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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 57
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Waser Rainer "Resistive Switching. From Fundamentals of Nanoionic Redox Processes to Memristive Device Application"
Amitava Dasgupta "Resolving Erroneous Reports in Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. A Comprehensive Guide"
Yaacoub Elias "Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems. Optimal Solutions and Practical Implementation"
Adalbert Steinbach "Ressourceneffizienz und Wirtschaftlichkeit in der Chemie durch systematische Material. Kosten und We"
Andel Jelte van "Restoration Ecology. The New Frontier"
John M. Braxton "Rethinking College Student Retention"
Edna Chun "Rethinking Cultural Competence in Higher Education: An Ecological Framework for Student Development:"
Anne Colby "Rethinking Undergraduate Business Education. Liberal Learning for the Profession"
Buchwald Peter "Retrometabolic Drug Design and Targeting"
Jeffrey Alstete W. "Revenue Generation Strategies: Leveraging Higher Education Resources for Increased Income. AEHE Volu"
Jane Kucera "Reverse Osmosis. Design, Processes, and Applications for Engineers"
Andrea Bellelli "Reversible Ligand Binding. Theory and Experiment"
Kenneth Lipkowitz B. "Reviews in Computational Chemistry"
Kenneth Lipkowitz B. "Reviews in Computational Chemistry"
Kenny Lipkowitz B. "Reviews in Computational Chemistry"
Kenny Lipkowitz B. "Reviews in Computational Chemistry"
Heinz Schuster Georg "Reviews of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, Volume 3"
Montrosse-Moorhead Bianca "Revisiting Truth, Beauty,and Justice: Evaluating With Validity in the 21st Century. New Directions f"
Ken Tanaka "Rhodium Catalysis in Organic Synthesis. Methods and Reactions"
Lappi Douglas "Ribosome-inactivating Proteins. Ricin and Related Proteins"
Eisenbrand G. "Risk Assessment of Phytochemicals in Food. Novel Approaches"
Hamid Mollah "Risk Management Applications in Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing"
Sorochty Roger W. "Risk Management in Student Affairs. Foundations for Safety and Success"
Paul Wood J. "River Science. Research and Management for the 21st Century"
Ellen Wohl "Rivers in the Landscape. Science and Management"
Robert Meyers A. "RNA Regulation"
Zhong-Ping Jiang "Robust Adaptive Dynamic Programming"
Kang-Zhi Liu "Robust Control. Theory and Applications"
Charles Bishop A. "Roll-to-Roll Vacuum Deposition of Barrier Coatings"
Michael Haschke "Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse in der Laborpraxis"
Martin Crespi "Root Genomics and Soil Interactions"
Marcello Lappa "Rotating Thermal Flows in Natural and Industrial Processes"
Lothar Lilge "Ruthenium Complexes. Photochemical and Biomedical Applications"
Shouwei Zhou "Sand Production Management for Unconsolidated Sandstone Reservoirs"
Alan Elliott C. "SAS Essentials. Mastering SAS for Data Analytics"
Teresa Braun M. "Satellite Communications Payload and System"
Malcolm L. Hunter "Saving the Earth as a Career. Advice on Becoming a Conservation Professional"
Richard Henriksen N. "Scale Invariance. Self-Similarity of the Physical World"
Frans Padt "Scale-Sensitive Governance of the Environment"
Robert Entman M. "Scandal and Silence. Media Responses to Presidential Misconduct"
Davies Philip R. "Scanning Tunneling Microscopy in Surface Science"
Han Charles C. "Scattering and Dynamics of Polymers. Seeking Order in Disordered Systems"
Wolfgang Gaebel "Schizophrenia. Current science and clinical practice"
Drew Moser "Scholarship Reconsidered. Priorities of the Professoriate"
Daphne Vince-Prue "Science and the Garden. The Scientific Basis of Horticultural Practice"
Daphne Vince-Prue "Science and the Garden. The Scientific Basis of Horticultural Practice"
Michael Franken "Scrum für Dummies"
