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Александр Евгеньевич Никифоров
Вадим Люк
Тьма & Свет. Сборник
Юлия Добровольская
Железная душа. Современный жестокий городской романс
Клаус Фопель
Барьеры, блокады и кризисы в групповой работе
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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
0+ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. An Introduction to Principles, Applications, and Experiment
0+ Nuclear Reactor Physics
0+ Nucleation and Crystal Growth. Metastability of Solutions and Melts
0+ Nucleic Acids as Molecular Diagnostics
0+ Numerical Analysis in Electromagnetics. The TLM Method
0+ Numerical Methods in Contact Mechanics
0+ Nutraceuticals and Natural Product Derivatives. Disease Prevention & Drug Discovery
0+ O początku narodów
0+ O stawaniu się stoikiem
0+ O używaniu barometrow
0+ Object Detection and Recognition in Digital Images. Theory and Practice
0+ Object-Oriented Programming with SIMOTION. Fundamentals, Program Examples and Software Concepts Acco
0+ Objektorientiertes Programmieren mit SIMOTION. Grundlagen, Programmbeispiele und Softwarekonzepte na
0+ Obnażenie prawdy Tom II
0+ Obrzędowość Berberów Atlasu Wysokiego
0+ Ocean in the Earth System
0+ Oczami fanów Michaela Jacksona
0+ Od Safony do Sibylli. O twórczości kobiet, które miały odwagę zmieniać świat
0+ Odontologia w ekspertyzie kryminalistycznej
0+ Odour Impact Assessment Handbook
0+ OFDM for Underwater Acoustic Communications
0+ Off-label Prescribing. Justifying Unapproved Medicine
0+ Ogrodnicy
0+ Oil and Gas Exploration. Methods and Application
0+ Oil Spill Remediation. Colloid Chemistry-Based Principles and Solutions
0+ Ökobilanz (LCA). Ein Leitfaden für Ausbildung und Beruf
0+ Olefin Metathesis. Theory and Practice
0+ Omics in Plant Breeding
12+ Omnichannel (омниканальность) и омниканальный маркетинг. Эффективный подход к повышению лояльности к
0+ On Being Presidential. A Guide for College and University Leaders
0+ On Shifting Foundations. State Rescaling, Policy Experimentation And Economic Restructuring In Post-
0+ On the Fast Track: Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges of Dual Credit: ASHE Higher Educat
0+ One-Minute Discipline. Classroom Management Strategies That Work
0+ Online Teaching at Its Best. Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research
0+ Opa, was macht ein Physiker?. Physik für Jung und Alt
0+ Open Microfluidics
0+ Opening Space Research. Dreams, Technology, and Scientific Discovery
0+ Operational Weather Forecasting
0+ Operator-Based Nonlinear Control Systems Design and Applications
0+ Optical and Microwave Technologies for Telecommunication Networks
0+ Optical CDMA Networks. Principles, Analysis and Applications
0+ Optical Devices in Ophthalmology and Optometry. Technology, Design Principles and Clinical Applicati
0+ Optical Engineering of Diamond
0+ Optical Imaging and Metrology. Advanced Technologies
0+ Optically Stimulated Luminescence. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Optics in Instruments. Applications in Biology and Medicine
0+ Optics in Instruments. Applications in Biology and Medicine
0+ Optics, Light and Lasers. The Practical Approach to Modern Aspects of Photonics and Laser Physics
0+ Optimal Design of Experiments. A Case Study Approach
0+ Optimization Methods in Metabolic Networks
0+ Optimizing Organization Design. A Proven Approach to Enhance Financial Performance, Customer Satisfa
0+ Optische Mikroskopie. Funktionsweise und Kontrastierverfahren
0+ Optomechanical Systems Engineering
0+ Oral Controlled Release Formulation Design and Drug Delivery. Theory to Practice
0+ Orbital Interactions in Chemistry
0+ Ordered Mesoporous Materials
0+ Ordinary Differential Equations
0+ Ordovician rhynchonelliformean brachiopods from Co. Waterford, SE Ireland. Palaeobiogeography of the
0+ Organic Bionics
0+ Organic Chemistry I For Dummies
0+ Organic Chemistry II For Dummies
0+ Organic Mechanisms. Reactions, Methodology, and Biological Applications
0+ Organic Nanomaterials. Synthesis, Characterization, and Device Applications
0+ Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2006. An annual survey covering the literature dated January to December
0+ Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2007. An annual survey covering the literature dated January to December
0+ Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2008. An annual survey covering the literature dated January to December
0+ Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2009. An annual survey covering the literature dated January to December
0+ Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2010. An annual survey covering the literature dated January to December
0+ Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2011. An annual survey covering the literature dated January to December
0+ Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2012. An annual survey covering the literature dated January to December
0+ Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2013. An annual survey covering the literature dated January to December
0+ Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2014. An annual survey covering the literature dated January to December
0+ Organic Reactions, Volume 88
0+ Organic Reactions, Volume 89
0+ Organic Reactions, Volume 90
0+ Organic Reactions, Volume 91
0+ Organic Reactions, Volume 92
0+ Organic Reactions, Volume 93
0+ Organic Redox Systems. Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
0+ Organic Spectroscopy Workbook
0+ Organic Stereochemistry. Experimental and Computational Methods
0+ Organic Structures from 2D NMR Spectra
0+ Organic Structures from Spectra
0+ Organic Synthesis and Molecular Engineering
0+ Organic Synthesis Using Transition Metals
0+ Organische Chemie. Für Biochemiker, Lebenswissenschaftler, Mediziner, Pharmazeuten...
