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Валерий Панферов
Олимпиада школьников «Ломоносов» по математике (2005–2015)
А. Б. Купавский
Элементы дискретной математики в задачах
А. А. Макаров
Задачник по теории вероятностей для студентов социально-гуманитарных специальностей
Seminarium Hortus Humanitatis. Выпуск 35. Русский мир и Латвия: Город. Культурная столица…
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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
0+ Molecular Markers in Plants
0+ Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis
0+ Molecular Medicine. An Introduction
0+ Molecular Metal-Metal Bonds. Compounds, Synthesis, Properties
0+ Molecular Modeling of Corrosion Processes. Scientific Development and Engineering Applications
0+ Molecular Modeling of Geochemical Reactions. An Introduction
0+ Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions. Reference Edition
0+ Molecular Rearrangements in Organic Synthesis
0+ Molecular Structure. Understanding Steric and Electronic Effects from Molecular Mechanics
0+ Molecular Switches
0+ Molecular Technology. Life Innovation
0+ Molecular Tools for the Detection and Quantification of Toxigenic Cyanobacteria
0+ Molekularbiologie der Zelle
0+ Molekularbiologie. für Biologen, Biochemiker, Pharmazeuten und Mediziner
0+ Molekulare Diagnostik. Grundlagen der Molekularbiologie, Genetik und Analytik
0+ Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids. Never the Twain?
0+ Money and Finance After the Crisis. Critical Thinking for Uncertain Times
0+ Monitoring and Modeling the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. A Record Breaking Enterprise
0+ Monitoring and Modelling Dynamic Environments (A Festschrift in Memory of Professor John B. Thornes)
0+ Monoclonal Antibody and Peptide-Targeted Radiotherapy of Cancer
0+ MOOCs and Higher Education: Implications for Institutional Research. New Directions for Institutiona
0+ Moonlighting Proteins. Novel Virulence Factors in Bacterial Infections
0+ More Dead Ends and Detours. En Route to Successful Total Synthesis
0+ Morphology, Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Osteolepiform Fish
0+ Mossbauer Spectroscopy. Applications in Chemistry, Biology, and Nanotechnology
0+ Motion Control Systems
0+ Motivating and Retaining Online Students. Research-Based Strategies That Work
0+ Mountain Rivers Revisited
0+ Movement Equations 1. Location, Kinematics and Kinetics
0+ Movement Equations 2. Mathematical and Methodological Supplements
0+ Movement Equations 3. Dynamics and Fundamental Principle
0+ Moving the Rock. Seven Levers WE Can Press to Transform Education
0+ Mózg rządzi
0+ Mucoadhesive Materials and Drug Delivery Systems
0+ Multi-Mode / Multi-Band RF Transceivers for Wireless Communications. Advanced Techniques, Architectu
0+ Multi-Step Organic Synthesis. A Guide Through Experiments
0+ Multicatalyst System in Asymmetric Catalysis
0+ Multicomponent Reactions in Organic Synthesis
0+ Multicomponent Reactions. Concepts and Applications for Design and Synthesis
0+ Multiconfigurational Quantum Chemistry
0+ Multicultural Competence in Student Affairs. Advancing Social Justice and Inclusion
0+ Multicultural Issues in Counseling. New Approaches to Diversity
0+ Multidimensional NMR Methods for the Solution State
0+ Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Research and Relationships. New Directions for Teaching and Learnin
0+ Multiforms, Dyadics, and Electromagnetic Media
0+ Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. Theory and Applications
0+ Multilayer Thin Films. Sequential Assembly of Nanocomposite Materials
0+ Multilevel Modeling Techniques and Applications in Institutional Research. New Directions in Institu
0+ Multinational Colleges and Universities: Leading, Governing, and Managing International Branch Campu
0+ Multiphase Flow in Oil and Gas Well Drilling
0+ Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Methods. Theory and Application
0+ Multiple-point Geostatistics. Stochastic Modeling with Training Images
0+ Multiscale Analysis and Nonlinear Dynamics. From Genes to the Brain
0+ Multiscale Modeling of Particle Interactions. Applications in Biology and Nanotechnology
0+ Multiscales Geomechanics. From Soil to Engineering Projects
0+ Multivalency. Concepts, Research and Applications
0+ Municipal Solid Waste to Energy Conversion Processes. Economic, Technical, and Renewable Comparisons
0+ Museums and the Public Sphere
0+ Musical Rhetoric. Foundations and Annotation Schemes
0+ Muzułmańska kultura konsumpcyjna
0+ Mwana znaczy dziecko Z afrykańskich tradycji edukacyjnych
6+ My first steps in English
0+ N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Organocatalysis
0+ N-Heterocyclic Carbenes. Effective Tools for Organometallic Synthesis
0+ Na niebie i ziemi
12+ Naised, kes armastavad liiga palju
0+ Najwspanialsze widowisko świata
0+ Name Reactions for Carbocyclic Ring Formations
0+ Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry II
0+ Nanocomposites. In Situ Synthesis of Polymer-Embedded Nanostructures
0+ Nanomagnetism. Applications and Perspectives
