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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 55
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Kyung-Hwa Yang "Participatory Visual Approaches to Adult and Continuing Education: Practical Insights. New Direction"
Graham Shaw "Particle Physics"
David Marshall W. "Partners in Advancing Student Learning: Degree Qualifications Profile and Tuning. New Directions for"
Fuzhong Weng "Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth. for Meteorological Applications"
H. Knight Jackson "Patent Strategy for Researchers and Research Managers"
Volker Munch "Patente, Marken, Design von A bis Z"
Allen John "Pathological Lives. Disease, Space and Biopolitics"
Nikki Jones "Pathways to Adulthood for Disconnected Young Men in Low-Income Communities. New Directions for Child"
McDonald Jeanette "Pathways to the Profession of Educational Development. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Num"
Trabocchi Andrea "Peptidomimetics in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry"
Nicholas Cheremisinoff P. "Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs). Contaminants of Concern"
Vikash Reddy "Performance Funding for Higher Education: What Are the Mechanisms? What Are the Impacts?. ASHE Highe"
Nielsen Steffen Bohni "Performance Management and Evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 137"
William Mark D. "Performance-Based Gear Metrology. Kinematic - Transmission - Error Computation and Diagnosis"
Kyle Cetrulo "Perinatal Stem Cells"
Ruey-Bing Hwang (Raybeam) "Periodic Structures. Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering"
Ruey-Bing Hwang (Raybeam) "Periodic Structures. Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering"
Felix Carroll A. "Perspectives on Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry"
Steve Cannon "Petrophysics. A Practical Guide"
Ann Newman "Pharmaceutical Amorphous Solid Dispersions"
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Peter Harrington J. "Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry for Synthesis. Rethinking the Routes to Scale-Up"
Michael Rieth "Pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie. Qualitätssicherung, Monitoring, Betriebshygiene"
Michel Soustelle "Phase Modeling Tools. Applications to Gases"
Michel Soustelle "Phase Transformations"
Halpin Harry "Philosophical Engineering. Toward a Philosophy of the Web"
Ruth Heilbronn "Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education"
Scharff Robert C. "Philosophy of Technology. The Technological Condition: An Anthology"
Lu Max "Photocatalysis and Water Purification. From Fundamentals to Recent Applications"
Albini Angelo "Photochemically-Generated Intermediates in Synthesis"
Dieter Wohrle "Photochemie. Konzepte, Methoden, Experimente"
Paola Ceroni "Photochemistry and Photophysics. Concepts, Research, Applications"
Jean-Pierre Fouassier "Photoinitiators for Polymer Synthesis. Scope, Reactivity, and Efficiency"
Uwe Rau "Photon Management in Solar Cells"
Hervé Fanet "Photon-based Medical Imagery"
Kazumi Wada "Photonics and Electronics with Germanium"
Sven Beer "Photosynthesis in the Marine Environment"
Sharon Hammes-Schiffer "Physical Chemistry for the Biological Sciences"
Mitsuru Nagasawa "Physical Chemistry of Polyelectrolyte Solutions"
Sergio Pizzini "Physical Chemistry of Semiconductor Materials and Processes"
Kurt Kolasinski W. "Physical Chemistry. How Chemistry Works"
Andreja Bakac "Physical Inorganic Chemistry. Principles, Methods, and Models"
Andreja Bakac "Physical Inorganic Chemistry. Reactions, Processes, and Applications"
Jean-Michel Tanguy "Physical Processes and Measurement Devices. Environmental Hydraulics"
Stephen Burkinshaw M. "Physico-chemical Aspects of Textile Coloration"
Shun-ichiro Karato "Physics and Chemistry of the Deep Earth"
Brock Ian "Physics at the Terascale"
James Martin E. "Physics for Radiation Protection"
