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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 61
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Adrianna Kezar "Understanding and Facilitating Organizational Change in the 21st Century: Recent Research and Concep"
Adrianna Kezar "Understanding and Facilitating Organizational Change in the 21st Century: Recent Research and Concep"
R. Dods F. "Understanding Diabetes. A Biochemical Perspective"
Erin Castro L. "Understanding Equity in Community College Practice. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 17"
Erin Castro L. "Understanding Equity in Community College Practice. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 17"
John Arthur W. "Understanding Geometric Algebra for Electromagnetic Theory"
Michael Harris "Understanding Institutional Diversity in American Higher Education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 39"
Conway Henderson W. "Understanding International Law"
Xiao-lei Wang "Understanding Language and Literacy Development. Diverse Learners in the Classroom"
Houman Zarrinkoub "Understanding LTE with MATLAB. From Mathematical Modeling to Simulation and Prototyping"
Little Max A. "Understanding Mathematical and Statistical Techniques in Hydrology. An Examples-based Approach"
Robert Johnson A. "Understanding Membrane Distillation and Osmotic Distillation"
James Keeler "Understanding NMR Spectroscopy"
Valentin Ananikov P. "Understanding Organometallic Reaction Mechanisms and Catalysis. Computational and Experimental Tools"
O'Sullivan Colm "Understanding Physics"
Bengt Bengtsson O. "Understanding Population Genetics"
Chen Jian "Understanding the Discrete Element Method. Simulation of Non-Spherical Particles for Granular and Mu"
Andrew Waterhouse L. "Understanding Wine Chemistry"
Richard Hodges P. "Underwater Acoustics. Analysis, Design and Performance of Sonar"
GDCh "Unendliche Weiten. Kreuz und quer durchs Chemie-Universum"
Michael Flickinger C. "Upstream Industrial Biotechnology, 2 Volume Set"
Tom Payzant "Urban School Leadership"
Stanley Sandler I. "Using Aspen Plus in Thermodynamics Instruction. A Step-by-Step Guide"
Darnell Cole "Using Data-Informed Decision Making to Improve Student Affairs Practice. New Directions for Student "
Jillian Kinzie "Using Evidence of Student Learning to Improve Higher Education"
Museus Samuel D. "Using Mixed Methods to Study Intersectionality in Higher Education. New Directions in Institutional "
Maureen McCarthy A. "Using Quality Benchmarks for Assessing and Developing Undergraduate Programs"
Janice Miller-Young "Using the Decoding The Disciplines Framework for Learning Across the Disciplines. New Directions for"
Hu Shouping "Using Typological Approaches to Understand College Student Experiences and Outcomes. New Directions "
Samiksha Singh "UV-B Radiation. From Environmental Stressor to Regulator of Plant Growth"
Patrick Prouzet "Value and Economy of Marine Resources"
Oliver Gassmann "Value Creation in the Pharmaceutical Industry. The Critical Path to Innovation"
Sali Tagliamonte A. "Variationist Sociolinguistics. Change, Observation, Interpretation"
Martin Kent "Vegetation Description and Data Analysis. A Practical Approach"
Eddy van der Maarel "Vegetation Ecology"
Lorenzo Carver "Venture Capital Valuation. Case Studies and Methodology"
G. Vogel Herbert "Verfahrensentwicklung. Von der ersten Idee zur chemischen Prodiktionsanlage"
Walter Klopffer "Verhalten und Abbau von Umweltchemikalien. Physikalisch-chemische Grundlagen"
Michael Benton "Vertebrate Palaeontology"
DiRamio David "Veterans in Higher Education: When Johnny and Jane Come Marching to Campus. ASHE Higher Education Re"
Laurence Nafie A. "Vibrational Optical Activity. Principles and Applications"
Andrzej Wieckowski "Vibrational Spectroscopy at Electrified Interfaces"
Guo Yu "Vibro-impact Dynamics"
Maggio Emilio "Video Tracking. Theory and Practice"
John Armitage "Virilio and the Media"
Torria Davis "Visual Design for Online Learning"