David Thomas N. "Sea Ice"
Nirmal Sinha "Sea Ice. Physics and Remote Sensing"
Ian Dunn S. "Searching for Molecular Solutions. Empirical Discovery and Its Future"
Pearce-Smith Nicola "Searching Skills Toolkit. Finding the Evidence"
Simon Pittman J. "Seascape Ecology"
Roland Jansen A. "Second Generation Biofuels and Biomass. Essential Guide for Investors, Scientists and Decision Maker"
Paul van der Heide "Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. An Introduction to Principles and Practices"
Maurice Tucker E. "Sedimentary Rocks in the Field. A Practical Guide"
Mike Leeder R. "Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins. From Turbulence to Tectonics"
Michael Li Z. "Sediments, Morphology and Sedimentary Processes on Continental Shelves. Advances in technologies, re"
Philip Becraft W. "Seed Genomics"
Heike Will "Sei naiv und mach' ein Experiment: Feodor Lynen. Biographie des Münchner Biochemikers und Nobelpreis"
T. Datta K. "Seismic Analysis of Structures"
Yanghua Wang "Seismic Inversion. Theory and Applications"
John Schuh H. "Selected Contemporary Assessment Issues. New Directions for Student Services, Number 142"
Clay Bennett S. "Selective Glycosylations. Synthetic Methods and Catalysts"
Adriano Zecchina "Selective Nanocatalysts and Nanoscience. Concepts for Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Catalysis"
Nissim Garti "Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architectures. Lyotropic Liquid Crystals"
Li-Tang Yan "Self-Assembling Systems. Theory and Simulation"
Wolfgang Binder H. "Self-Healing Polymers. From Principles to Applications"
Tharwat Tadros F. "Self-Organized Surfactant Structures"
Hefer Bembenutty "Self-Regulated Learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 126"
Oleg Okhotnikov G. "Semiconductor Disk Lasers. Physics and Technology"
Rüdiger Memming "Semiconductor Electrochemistry"
Horst Kisch "Semiconductor Photocatalysis. Principles and Applications"
Willatzen Morten "Separable Boundary-Value Problems in Physics"
Shri Ramaswamy "Separation and Purification Technologies in Biorefineries"
Matthew Todd H. "Separation of Enantiomers. Synthetic Methods"
Daniel Wheeler W. "Servant Leadership for Higher Education. Principles and Practices"
Daniel Wheeler W. "Servant Leadership for Higher Education. Principles and Practices"
Toeroe Maria "Service Availability. Principles and Practice"
Barbara Jacoby "Service-Learning Essentials. Questions, Answers, and Lessons Learned"
Barsyte Dalia "Sex, Stress and Reproductive Success"
Peter Ayres G. "Shaping Ecology. The Life of Arthur Tansley"
Terrence Deal E. "Shaping School Culture"
Herbert Bender F. "Sicherer Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen. unter Berücksichtigung von REACH und GHS"
Florencio Dörwald Zaragoza "Side Reactions in Organic Synthesis II. Aromatic Substitutions"
Paul Schmidt "Sieben und Siebmaschinen. Grundlagen und Anwedung"
Abdeldjalil Ouahabi "Signal and Image Multiresolution Analysis"
Fournier Regis "Signal and Image Processing for Biometrics"
Hussein Baher "Signal Processing and Integrated Circuits"
François Auger "Signal Processing with Free Software. Practical Experiments"
Tsunenobu Kimoto "Silicon Carbide, Volume 2. Power Devices and Sensors"
Tsunenobu Kimoto "Silicon Carbide. Volume 1: Growth, Defects, and Novel Applications"
Harmata Michael "Silver in Organic Chemistry"
Rob Sheppard "Simply Digital Photography"
Mike Wooldridge "Simply Photoshop Elements 8"
Mike Wooldridge "Simply Photoshop Elements 9"
Patrice Langlois "Simulation of Complex Systems in GIS"
Haw Yang "Single Molecule Biophysics. Experiments and Theory"
Stuart Elden "Sloterdijk Now"
Werngard Czechtizky "Small Molecule Medicinal Chemistry. Strategies and Technologies"
Ajay Mishra Kumar "Smart Materials for Waste Water Applications"
Annarosa Gugliuzza "Smart Membranes and Sensors. Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications"