0+ Organische Molekulare Festkörper. Einführung in die Physik von pi-Systemen
0+ Organizational Capacity to Do and Use Evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 141
0+ Organized Organic Ultrathin Films. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Organized Out-of-School Activities: Setting for Peer Relationships. New Directions for Child and Ado
0+ Organometallic Compounds of Low-Coordinate Si, Ge, Sn and Pb. From Phantom Species to Stable Compoun
0+ Organometallics in Synthesis, Third Manual
0+ Organometallics in Synthesis. Fourth Manual
0+ Organophosphorus Chemistry. From Molecules to Applications
0+ Organoselenium Chemistry. Synthesis and Reactions
0+ Origin of Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks
0+ Other Geographies. The Influences of Michael Watts
0+ Outstanding Marine Molecules
0+ Overloaded and Underprepared. Strategies for Stronger Schools and Healthy, Successful Kids
0+ Oxidation of Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. Kinetics and Mechanism
0+ Oxidation of C-H Bonds
0+ Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Protection. The Science of Free Radical Biology and Disease
0+ Packaging Design. Successful Product Branding From Concept to Shelf
0+ Pain Genetics. Basic to Translational Science
0+ Paleoecology. Past, Present and Future
0+ Paleomagnetism of Sedimentary Rocks. Process and Interpretation
0+ Palimpsest
0+ Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling Reactions. Practical Aspects and Future Developments
0+ Palliative and End of Life Care for Children and Young People. Home, Hospice, Hospital
0+ Parent and Family Engagement in Higher Education. AEHE Volume 41, Number 6
0+ Part-Time on the Tenure Track. AEHE Volume 40, Number 5
0+ Participatory Mapping. New Data, New Cartography
0+ Participatory Visual Approaches to Adult and Continuing Education: Practical Insights. New Direction
0+ Particle Physics
0+ Partners in Advancing Student Learning: Degree Qualifications Profile and Tuning. New Directions for
0+ Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth. for Meteorological Applications
0+ Patent Strategy for Researchers and Research Managers
0+ Patente, Marken, Design von A bis Z
0+ Pathological Lives. Disease, Space and Biopolitics
0+ Pathways to Adulthood for Disconnected Young Men in Low-Income Communities. New Directions for Child
0+ Pathways to the Profession of Educational Development. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Num
0+ Peptidomimetics in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry
0+ Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs). Contaminants of Concern
0+ Performance Funding for Higher Education: What Are the Mechanisms? What Are the Impacts?. ASHE Highe
0+ Performance Management and Evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 137
0+ Performance-Based Gear Metrology. Kinematic - Transmission - Error Computation and Diagnosis
0+ Perinatal Stem Cells
0+ Periodic Structures. Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering
0+ Periodic Structures. Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering
0+ Personalizing 21st Century Education. A Framework for Student Success
0+ Perspectives on Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry
0+ Petroleum Engineering: Principles, Calculations, and Workflows
0+ Petrophysics. A Practical Guide
0+ Pharma-Ecology. The Occurrence and Fate of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environ
0+ Pharmaceutical Amorphous Solid Dispersions
0+ Pharmaceutical Analysis for Small Molecules
0+ Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Drug Discovery and Clinical Applications
0+ Pharmaceutical Crystals. Science and Engineering
0+ Pharmaceutical Emulsions. A Drug Developer's Toolbag
0+ Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry for Synthesis. Rethinking the Routes to Scale-Up
0+ Pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie. Qualitätssicherung, Monitoring, Betriebshygiene
0+ Phase Modeling Tools. Applications to Gases
0+ Phase Transformations
0+ Philosophical Engineering. Toward a Philosophy of the Web
0+ Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education
0+ Philosophy of Technology. The Technological Condition: An Anthology
0+ Phonics for Dummies
0+ Phonics Pathways. Clear Steps to Easy Reading and Perfect Spelling
0+ Photocatalysis and Water Purification. From Fundamentals to Recent Applications
0+ Photochemically-Generated Intermediates in Synthesis