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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 60
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Jeffrey Koperski "The Physics of Theism. God, Physics, and the Philosophy of Science"
Graham Linda J. "The Power In / Of Language"
Richard Bernstein J. "The Pragmatic Turn"
Ho Law "The Psychology of Coaching, Mentoring and Learning"
David Atwood A. "The Rare Earth Elements. Fundamentals and Applications"
Sinniah Ilanko "The Rayleigh-Ritz Method for Structural Analysis"
Michael Church "The Regulation of Peace River. A Case Study for River Management"
Pamela Swallow C. "The Remarkable Life and Career of Ellen Swallow Richards. Pioneer in Science and Technology"
Vallance Edward "The Renaissance Conscience"
Laura Behling L. "The Resource Handbook for Academic Deans"
Niederreither Karen "The Retinoids. Biology, Biochemistry, and Disease"
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David Rosch M. "The Role of Student Organizations in Developing Leadership. New Directions for Student Leadership, N"
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Nicola Simmons "The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Canada: Institutional Impact. New Directions for Teachin"
Pat Hutchings "The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered. Institutional Integration and Impact"
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Kisker Carrie B. "The Shaping of American Higher Education. Emergence and Growth of the Contemporary System"
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Yakaboski "The State of the College Union: Contemporary Issues and Trends. New Directions for Student Services,"
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Weise Wolfram "The Structure of the Nucleon"
Korrel Kanoy "The Student EQ Edge. Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success"
Korrel Kanoy "The Student EQ Edge. Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success: Facilitation and"
Korrel Kanoy "The Student EQ Edge. Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success: Student Workbook"
James M. Kouzes "The Student Leadership Challenge. Activities Book"
James M. Kouzes "The Student Leadership Challenge. Facilitation and Activity Guide"
James M. Kouzes "The Student Leadership Challenge. Five Practices for Becoming an Exemplary Leader"
James M. Kouzes "The Student Leadership Challenge. Student Workbook and Personal Leadership Journal"
Corey Seemiller "The Student Leadership Competencies Guidebook. Designing Intentional Leadership Learning and Develop"
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Manning Susan "The Technology Toolbelt for Teaching"
John Clary J. "The Toxicology of Methanol"
Peter Felten "The Undergraduate Experience. Focusing Institutions on What Matters Most"
Jonathan Harris "The Utopian Globalists. Artists of Worldwide Revolution, 1919 - 2009"
Pierrehumbert Raymond "The Warming Papers. The Scientific Foundation for the Climate Change Forecast"
Henri Baudrand "The Wave Concept in Electromagnetism and Circuits. Theory and Applications"
Steven Horstmeyer L. "The Weather Almanac. A Reference Guide to Weather, Climate, and Related Issues in the United States "
Steven Horstmeyer L. "The Weather Almanac. A Reference Guide to Weather, Climate, and Related Issues in the United States "
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Jian-Ming Jin "Theory and Computation of Electromagnetic Fields"
Ronald Droste L. "Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment"
Kwok Chow "Therapeutic Delivery Solutions"
Thomas Ryll "Therapeutic Fc-Fusion Proteins"
Roland Kontermann "Therapeutic Proteins. Strategies to Modulate Their Plasma Half-lives"
H. Lee S. "Thermal Design. Heat Sinks, Thermoelectrics, Heat Pipes, Compact Heat Exchangers, and Solar Cells"
Ibrahim Dincer "Thermal Energy Storage. Systems and Applications"
Akio Makishima "Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS). Silicate Digestion, Separation, Measurement"
Maarten H. P. Ambaum "Thermal Physics of the Atmosphere"
Maarten Ambaum H.P. "Thermal Physics of the Atmosphere"
Chen Reuven "Thermally and Optically Stimulated Luminescence. A Simulation Approach"
Klaus Sattler "Thermische Trennverfahren. Aufgaben und Auslegungsbeispiele"
Klaus Sattler "Thermische Trennverfahren. Grundlagen, Auslegung, Apparate"
Jean-Michel Bergheau "Thermo-Mechanical Industrial Processes. Modeling and Numerical Simulation"
Stevens Christian "Thermochemical Processing of Biomass. Conversion into Fuels, Chemicals and Power"
Michel Soustelle "Thermodynamic Modeling of Solid Phases"
Hardy Robert J. "Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. An Integrated Approach"
Michel Soustelle "Thermodynamics of Surfaces and Capillary Systems"
J. Wang K. "Thermohydrodynamic Instability in Fluid-Film Bearings"
Jean Delery "Three-dimensional Separated Flows Topology. Singular Points, Beam Splitters and Vortex Structures"
Selva Lewin-Bizan "Thriving in Childhood and Adolescence: The Role of Self Regulation Processes. New Directions for Chi"