Ian Smith "Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics"
Tanya Joosten "Social Media for Educators. Strategies and Best Practices"
Heather Rowan-Kenyon T. "Social Media in Higher Education. ASHE Higher Education Report, Volume 42, Number 5"
David West "Social Movements in Global Politics"
Xiang Liu Yang "Soft Fibrillar Materials. Fabrication and Applications"
Neumann Gerd "Software für Medizingeräte. Die praktische Auslegung und Umsetzung der gesetzlichen Standards - für "
Alain Abran "Software Project Estimation. The Fundamentals for Providing High Quality Information to Decision Mak"
J. Cooper David "Soil Water Measurement. A Practical Handbook"
Gertz Likhtenshtein I. "Solar Energy Conversion. Chemical Aspects"
Storey Richard A. "Solid State Characterization of Pharmaceuticals"
Anthony West R. "Solid State Chemistry and its Applications"
Vladislav Kharton V. "Solid State Electrochemistry II. Electrodes, Interfaces and Ceramic Membranes"
McDermott Anne E. "Solid State NMR Studies of Biopolymers"
Philip Hofmann "Solid State Physics. An Introduction"
Vona Maria LuisaDi "Solid State Proton Conductors. Properties and Applications in Fuel Cells"
Thomas Christensen "Solid Waste Technology and Management"
Thomas Christensen "Solid Waste Technology and Management"
Stephen Burnley "Solid Wastes Management"
Peter J. H. Scott "Solid-Phase Organic Syntheses, Volume 2. Solid-Phase Palladium Chemistry"
Lam Yulin "Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis. Concepts, Strategies, and Applications"
Ulla Åkerlind "Solidification and Crystallization Processing in Metals and Alloys"
Herlach Dieter M. "Solidification of Containerless Undercooled Melts"
Felix Carroll A. "Solutions Manual for Perspectives on Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry"
Michael Greenberg D. "Solutions Manual to accompany Ordinary Differential Equations"
Welton Thomas "Solvents and Solvent Effects in Organic Chemistry"
Xiao-Feng Wu "Solvents as Reagents in Organic Synthesis. Reactions and Applications"
Xiu-Qing Li "Somatic Genome Variation"
John Buscombe "Somatostatin Analogues. From Research to Clinical Practice"
Charles Hulme "Sound Linkage. An Integrated Programme for Overcoming Reading Difficulties"
Denise Bohrer "Sources of Contamination in Medicinal Products and Medical Devices"
Michael Porter "Spaces of Environmental Justice"
Günter Rombach "Spannbetonbau"
Graubner Carl-Alexander "Spannbetonbauwerke. Teil 4: Bemessungsbeispiele nach Eurocode 2"
Lena Sanders "Spatio-temporal Approaches. Geographic Objects and Change Process"
Carolyn Allard "Special Issues in Chairing Academic Departments"
Baker Andy "Speleothem Science. From Process to Past Environments"
Marcel Swart "Spin States in Biochemistry and Inorganic Chemistry. Influence on Structure and Reactivity"
Malcolm Halcrow A. "Spin-Crossover Materials. Properties and Applications"
Malcolm Halcrow A. "Spin-Crossover Materials. Properties and Applications"
Marilyn Byrd Y. "Spirituality in the Workplace: A Philosophical and Social Justice Perspective. New Directions for Ad"
Comfort Paul "Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention"
Robin Hicks "Stable Radicals. Fundamentals and Applied Aspects of Odd-Electron Compounds"
Ann Wheeler "Standard and Super-Resolution Bioimaging Data Analysis. A Primer"
Claudio Oleari "Standard Colorimetry. Definitions, Algorithms and Software"
Wei-Fang Lin "Starting and Sustaining Meaningful Institutional Research at Small Colleges and Universities. Theory"
Simon Dadson James "Statistical Analysis of Geographical Data. An Introduction"
Ilya Narsky "Statistical Analysis Techniques in Particle Physics. Fits, Density Estimation and Supervised Learnin"
Sedat Tardu "Statistical Approach to Wall Turbulence"
James Turner E. "Statistical Methods in Radiation Physics"