Vladimir Zelevinsky "Physics of Atomic Nuclei"
George King C. "Physics of Energy Sources"
Ebeling Werner "Physics of Self-Organization and Evolution"
Uli Würfel "Physics of Solar Cells. From Basic Principles to Advanced Concepts"
C. Chen Julian "Physics of Solar Energy"
Patrick Haan Voss-de "Physik auf der Spur. Kriminaltechnik heute"
Iván Egry "Physik des Golfspiels. Mit Newton zum Tee"
Iván Egry "Physik des Golfspiels. Mit Newton zum Tee"
Leopold Mathelitsch "Physik des Sports"
Martin Pohl "Physik für Alle"
Friedhelm Kuypers "Physik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler. Band 1 - Mechanik und Thermodynamik"
Friedhelm Kuypers "Physik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler. Band 2: Elektrizität, Optik und Wellen"
Friedrich Bergler "Physikalische Chemie. Für Nebenfächler und Fachschüler"
Friedrich Bergler "Physikalische Chemie. für Nebenfächler und Fachschüler"
Michael Heinrich "Phytopharmacy. An Evidence-Based Guide to Herbal Medicinal Products"
Kálmán Szabó J. "Pincer and Pincer-Type Complexes. Applications in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis"
Veronika Meyer R. "Pitfalls and Errors of HPLC in Pictures"
A. Fiona D. Mackenzie "Places of Possibility. Property, Nature and Community Land Ownership"
Michael Middaugh F. "Planning and Assessment in Higher Education. Demonstrating Institutional Effectiveness"
Elkamel Ali "Planning and Integration of Refinery and Petrochemical Operations"
Rosemary Caffarella S. "Planning Programs for Adult Learners. A Practical Guide"
Paul Hasegawa M. "Plant Abiotic Stress"
Valdir Cechinel-Filho "Plant Bioactives and Drug Discovery. Principles, Practice, and Perspectives"
C. Neal Stewart, Jr. "Plant Biotechnology and Genetics. Principles, Techniques, and Applications"
Jules Janick "Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 34"
Jules Janick "Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 35"
Jules Janick "Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 36"
Jules Janick "Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 37"
Jules Janick "Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 38"
Jules Janick "Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 39"
Jules Janick "Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 40"
Anthony Paul "Plant Cell Culture. Essential Methods"
Hiroo Fukuda "Plant Cell Wall Patterning and Cell Shape"
William Dashek V. "Plant Cells and their Organelles"
Jiang Jiming "Plant Centromere Biology"
Dominique Audenaert "Plant Chemical Biology"
Erich Grotewold "Plant Genes, Genomes and Genetics"
Alan Crozier "Plant Metabolism and Biotechnology"
David Collinge B. "Plant Pathogen Resistance Biotechnology"
IUBMB "Plant Phenolics and Human Health. Biochemistry, Nutrition and Pharmacology"
Nina Fedoroff V. "Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution"
Shahid Ul-Islam "Plant-Based Natural Products. Derivatives and Applications"
Parvaiz Ahmad "Plant-Environment Interaction. Responses and Approaches to Mitigate Stress"
Friedman Gary "Plasma Medicine"
Michael Tolinski "Plastics and Sustainability. Towards a Peaceful Coexistence between Bio-based and Fossil Fuel-based "
Prof. Schwedt Georg "Plastisch, Elastisch, und Fantastisch. Ohne Kunststoffe Geht es Nicht"
Prof. Schwedt Georg "Plastisch, Elastisch, und Fantastisch. Ohne Kunststoffe Geht es Nicht"
Wouter Schellart P. "Plate Boundaries and Natural Hazards"
García-Alonso Ángel "Platelet Proteomics. Principles, Analysis, and Applications"
Erasmo Carrera "Plates and Shells for Smart Structures. Classical and Advanced Theories for Modeling and Analysis"
Nakkula Michael J. "Play, Talk, Learn: Promising Practices in Youth Mentoring. New Directions for Youth Development, Num"
Seth Stein "Playing against Nature. Integrating Science and Economics to Mitigate Natural Hazards in an Uncertai"
Paul Robbins "Political Ecology. A Critical Introduction"
