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Все книги типа book . Страница 14
Бизнес-Книги/Зарубежная деловая литература
Linda Cliatt-Wayman "Lead Fearlessly, Love Hard. Finding Your Purpose and Putting It to Work"
Dan Quiggle "Lead Like Reagan. Strategies to Motivate, Communicate, and Inspire"
Kathryn Cramer D. "Lead Positive. What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say, and Do"
Ravin Jesuthasan "Lead the Work. Navigating a World Beyond Employment"
Mark Strom "Lead with Wisdom. How Wisdom Transforms Good Leaders into Great Leaders"
Alan Chambers "Lead Yourself to Success. Ordinary People Achieving Extraordinary Results Through Self-leadership"
Andy Blacknell "LEAD: 50 models for success in work and life"
Ram Charan "Leaders at All Levels. Deepening Your Talent Pool to Solve the Succession Crisis"
William Joiner B. "Leadership Agility. Five Levels of Mastery for Anticipating and Initiating Change"
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld "Leadership and Governance from the Inside Out"
Michael Gurian "Leadership and the Sexes. Using Gender Science to Create Success in Business"
Eric Papp "Leadership by Choice. Increasing Influence and Effectiveness through Self-Management"
Mike Roberts "Leadership Divided. What Emerging Leaders Need and What You Might Be Missing"
John Marrin "Leadership For Dummies"
Chris Westfall "Leadership Language. Using Authentic Communication to Drive Results"
Major Crandall Doug "Leadership Lessons from West Point"
Jo Owen "Leadership Rules. 50 Timeless Lessons for Leaders"
Chris Widener "Leadership Rules. How to Become the Leader You Want to Be"
Robert Howard "Leadership the Hard Way. Why Leadership Can't Be Taught and How You Can Learn It Anyway"
Julian Birkinshaw "Leadership the Sven-Göran Eriksson Way. How to Turn Your Team Into Winners"
Peter Koestenbaum "Leadership, New and Revised. The Inner Side of Greatness, A Philosophy for Leaders"
Ernest Gundling "Leading Across New Borders. How to Succeed as the Center Shifts"
Alan Shrader "Leading for Growth. How Umpqua Bank Got Cool and Created a Culture of Greatness"
Paul Glen "Leading Geeks. How to Manage and Lead the People Who Deliver Technology"
Michael Fullan "Leading in a Culture of Change Personal Action Guide and Workbook"
Ancella Livers "Leading in Black and White. Working Across the Racial Divide in Corporate America"
Joerg Schmitz "Leading in English. How to Confidently Communicate and Inspire Others in the International Workplace"
Rachael Robertson "Leading on the Edge. Extraordinary Stories and Leadership Insights from The World's Most Extreme Wor"
Terry Pearce "Leading Out Loud. A Guide for Engaging Others in Creating the Future"
Terry Pearce "Leading Out Loud. Inspiring Change Through Authentic Communications"
Zia Khan "Leading Outside the Lines. How to Mobilize the Informal Organization, Energize Your Team, and Get Be"
Erika Andersen "Leading So People Will Follow"
Karla Williams A. "Leading the Fundraising Charge. The Role of the Nonprofit Executive"
Karen Lojeski Sobel "Leading the Virtual Workforce. How Great Leaders Transform Organizations in the 21st Century"
Robert Gandossy "Leading the Way. Three Truths from the Top Companies for Leaders"
Bart Egnal "Leading Through Language. Choosing Words That Influence and Inspire"
Raymond Davis P. "Leading Through Uncertainty. How Umpqua Bank Emerged from the Great Recession Better and Stronger th"
Mary Cantando "Leading with Care. How Women Around the World are Inspiring Businesses, Empowering Communities, and "
Shalom Saar Saada "Leading with Conviction. Mastering the Nine Critical Pillars of Integrated Leadership"
Laurie Sudbrink "Leading with GRIT. Inspiring Action and Accountability with Generosity, Respect, Integrity, and Trut"
Michael Marquardt J. "Leading with Questions. How Leaders Find the Right Solutions by Knowing What to Ask"
Lee Bolman G. "Leading with Soul. An Uncommon Journey of Spirit"
Karin Jironet "Leading with Spirit, Presence, and Authenticity. A Volume in the International Leadership Associatio"
B. Simerson Keith "Leading with Strategic Thinking. Four Ways Effective Leaders Gain Insight, Drive Change, and Get Res"
James M. Kouzes "Learning Leadership. The Five Fundamentals of Becoming an Exemplary Leader"
Paul Pignataro "Leveraged Buyouts. A Practical Guide to Investment Banking and Private Equity"
Chester Dawson "Lexus. The Relentless Pursuit"
Christopher Gergen "Life Entrepreneurs. Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Lives"
Jim Aspinwall "Life Settlements and Longevity Structures. Pricing and Risk Management"
Jason Makansi "Lights Out. The Electricity Crisis, the Global Economy, and What It Means To You"
Rohit Bhargava "Likeonomics. The Unexpected Truth Behind Earning Trust, Influencing Behavior, and Inspiring Action"
Jennifer Reuting "Limited Liability Companies For Dummies"
Andy Stefanovich "Look at More. A Proven Approach to Innovation, Growth, and Change"
John Bryant Hope "Love Leadership. The New Way to Lead in a Fear-Based World"
Jeremy Eden "Low-Hanging Fruit. 77 Eye-Opening Ways to Improve Productivity and Profits"
Amal Henein "Made in Canada Leadership. Wisdom from the Nation's Best and Brightest on the Art and Practice of Le"
Jerry Oppenheimer "Madoff with the Money"
Steven Stein J. "Make Your Workplace Great. The 7 Keys to an Emotionally Intelligent Organization"
Tony Allan "Making Good. The Inspiring Story of Serial Entrepreneur, Maverick and Restaurateur"
Nick Willoughby "Making YouTube Videos. Star in Your Own Video!"
