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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 18
Наука, Образование/Зарубежная образовательная литература
Thanos Stouraitis "Arithmetic Circuits for DSP Applications"
J. States Christopher "Arsenic. Exposure Sources, Health Risks, and Mechanisms of Toxicity"
Ian Wilson "Articulatory Phonetics"
Ying Tan "Artificial Immune System. Applications in Computer Security"
Manjubala Bisi "Artificial Neural Network Applications for Software Reliability Prediction"
Julien Bachmann "Atomic Layer Deposition in Energy Conversion Applications"
Nicola Pinna "Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials"
David Cameron "Atomic Layer Deposition. Principles, Characteristics, and Nanotechnology Applications"
Yongliang Zhang "Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather"
Zhechen Zhu "Automatic Modulation Classification. Principles, Algorithms and Applications"
Jonathan Rodriguez "Backhauling / Fronthauling for Future Wireless Systems"
John Anderson B. "Bandwidth Efficient Coding"
Tzi-Dar Chiueh "Baseband Receiver Design for Wireless MIMO-OFDM Communications"
Geraldine Woods "Basic English Grammar For Dummies - UK"
Geraldine Woods "Basic English Grammar For Dummies - US"
Farzad Naeim "Basic Structural Dynamics"
Philip Garrison "Basic Structures"
Lisa Beltz A. "Bats and Human Health. Ebola, SARS, Rabies and Beyond"
Lin-Fa Wang "Bats and Viruses. A New Frontier of Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hubert Bachmann "Bauen mit Betonfertigteilen im Hochbau"
James Candy V. "Bayesian Signal Processing. Classical, Modern, and Particle Filtering Methods"
Howland Blackiston "Beekeeping For Dummies"
Oualid Hammi "Behavioral Modeling and Predistortion of Wideband Wireless Transmitters"
Klaus Holschemacher "Bemessungshilfsmittel für Betonbauteile nach Eurocode 2"
Michael Fischer "Berechnung und Bemessung von Betonbrücken"
Jeffrey Buller L. "Best Practices for Faculty Search Committees. How to Review Applications and Interview Candidates"
Konrad Bergmeister "Beton-Kalender 2009. Schwerpunkte: Konstruktiver Hochbau - Aktuelle Massivbaunormen"
Konrad Bergmeister "Beton-Kalender 2011. Kraftwerke, Faserbeton"
Konrad Bergmeister "Beton-Kalender 2012. Schwerpunkte - Infrastrukturbau, Befestigungstechnik, Eurocode 2"
Konrad Bergmeister "Beton-Kalender 2013. Lebensdauer und Instandsetzung-Behalter"
Antti Poso "Beton-Kalender 2014. Schwerpunkte: Unterirdisches Bauen - Grundbau - Eurocode 7"
Frank Fingerloos "Beton-Kalender 2015 Schwerpunkte. Bauen im Bestand Brücken"
Frank Fingerloos "Beton-Kalender 2016. Schwerpunkte: Beton im Hochbau, Silos und Behälter"
Konrad Bergmeister "Beton-Kalender 2017. Schwerpunkte: Spannbeton, Spezialbetone"
Charles Green "Biennials, Triennials, and Documenta. The Exhibitions that Created Contemporary Art"
Michael Boot "Biofuels from Lignocellulosic Biomass. Innovations beyond Bioethanol"
Vikash Babu "Biofuels Production"
Zhanjiang Liu (John) "Bioinformatics in Aquaculture. Principles and Methods"
Amit Bandyopadhyay "Biomaterials Science. Processing, Properties and Applications II"
Amit Bandyopadhyay "Biomaterials Science. Processing, Properties and Applications III"
Amit Bandyopadhyay "Biomaterials Science. Processing, Properties and Applications IV"
Amit Bandyopadhyay "Biomaterials Science. Processing, Properties and Applications V"
Amit Bandyopadhyay "Biomaterials Science. Processing, Properties, and Applications"
Chantal Bergeron "Biorefinery Co-Products. Phytochemicals, Primary Metabolites and Value-Added Biomass Processing"
Leszek Szczecinski "Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation. Fundamentals, Analysis and Design"
Tulay Adali "Blind Identification and Separation of Complex-valued Signals"
Xianchuan Yu "Blind Source Separation. Theory and Applications"
Julian Knight "British Politics For Dummies"
Julian Knight "British Politics For Dummies"
Kun Zhao "Building Capacities to Evaluate Health Inequities: Some Lessons Learned from Evaluation Experiments "