Paul Robbins "Political Ecology. A Critical Introduction"
Qian Miao "Polycyclic Arenes and Heteroarenes. Synthesis, Properties, and Applications"
Sigrid Lüftl "Polyethylene-Based Biocomposites and Bionanocomposites"
Rolf Hilfiker "Polymorphism in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Solid Form and Drug Development"
Chen Z. Jeffrey "Polyploid and Hybrid Genomics"
M. Sailor J. "Porous Silicon in Practice. Preparation, Characterization and Applications"
Pete Harpum "Portfolio, Program, and Project Management in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries"
Jeffrey L. Buller "Positive Academic Leadership. How to Stop Putting Out Fires and Start Making a Difference"
Vasilenko Sara A. "Positive and Negative Outcomes of Sexual Behaviors. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Developm"
Hulme Eileen "Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry in Higher Education. New Directions for Student Service"
Jane Wu "Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation. RNA Processing in Eukaryotes"
Vittoria Ardino "Post-Traumatic Syndromes in Childhood and Adolescence. A Handbook of Research and Practice"
Heather Kelly A. "Postgraduate Outcomes of College Students. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 169"
Loong-Tak Lim "Postharvest Biology and Nanotechnology"
Louis Busacca A. "Postmodern Career Counseling. A Handbook of Culture, Context, and Cases"
Jessica Solyom A. "Postsecondary Education for American Indian and Alaska Natives: Higher Education for Nation Building"
Adrian Ioinovici "Power Electronics and Energy Conversion Systems, Fundamentals and Hard-switching Converters"
Scott Sudhoff D. "Power Magnetic Devices. A Multi-Objective Design Approach"
Bruno Pollet "Power Ultrasound in Electrochemistry. From Versatile Laboratory Tool to Engineering Solution"
Stephen Brookfield D. "Powerful Techniques for Teaching Adults"
Rouseff Russell "Practical Analysis of Flavor and Fragrance Materials"
Jean-Michel Tanguy "Practical Applications in Engineering"
Herman Lam "Practical Approaches to Method Validation and Essential Instrument Qualification"
Qiuliang Wang "Practical Design of Magnetostatic Structure Using Numerical Simulation"
Hans Bisswanger "Practical Enzymology"
James Bell R. "Practical Field Ecology. A Project Guide"
Guy Simpson "Practical Finite Element Modeling in Earth Science using Matlab"
Robert A. Stockland, Jr. "Practical Functional Group Synthesis"
Michael Rowlinson "Practical Guide to the NEC3 Professional Services Contract"
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Sergio Petrozzi "Practical Instrumental Analysis. Methods, Quality Assurance and Laboratory Management"
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Richard Henriksen N. "Practical Relativity. From First Principles to the Theory of Gravity"
Avlonas Nikos "Practical Sustainability Strategies. How to Gain a Competitive Advantage"
Stéphane Caron "Practical Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Reactions, Principles, and Techniques"
Carolyn Babione A. "Practitioner Teacher Inquiry and Research"
Robert Haber "Predictive Control in Process Engineering. From the Basics to the Applications"
Lieberman Bruce S. "Prehistoric Life. Evolution and the Fossil Record"
Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern "Preparative Chromatography"
Soko Starobin "Preparing a STEM Workforce through Career-Technical Education. New Directions for Community Colleges"
John Prihoda J. "Presidents and Analysts Discuss Contemporary Challenges. New Directions for Community Colleges, Numb"
John Prihoda J. "Presidents and Analysts Discuss Contemporary Challenges. New Directions for Community Colleges, Numb"
Robertson Jason "Preventing College Student Suicide. New Directions for Student Services, Number 141"
Thyagarajan Bhaskar "Primary and Stem Cells. Gene Transfer Technologies and Applications"