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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
0+ Leading Change Step-by-Step. Tactics, Tools, and Tales
0+ Leading for Instructional Improvement. How Successful Leaders Develop Teaching and Learning Expertis
0+ Leading for Professional Learning. What Successful Principals do to Support Teaching Practice
0+ Leading for the Future: Alignment of AACC Competencies with Practice. New Directions for Community C
0+ Leading for the Future: Alignment of AACC Competencies with Practice. New Directions for Community C
0+ Leading in a Culture of Change
0+ Leading School Turnaround. How Successful Leaders Transform Low-Performing Schools
0+ Leading the Learner-Centered Campus. An Administrator's Framework for Improving Student Learning Out
0+ Learner-Centered Teaching. Five Key Changes to Practice
0+ Learning Analytics in Higher Education. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 179
0+ Learning Cities for Adult Learners. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 145
0+ Learning Communities from Start to Finish. New Directions for Student Services, Number 149
0+ Learning Personalized. The Evolution of the Contemporary Classroom
0+ Learning That Lasts. Challenging, Engaging, and Empowering Students with Deeper Instruction
0+ Learning the City. Knowledge and Translocal Assemblage
0+ Learning Transfer in Adult Education. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 137
0+ Leaving Reality Behind: Inside the Battle for the Soul of the Internet
0+ Lebensspuren im Stein. Ausfluge in die Erdgeschichte Mitteleuropas
0+ LED Lighting. Technology and Perception
0+ Legal Considerations for Assessment and Institutional Research Leaders. New Directions for Instituti
0+ Lepidoptera and Conservation
0+ Letters to a Young Chemist
0+ Leverage Leadership. A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools
0+ Leviathan
0+ Lewis Base Catalysis in Organic Synthesis, 3 Volume Set
0+ Liban
0+ Licht und Materie. Eine Physikalische Beziehungsgeschichte
0+ Life in Europe Under Climate Change
0+ Life Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs
0+ Life Skills Activities for Special Children
0+ Ligand Design in Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry
0+ Ligand Design in Metal Chemistry. Reactivity and Catalysis
0+ Lignin and Lignans as Renewable Raw Materials. Chemistry, Technology and Applications
0+ Limits of Detection in Chemical Analysis
0+ Linear and Non-Linear Video and TV Applications. Using IPv6 and IPv6 Multicast
0+ Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy (Special Publication 45 of the IAS)
0+ Linking Leadership to Student Learning
0+ Lipidomics. Comprehensive Mass Spectrometry of Lipids
0+ Lipidomics. Technologies and Applications
0+ Lipids and Cellular Membranes in Amyloid Diseases
0+ Lipids and Essential Oils as Antimicrobial Agents
0+ Lipids. Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Health
0+ Liquid Phase Oxidation via Heterogeneous Catalysis. Organic Synthesis and Industrial Applications
0+ Liquid Polymorphism
0+ Liquid-State Physical Chemistry. Fundamentals, Modeling, and Applications
0+ Literacy and the Common Core. Recipes for Action
0+ Lithium Batteries. Advanced Technologies and Applications
0+ Lithium Compounds in Organic Synthesis. From Fundamentals to Applications
0+ Lithospheric Discontinuities
0+ Live Cell Assays. From Research to Regulatory Applications
0+ Livestock Epigenetics
0+ Living Dinosaurs. The Evolutionary History of Modern Birds
0+ Local Knowledge (Text Only)
0+ Logika Daj się uwieść
0+ Londyn w czasach Sherlocka Holmesa
0+ Looking and Learning: Visual Literacy across the Disciplines. New Directions for Teaching and Learni
0+ Los Pétalos De La Muerte
0+ Lost and Found. Helping Behaviorally Challenging Students (and, While You're At It, All the Others)
0+ Lotnictwo w wojnie powietrznej
0+ Low Voltage Electron Microscopy. Principles and Applications
0+ Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Modeling for Electrical and Biological Systems Using MATLAB
0+ Lower Ordovician trilobites of the Kirtonryggen Formation, Spitsbergen
0+ LTE and the Evolution to 4G Wireless. Design and Measurement Challenges
0+ LTE for UMTS. Evolution to LTE-Advanced
0+ LTE Standards
0+ Lubricants and Lubrication, 2 Volume Set
0+ Ludy i języki starożytnej Anatolii
0+ Luminescence of Lanthanide Ions in Coordination Compounds and Nanomaterials
0+ Lysophospholipid Receptors. Signaling and Biochemistry
0+ m-Health. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Machine Learning in Image Steganalysis
0+ Machine Vision Algorithms and Applications
0+ Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry. How Izatt-Christensen Award Winners Shaped the Field
0+ Macrocyclic Polyamines. Synthesis and Applications
0+ Mad about Physics. Braintwisters, Paradoxes, and Curiosities
16+ Magister Ludi. Ролевые игры: мир «с нуля»
0+ Magnetic Actuators and Sensors
0+ Magnetic Nanomaterials. Fundamentals, Synthesis and Applications
