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Редакция газеты Известия
Известия 129-2019
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Эксперт 29-2019
Редакция газеты Советский Спорт (Федеральный выпуск)
Советский Спорт (Федеральный выпуск) 124-2019
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Новая Газета 76-2019
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Категории книг
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
0+ Matrix Proteases in Health and Disease
0+ Maxwell's Equations
0+ Measurements for Terrestrial Vegetation
0+ Measurements using Optic and RF Waves
0+ Measuring Cocurricular Learning: The Role of the IR Office. New Directions for Institutional Researc
0+ Measuring Glass Ceiling Effects in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges. New Directions fo
0+ Measuring ROI in Environment, Health, and Safety
0+ Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 4. Energy and Power
0+ Mechanical Instability
0+ Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Fatigue Damage
0+ Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Mechanical Shock
0+ Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Random Vibration
0+ Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Sinusoidal Vibration
0+ Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Specification Development
0+ Mechanical Vibrations. Applications to Equipment
0+ Mechanical Vibrations. Theory and Application to Structural Dynamics
0+ Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids
0+ Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids
0+ Mechanics of Aeronautical Composite Materials
0+ Mechanics of Aeronautical Solids, Materials and Structures
0+ Mechanics of Solid Interfaces
0+ Mechanics of Unsaturated Geomaterials
0+ Mechanobiology. Exploitation for Medical Benefit
0+ Media Literacies. A Critical Introduction
0+ Mediated Cosmopolitanism. The World of Television News
0+ Mediation Ethics. Cases and Commentaries
0+ Mediation für Dummies
0+ Medical Devices. Surgical and Image-Guided Technologies
0+ Medical Gases. Production, Applications, and Safety
0+ Medical Imaging Based on Magnetic Fields and Ultrasounds
0+ Medical Instrument Design and Development. From Requirements to Market Placements
0+ Medical Toxicology of Drug Abuse. Synthesized Chemicals and Psychoactive Plants
0+ Medicinal Chemistry Approaches to Personalized Medicine
0+ Mediterranean Mountain Environments
0+ Meeting the Transitional Needs of Young Adult Learners. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Educ
0+ Mehr als Sonne, Wind und Wasser. Energie für eine neue Ära
0+ Melanins and Melanosomes. Biosynthesis, Structure, Physiological and Pathological Functions
0+ Membrane Lipidomics for Personalized Health
0+ Membrane Processes. Pervaporation, Vapor Permeation and Membrane Distillation for Industrial Scale S
0+ Membranes for Membrane Reactors. Preparation, Optimization and Selection
0+ Memoir Writing For Dummies
0+ Mentor. Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners (with New Foreword, Introduction, and Afterword)
0+ Mentoring as Transformative Practice: Supporting Student and Faculty Diversity. New Directions for H
0+ Mentoring Undergraduate Students. ASHE Higher Education Report, Volume 43, Number 1
0+ Merchants of Culture. The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century
0+ Metabolic Ecology. A Scaling Approach
0+ Metabolomics in Practice. Successful Strategies to Generate and Analyze Metabolic Data
0+ Metal Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions and More, 3 Volume Set
0+ Metal Nanopowders. Production, Characterization, and Energetic Applications
0+ Metal Sustainability. Global Challenges, Consequences, and Prospects
0+ Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence
0+ Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence
0+ Metal-Fluorocarbon Based Energetic Materials
0+ Metal-Organic Framework Materials
0+ Metal-Organic Frameworks. Applications from Catalysis to Gas Storage
0+ Metal-Organic Frameworks. Applications from Catalysis to Gas Storage
0+ Metal-Organic Frameworks. Design and Application
0+ Metallabenzenes. An Expert View
0+ Metallofoldamers. Supramolecular Architectures from Helicates to Biomimetics
0+ Metallomics. Analytical Techniques and Speciation Methods
0+ Metalloprotein Active Site Assembly
0+ Metallurgy and Corrosion Control in Oil and Gas Production
0+ Metals in Cells
0+ Metals in Medicine
0+ Metamaterials and Wave Control
0+ Metathesis in Natural Product Synthesis. Strategies, Substrates and Catalysts
0+ Meteorological Measurements and Instrumentation
0+ Meteorology of Tropical West Africa. The Forecasters' Handbook
0+ Methodological Advances and Issues in Studying College Impact. New Directions for Institutional Rese
0+ Methods and Applications of Cycloaddition Reactions in Organic Syntheses
0+ Methods in Biotechnology
