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Все книги типа book . Страница 50
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CFA Institute "CFA Program Curriculum 2019 Level I Volumes 1-6 Box Set"
CFA Institute "CFA Program Curriculum 2019 Level II Volumes 1-6 Box Set"
CFA Institute "CFA Program Curriculum 2019 Level III Volumes 1-6 Box Set"
Jeff Cartridge "CFDs Made Simple. A Beginner's Guide to Contracts for Difference Success"
C. Wulf Cristian "CFO Insights. Enabling High Performance Through Leading Practices for Finance ERP"
Paul Muolo "Chain of Blame. How Wall Street Caused the Mortgage and Credit Crisis"
Brian Lechem "Chairman of the Board. A Practical Guide"
Johan Coetsee "Change Lessons from the CEO. Real People, Real Change"
Mitchell Marks Lee "Charging Back Up the Hill. Workplace Recovery After Mergers, Acquisitions and Downsizings"
John Kador "Charles Schwab. How One Company Beat Wall Street and Reinvented the Brokerage Industry"
Thomas Bulkowski N. "Chart Patterns. After the Buy"
Webster Douglas W. "Chasing Change. Building Organizational Capacity in a Turbulent Environment"
Frank Farwell "Chicken Lips, Wheeler-Dealer, and the Beady-Eyed M.B.A. An Entrepreneur's Wild Adventures on the New"
Robert Hsu "China Fireworks. How to Make Dramatic Wealth from the Fastest-Growing Economy in the World"
John Kuhns D. "China Fortunes. A Tale of Business in the New World"
Ivan Tselichtchev "China Versus the West. The Global Power Shift of the 21st Century"
Henry Sanderson "China's Superbank. Debt, Oil and Influence - How China Development Bank is Rewriting the Rules of Fi"
Ying Tan "Chinnovation. How Chinese Innovators are Changing the World"
Paolo Mauro "Chipping Away at Public Debt. Sources of Failure and Keys to Success in Fiscal Adjustment"
Rob Rains "Choice Not Chance. Rules for Building a Fierce Competitor"
Joe Stenzel "CIO Best Practices. Enabling Strategic Value With Information Technology"
Марианна Броандбент "CIO новый лидер. Постановка задач и достижение целей"
David Hutchens "Circle of the 9 Muses. A Storytelling Field Guide for Innovators and Meaning Makers"
John Rubino "Clean Money. Picking Winners in the Green Tech Boom"
Richard Lepsinger "Closing the Execution Gap. How Great Leaders and Their Companies Get Results"
Margaret Butteriss "Coaching Corporate MVPs. Challenging and Developing High-Potential Employees"
Marshall Goldsmith "Coaching for Leadership. Writings on Leadership from the World's Greatest Coaches"
Riccardo Rebonato "Coherent Stress Testing. A Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Financial Stress"
Dan Sanker "Collaborate. The Art of We"
Jed Emerson "Collaborative Capitalism and the Rise of Impact Investing"
Frank Fabozzi J. "Collateralized Debt Obligations. Structures and Analysis"
Dimitri Uzunidis "Collective Innovation Processes. Principles and Practices"
Alexander Elder "Come Into My Trading Room. A Complete Guide to Trading"
Stephen Meister B. "Commercial Real Estate Restructuring Revolution. Strategies, Tranche Warfare, and Prospects for Reco"
Floyd Upperman "Commitments of Traders. Strategies for Tracking the Market and Trading Profitably"
Helyette Geman "Commodities and Commodity Derivatives. Modeling and Pricing for Agriculturals, Metals and Energy"
Amine Bouchentouf "Commodities For Dummies"
Emanuel Balarie "Commodities for Every Portfolio. How You Can Profit from the Long-Term Commodity Boom"
Jeffrey Christian M. "Commodities Rising. The Reality Behind the Hype and How To Really Profit in the Commodities Market"
Neil Schofield C. "Commodity Derivatives. Markets and Applications"
Ronald Spurga C. "Commodity Fundamentals. How To Trade the Precious Metals, Energy, Grain, and Tropical Commodity Mark"
Marshall Goldsmith "Common Purpose. How Great Leaders Get Organizations to Achieve the Extraordinary"
Steven Hunt T. "Common Sense Talent Management. Using Strategic Human Resources to Improve Company Performance"
Edgar III Wachenheim "Common Stocks and Common Sense. The Strategies, Analyses, Decisions, and Emotions of a Particularly "
Scott Budde J. "Compelling Returns. A Practical Guide to Socially Responsible Investing"
William Putsis "Compete Smarter, Not Harder. A Process for Developing the Right Priorities Through Strategic Thinkin"
Catherine Loisy "Competence and Program-based Approach in Training. Tools for Developing Responsible Activities"
Rajesh Jugulum "Competing with High Quality Data. Concepts, Tools, and Techniques for Building a Successful Approach"