0+ Magnetic Processes in Astrophysics. Theory, Simulations, Experiments
0+ Magnetic Properties of Antiferromagnetic Oxide Materials. Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films
0+ Magnetic Resonance Elastography. Physical Background and Medical Applications
0+ Magnetoelectric Polymer-Based Composites. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Magnetohydrodynamic Stability of Tokamaks
0+ Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Solar System
0+ Magnetotails in the Solar System
0+ Main Group Metal Coordination Polymers. Structures and Nanostructures
0+ Majoring in Psychology. Achieving Your Educational and Career Goals
0+ Maker-Centered Learning. Empowering Young People to Shape Their Worlds
0+ Making Change Happen in Student Affairs. Challenges and Strategies
0+ Making Chemistry Relevant. Strategies for Including All Students in a Learner-Sensitive Classroom En
0+ Making Learning Whole. How Seven Principles of Teaching Can Transform Education
0+ Making Online Teaching Accessible. Inclusive Course Design for Students with Disabilities
0+ Making RTI Work. How Smart Schools are Reforming Education through Schoolwide Response-to-Interventi
0+ Making Sense of Agile Project Management. Balancing Control and Agility
0+ Making Thinking Visible. How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners
0+ Makromolekulare Chemie. Eine Einführung
0+ Maksymy i myśli
0+ MALDI Mass Spectrometry for Synthetic Polymer Analysis
0+ MALDI MS. A Practical Guide to Instrumentation, Methods and Applications
0+ MALDI-TOF and Tandem MS for Clinical Microbiology
18+ Male’s Health in the Objective of Stressology – Beyond the Usual
0+ Mamy dusze muszkieterów
0+ Management and Organization Theory. A Jossey-Bass Reader
0+ Management of Marine Protected Areas. A Network Perspective
0+ Management of the Effects of Coastal Storms. Policy, Scientific and Historical Perspectives
0+ Managing and Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit Organizations. An Integrated Approach
0+ Managing Online Instructor Workload. Strategies for Finding Balance and Success
0+ Managing Technology in Higher Education. Strategies for Transforming Teaching and Learning
16+ Manööversõja kunst. Manööversõja teooria ja maa-õhk lahingud
0+ Manufacturing of Pharmaceutical Proteins. From Technology to Economy
0+ Mapping. A Critical Introduction to Cartography and GIS
0+ Mapping. A Critical Introduction to Cartography and GIS
0+ March's Advanced Organic Chemistry. Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure
0+ Marginalized Students. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 155
0+ Marine Coastal and Water Pollutions. Oil Spill Studies
0+ Marine Coastal and Water Pollutions. Oil Spill Studies
0+ Marine Conservation. Science, Policy, and Management
0+ Marine Ecosystems. Diversity and Functions
0+ Marine Geochemistry
0+ Marine Microbiology. Bioactive Compounds and Biotechnological Applications
12+ Marketing and Pricing
12+ Martin Eden / Мартин Иден (в сокращении). MP3
12+ Martin Eden / Мартин Иден (в сокращении). Книга для чтения на английском языке
6+ Mary Poppins / Мэри Поппинс. Книга для чтения на английском языке
0+ Mass Spectrometry and Stable Isotopes in Nutritional and Pediatric Research
0+ Mass Spectrometry for Drug Discovery and Drug Development
0+ Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Pesticide Residues and their Metabolites
0+ Mass Spectrometry Handbook
0+ Mass Spectrometry in Drug Metabolism and Disposition. Basic Principles and Applications
0+ Mass Spectrometry in Grape and Wine Chemistry
0+ Mass Spectrometry in Polymer Chemistry
0+ Massenspektrometrie. Eine Einführung
0+ Masterminds: Genius, DNA, and the Quest to Rewrite Life
0+ Material Forming Processes. Simulation, Drawing, Hydroforming and Additive Manufacturing
0+ Material Politics. Disputes Along the Pipeline
0+ Math Puzzles and Brainteasers, Grades 6-8. Over 300 Puzzles that Teach Math and Problem-Solving Skil
0+ Math Starters. 5- to 10-Minute Activities Aligned with the Common Core Math Standards, Grades 6-12
0+ Math Teacher's Survival Guide: Practical Strategies, Management Techniques, and Reproducibles for Ne
0+ Math Wise! Over 100 Hands-On Activities that Promote Real Math Understanding, Grades K-8
0+ Mathematical and Computational Methods and Algorithms in Biomechanics. Human Skeletal Systems
0+ Mathematical Geoenergy. Discovery, Depletion, and Renewal
0+ Mathematical Methods for Physical and Analytical Chemistry
0+ Mathematical Mindsets. Unleashing Students' Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and
0+ Mathematical Morphology. From Theory to Applications
0+ Mathematical Tools for Physicists
0+ Mathematics for Dyslexics and Dyscalculics. A Teaching Handbook
0+ Mathematics for Physicists
0+ Mathematik für Chemiker
0+ Mathematische Modellbildung und Simulation. Eine Einführung für Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Ökon
0+ Matrix Metalloproteinase Biology