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Все книги типа book . Страница 48
Бизнес-Книги/Управление, подбор персонала
Харро фон Зенгер "36 стратагем для менеджеров"
Стивен Кови "4 правила успешного лидера"
Сергей Бернадский "42 секрета эффективной рекламы. Управление потребителем"
Кристина Тишина "45 инструментов фасилитатора. Техники организации групповой работы"
Максим Батырев "45 татуировок менеджера"
Роберт Грин "48 законів влади"
Джон Миллер "5 принципов проактивного мышления"
John Chen "50 Digital Team-Building Games. Fast, Fun Meeting Openers, Group Activities and Adventures using Soc"
Владимир Кордье "50 Золотых Правил Управления Проектами"
Александр Михеев "50 секретов найма, управления и мотивации. Практичные инструменты, которые сделают вашу команду силь"
Елена Васильева "50 секретов проверяющего налоги. Как обезопасить себя, свой бизнес и получить миллион из бюджета"
Светлана Иванова "50 советов по рекрутингу"
Steven Tucker "A Collection of Surveys on Market Experiments"
Iris Claus "A Collection of Surveys on Savings and Wealth Accumulation"
John Person L. "A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics. How to Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlesticks & Othe"
Mark Etzkorn "A Complete Guide to the Futures Market. Technical Analysis, Trading Systems, Fundamental Analysis, O"
William Preinitz "A Fast Track To Structured Finance Modeling, Monitoring and Valuation. Jump Start VBA"
Hartmut Esslinger "A Fine Line. How Design Strategies Are Shaping the Future of Business"
Shani Shamah "A Foreign Exchange Primer"
Shani Shamah "A Foreign Exchange Primer"
Dave Ulrich "A Guide to the Human Resource Body of Knowledge (HRBoK)"
Richard Sylla "A History of Interest Rates"
Mark Rubinstein "A History of the Theory of Investments. My Annotated Bibliography"
Александр Александрович Высоцкий "A Job Description for the Business Owner"
Dana Muir M. "A Manager's Guide to Employment Law. How to Protect Your Company and Yourself"
Marie Lowman "A Practical Guide to Analytics for Governments. Using Big Data for Good"
Kavita Gupta "A Practical Guide to Needs Assessment"
William Kinlaw "A Practitioner's Guide to Asset Allocation"
Frank Fabozzi J. "A Probability Metrics Approach to Financial Risk Measures"
Perry Kaufman J. "A Short Course in Technical Trading"
Andreas Binder "A Workout in Computational Finance"
Daniel Strachman A. "AARP Getting Started in Hedge Funds. From Launching a Hedge Fund to New Regulation, the Use of Lever"
Vishaal Bhuyan B. "AARP Reverse Mortgages and Linked Securities. The Complete Guide to Risk, Pricing, and Regulation"
Greg Ip "AARP The Little Book of Economics. How the Economy Works in the Real World"
John Wang "AbleTrend. Identifying and Analyzing Market Trends for Trading Success"
Alexander Ineichen M. "Absolute Returns. The Risk and Opportunities of Hedge Fund Investing"
Colin Price "Accelerating Performance. How Organizations Can Mobilize, Execute, and Transform with Agility"
Robert Barner "Accelerating Your Development as a Leader. A Guide for Leaders and their Managers"
Sharon Schweitzer "Access to Asia. Your Multicultural Guide to Building Trust, Inspiring Respect, and Creating Long-Las"
Sangram Vajre "Account-Based Marketing For Dummies"
Brenda Duska Shay "Accounting Ethics"
Ronald Duska "Accounting Ethics"
Ibrahim Shaugee "Accounting, Auditing and Governance for Takaful Operations"
Clifford Siegel "Actionable Intelligence. A Guide to Delivering Business Results with Big Data Fast!"