David J. A. Evans "Till. A Glacial Process Sedimentology"
Christian Hansen K. "Time Management for Department Chairs"
Hale Robert "Time Series Analysis in Meteorology and Climatology. An Introduction"
Anthony Dosseto "Timescales of Magmatic Processes. From Core to Atmosphere"
Anwarul Hasan "Tissue Engineering for Artificial Organs. Regenerative Medicine, Smart Diagnostics and Personalized "
Cruz Laura "To Improve the Academy. Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development"
Patrick Prouzet "Tools for Oceanography and Ecosystemic Modeling"
Nicolas Moreau "Tools for Signal Compression. Applications to Speech and Audio Coding"
G. Kondolf Mathias "Tools in Fluvial Geomorphology"
Klockenkämper Reinhold "Total-Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods"
John M. Braxton "Toward a Scholarship of Practice. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 178"
Saura Sahu C. "Toxicology and Epigenetics"
Yuliang Zhao "Toxicology of Nanomaterials"
Hans-Werner Vohr "Toxikologie. Band 1 Grundlagen der Toxikologie"
Hans-Werner Vohr "Toxikologie. Band 2 - Toxikologie der Stoffe"
Raynor Mark W. "Trace Analysis of Specialty and Electronic Gases"
Robert Mason P. "Trace Metals in Aquatic Systems"
Nigel Leader-Williams "Trade-offs in Conservation. Deciding What to Save"
Maniatis Iris "Tragende Bauteile aus Glas. Grundlagen, Konstruktion, Bemessung, Beispiele"
Jacques Ganoulis "Transboundary Water Resources Management. A Multidisciplinary Approach"
Andreas Hornung "Transformation of Biomass. Theory to Practice"
Edward Taylor "Transformative Conversations. A Guide to Mentoring Communities Among Colleagues in Higher Education"
Amy Rutstein-Riley "Transformative Learning and Adult Higher Education. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number"
Mezirow Jack "Transformative Learning in Practice. Insights from Community, Workplace, and Higher Education"
Pappas James P. "Transforming Adults Through Coaching: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 148"
Sheetal Rana "Transforming Youth Serving Organizations to Support Healthy Youth Development. New Directions for Yo"
Paul Smith W. "Transient Electronics. Pulsed Circuit Technology"
Dunetz Joshua R. "Transition Metal-Catalyzed Couplings in Process Chemistry. Case Studies From the Pharmaceutical Indu"
Ken Tanaka "Transition-Metal-Mediated Aromatic Ring Construction"
Hans Kupka J. "Transitions in Molecular Systems"
Varshney Rajeev "Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding. Volume 1 - Biotic Stress"
Varshney Rajeev "Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding. Volume 2 - Improvement for Abiotic Stress, Quality and Yie"
Robert Meyers A. "Translational Medicine. Cancer, 2 Volume Set"
Linda Samuelson C. "Translational Research and Discovery in Gastroenterology. Organogenesis to Disease"
Devaux Philippe "Transmembrane Dynamics of Lipids"
Clayton Paul R. "Transmission Lines in Digital and Analog Electronic Systems. Signal Integrity and Crosstalk"
Lange Elizabeth "Transnational Migration, Social Inclusion, and Adult Education. New Directions for Adult and Continu"
Hans Schober "Transparent Shells. Form, Topology, Structure"
Chedd Naomi "Treatment Planning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. An Individualized, Problem-Solving A"
Perez Lance C. "Trellis and Turbo Coding. Iterative and Graph-Based Error Control Coding"
Kalin Mitjan "Tribology of Ceramics and Composites. Materials Science Perspective"
Heinrich Zankl "Trotzdem Genial. Darwin, Nietzsche, Hawking und Co."
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Dietmar Siemann W. "Tumor Microenvironment"
Feng-Chen Li "Turbulent Drag Reduction by Surfactant Additives"
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Borghi Roland "Turbulent Multiphase Flows with Heat and Mass Transfer"
David Billington P. "Turme und Brucken. Die neue Kunst des Ingenieurbaus"
Alisa Belzer "Turning Points. Recent Trends in Adult Basic Literacy, Numeracy, and Language Education: New Directi"
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Lluis Torner "Twisted Photons. Applications of Light with Orbital Angular Momentum"
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Ilene Strizver "Type Rules. The Designer's Guide to Professional Typography"
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Edik Rafailov U. "Ultrafast Lasers Based on Quantum Dot Structures. Physics and Devices"
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Ye Yao "Ultrasonic Technology for Desiccant Regeneration"
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Christian Synwoldt "Umdenken!. Clevere Lösungen für die Energiezukunft"
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Ann Highum "Undergraduate Global Education: Issues for Faculty, Staff, and Students. New Directions for Student "
Sandra Laursen "Undergraduate Research in the Sciences. Engaging Students in Real Science"
J. Biddix Patrick "Understanding and Addressing Commuter Student Needs. New Directions for Student Services, Number 150"