Hilmar Fuchs "Vliesstoffe. Rohstoffe, Herstellung, Anwendung, Eigenschaften, Prüfung"
Eberhard Breitmaier "Vom NMR-Spektrum zur Strukturformel organischer Verbindungen"
Roland Full "Vom Urknall zum Gummibärchen"
Daubenfeld Thorsten "Von der Uni ins wahre Leben. Zum Karrierestart für Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure"
Prouzet Patrick "Vulnerability of Coastal Ecosystems and Adaptation"
He Huang Qing "Vulnerability of Land Systems in Asia"
Sedat Tardu "Wall Turbulence Control"
Jaeho Kang "Walter Benjamin and the Media. The Spectacle of Modernity"
O'Loughlin Ben "War and Media"
Prof. Schwedt Georg "Was ist wirklich drin? Produkte aus dem Supermarkt"
Gunter Wagner "Waschmittel. Chemie, Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit"
Gunter Wagner "Waschmittel. Chemie, Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit"
Walter Koelle "Wasseranalysen - richtig beurteilt. Grundlagen, Parameter, Wassertypen, Inhaltsstoffe"
Alireza Bahadori "Waste Management in the Chemical and Petroleum Industries"
Partha Datta Sarathi "Water Harvesting for Groundwater Management. Issues, Perspectives, Scope, and Challenges"
Christophe Lécuyer "Water on Earth. Physicochemical and Biological Properties"
John Voeller G. "Water Safety and Water Infrastructure Security"
Parvaiz Ahmad "Water Stress and Crop Plants. A Sustainable Approach, 2 Volume Set"
David Banks "Water Wells and Boreholes"
Sangam Shrestha "Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Principles and Practices"
David Chin A. "Water-Quality Engineering in Natural Systems. Fate and Transport Processes in the Water Environment"
Vincent Guinot "Wave Propagation in Fluids. Models and Numerical Techniques"
Vincent Guinot "Wave Propagation in Fluids. Models and Numerical Techniques"
Klaus Grobe "Wavelength Division Multiplexing. A Practical Engineering Guide"
Holma Harri "WCDMA for UMTS. HSPA Evolution and LTE"
Lesca Nicolas "Weak Signals for Strategic Intelligence. Anticipation Tool for Managers"
Sanjay Mishra M. "Wearable Android. Android Wear and Google FIT App Development"
Sinanan Jolynna "Webcam"
Paul Hatcher E. "Weed Research. Expanding Horizons"
Abigail Conley H. "Wellness Counseling in Action. A Holistic Approach to Prevention and Intervention"
Gerhard Gottschalk "Welt der Bakterien, Archaeen und Viren. Ein einführendes Lehrbuch der Mikrobiologie"
Georg Schwedt "Wenn das Gelbe vom Ei blau macht. Spruche mit versteckter Chemie"
Firooza Pavri "Wetland Environments. A Global Perspective"
Mitsch William J. "Wetlands"
Claudia Ruitenberg "What Do Philosophers of Education Do? (And How Do They Do It?)"
Gerard Herk Van "What Is Sociolinguistics?"
Scott McLeod "What School Leaders Need to Know About Digital Technologies and Social Media"
Paul Harris G. "What's Wrong with Climate Politics and How to Fix It"
Black & Veatch Corporation "White's Handbook of Chlorination and Alternative Disinfectants"
Nolan Cabrera L. "Whiteness in Higher Education: The Invisible Missing Link in Diversity and Racial Analyses: ASHE Hig"
David Koepsell "Who Owns You? Science, Innovation, and the Gene Patent Wars"
Gilbert Rodman B. "Why Cultural Studies?"
Jean-Francois Lyotard "Why Philosophize?"
Vincent Consonni "Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Nanowires for Optical Devices. Low-Dimensionality Related Effects and Gr"
Richard Kock "Wild Rangelands. Conserving Wildlife While Maintaining Livestock in Semi-Arid Ecosystems"
David Cole N. "Wildland Recreation. Ecology and Management"
Graeme Caughley "Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management"
Rebecca Dmytryk "Wildlife Search and Rescue. A Guide for First Responders"
Mirza Abbas A. "Wiley International Trends in Financial Reporting under IFRS. Including Comparisons with US GAAP, Ch"
Bernard Wood "Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution"
Bernard Wood "Wiley-Blackwell Student Dictionary of Human Evolution"
Steven Kaplan M. "Wiley's English-Spanish Spanish-English Chemistry Dictionary"
Mohammed Ayoob "Will the Middle East Implode?"