Roger Stein M. "Active Credit Portfolio Management in Practice"
Elaine Biech "Active Training. A Handbook of Techniques, Designs, Case Examples, and Tips"
Adam Butler "Adaptive Asset Allocation. Dynamic Global Portfolios to Profit in Good Times - and Bad"
Peter Carr "Advanced Equity Derivatives. Volatility and Correlation"
Brad Geddes "Advanced Google AdWords"
Andrew Abela "Advanced Presentations by Design. Creating Communication that Drives Action"
John Crane "Advanced Swing Trading. Strategies to Predict, Identify, and Trade Future Market Swings"
Hernez-Broome Gina "Advancing Executive Coaching. Setting the Course for Successful Leadership Coaching"
Beverly Dugan "Advancing Human Resource Project Management"
Rob Booker "Adventures of a Currency Trader. A Fable about Trading, Courage, and Doing the Right Thing"
Michael Pompian M. "Advising Ultra-Affluent Clients and Family Offices"
Stephen Gresham D. "Advisor for Life. Become the Indispensable Financial Advisor to Affluent Families"
Rachel Alt-Simmons "Agile by Design. An Implementation Guide to Analytic Lifecycle Management"
Юрген Аппело "Agile-менеджмент. Лидерство и управление командами"
Лайза Криспин "Agile-тестирование. Обучающий курс для всей команды"
Mark Mueller-Eberstein "Agility. Competing and Winning in a Tech-Savvy Marketplace"
Helyette Geman "Agricultural Finance. From Crops to Land, Water and Infrastructure"
Jeffery Tie "Aiki Trading. Trading in Harmony with the Markets"
Ahmed Abdelghany "Airline Network Planning and Scheduling"
Dowd Kevin "Alchemists of Loss. How modern finance and government intervention crashed the financial system"
Ernie Chan "Algorithmic Trading. Winning Strategies and Their Rationale"
Цзэн Мин "Alibaba и умный бизнес будущего"
Perry Kaufman J. "Alpha Trading. Profitable Strategies That Remove Directional Risk"
Guy Fraser-Sampson "Alternative Assets. Investments for a Post-Crisis World"
Hossein Kazemi "Alternative Investments. CAIA Level I"
Greg Filbeck "Alternative Investments. Instruments, Performance, Benchmarks and Strategies"
Peter Navarro "Always a Winner. Finding Your Competitive Advantage in an Up and Down Economy"
F. Pacult Paul "American Still Life. The Jim Beam Story and the Making of the World's #1 Bourbon"
Michael Dunne J. "American Wheels, Chinese Roads. The Story of General Motors in China"
Craig Hickman "An Innovator's Tale. New Perspectives for Accelerating Creative Breakthroughs"
Leshik Edward "An Introduction to Algorithmic Trading. Basic to Advanced Strategies"
James Davidson "An Introduction to Econometric Theory"
Sebastien Bossu "An Introduction to Equity Derivatives. Theory and Practice"
Patrick Brown J. "An Introduction to the Bond Markets"
Alexander Carol "An Introduction to Value-at-Risk"
John Tanner F. "Analytics and Dynamic Customer Strategy. Big Profits from Big Data"
Bart Baesens "Analytics in a Big Data World. The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications"
Phil Simon "Analytics. The Agile Way"
Satya Chakravarty R. "Analyzing Multidimensional Well-Being. A Quantitative Approach"
David Faber "And Then the Roof Caved In. How Wall Street's Greed and Stupidity Brought Capitalism to Its Knees"
Alan Crawford "Angela Merkel. A Chancellorship Forged in Crisis"
Ralph Kelly "Appreciative Inquiry. Change at the Speed of Imagination"
Stephanie Hammer "Architects of Electronic Trading. Technology Leaders Who Are Shaping Today's Financial Markets"
Елена Тарарина "ART-коучинг. Техники пРОСТых решений"
ChinHwee Tan "Asian Financial Statement Analysis. Detecting Financial Irregularities"
Ken Foster D. "Ask and You Will Succeed. 1001 Extraordinary Questions to Create Life-Changing Results"
Christopher Worley G. "Assessing Organization Agility. Creating Diagnostic Profiles to Guide Transformation"
Richard Petty "Australia's Competitiveness. From Lucky Country to Competitive Country"
Neil Crofts "Authentic. How to Make a Living By Being Yourself"
Антонина Александровна Глоткина "Aviation: Global Issues. Business Communication Practice Test"
Kevin Cashman "Awakening the Leader Within. A Story of Transformation"
Harry B. DeMaio, CISSP "B2B and Beyond. New Business Models Built on Trust"
C. Maloney J "Back to the Land. Arthurdale, FDR's New Deal, and the Costs of Economic Planning"
Barry Ritholtz "Bailout Nation. How Greed and Easy Money Corrupted Wall Street and Shook the World Economy"