0+ Nanomaterial Characterization. An Introduction
0+ Nanomaterials in Catalysis
0+ Nanomaterials in Drug Delivery, Imaging, and Tissue Engineering
0+ Nanomaterials, Polymers and Devices. Materials Functionalization and Device Fabrication
0+ Nanomedicine for Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
0+ Nanoparticles. From Theory to Application
0+ Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems. Strategies, Technologies, and Applications
0+ Nanopatterned and Nanoparticle-Modified Electrodes
0+ Nanoporous Catalysts for Biomass Conversion
0+ Napoleon na ziemiach polskich
0+ Natural Catastrophe Risk Management and Modelling. A Practitioner's Guide
0+ Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment. Modeling and Decision Support
0+ Natural Lactones and Lactams. Synthesis, Occurrence and Biological Activity
0+ Natural Products Analysis. Instrumentation, Methods, and Applications
0+ Natural Products in Chemical Biology
0+ Natural Products. Isolation, Structure Elucidation, History
0+ Natural Ventilation of Buildings. Theory, Measurement and Design
0+ Nature via Nurture: Genes, experience and what makes us human
0+ Navigating Graduate School and Beyond. A Career Guide for Graduate Students and a Must Read for Ever
0+ Navigating the Common Core with English Language Learners. Practical Strategies to Develop Higher-Or
0+ Needs Assessment: Trends and a View Toward the Future. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 144
0+ Nematicons. Spatial Optical Solitons in Nematic Liquid Crystals
0+ Net Locality. Why Location Matters in a Networked World
0+ Networked. A Contemporary History of News in Transition
0+ Neural Stem Cell Assays
0+ Neurocounseling. Brain-Based Clinical Approaches
0+ Neuroedukacja
0+ Neuromotor Immaturity in Children and Adults. The INPP Screening Test for Clinicians and Health Prac
0+ Neutrons in Soft Matter
0+ New Addictions od dopalaczy do portali społecznościowych
0+ New Directions for Student Services, 1997-2014: Glancing Back, Looking Forward. New Directions for S
0+ New Scholarship in Critical Quantitative Research, Part 1: Studying Institutions and People in Conte
0+ New Scholarship in Critical Quantitative Research, Part 2: New Populations, Approaches, and Challeng
0+ New Strategies in Chemical Synthesis and Catalysis
0+ New Strategies in Chemical Synthesis and Catalysis
0+ Next Generation Assessment. Moving Beyond the Bubble Test to Support 21st Century Learning
0+ Next Generation Mobile Communications Ecosystem. Technology Management for Mobile Communications
0+ Nienawiść w czasach internetu
0+ Nieuniknione. Jak inteligentne technologie zmienią naszą przyszłość
0+ Nitrenes and Nitrenium Ions
0+ Nitride Ceramics. Combustion Synthesis, Properties and Applications
0+ NMR Crystallography
0+ NMR Data Interpretation Explained. Understanding 1D and 2D NMR Spectra of Organic Compounds and Natu
0+ NMR in Organometallic Chemistry
0+ NMR in Pharmaceutical Science
0+ NMR of Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solid Materials
0+ NMR Spectroscopy. A Versatile Tool for Environmental Research
0+ NMR Spectroscopy. Basic Principles, Concepts and Applications in Chemistry
0+ No logo
0+ Nobelpreise. Brisante Affairen, umstrittene Entscheidungen
0+ Noble Gas Chemistry. Structure, Bonding, and Gas-Phase Chemistry
0+ Noch mehr Experimente mit Supermarktprodukten. Das Periodensystem als Wegweiser
0+ Non-covalent Interactions in the Synthesis and Design of New Compounds
0+ Non-diffracting Waves
0+ Non-Gaussian Statistical Communication Theory
0+ Non-Selfadjoint Operators in Quantum Physics. Mathematical Aspects
0+ Non-Transformational Syntax. Formal and Explicit Models of Grammar
0+ Nonequilibrium Magnons. Theory, Experiment and Applications
0+ Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics
0+ Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Small Systems. Fluctuation Relations and Beyond
0+ Nonlinear Acoustic Waves in Micro-inhomogeneous Solids
0+ Nonlinear Dynamics with Polymers. Fundamentals, Methods and Applications
0+ Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fibers
0+ Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures
0+ Nonlinear Inverse Problems in Imaging
0+ Nonlinear Laser Dynamics. From Quantum Dots to Cryptography
0+ Nonlinear Optical Borate Crystals. Principals and Applications
0+ Nonlinear Optical Cavity Dynamics. From Microresonators to Fiber Lasers
0+ Nonlinear Optics. Phenomena, Materials and Devices
0+ Nonlinear Wave Methods for Charge Transport
0+ Nonrelativistic Quantum X-Ray Physics
0+ Novel Concepts in Catalysis and Chemical Reactors. Improving the Efficiency for the Future
0+ Novel Delivery Systems for Transdermal and Intradermal Drug Delivery
0+ Novel Proteins for Food, Pharmaceuticals and Agriculture. Sources, Applications and Advances
0+ Now We Get It!. Boosting Comprehension with Collaborative Strategic Reading
0+ Nowa dziesiątka Unii Europejskiej
0+ Nowhere to Hide. Why Kids with ADHD and LD Hate School and What We Can Do About It
0+ Nuclear and Radiochemistry. Fundamentals and Applications, 2 Volume Set
0+ Nuclear Electric Power. Safety, Operation, and Control Aspects