Jo Owen "Management Rules. 50 New Rules for Managers"
Ruth Spellman "Managers and Leaders Who Can. How you survive and succeed in the new economy"
Tim Kochis "Managing Concentrated Stock Wealth. An Advisor's Guide to Building Customized Solutions"
E. Stavetski J. "Managing Hedge Fund Managers. Quantitative and Qualitative Performance Measures"
David Belmont P. "Managing Hedge Fund Risk and Financing. Adapting to a New Era"
Chip Espinoza "Managing the Millennials. Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Today's Workforce"
Kathleen Sutcliffe M. "Managing the Unexpected. Sustained Performance in a Complex World"
Christina Cavanagh "Managing Your E-Mail. Thinking Outside the Inbox"
Michael Curley T. "Margin Trading from A to Z. A Complete Guide to Borrowing, Investing and Regulation"
Halil Kiymaz "Market Microstructure in Emerging and Developed Markets. Price Discovery, Information Flows, and Tra"
Jack Schwager D. "Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders"
Jesko Perrey "Marketing Performance. How Marketers Drive Profitable Growth"
Carolyn Tate "Marketing Your Small Business For Dummies"
Kenneth Fisher L. "Markets Never Forget (But People Do). How Your Memory Is Costing You Money--and Why This Time Isn't "
Derrick Kinney "Master the Media to Attract Your Ideal Clients. A Personal Marketing System for Financial Profession"
George Omura "Mastering AutoCAD 2017 and AutoCAD LT 2017"
George Omura "Mastering AutoCAD 2018 and AutoCAD LT 2018"
Eddy Krygiel "Mastering Autodesk Revit 2018"
Thomas Meyer "Mastering Illiquidity. Risk management for portfolios of limited partnership funds"
Robert Anderson J. "Mastering Leadership. An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Busines"
Doug Staneart "Mastering Presentations. Be the Undisputed Expert when You Deliver Presentations (Even If You Feel L"
Jay Oatway "Mastering Story, Community and Influence. How to Use Social Media to Become a Socialeader"
Joel McPhee E. "Mastering Strategic Risk. A Framework for Leading and Transforming Organizations"
H. Dallas James "Mastering the Challenges of Leading Change. Inspire the People and Succeed Where Others Fail"
Ari Kiev "Mastering Trading Stress. Strategies for Maximizing Performance"
Scott Lowe "Mastering VMware vSphere 5.5"
Scott Lowe "Mastering VMware vSphere 6"
Dan Erling "Match. A Systematic, Sane Process for Hiring the Right Person Every Time"
William Taylor "Mavericks at Work: Why the most original minds in business win"
Terry Burnham "Mean Markets and Lizard Brains. How to Profit from the New Science of Irrationality"
Brian Reich "Media Rules!. Mastering Today's Technology to Connect With and Keep Your Audience"
Joe Vitale "Meet and Grow Rich. How to Easily Create and Operate Your Own "Mastermind" Group for Health, Wealth,"
Robert Hoffman "Meeting Excellence. 33 Tools to Lead Meetings That Get Results"
Fischer Anke "Mentale, emotionale und körperliche Fitness. Wie man dauerhaft leistungsfähig bleibt"
Lewis Segall N. "Mergers and Acquisitions. A Step-by-Step Legal and Practical Guide"
Phil Simon "Message Not Received. Why Business Communication Is Broken and How to Fix It"
Tatiana Maksimenko "Micro Markets Workbook. A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis"
Robert Schwartz A. "Micro Markets. A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis"
Andrew Coles "MIDAS Technical Analysis. A VWAP Approach to Trading and Investing in Today's Markets"
David Jones P. "Million-Dollar Hire. Build Your Bottom Line, One Employee at a Time"
David Ley "Millionaire Migrants. Trans-Pacific Life Lines"
Kathy Lien "Millionaire Traders. How Everyday People Are Beating Wall Street at Its Own Game"
Jeff Grout "Mind Games. Inspirational Lessons from the World's Biggest Sports Stars"
Robert Dalton B. "Mind Over Markets. Power Trading with Market Generated Information, Updated Edition"
Maria Gonzalez "Mindful Leadership. The 9 Ways to Self-Awareness, Transforming Yourself, and Inspiring Others"
Juan Humberto Young "Mindfulness-Based Strategic Awareness Training. A Complete Program for Leaders and Individuals"
Gill Hasson "Mindfulness. Be mindful. Live in the moment."
