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Все книги типа book . Страница 16
Бизнес-Книги/Зарубежная деловая литература
William Knox "Scottish History For Dummies"
Hoyt Barber "Secrets of Swiss Banking. An Owner's Manual to Quietly Building a Fortune"
Michael Shulman "Sell Short. A Simpler, Safer Way to Profit When Stocks Go Down"
Thomas Metz "Selling the Intangible Company. How to Negotiate and Capture the Value of a Growth Firm"
Louis Crosier P. "Selling Your Business. The Transition from Entrepreneur to Investor"
Abe Cofnas "Sentiment Indicators - Renko, Price Break, Kagi, Point and Figure. What They Are and How to Use Them"
Jon Gordon "Serve to Be Great. Leadership Lessons from a Prison, a Monastery, and a Boardroom"
Kevin Robson "Service-Ability. Create a Customer Centric Culture and Achieve Competitive Advantage"
S. Sethi Prakash "Setting Global Standards. Guidelines for Creating Codes of Conduct in Multinational Corporations"
Jeff Wolf "Seven Disciplines of A Leader"
Bill George "Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis"
Roger Kinsky "Shares Made Simple. A Beginner's Guide to Sharemarket Success"
John Stephenson "Shell Shocked. How Canadians Can Invest After the Collapse"
Debra Jacobs "Shockproof. How to Hardwire Your Business for Lasting Success"
Tracey Edwards "Shopping for Shares. The Everyday Woman's Guide to Profiting from the Australian Stock Market"
Frank Fabozzi J. "Short Selling. Strategies, Risks, and Rewards"
Gil Morales "Short-Selling with the O'Neil Disciples. Turn to the Dark Side of Trading"
Jay Sullivan "Simply Said. Communicating Better at Work and Beyond"
Aidan Chopra "SketchUp For Dummies"
Traci Nathans-Kelly "Slide Rules. Design, Build, and Archive Presentations in the Engineering and Technical Fields"
Barbara Weltman "Small Business Survival Book. 12 Surefire Ways for Your Business to Survive and Thrive"
Eric Tyson "Small Business Taxes For Dummies"
George Angell "Small Stocks for Big Profits. Generate Spectacular Returns by Investing in Up-and-Coming Companies"
Dave Gentry "Small Stocks, Big Money. Interviews With Microcap Superstars"
Art Sobczak "Smart Calling. Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling"
Roger M. Schwarz "Smart Leaders, Smarter Teams. How You and Your Team Get Unstuck to Get Results"
Ted Seides "So You Want to Start a Hedge Fund. Lessons for Managers and Allocators"
Bénédicte Faivre-Tavignot "Social Business and Base of the Pyramid. Levers for Strategic Renewal"
Dion Hinchcliffe "Social Business By Design. Transformative Social Media Strategies for the Connected Company"
Jason Saul "Social Innovation, Inc. 5 Strategies for Driving Business Growth through Social Change"
Peter Semmelhack "Social Machines. How to Develop Connected Products That Change Customers' Lives"
Chris Brogan "Social Media 101. Tactics and Tips to Develop Your Business Online"
Jim Sterne "Social Media Metrics. How to Measure and Optimize Your Marketing Investment"
Ken Schwaber "Software in 30 Days. How Agile Managers Beat the Odds, Delight Their Customers, And Leave Competitor"
Judith Humphrey "Speaking As a Leader. How to Lead Every Time You Speak...From Board Rooms to Meeting Rooms, From Tow"
Philip Kotler "Spend Shift. How the Post-Crisis Values Revolution Is Changing the Way We Buy, Sell, and Live"
Greg Jensen "Spread Trading. An Introduction to Trading Options in Nine Simple Steps"
Andrew Wheeler "SPSS Statistics for Data Analysis and Visualization"
Stephen Denning "Squirrel Inc.. A Fable of Leadership through Storytelling"
David Pottruck S. "Stacking the Deck. How to Lead Breakthrough Change Against Any Odds"
Alex Ritchie "Starting a Business in 7 simple steps"
Marsha Collier "Starting a Business on eBay.co.uk For Dummies"
Kate Shoup "Starting an Etsy Business For Dummies"
Greg Holden "Starting and Running an Online Business For Dummies"
Arnold Goldstein S. "Starting on a Shoestring. Building a Business Without a Bankroll"