Lai Ming-Yee "WiMAX Technology and Network Evolution"
Gerd Ganteför "Wir drehen am Klima - na und?"
Keith Q. T. Zhang "Wireless Communications. Principles, Theory and Methodology"
Mary Eshaghian-Wilner Mehrnoosh "Wireless Computing in Medicine. From Nano to Cloud with Ethical and Legal Implications"
Olivier Bouchet "Wireless Optical Communications"
Naoki Shinohara "Wireless Power Transfer via Radiowaves"
Wilfried Lindenzweig H. "Wissen macht schlau. Grosse Themen leicht erzählt"
Carsten Konneker "Wissenschaft kommunizieren. Ein Handbuch mit vielen praktischen Beispielen"
Florian Fisch "Wissenschaftlich erwiesen. Gütesiegel oder Etikettenschwindel?"
Randall Moon T. "Wnt Signaling in Development and Disease. Molecular Mechanisms and Biological Functions"
Michael Krause "Wo Menschen und Teilchen aufeinanderstoßen. Begegnungen am CERN"
Shakeshaft Charol "Women and Educational Leadership"
Suzanne OConnell "Women in the Geosciences. Practical, Positive Practices Toward Parity"
Al James "Work-Life Advantage. Sustaining Regional Learning and Innovation"
Wyatt Paul "Workbook for Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach"
R. Crookston Kent "Working with Problem Faculty. A Six-Step Guide for Department Chairs"
Kursad Turksen "Wound Healing. Stem Cells Repair and Restorations, Basic and Clinical Aspects"
George Green "Writing a Novel and Getting Published For Dummies UK"
Francis Waller J. "Writing Chemistry Patents and Intellectual Property. A Practical Guide"
Stephen K. Donovan "Writing for Earth Scientists. 52 Lessons in Academic Publishing"
Lamberti Carlo "X-Ray Absorption and X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy. Theory and Applications"
Paul van der Heide "X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. An introduction to Principles and Practices"
Jinghua Guo "X-Rays in Nanoscience. Spectroscopy, Spectromicroscopy, and Scattering Techniques"
Kubiak Jacek Z. "Xenopus Development"
Soheil Mohammadi "XFEM Fracture Analysis of Composites"
Horst Feldmann "Yeast. Molecular and Cell Biology"
Horst Feldmann "Yeast. Molecular and Cell Biology"
Flanagan Constance A. "Youth Civic Development: Work at the Cutting Edge. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Developme"
Matthew Calvert "Youth Programs as Builders of Social Capital. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 138"
Xinyin Chen "Youth Success and Adaptation in Times of Globalization and Economic Change. New Directions for Youth"
Patricia McGrath "Zebrafish. Methods for Assessing Drug Safety and Toxicity"
Paul Taylor A. "Zizek and the Media"
Prof. Schwedt Georg "Zuckersüße Chemie. Kohlenhydrate & Co"
Georg Schwedt "Zuckersüße Chemie. Kohlenhydrate and Co"
Наука, Образование/Социология
Zygmunt Bauman "44 Letters From the Liquid Modern World"
Zygmunt Bauman "44 Letters From the Liquid Modern World"
Pepper Schwartz "50 Great Myths of Human Sexuality"
Clark Larsen Spencer "A Companion to Biological Anthropology"
Wilson Thomas M. "A Companion to Border Studies"
Sean Redmond "A Companion to Celebrity"
Anne Underhill P. "A Companion to Chinese Archaeology"
Giovanni Bennardo "A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology"
Thomas King F. "A Companion to Cultural Resource Management"
G. Scott Richard "A Companion to Dental Anthropology"
Quayson Ato "A Companion to Diaspora and Transnationalism"
Galit Hasan-Rokem "A Companion to Folklore"
Dennis Dirkmaat "A Companion to Forensic Anthropology"
Rosaldo Renato "A Companion to Latina/o Studies"
Singer Merrill "A Companion to Medical Anthropology"
Didier Fassin "A Companion to Moral Anthropology"
Caulkins D. Douglas "A Companion to Organizational Anthropology"