John Waggoner "Bailout. What the Rescue of Bear Stearns and the Credit Crisis Mean for Your Investments"
Paul Niven R. "Balanced Scorecard Diagnostics. Maintaining Maximum Performance"
Paul Niven R. "Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step. Maximizing Performance and Maintaining Results"
Paul Niven R. "Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step. Maximizing Performance and Maintaining Results"
Frans Weert de "Bank and Insurance Capital Management"
Revathi Subramanian "Bank Fraud. Using Technology to Combat Losses"
Chantal Ammi "Banking Governance, Performance and Risk-Taking. Conventional Banks vs Islamic Banks"
Kenneth Allard "Battling for Competitive Advantage"
Matt Sekerke "Bayesian Risk Management. A Guide to Model Risk and Sequential Learning in Financial Markets"
Peter Thomas H. "Be Great. The Five Foundations of an Extraordinary Life in Business - and Beyond"
John Mackey "Be the Solution. How Entrepreneurs and Conscious Capitalists Can Solve All the World's Problems"
Elisabeth Dellinger "Beat the Crowd. How You Can Out-Invest the Herd by Thinking Differently"
Agustin Silvani "Beat the Forex Dealer. An Insider's Look into Trading Today's Foreign Exchange Market"
Igor Toshchakov R. "Beat the Odds in Forex Trading. How to Identify and Profit from High Percentage Market Patterns"
Eddie Brown "Beating the Odds. Eddie Brown's Investing and Life Strategies"
Julian Birkinshaw "Becoming A Better Boss. Why Good Management is So Difficult"
Lisa Springsteel "Becoming a Fashion Designer"
Veronique Zardet "Becoming Agile. How the SEAM Approach to Management Builds Adaptability"
Peter Vanham "Before I Was CEO. Life Stories and Lessons from Leaders Before They Reached the Top"
Morris Altman "Behavioral Economics For Dummies"
H. Baker Kent "Behavioral Finance. Investors, Corporations, and Markets"
Ronald Chan "Behind the Berkshire Hathaway Curtain. Lessons from Warren Buffett's Top Business Leaders"
Ned Davis "Being Right or Making Money"
Steven Greiner P. "Ben Graham Was a Quant. Raising the IQ of the Intelligent Investor"
Ward John "Benefits Management. How to Increase the Business Value of Your IT Projects"
Richard Schonberger J. "Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement. A Deeper Look"
Marshall Goldsmith "Best Practices in Talent Management. How the World's Leading Corporations Manage, Develop, and Retai"
Jane Bozarth "Better Than Bullet Points. Creating Engaging e-Learning with PowerPoint"
Jonathan Sposato "Better Together. 8 Ways Working with Women Leads to Extraordinary Products and Profits"
Oliver Sparrow "Beyond Crisis. Achieving Renewal in a Turbulent World"
Bryant Matthews A. "Beyond Earnings. Applying the HOLT CFROI and Economic Profit Framework"
Scott Keller "Beyond Performance. How Great Organizations Build Ultimate Competitive Advantage"
Marc Woods "Beyond The Call. Why Some of Your Team Go the Extra Mile and Others Don't Show"
Praca zbiorowa "Biblioteki i archiwa na jednolitym rynku cyfrowym"
Frank Ohlhorst J. "Big Data Analytics. Turning Big Data into Big Money"
Tony Guida "Big Data and Machine Learning in Quantitative Investment"
Bill Schmarzo "Big Data. Understanding How Data Powers Big Business"
Tobin Smith "Billion Dollar Green. Profit from the Eco Revolution"
Claudia Shelton "Blind Spots. Achieve Success by Seeing What You Can't See"
Reid Hoffman "Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies"
David Thomson G. "Blueprint to a Billion. 7 Essentials to Achieve Exponential Growth"
R. Johnson Stafford "Bond Evaluation, Selection, and Management"
Simon Lack A. "Bonds Are Not Forever. The Crisis Facing Fixed Income Investors"
Chris O'Malley "Bonds without Borders. A History of the Eurobond Market"
Sam Cawthorn "Bounce Forward. How to Transform Crisis into Success"
Barry Moltz J. "Bounce!. Failure, Resiliency, and Confidence to Achieve Your Next Great Success"
Mark Schumann "Brand for Talent. Eight Essentials to Make Your Talent as Famous as Your Brand"
Paul Temporal "Branding for the Public Sector. Creating, Building and Managing Brands People Will Value"
Wilhelm Hankel "Brave New World Economy. Global Finance Threatens Our Future"
James Davidson Dale "Brazil Is the New America. How Brazil Offers Upward Mobility in a Collapsing World"
Barry Simpson "Breaking News. How the Wheels Came off at Reuters"
Bill Davidson "Breakthrough. How Great Companies Set Outrageous Objectives and Achieve Them"