Holger Svensson "Cable-Stayed Bridges. 40 Years of Experience Worldwide"
Sergey Dorozhkin V. "Calcium Orthophosphate-Based Bioceramics and Biocomposites"
Philippe Maarek J. "Campaign Communication and Political Marketing"
Ying Wu "Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Related Technologies"
Philip Howard N. "Castells and the Media. Theory and Media"
Gill Garratt "CBT At Work For Dummies"
Gregoris Simos "CBT For Anxiety Disorders. A Practitioner Book"
Robert Newell "CBT for Appearance Anxiety. Psychosocial Interventions for Anxiety due to Visible Difference"
Mark Carlson "CBT for Chronic Pain and Psychological Well-Being. A Skills Training Manual Integrating DBT, ACT, Be"
Mark Carlson "CBT for Psychological Well-Being in Cancer. A Skills Training Manual Integrating DBT, ACT, Behaviora"
Mark Wheeler "Celebrity Politics"
Rajiv Asthana "Ceramic Integration and Joining Technologies. From Macro to Nanoscale"
Mrityunjay Singh "Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications"
Hua-Tay Lin "Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications"
Hua-Tay Lin "Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications II"
Hua-Tay Lin "Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications III"
Hua-Tay Lin "Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications IV. A Collection of Papers Presented at the 38th Internati"
Hua-Tay Lin "Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications V"
Hua-Tay Lin "Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications VI"
Mrityunjay Singh "Ceramics for Energy Conversion, Storage, and Distribution Systems"
Mrityunjay Singh "Ceramics for Environmental and Energy Applications"
Hua-Tay Lin "Ceramics for Environmental and Energy Applications II"
Mrityunjay Singh "Ceramics for Environmental Systems"
Jonathan Salem "Ceramics in Nuclear Applications"
Ralf Riedel "Ceramics Science and Technology, Volume 1. Structures"
Michael White "Challenges of the Housing Economy. An International Perspective"
Bo Zhang "Chaos Analysis and Chaotic EMI Suppression of DC-DC Converters"
Makio Naito "Characterization and Control of Interfaces for High Quality Advanced Materials III"
Sabu Thomas "Characterization of Polymer Blends. Miscibility, Morphology and Interfaces"
Dafna Lemish "Children and Media. A Global Perspective"
Nemai Karmakar Chandra "Chipless RFID Sensors"
Xavier Lauzin "Civil Engineering Structures According to the Eurocodes. Inspection and Maintenance"
Stanley Aronowitz "Class. The Anthology"
David Held "Climate Governance in the Developing World"
Harold Ellis "Clinical Anatomy. Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors"
Hamid Shafie R. "Clinical and Laboratory Manual of Dental Implant Abutments"
Nadeem Karimbux "Clinical Cases in Implant Dentistry"
Mohamad Mohty "Clinical Guide to Transplantation in Lymphoma"
Igor Faynberg "Cloud Computing. Business Trends and Technologies"
Rajkumar Buyya "Cloud Computing. Principles and Paradigms"
Husheng Li "Cognitive Radio Communication and Networking. Principles and Practice"
Peter Hayward "Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar Disorder. A Therapist's Guide to Concepts, Methods and Practice"
Ville Pulkki "Communication Acoustics. An Introduction to Speech, Audio and Psychoacoustics"
David Morley "Communications and Mobility. The Migrant, the Mobile Phone, and the Container Box"
John DiMarco "Communications Writing and Design. The Integrated Manual for Marketing, Advertising, and Public Rela"
David Baime S. "Community College Finance. A Guide for Institutional Leaders"
Graham Thornicroft "Community Mental Health. Putting Policy Into Practice Globally"
Ivan Lukacevic "Composite Structures according to Eurocode 4. Worked Examples"
Edoardo Provenzi "Computational Color Science. Variational Retinex-like Methods"
Benoit Descamps "Computational Design of Lightweight Structures. Form Finding and Optimization"
