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Холакратия. Революционный подход в менеджменте
Закон РФ «О средствах массовой информации». Текст с последними изменениями и дополнениями на 21 янва
Юлия Лапина
Тело, еда, секс и тревога: Что беспокоит современную женщину. Исследование клинического психолога
Федеральный закон «Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в Российской Федерации». Текст с последними из
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Все книги типа book . Страница 12
Бизнес-Книги/Зарубежная деловая литература
Odell Education "Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 11"
Odell Education "Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 6"
Odell Education "Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 6"
Odell Education "Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 7"
Odell Education "Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 7"
Odell Education "Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 8"
Odell Education "Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 8"
Odell Education "Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 9"
Odell Education "Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 9"
Wilson Meena Surie "Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today. Insights from Corporate India"
Flanagan Tim A. "Developing Your Conflict Competence. A Hands-On Guide for Leaders, Managers, Facilitators, and Teams"
Hans-Jürgen Borchardt "Dezentrales Marketing und Crowdsourcing. Warum und wie sich das Marketing neu erfinden muss"
Cameron Kim S. "Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture. Based on the Competing Values Framework"
Barton Biggs "Diary of a Hedgehog. Biggs' Final Words on the Markets"
Will Bonner "Dice Have No Memory. Big Bets and Bad Economics from Paris to the Pampas"
Dirk Börnecke "Die Gehälterlüge. Verdienen die Anderen Wirklich Mehr Als Ich?"
Peter Kinne "Die Kunst, bevorzugt zu werden. Das Erfolgskonzept Wertebalance"
Sommerlatte Tom "Die Zukunft der deutschen Wirtschaft. Visionen für 2030"
Anders Sorman-Nilsson "Digilogue. How to Win the Digital Minds and Analogue Hearts of Tomorrow's Customer"
Julie Adair King "Digital Photography For Dummies"
Marius Leibold "Digital Rebirth. How Smart Companies Recreate Themselves in the Digital Era"
Marius Leibold "Digital Rebirth. Wie sich intelligente Unternehmen neu erfinden"
Robert Correll "Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies"
Simon Moore "Digital Wealth. An Automatic Way to Invest Successfully"
Hung-gay Fung "Dim Sum Bonds. The Offshore Renminbi (RMB)-Denominated Bonds"
Josh Linkner "Disciplined Dreaming. A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity"
Bill George "Discover Your True North"
King Sara N. "Discovering the Leader in You Workbook"
David Altman "Discovering the Leader in You. How to realize Your Leadership Potential"
Fernando Diz "Distress Investing. Principles and Technique"
Craig Ross "Do Big Things. The Simple Steps Teams Can Take to Mobilize Hearts and Minds, and Make an Epic Impact"
David Cohen "Do More Faster. TechStars Lessons to Accelerate Your Startup"
Mark Wiskup "Don't Be That Boss. How Great Communicators Get the Most Out of Their Employees and Their Careers"
Sylvia Lafair "Don't Bring It to Work. Breaking the Family Patterns That Limit Success"
Jack Schannep "Dow Theory for the 21st Century. Technical Indicators for Improving Your Investment Results"
Janine Warner "Dreamweaver CC For Dummies"
Paul R. Lawrence "Driven to Lead. Good, Bad, and Misguided Leadership"
Robert Thomas J. "Driving Results Through Social Networks. How Top Organizations Leverage Networks for Performance and"
William Cohen A. "Drucker on Leadership. New Lessons from the Father of Modern Management"
Arthur Rosenbloom H. "Due Diligence for Global Deal Making. The Definitive Guide to Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions,"
Sarah Watt "Economic and Business Forecasting. Analyzing and Interpreting Econometric Results"
Arthur Levitt. Jr. "Economist on Wall Street (Peter L. Bernstein's Finance Classics). Notes on the Sanctity of Gold, the"
Alan Axelrod "Edison on Innovation. 102 Lessons in Creativity for Business and Beyond"
Triin Vihalemm "Eesti ühiskond kiirenevas ajas"
Van Tharp K. "Eight Edges You Must Have. Your Written Trading Plan"
