and Family"
Dave Anderson "How to Deal with Difficult Customers. 10 Simple Strategies for Selling to the Stubborn, Obnoxious, a"
T. Walker J. "How to Give a Pretty Good Presentation. A Speaking Survival Guide for the Rest of Us"
Tom Egelhoff C. "How to Market, Advertise and Promote Your Business or Service in Your Own Backyard"
William Brooks T. "How to Sell at Margins Higher Than Your Competitors. Winning Every Sale at Full Price, Rate, or Fee"
John Hoover "How to Sell to an Idiot. 12 Steps to Selling Anything to Anyone"
Dave Lakhani "How To Sell When Nobody's Buying. (And How to Sell Even More When They Are)"
John Klymshyn "How to Sell Without Being a JERK!. The Foolproof Approach to the World's Second Oldest Profession"
Napoleon Hill "How To Sell Your Way Through Life"
Joe Vitale "Hypnotic Writing. How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words"
Steve Rivkin "IdeaWise. How to Transform Your Ideas into Tomorrow's Innovations"
Rob Adams "If You Build It Will They Come?. Three Steps to Test and Validate Any Market Opportunity"
Grant Cardone "If You're Not First, You're Last. Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competition"
Brian Halligan "Inbound Marketing, Revised and Updated. Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online"
Joe Calloway "Indispensable. How To Become The Company That Your Customers Can't Live Without"
Edward Merrow W. "Industrial Megaprojects. Concepts, Strategies, and Practices for Success"
Jenny Ng "Influencer Marketing For Dummies"
Jason Lankow "Infographics. The Power of Visual Storytelling"
Barbara Boyd "Innovative Presentations For Dummies"
Mike Schultz "Insight Selling. Surprising Research on What Sales Winners Do Differently"
Joe Vitale "Inspired Marketing!. The Astonishing Fun New Way to Create More Profits for Your Business by Followi"
Ray Pelletier "It's All About Service. How to Lead Your People to Care for Your Customers"
Jeffrey Gitomer "It's the Customer, Stupid!. 34 Wake-up Calls to Help You Stay Client-Focused"
Joseph Jaffe "Join the Conversation. How to Engage Marketing-Weary Consumers with the Power of Community, Dialogue"
Mary Quinlan Lou "Just Ask a Woman. Cracking the Code of What Women Want and How They Buy"
Philip Kotler "Kellogg on Marketing"
Bob Pritchard "Kick Ass Business and Marketing Secrets. How to Blitz Your Competition"
Robert Johnson "Kick Your Own Ass. The Will, Skill, and Drill of Selling More Than You Ever Thought Possible"
Michael Stelzner A. "Launch. How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition"
Dayna Rothman "Lead Generation For Dummies"
Ron Karr "Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way. The 7 Traits of Great Sellers"
Lisa McLeod Earle "Leading with Noble Purpose. How to Create a Tribe of True Believers"
Joseph Jaffe "Life After the 30-Second Spot. Energize Your Brand With a Bold Mix of Alternatives to Traditional Ad"
Perry Beek van "LinkedIn Sales Navigator For Dummies"
Court Cunningham "Local Online Advertising For Dummies"
Michel Chevalier "Luxury Retail Management. How the World's Top Brands Provide Quality Product and Service Support"
Joe Calloway "Magnetic. The Art of Attracting Business"
Philip Kotler "Marketing 3.0. From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit"
Philip Kotler "Marketing 4.0. Moving from Traditional to Digital"
Mathew Sweezey "Marketing Automation For Dummies"
Jeff LeSueur "Marketing Automation. Practical Steps to More Effective Direct Marketing"
Guy Powell R. "Marketing Calculator. Measuring and Managing Return on Marketing Investment"
Craig Smith "Marketing For Dummies"
Craig Smith "Marketing For Dummies"
Jeanette McMurtry "Marketing For Dummies"
Phil Fragasso "Marketing for Rainmakers. 52 Rules of Engagement to Attract and Retain Customers for Life"
Vanessa Fox "Marketing in the Age of Google, Revised and Updated. Your Online Strategy IS Your Business Strategy"
Philip Kotler "Marketing Insights from A to Z. 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know"
Alexander Hiam "Marketing Kit for Dummies"
Brian Halligan "Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead. What Every Business Can Learn from the Most Iconic Band in"
Michael Hyman "Marketing Research Kit For Dummies"
Corey Padveen "Marketing to Millennials For Dummies"
Jeff Thull "Mastering the Complex Sale. How to Compete and Win When the Stakes are High!"
Eric Taylor "Mastering the World of Selling. The Ultimate Training Resource from the Biggest Names in Sales"
Stan McDonald C. "Materials Management. An Executive's Supply Chain Guide"
Neal Schaffer "Maximize Your Social. A One-Stop Guide to Building a Social Media Strategy for Marketing and Busines"
Katie Paine Delahaye "Measure What Matters. Online Tools For Understanding Customers, Social Media, Engagement, and Key Re"
Tom Eslinger "Mobile Magic. The Saatchi and Saatchi Guide to Mobile Marketing and Design"
Jeff Hasen "Mobilized Marketing. How to Drive Sales, Engagement, and Loyalty Through Mobile Devices"
Madhavan Ramanujam "Monetizing Innovation. How Smart Companies Design the Product Around the Price"
Richard Abraham "Mr. Shmooze. The Art and Science of Selling Through Relationships"
Peter Nixon "Negotiation Mastering Business in Asia"
Peter Steidl "Neuromarketing For Dummies"
Frank J. Rumbauskas, Jr. "Never Cold Call Again. Achieve Sales Greatness Without Cold Calling"
Harry Friedman J. "No Thanks, I'm Just Looking. Sales Techniques for Turning Shoppers into Buyers"
Geoffrey Parker "Operations Management For Dummies"
Lee Odden "Optimize. How to Attract and Engage More Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media, and Content Mar"
Trent Leyshan "Outlaw. Fight for Your Customers and Sell Without Fear"
Ron Kunitzky "Partnership Marketing. How to Grow Your Business and Transform Your Brand Through Smart Collaboratio"
Lior Arussy "Passionate and Profitable. Why Customer Strategies Fail and Ten Steps to Do Them Right!"
Jeb Blount "People Buy You. The Real Secret to what Matters Most in Business"
Nancy Vonk "Pick Me. Breaking Into Advertising and Staying There"
William Brooks T. "Playing Bigger Than You Are. How to Sell Big Accounts Even if You're David in a World of Goliaths"
Tim Williams "Positioning for Professionals. How Professional Knowledge Firms Can Differentiate Their Way to Succe"
Andy Nulman "Pow! Right Between the Eyes. Profiting from the Power of Surprise"
Barry Siskind "Powerful Exhibit Marketing. The Complete Guide to Successful Trade Shows, Conferences, and Consumer "
Steve Cone "Powerlines. Words That Sell Brands, Grip Fans, and Sometimes Change History"
Robert Passikoff "Predicting Market Success. New Ways to Measure Customer Loyalty and Engage Consumers With Your Brand"
Omer Artun "Predictive Marketing. Easy Ways Every Marketer Can Use Customer Analytics and Big Data"
Alexei Kapterev "Presentation Secrets"
Brian Lawley "Product Management For Dummies"
Anne Peirson-Smith "Public Relations in Asia Pacific. Communicating Effectively Across Cultures"
Mike Schultz "Rainmaking Conversations. Influence, Persuade, and Sell in Any Situation"
David Meerman Scott "Real-Time Marketing and PR. How to Instantly Engage Your Market, Connect with Customers, and Create "