Ahmed Moustafa A. "Computational Models of Brain and Behavior"
Anton Batliner "Computational Paralinguistics. Emotion, Affect and Personality in Speech and Language Processing"
Yuriy Abramov A. "Computational Pharmaceutical Solid State Chemistry"
E. Carne Bryan "Connections for the Digital Age. Multimedia Communications for Mobile, Nomadic and Fixed Devices"
Malek Benslama "Connections Management Strategies in Satellite Cellular Networks"
Andy Hewitt "Construction Claims and Responses. Effective Writing and Presentation"
Michael Grose "Construction Law in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf"
Jack Sidnell "Conversation Analysis. An Introduction"
Kentaro Ito "Copper Zinc Tin Sulfide-Based Thin Film Solar Cells"
Sarah Lupton "Cornes and Lupton's Design Liability in the Construction Industry"
Otto Lerbinger "Corporate Communication. An International and Management Perspective"
Andrew Wereszczak "Corrosion, Wear, Fatigue, and Reliability of Ceramics"
Robert DiYanni "Critical Reading Across the Curriculum. Humanities, Volume 1"
Tom Gleeson "Crustal Permeability"
Kwamena Kwansah-Aidoo "Culture and Crisis Communication. Transboundary Cases from Nonwestern Perspectives"
Priyanka Jain "Current Therapy in Endodontics"
Tyson Brooks T. "Cyber-Assurance for the Internet of Things"
Jeff Kosseff "Cybersecurity Law"
Hung V. Nguyen "Decentralized Coverage Control Problems For Mobile Robotic Sensor and Actuator Networks"
Leandro Chambrone "Decision Making in Dental Implantology. Atlas of Surgical and Restorative Approaches"
P. Keane John "Delay Analysis in Construction Contracts"
Stuart Froum "Dental Implant Complications. Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment"
Jouni Korhonen "Deploying IPv6 in 3GPP Networks. Evolving Mobile Broadband from 2G to LTE and Beyond"
Lynne Walsh "Depression Care Across the Lifespan"
David Billington P. "Der Turm und die Brücke. Die neue Kunst des Ingenieurbaus"
Dominique Paret "Design Constraints for NFC Devices"
Hanif Kara "Design Engineering Refocused"
Terri Peters "Design for Health. Sustainable Approaches to Therapeutic Architecture"
Konrad Bergmeister "Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete. The CEN/TS 1992-4 Provisions"
Mrityunjay Singh "Design, Development, and Applications of Engineering Ceramics and Composites"
Hua-Tay Lin "Design, Development, and Applications of Structural Ceramics, Composites, and Nanomaterials"
Joel Katz "Designing Information. Human Factors and Common Sense in Information Design"
Rocky Heckman "Designing Platform Independent Mobile Apps and Services"
Harry Trees L.Van "Detection Estimation and Modulation Theory, Part I. Detection, Estimation, and Filtering Theory"
Charles Hulme "Developing Language and Literacy. Effective Intervention in the Early Years"
Dongming Zhu "Developments in Strategic Ceramic Materials II"
Thomas Fischer "Developments in Strategic Ceramic Materials. A Collection of Papers Presented at the 39th Internatio"
Kunihito Koumoto "Developments in Strategic Materials"
Dileep Singh "Developments in Strategic Materials and Computational Design II"
Jingyang Wang "Developments in Strategic Materials and Computational Design III"
Yanchun Zhou "Developments in Strategic Materials and Computational Design IV"
Dongming Zhu "Developments in Strategic Materials and Computational Design V"
Otl Aicher "die welt als entwurf. schriften zum design"
Mylène Pischella "Digital Communications 1. Source and Channel Coding"
Mylène Pischella "Digital Communications 2. Digital Modulations"
Richard Middlestead W. "Digital Communications with Emphasis on Data Modems. Theory, Analysis, Design, Simulation, Testing, "
Maurice Charbit "Digital Signal and Image Processing using MATLAB, Volume 3. Advances and Applications, The Stochasti"
Maurice Charbit "Digital Signal Processing (DSP) with Python Programming"
Donald Reay S. "Digital Signal Processing Using the ARM Cortex M4"
Jun Wang "Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting. Technology and System"