0+ Methods in Physical Chemistry
0+ Methods of Molecular Quantum Mechanics. An Introduction to Electronic Molecular Structure
0+ Metropolitan Preoccupations. The Spatial Politics of Squatting in Berlin
0+ Micro and Nanotechnologies in Engineering Stem Cells and Tissues
0+ Micro- and Nanosystems for Biotechnology
0+ Microcalorimetry of Macromolecules. The Physical Basis of Biological Structures
0+ Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. Theory and Selected Applications
0+ Microgel Suspensions. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Micromechanics with Mathematica
0+ Microreactors in Organic Chemistry and Catalysis
0+ Microreactors in Preparative Chemistry. Practical Aspects in Bioprocessing, Nanotechnology, Catalysi
0+ microRNAs in Toxicology and Medicine
0+ Microstructural Geochronology. Planetary Records Down to Atom Scale
0+ Microwaves in Catalysis. Methodology and Applications
0+ Microwaves in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry
0+ Microwaves in Organic Synthesis, 2 Volume Set
0+ Millikan and Her Critics
0+ Mind Mapping For Dummies
0+ Mindfulness in Adolescence. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 142
0+ Mindfulness-integrated CBT for Well-being and Personal Growth. Four Steps to Enhance Inner Calm, Sel
0+ Mindfulness-integrated CBT. Principles and Practice
12+ Mindmap. От истории до практики применения
0+ Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 3
0+ Mindset Mathematics: Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 6
0+ Mindset Mathematics. Visualizing and Investigating Big Ideas, Grade 4
0+ Minicircle and Miniplasmid DNA Vectors. The Future of Non-viral and Viral Gene Transfer
0+ Minu Euroopa perekond. Viimased 54 000 aastat
0+ Mirror-Image Asymmetry. An Introduction to the Origin and Consequences of Chirality
0+ Mission Possible. How the Secrets of the Success Academies Can Work in Any School
0+ Mixed Methods and Credibility of Evidence in Evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 138
0+ Mobile Backhaul
0+ Mobile Learning. A Handbook for Developers, Educators, and Learners
0+ Mobile Positioning and Tracking. From Conventional to Cooperative Techniques
0+ Mobile Satellite Communications Handbook
0+ Mobile Video with Mobile IPv6
12+ Mobilis in mobili. Личность в эпоху перемен
0+ Model Driven Engineering for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems 2009. Advances, Standards, Appli
0+ Modeling Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows. Insights from Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulatio
0+ Modeling of Liquid Phases
0+ Modeling of Molecular Properties
0+ Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere, Volume 201
0+ Modeling Uncertainty in the Earth Sciences
0+ Modelling the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources
0+ Models and Algorithms for Biomolecules and Molecular Networks
0+ Models for Bonding in Chemistry
0+ Models for Bonding in Chemistry
0+ Modern Alkyne Chemistry. Catalytic and Atom-Economic Transformations
0+ Modern Analog Filter Analysis and Design. A Practical Approach
0+ Modern Biopharmaceuticals. Recent Success Stories
0+ Modern Biophysical Chemistry. Detection and Analysis of Biomolecules
0+ Modern Diffraction Methods
0+ Modern Drug Synthesis
0+ Modern Electroplating
0+ Modern Enolate Chemistry. From Preparation to Applications in Asymmetric Synthesis
0+ Modern Fluoroorganic Chemistry. Synthesis, Reactivity, Applications
0+ Modern Gold Catalyzed Synthesis
0+ Modern Hydrology and Sustainable Water Development
0+ Modern Methods in Stereoselective Aldol Reactions
0+ Modern Methods of Crystal Structure Prediction
0+ Modern Nuclear Chemistry
0+ Modern Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution
0+ Modern Organic Synthesis. An Introduction
0+ Modern Oxidation Methods
0+ Modern Synthetic Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. From Monosaccharides to Complex Glycoconjugates
0+ Modern Techniques for Pathogen Detection
0+ Modern Thermodynamics. From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures
0+ Modern Tools for the Synthesis of Complex Bioactive Molecules
0+ Modern Vibrational Spectroscopy and Micro-Spectroscopy. Theory, Instrumentation and Biomedical Appli
0+ Moderne Pharmakokinetik. Transport durch Membranen
0+ Molecular Analysis and Genome Discovery
0+ Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics
0+ Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics
0+ Molecular and Supramolecular Information Processing. From Molecular Switches to Logic Systems
0+ Molecular Aspects of Aging. Understanding Lung Aging
0+ Molecular Basis of Oxidative Stress. Chemistry, Mechanisms, and Disease Pathogenesis
0+ Molecular Descriptors for Chemoinformatics. Volume I: Alphabetical Listing / Volume II: Appendices,
0+ Molecular Ecology
0+ Molecular Immunotoxicology
0+ Molecular Magnetic Materials. Concepts and Applications