Kai-Fu Lee "Startup Asia. Top Strategies for Cashing in on Asia's Innovation Boom"
Matt Blumberg "Startup CEO. A Field Guide to Scaling Up Your Business, + Website"
Brad Feld "Startup Communities. Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your City"
Carlye Adler "Startupland. How Three Guys Risked Everything to Turn an Idea into a Global Business"
John Bogle C. "Stay the Course. The Story of Vanguard and the Index Revolution"
Jonathan Mitchell "Staying the Course as a CIO. How to Overcome the Trials and Challenges of IT Leadership"
Marshall Goldsmith "Step Up. Lead in Six Moments that Matter"
Stephen Roach S. "Stephen Roach on the Next Asia. Opportunities and Challenges for a New Globalization"
Paul Mladjenovic "Stock Investing For Dummies"
Jeffrey Hirsch A. "Stock Trader's Almanac 2019"
Braden Kelley "Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire. A Roadmap to a Sustainable Culture of Ingenuity and Purpose"
Richard Arms W. "Stop and Make Money. How To Profit in the Stock Market Using Volume and Stop Orders"
Linda Swindling Byars "Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers. How to Negotiate Work Drama to Get More Done"
Margie Warrell "Stop Playing Safe. Rethink Risk, Unlock the Power of Courage, Achieve Outstanding Success"
David Loeper B. "Stop the Investing Rip-off. How to Avoid Being a Victim and Make More Money"
David Loeper B. "Stop the Investing Rip-off. How to Avoid Being a Victim and Make More Money"
John Bradley "Store Wars. The Worldwide Battle for Mindspace and Shelfspace, Online and In-store"
Gaston Legorburu "Storyscaping. Stop Creating Ads, Start Creating Worlds"
Jack Brennan "Straight Talk on Investing. What You Need to Know"
R. Williamson Douglas "Straight Talk on Leadership. Solving Canada's Business Crisis"
Gregory Smith S. "Straight to the Top. Becoming a World-Class CIO"
Gregory Smith S. "Straight to the Top. CIO Leadership in a Mobile, Social, and Cloud-based World"
Willie Pietersen "Strategic Learning. How to Be Smarter Than Your Competition and Turn Key Insights into Competitive A"
Moorad Choudhry "Structured Credit Products. Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation"
John Alston "Stuff Happens (and then you fix it!). 9 Reality Rules to Steer Your Life Back in the Right Direction"
Harry Bingham "Stuff Matters: Genius, Risk and the Secret of Capitalism"
Eric Hehman "Success and Succession. Unlocking Value, Power, and Potential in the Professional Services and Advis"
Simon Calver "Success the LOVEFiLM Way. How to Grow A Fast Growth Business in Fast Changing Times"
Jacques Lussier "Successful Investing Is a Process. Structuring Efficient Portfolios for Outperformance"
Clare Dignall "Successful Networking in 7 simple steps"
John Nyaradi "Super Sectors. How to Outsmart the Market Using Sector Rotation and ETFs"
Fraser Doherty "SuperBusiness. How I Started SuperJam from My Gran's Kitchen"
Ford Saeks "Superpower. How to Think, Act, and Perform with Less Effort and Better Results"
Lars Tvede "Supertrends. Winning Investment Strategies for the Coming Decades"
Daniel Stanton "Supply Chain Management For Dummies"
Peter Steidl "Survive, Exploit, Disrupt. Action Guidelines for Marketing in a Recession"
Patrick Corsi "Sustainability Calling. Underpinning Technologies"
Axel Merk "Sustainable Wealth. Achieve Financial Security in a Volatile World of Debt and Consumption"
Leigh Williamson "Swift in the Cloud"
Omar CFA Bassal "Swing Trading For Dummies"
Clive Corcoran M. "Systemic Liquidity Risk and Bipolar Markets. Wealth Management in Today's Macro Risk On / Risk Off F"
Molly Monsey "Tableau For Dummies"
Majken Schultz "Taking Brand Initiative. How Companies Can Align Strategy, Culture, and Identity Through Corporate B"
Judith Humphrey "Taking the Stage. How Women Can Speak Up, Stand Out, and Succeed"
Alan Palmer "Talk Lean. Shorter Meetings. Quicker Results. Better Relations."