Alan Axelrod "Eisenhower on Leadership. Ike's Enduring Lessons in Total Victory Management"
Stephen Johnson Scott "Emergent. Ignite Purpose, Transform Culture, Make Change Stick"
Martyn Newman "Emotional Capitalists. The New Leaders"
Hughes Marcia "Emotional Intelligence in Action. Training and Coaching Activities for Leaders, Managers, and Teams"
Gill Hasson "Emotional Intelligence Pocketbook. Little Exercises for an Intuitive Life"
Bob Kelleher "Employee Engagement For Dummies"
Richard Mosley "Employer Branding For Dummies"
James M. Kouzes "Encouraging The Heart Workbook"
James M. Kouzes "Encouraging the Heart. A Leader's Guide to Rewarding and Recognizing Others"
Thomas Bulkowski N. "Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns"
Joe Mysak "Encyclopedia of Municipal Bonds. A Reference Guide to Market Events, Structures, Dynamics, and Inves"
John Mauldin "Endgame. The End of the Debt SuperCycle and How It Changes Everything"
Jonathan Tepper "Endgame. The End of the Debt SuperCycle and How It Changes Everything"
J. Jackson "Energy Budgets at Risk (EBaR). A Risk Management Approach to Energy Purchase and Efficiency Choices"
Bruce Schneider D. "Energy Leadership. Transforming Your Workplace and Your Life from the Core"
Brian Solis "Engage!, Revised and Updated. The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and "
Clint Swindall "Engaged Leadership. Building a Culture to Overcome Employee Disengagement"
Linda Holbeche "Engaged. Unleashing Your Organization's Potential Through Employee Engagement"
Alexander Elder "Entries and Exits. Visits to Sixteen Trading Rooms"
Sebastien Henry "EQ and Leadership In Asia. Using Emotional Intelligence To Lead And Inspire Your People"
Elaine Henry "Equity Asset Valuation"
Elaine Henry "Equity Asset Valuation Workbook"
Matthew Nutting R. "Equity Crowdfunding for Investors. A Guide to Risks, Returns, Regulations, Funding Portals, Due Dili"
R. Johnson Stafford "Equity Markets and Portfolio Analysis"
Carl Sheeler L. "Equity Value Enhancement. A Tool to Leverage Human and Financial Capital While Managing Risk"
Don Chance M. "Essays in Derivatives. Risk-Transfer Tools and Topics Made Easy"
Roger Axtell E. "Essential Do's and Taboos. The Complete Guide to International Business and Leisure Travel"
James Chen "Essentials of Technical Analysis for Financial Markets"
Lawrence Carrel "ETFs for the Long Run. What They Are, How They Work, and Simple Strategies for Successful Long-Term "
David Sarna E.Y. "Evernote For Dummies"
Ann Handley "Everybody Writes. Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content"
Paul Schmitz "Everyone Leads. Building Leadership from the Community Up"
Leonard Brody "Everything I Needed to Know About Business ... I Learned from a Canadian"
Dave Johnson "Executing Your Business Transformation. How to Engage Sweeping Change Without Killing Yourself Or Yo"
David Perry E. "Executive Recruiting For Dummies"
B. Kim Barnes "Exercising Influence. A Guide for Making Things Happen at Work, at Home, and in Your Community"
Antti Ilmanen "Expected Returns. An Investor's Guide to Harvesting Market Rewards"
Sylvester Taylor "Experience-Driven Leader Development. Models, Tools, Best Practices, and Advice for On-the-Job Devel"
Murat Yener "Expert Android Studio"
Frank Lavin "Export Now. Five Keys to Entering New Markets"
Cynthia Cooper "Extraordinary Circumstances. The Journey of a Corporate Whistleblower"
Moshe Rubinstein F. "Extraordinary Outcomes. Shaping an Otherwise Unpredictable Future"
Malcolm Kemp "Extreme Events. Robust Portfolio Construction in the Presence of Fat Tails"
Ronald Orol D. "Extreme Value Hedging. How Activist Hedge Fund Managers Are Taking on the World"
Noreena Hertz "Eyes Wide Open: How to Make Smart Decisions in a Confusing World"
Ingrid Bens "Facilitating with Ease!. Core Skills for Facilitators, Team Leaders and Members, Managers, Consultan"
Robin Ferracone A. "Fair Pay, Fair Play. Aligning Executive Performance and Pay"
Gregory Curtis "Family Capital. Working with Wealthy Families to Manage Their Money Across Generations"
Will Bonner "Family Fortunes. How to Build Family Wealth and Hold on to It for 100 Years"
Keith Whitaker "Family Trusts. A Guide for Beneficiaries, Trustees, Trust Protectors, and Trust Creators"