Seena Sharp "Competitive Intelligence Advantage. How to Minimize Risk, Avoid Surprises, and Grow Your Business in"
William Martin Leake "Complete B2B Online Marketing"
Peter Economy "Complete MBA For Dummies"
Марат Телемтаев "Complete-менеджмент (целостность мышления и практики менеджера). Часть 1. Целостный метод менеджера"
Bond Terry "Computer-Aided Pattern Design and Product Development"
Scott Aylward "Confessions from the Corner Office. 15 Instincts That Will Help You Get There"
Dan Roberts "Confessions of a Successful CIO. How the Best CIOs Tackle Their Toughest Business Challenges"
Judy Allen "Confessions of an Event Planner. Case Studies from the Real World of Events--How to Handle the Unexp"
Christine Richard S. "Confidence Game. How Hedge Fund Manager Bill Ackman Called Wall Street's Bluff"
Ron Person "Connect. How to Use Data and Experience Marketing to Create Lifetime Customers"
Barry Wacksman "Connected by Design. Seven Principles for Business Transformation Through Functional Integration"
Mukund Karanjikar "Conquering Innovation Fatigue. Overcoming the Barriers to Personal and Corporate Success"
Peter Economy "Consulting For Dummies"
Dheeraj Sinha "Consumer India. Inside the Indian Mind and Wallet"
Dheeraj Sinha "Consumer India. Inside the Indian Mind and Wallet"
Susan Gunelius "Content Marketing For Dummies"
Stephanie Diamond "Content Marketing Strategies For Dummies"
Bill Catlette "Contented Cows Still Give Better Milk, Revised and Expanded. The Plain Truth about Employee Engageme"
Dorothy Fairclough "Cooklin's Garment Technology for Fashion Designers"
Christopher Culp L. "Corporate Aftershock. The Public Policy Lessons from the Collapse of Enron and Other Major Corporati"
Edward Bodmer "Corporate and Project Finance Modeling. Theory and Practice"
Tony Griffiths "Corporate Catalyst. A Chronicle of the (Mis)Management of Canadian Business from a Veteran Insider"
Will Murray "Corporate Denial. Confronting the World's Most Damaging Business Taboo"
Pascal Quiry "Corporate Finance. Theory and Practice"
Pascal Quiry "Corporate Finance. Theory and Practice"
Edith Hotchkiss "Corporate Financial Distress and Bankruptcy. Predict and Avoid Bankruptcy, Analyze and Invest in Dis"
Leslie Gaines-Ross "Corporate Reputation. 12 Steps to Safeguarding and Recovering Reputation"
Toby Bishop J. "Corporate Resiliency. Managing the Growing Risk of Fraud and Corruption"
Nancy Lee "Corporate Social Responsibility. Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause"
Zabihollah Rezaee "Corporate Sustainability. Integrating Performance and Reporting"
Hicham Meghouar "Corporate Takeover Targets. Acquisition Probability"
Yves Richez "Corporate Talent Detection and Development"
Gregory Mislick K. "Cost Estimation. Methods and Tools"
Jon Gregory "Counterparty Credit Risk and Credit Value Adjustment. A Continuing Challenge for Global Financial Ma"
Damiano Brigo "Counterparty Credit Risk, Collateral and Funding. With Pricing Cases For All Asset Classes"
Jon Gregory "Counterparty Credit Risk. The new challenge for global financial markets"
James Murphy D. "Courage to Execute. What Elite U.S. Military Units Can Teach Business About Leadership and Team Perf"
Gus Lee "Courage. The Backbone of Leadership"
Al Lewis "Cracking Health Costs. How to Cut Your Company's Health Costs and Provide Employees Better Care"
Barbara Parus "Crazy Good Interviewing. How Acting A Little Crazy Can Get You The Job"
Mark Wolfinger D. "Create Your Own Hedge Fund. Increase Profits and Reduce Risks with ETFs and Options"
Creelman James "Creating a Balanced Scorecard for a Financial Services Organization"
Veechi Curtis "Creating a Business Plan For Dummies"
Tim Spannaus "Creating Video for Teachers and Trainers. Producing Professional Video with Amateur Equipment"
Patrick Snow "Creating Your Own Destiny. How to Get Exactly What You Want Out of Life and Work"
Peter Fisk "Creative Genius. An Innovation Guide for Business Leaders, Border Crossers and Game Changers"
David Owens A "Creative People Must Be Stopped. 6 Ways We Kill Innovation (Without Even Trying)"
Joëlle Forest "Creative Rationality and Innovation"
Jeff DeGraff "Creativity at Work. Developing the Right Practices to Make Innovation Happen"
Gunter Meissner "Credit Derivatives. Application, Pricing, and Risk Management"
Geoff Chaplin "Credit Derivatives. Trading, Investing,and Risk Management"
Damiano Brigo "Credit Models and the Crisis. A Journey into CDOs, Copulas, Correlations and Dynamic Models"