Connie Dieken "Talk Less, Say More. Three Habits to Influence Others and Make Things Happen"
David Topus "Talk to Strangers. How Everyday, Random Encounters Can Expand Your Business, Career, Income, and Lif"
Mark Bowden "Tame the Primitive Brain. 28 Ways in 28 Days to Manage the Most Impulsive Behaviors at Work"
Lynn Taylor "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant. How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job"
Bill Franks "Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave. Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced Analytics"
Elaine Marmel "Teach Yourself VISUALLY Office 2016"
Cécile Godé "Team Coordination in Extreme Environments. Work Practices and Technological Uses under Uncertainty"
Glenn Parker M. "Team Players and Teamwork. New Strategies for Developing Successful Collaboration"
James M. Kouzes "Team Turnarounds. A Playbook for Transforming Underperforming Teams"
Amy Edmondson C. "Teaming to Innovate"
Barbara Rockefeller "Technical Analysis For Dummies"
Alasdair Nairn "Templeton's Way with Money. Strategies and Philosophy of a Legendary Investor"
Larry Keeley "Ten Types of Innovation. The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs"
D. Barton R. "The 10-Minute Millionaire. The One Secret Anyone Can Use to Turn $2,500 into $1 Million or More"
Donna McGeorge "The 25 Minute Meeting. Half the Time, Double the Impact"
Bryan Perry "The 25% Cash Machine. Double Digit Income Investing"
Peter Friedes E. "The 2R Manager. When to Relate, When to Require, and How to Do Both Effectively"
Peter Mallouk "The 5 Mistakes Every Investor Makes and How to Avoid Them. Getting Investing Right"
Phil Dourado "The 60 Second Leader. Everything You Need to Know About Leadership, in 60 Second Bites"
David Williams K. "The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning. Tying Soft Traits to Hard Results"
Linda Galindo "The 85% Solution. How Personal Accountability Guarantees Success -- No Nonsense, No Excuses"
Dirk Matten "The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility"
Janine Allis "The Accidental Entrepreneur. The Juicy Bits"
Harvey Robbins "The Accidental Leader. What to Do When You're Suddenly in Charge"
Amanda Setili "The Agility Advantage. How to Identify and Act on Opportunities in a Fast-Changing World"
Mohamed El-Erian "The Alpha Masters. Unlocking the Genius of the World's Top Hedge Funds"
Bill Franks "The Analytics Revolution. How to Improve Your Business By Making Analytics Operational In The Big Da"
Mike Thompson "The Anywhere Leader. How to Lead and Succeed in Any Business Environment"
Vijay Mahajan "The Arab World Unbound. Tapping into the Power of 350 Million Consumers"
Warren Bennis "The Art and Adventure of Leadership. Understanding Failure, Resilience and Success"
Karissa Thacker "The Art of Authenticity. Tools to Become an Authentic Leader and Your Best Self"
Eli Broad "The Art of Being Unreasonable. Lessons in Unconventional Thinking"
Craig Holland "The Art of Business Succession. Who will fill your shoes?"
Cheryl Cran "The Art of Change Leadership. Driving Transformation In a Fast-Paced World"
Carl Futia "The Art of Contrarian Trading. How to Profit from Crowd Behavior in the Financial Markets"
Mara Hermano "The Art of Critical Making. Rhode Island School of Design on Creative Practice"
John Sedgwick "The Art of Doing Good. Where Passion Meets Action"
Lee LeFever "The Art of Explanation. Making your Ideas, Products, and Services Easier to Understand"
Charles Bronfman "The Art of Giving. Where the Soul Meets a Business Plan"
Corey Sandler "The Art of Software Testing"
Steven Stowell J. "The Art of Strategic Leadership. How Leaders at All Levels Prepare Themselves, Their Teams, and Orga"
Christopher Tate "The Art of Trading. A Complete Guide to Trading the Australian Markets"
Michael Parness "The Art of Trend Trading. Animal Spirits and Your Path to Profits"
John Wasik F. "The Audacity of Help. Obama's Stimulus Plan and the Remaking of America"
Joe Vitale "The Awakened Millionaire. A Manifesto for the Spiritual Wealth Movement"
Kipp Bodnar "The B2B Social Media Book. Become a Marketing Superstar by Generating Leads with Blogging, LinkedIn,"
Jim Kokoris "The Big Man of Jim Beam. Booker Noe And the Number-One Bourbon In the World"
Joel Greenblatt "The Big Secret for the Small Investor. A New Route to Long-Term Investment Success"
Stephen Weiss L. "The Big Win. Learning from the Legends to Become a More Successful Investor"
Stephen Weiss L. "The Billion Dollar Mistake. Learning the Art of Investing Through the Missteps of Legendary Investor"
Stephanie Capparell "The Birkman Method. Your Personality at Work"
Brian Kelly "The Bitcoin Big Bang. How Alternative Currencies Are About to Change the World"
Larry MacDonald "The Bombardier Story. From Snowmobiles to Global Transportation Powerhouse"
John Elkington "The Breakthrough Challenge. 10 Ways to Connect Today's Profits With Tomorrow's Bottom Line"
Robert Stein "The Bull Inside the Bear. Finding New Investment Opportunities in Today's Fast-Changing Financial Ma"
Molly Fletcher "The Business of Being the Best. Inside the World of Go-Getters and Game Changers"
Philip Sheldrake "The Business of Influence. Reframing Marketing and PR for the Digital Age"
Sham Gad M. "The Business of Value Investing. Six Essential Elements to Buying Companies Like Warren Buffett"
Mahendra Ramsinghani "The Business of Venture Capital. Insights from Leading Practitioners on the Art of Raising a Fund, D"
Ellen Velsor Van "The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Leadership Development"