James E. Hughes, Jr. "Family Wealth. Keeping It in the Family--How Family Members and Their Advisers Preserve Human, Intel"
James E. Hughes, Jr. "Family. The Compact Among Generations"
E. Hart Wayne "Feedback in Performance Reviews"
Constance Brown "Fibonacci Analysis"
Edmund S. Phelps "Financial Darwinism. Create Value or Self-Destruct in a World of Risk"
Michelle Leder "Financial Fine Print. Uncovering a Company's True Value"
John Charnes "Financial Modeling with Crystal Ball and Excel"
H. Kotz David "Financial Regulation and Compliance. How to Manage Competing and Overlapping Regulatory Oversight"
Wei Chen "Financial Risk Management. Applications in Market, Credit, Asset and Liability Management and Firmwi"
James Hitchner R. "Financial Valuation Workbook. Step-by-Step Exercises and Tests to Help You Master Financial Valuatio"
James Hitchner R. "Financial Valuation: Applications and Models"
Kevin Matras "Finding #1 Stocks. Screening, Backtesting and Time-Proven Strategies"
Mike Leavitt "Finding Allies, Building Alliances. 8 Elements that Bring--and Keep--People Together"
James M. Kouzes "Finding the Courage to Lead"
David Riedel "Finding the Hot Spots. 10 Strategies for Global Investing"
Clare McAndrew "Fine Art and High Finance. Expert Advice on the Economics of Ownership"
Graham Winter "First Be Nimble. A Story About How to Adapt, Innovate and Perform in a Volatile Business World"
Gillian Davis "First-Time Leader. Foundational Tools for Inspiring and Enabling Your New Team"
Keith Fitz-Gerald "Fiscal Hangover. How to Profit From The New Global Economy"
Wendy Pirie L. "Fixed Income Analysis"
Wendy Pirie L. "Fixed Income Analysis Workbook"
Moorad Choudhry "Fixed Income Markets. Management, Trading and Hedging"
Frank Fabozzi J. "Fixed Income Securities"
Moorad Choudhry "Fixed-Income Securities and Derivatives Handbook"
Wilson Lord Michael "Fixing Britain. The Business of Reshaping Our Nation"
Lord Jones Digby "Fixing Business. Making Profitable Business Work for The Good of All"
Georgia Murch "Fixing Feedback"
James Wynbrandt "Flying High. How JetBlue Founder and CEO David Neeleman Beats the Competition... Even in the World's"
Keith Ferrazzi "Focus Like a Laser Beam. 10 Ways to Do What Matters Most"
Michele Lawrence "Focus on Leadership. Servant-Leadership for the Twenty-First Century"
David Einhorn "Fooling Some of the People All of the Time, A Long Short (and Now Complete) Story, Updated with New "
Richard Phalon "Forbes Greatest Investing Stories"
Forbes LLC "Forbes Guide to the Markets. Becoming a Savvy Investor"
James Clash M. "Forbes To The Limits. Pushing Yourself to the Edge--in Adventure and in Business"
Michael Tobin "Forget Strategy. Get Results. Radical Management Attitudes That Will Deliver Outstanding Success"
Lawrence Kochard E. "Foundation and Endowment Investing. Philosophies and Strategies of Top Investors and Institutions"
Frank Fabozzi J. "Foundations and Applications of the Time Value of Money"
William Priest W. "Free Cash Flow and Shareholder Yield. New Priorities for the Global Investor"
George Christy C. "Free Cash Flow. Seeing Through the Accounting Fog Machine to Find Great Stocks"
Michael Fullan "Freedom to Change: Four Strategies to Put Your Inner Drive into Overdrive"
Kevin Eikenberry "From Bud to Boss. Secrets to a Successful Transition to Remarkable Leadership"
Allison Graham "From Business Cards to Business Relationships. Personal Branding and Profitable Networking Made Easy"
Edward E. Lawler, III "From The Ground Up. Six Principles for Building the New Logic Corporation"
Harry Kraemer M. "From Values to Action: The Four Principles of Values-Based Leadership"
Michael Pellny "Führungskompetenz. Was wirklich wichtig ist"
Gregg Steinberg M. "Full Throttle. 122 Strategies to Supercharge Your Performance at Work"
Matt Krantz "Fundamental Analysis For Dummies"
Kim Klein "Fundraising for Social Change"
David Boyle "Funny Money: In Search of Alternative Cash"
Bill Paul "Future Energy. How the New Oil Industry Will Change People, Politics and Portfolios"
Troy Hazard "Future-Proofing Your Business. Real Life Strategies to Prepare Your Business for Tomorrow, Today"
Larry Williams "Futures Made Simple"
Giles Jewitt "FX Derivatives Trader School"
Philip Palaveev "G2: Building the Next Generation"
Joseph Quinlan "Gender Lens Investing. Uncovering Opportunities for Growth, Returns, and Impact"