Mingyuan Zhang "Credit Risk Assessment. The New Lending System for Borrowers, Lenders, and Investors"
Anthony Saunders "Credit Risk Management In and Out of the Financial Crisis. New Approaches to Value at Risk and Other"
Anthony Saunders "Credit Risk Measurement. New Approaches to Value at Risk and Other Paradigms"
Daniel Rosch "Credit Securitisations and Derivatives. Challenges for the Global Markets"
Frances Cowell "Crisis Wasted?. Leading Risk Managers on Risk Culture"
Paula Caligiuri "Cultural Agility. Building a Pipeline of Successful Global Professionals"
John Mattone "Cultural Transformations. Lessons of Leadership and Corporate Reinvention"
Ashraf Laidi "Currency Trading and Intermarket Analysis. How to Profit from the Shifting Currents in Global Market"
Jeff Sauro "Customer Analytics For Dummies"
John McKean S. "Customer's New Voice. Extreme Relevancy and Experience through Volunteered Customer Information"
MacDonnell Ulsch "Cyber Threat!. How to Manage the Growing Risk of Cyber Attacks"
John Ehlers F. "Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures. Cutting-Edge DSP Technology to Improve Your Trading"
Justyna Jasiewicz "Czas przemian - czas wyzwań"
Nada Matta "Daily Knowledge Valuation in Organizations. Traceability and Capitalization"
Laura Madsen B. "Data-Driven Healthcare. How Analytics and BI are Transforming the Industry"
Christopher Farrell A. "Day Trade Online"
Том ДеМарко "Deadline. Роман об управлении проектами"
Frank Buytendijk "Dealing with Dilemmas. Where Business Analytics Fall Short"
Grover Norquist Glenn "Debacle. Obama's War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future"
Steve McClatchy "Decide. Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress, and Lead by Example"
Dawna Jones "Decision Making For Dummies"
Denis Bouyssou "Decision Making Process. Concepts and Methods"
J. Yates Frank "Decision Management. How to Assure Better Decisions in Your Company"
Jennifer Meyer "Decision Quality. Value Creation from Better Business Decisions"
Senay Solak "Decision Science for Housing and Community Development. Localized and Evidence-Based Responses to Di"
Vicki Sauter L. "Decision Support Systems for Business Intelligence"
Vicki Sauter L. "Decision Support Systems for Business Intelligence"
Gerard Gaynor H. "Decisions. An Engineering and Management Perspective"
Robert Quinn E. "Deep Change. Discovering the Leader Within"
Evan Stubbs "Delivering Business Analytics. Practical Guidelines for Best Practice"
Robert Davis A. "Demand-Driven Inventory Optimization and Replenishment. Creating a More Efficient Supply Chain"
Jason Perl "DeMark Indicators"
Davis Bettina M. "Demystifying Technical Training. Partnership, Strategy, and Execution"
Uta-Maria Pfeiffer "Der Weg zu Eco-Excellence. Nachhaltigkeit durch vernetztes Denken und Handeln am Beispiel der Bahnin"
Uta-Maria Pfeiffer "Der Weg zu Eco-Excellence. Nachhaltigkeit durch vernetztes Denken und Handeln am Beispiel der Bahnin"
Andrew M. Chisholm "Derivatives Demystified. A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options"
Andrew M. Chisholm "Derivatives Demystified. A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options"
Robert Whaley E. "Derivatives. Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management"
Abbie Griffin "Design Thinking. New Product Development Essentials from the PDMA"
Jay Galbraith R. "Designing Matrix Organizations that Actually Work. How IBM, Proctor & Gamble and Others Design for S"
David Moore Richard "Designing Online Learning with Flash"
Jay Galbraith R. "Designing Organizations. Strategy, Structure, and Process at the Business Unit and Enterprise Levels"
Stacy Schaus L. "Designing Successful Target-Date Strategies for Defined Contribution Plans. Putting Participants on "
Roland Deiser "Designing the Smart Organization. How Breakthrough Corporate Learning Initiatives Drive Strategic Ch"
Julie MacIntosh "Dethroning the King. The Hostile Takeover of Anheuser-Busch, an American Icon"
Eduardo Salas "Developing and Enhancing Teamwork in Organizations. Evidence-based Best Practices and Guidelines"
Hengqing Tong "Developing Econometrics"
Gene Pease "Developing Human Capital. Using Analytics to Plan and Optimize Your Learning and Development Investm"
Peter Nixon "Dialogue Gap. Why Communication Isn't Enough and What We Can Do About It, Fast"
Peter Brandt L. "Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader. Lessons from 21 Weeks of Real Trading"