Robert Bartz J. "Mobile Computing Deployment and Management. Real World Skills for CompTIA Mobility+ Certification an"
Will Bonner "Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets. Surviving the Public Spectacle in Finance and Politics"
Bob Litterman "Modern Investment Management. An Equilibrium Approach"
Natalie Schoon "Modern Islamic Banking. Products and Processes in Practice"
Fernando Diz "Modern Security Analysis. Understanding Wall Street Fundamentals"
Jennifer Clark "Mondo Agnelli. Fiat, Chrysler, and the Power of a Dynasty"
Jacob Gold "Money Mindset. Formulating a Wealth Strategy in the 21st Century"
Jerry Webman "MoneyShift. How to Prosper from What You Can't Control"
Michael Cole A. "More Than Money. A Guide To Sustaining Wealth and Preserving the Family"
Paul Larson "Morningstar's 10 Small Companies to Invest in Now"
Eric Tyson "Mortgage Management For Dummies"
Karl Schlogel "Moscow, 1937"
Patty Azzarello "Move. How Decisive Leaders Execute Strategy Despite Obstacles, Setbacks, and Stalls"
Mike Yorkey "Moving the Needle. Get Clear, Get Free, and Get Going in Your Career, Business, and Life!"
Alan Ferguson "MSP For Dummies"
Reet Kudu "Muidumiljonärid"
Eric Tyson "Mutual Funds For Dummies"
Frances Hesselbein "My Life in Leadership. The Journey and Lessons Learned Along the Way"
Andrew Keyt "Myths and Mortals. Family Business Leadership and Succession Planning"
Michael Brandes V. "Naked Guide to Bonds. What You Need to Know -- Stripped Down to the Bare Essentials"
Thomas Hine J. "NASD Arbitration Solution. Five Black Belt Principles to Protect and Grow Your Financial Services Pr"
Mary O'Hara-Devereaux "Navigating the Badlands. Thriving in the Decade of Radical Transformation"
Donaldson "Negotiating For Dummies"
Jeanne Brett M. "Negotiating Globally. How to Negotiate Deals, Resolve Disputes, and Make Decisions Across Cultural B"
Jim Hornickel "Negotiating Success. Tips and Tools for Building Rapport and Dissolving Conflict While Still Getting"
Clare Dignall "Negotiation Skills in 7 simple steps"
Mark Daskin S. "Network and Discrete Location. Models, Algorithms, and Applications"
Mark Daskin S. "Network and Discrete Location. Models, Algorithms, and Applications"
Ric Messier "Network Forensics"
Michael Hyman H. "New Ways for Managing Global Financial Risks. The Next Generation"
David Meerman Scott "Newsjacking. How to Inject your Ideas into a Breaking News Story and Generate Tons of Media Coverage"
Julie Adair King "Nikon D3400 For Dummies"
Julie Adair King "Nikon D5300 For Dummies"
Julie Adair King "Nikon D5500 For Dummies"
Julie Adair King "Nikon D5600 For Dummies"
Julie Adair King "Nikon D7200 For Dummies"
Julie Adair King "Nikon D7500 For Dummies"
Brace Barber E. "No Excuse Leadership. Lessons from the U.S. Army's Elite Rangers"
Gary Burnison "No Fear of Failure. Real Stories of How Leaders Deal with Risk and Change"
Harry Markopolos "No One Would Listen. A True Financial Thriller"
Harlan Cleveland "Nobody in Charge. Essays on the Future of Leadership"
Bruce Tulgan "Not Everyone Gets A Trophy. How to Manage the Millennials"
Alan Herbst M. "Nuclear Energy Now. Why the Time Has Come for the World's Most Misunderstood Energy Source"