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Александр Григорьевич Михайлов
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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Медицина
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Медицина
16+ Magus veri. Suhkrusõltuvuse needus
0+ Major Incident Medical Management and Support. The Practical Approach at the Scene
0+ Major Incident Medical Management and Support. The Practical Approach in the Hospital
0+ Make A Decision: Surgery
12+ Makers of Modern Medicine
0+ Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
18+ Male masturbation. Advantages and disadvantages
0+ Male Sexual Dysfunction. A Clinical Guide
0+ Mała anatomia kliniczna
0+ Management and Welfare of Farm Animals. The UFAW Farm Handbook
0+ Management of Chemical and Biological Samples for Screening Applications
0+ Management of Common Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology
0+ Management of Complex Cardiovascular Problems
0+ Management of Complications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
0+ Management of Genetic Syndromes
0+ Management of Heart Failure
0+ Management of Pregnant and Neonatal Dogs, Cats, and Exotic Pets
0+ Management of Urologic Cancer. Focal Therapy and Tissue Preservation
0+ Managing Anger: Simple Steps to Dealing with Frustration and Threat
0+ Managing Cardiovascular Complications in Diabetes
0+ Managing Health and Safety in the Dental Practice. A Practical Guide
0+ Managing Health and Safety in the Dental Practice. A Practical Guide
0+ Managing Minor Musculoskeletal Injuries and Conditions
0+ Managing Pain in Children. A Clinical Guide for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
0+ Managing the Diabetic Foot
0+ Managing the Long-Term Care Facility. Practical Approaches to Providing Quality Care
0+ Mann's Pharmacovigilance
18+ Männliche Masturbation. Vorteile und Nachteile
0+ Manual for Eye Examination and Diagnosis
0+ Manual for laboratory classes in biological physics
0+ Manual of Clinical Paramedic Procedures
0+ Manual of Clinical Procedures in Dentistry
0+ Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse
0+ Manual of Commercial Methods in Clinical Microbiology
0+ Manual of Diagnostic Cytology of the Dog and Cat
0+ Manual of Dietetic Practice
0+ Manual of Equine Lameness
0+ Manual of Minor Oral Surgery for the General Dentist
0+ Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery
0+ Manual of Perioperative Care. An Essential Guide
0+ Manual of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
0+ Manual of Research Techniques in Cardiovascular Medicine
0+ Manual of Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
0+ Manual of STEMI Interventions
0+ Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders
0+ Manual of Veterinary Transfusion Medicine and Blood Banking
18+ Masturbation masculine. Avantages et inconvénients
18+ Masturbazione maschile. Pro e contro
0+ Mathematical Foundations and Applications of Graph Entropy
0+ Measuring Agreement. Models, Methods, and Applications
0+ Measuring income equity in the demand for healthcare with finite mixture models
0+ Medical Biochemistry at a Glance
0+ Medical Care of the Liver Transplant Patient
0+ Medical Decision Making
0+ Medical Disorders in Pregnancy. A Manual for Midwives
0+ Medical Dosage Calculations For Dummies
0+ Medical Education at a Glance
0+ Medical Ethics
0+ Medical Ethics For Dummies
0+ Medical Ethics Today. The BMA's Handbook of Ethics and Law
0+ Medical Ethics, Law and Communication at a Glance
0+ Medical Genetics at a Glance
0+ Medical Imaging. Essentials for Physicians
0+ Medical law. Cases and commentaries
0+ Medical Mathematics and Dosage Calculations for Veterinary Technicians
0+ Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance
0+ Medical Nutrition and Disease. A Case-Based Approach
0+ Medical Pharmacology at a Glance
0+ Medical School at a Glance
0+ Medical Sciences at a Glance
0+ Medical Sciences at a Glance. Practice Workbook
0+ Medical Statistics at a Glance Workbook
0+ Medical Statistics from Scratch. An Introduction for Health Professionals
0+ Medical Statistics. A Guide to SPSS, Data Analysis and Critical Appraisal
0+ Medical Statistics. A Textbook for the Health Sciences
0+ Medical Terminology For Dummies
0+ Medical Transcription For Dummies
0+ Medical-Surgical Nursing at a Glance
0+ Medicinal Chemistry of Nucleic Acids
0+ Medicine at a Glance
0+ Medicine Management Skills for Nurses
0+ Medicines Management for Nurses at a Glance
12+ Medieval Medicine
16+ Meditsiinimeedium
0+ Medycyna defensywna
0+ Medycyna estetyczna
0+ Medycyna estetyczna bez tajemnic
0+ Medycyna paliatywna
0+ Medycyna piękności
0+ Medycyna podróży. Kompendium
0+ Medycyna Rodzinna
0+ Medycyna stylu życia
0+ Medycyna transplantacyjna dla pielęgniarek
0+ Medyczna Marihuana. Historia hipokryzji
0+ Medyczne czynności ratunkowe
0+ Medyczne laboratorium diagnostyczne
0+ Medyczne skutki terroryzmu
0+ Memoire sur l'angine de poitrine
0+ Mémoires sur les sujets proposés pour les prix de l'Académie royale de chirurgie. T. 4, pt. 1
0+ Mémoires sur les sujets proposés pour les prix de l'Académie royale de chirurgie. T. 4, pt. 2
0+ Mémoires sur les sujets proposés pour les prix de l'Académie royale de chirurgie. T. 5, pt. 1
12+ Mental Disorders in Epilepsy
0+ Mental Health Nursing at a Glance
0+ Mental Illness, Discrimination and the Law. Fighting for Social Justice
0+ Mentoring in Nursing and Healthcare. A Practical Approach
0+ Mentoring in Nursing and Healthcare. Supporting Career and Personal Development
0+ Mentorship in Academic Medicine
0+ Metabolic Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
0+ Metabolic Syndrome and Neurological Disorders
0+ Metabolic Syndrome Pathophysiology. The Role of Essential Fatty Acids
0+ Metabolic Syndrome Pathophysiology. The Role of Essential Fatty Acids
0+ Metabolic Syndrome. Underlying Mechanisms and Drug Therapies
0+ Metabolic Syndrome. Underlying Mechanisms and Drug Therapies
0+ Metaboliczne IQ
0+ Metabolism at a Glance
0+ Metabolism of Drugs and Other Xenobiotics
0+ Metal-Based Neurodegeneration. From Molecular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Strategies
16+ Metameditsiin
0+ Method Validation in Pharmaceutical Analysis. A Guide to Best Practice
0+ Methodological Developments in Data Linkage
0+ Methods and Applications of Statistics in Clinical Trials, Volume 1. Concepts, Principles, Trials, a
0+ Methods and Applications of Statistics in Clinical Trials, Volume 2. Planning, Analysis, and Inferen
0+ Methods for Community-Based Participatory Research for Health
0+ Methods in Social Epidemiology
0+ Microbes. Concepts and Applications
0+ Microbial Ecology
0+ Microbial Sensing in Fermentation
0+ Microbiology For Dummies
0+ Microbiology of Aerosols
0+ Microbiology of Drinking Water. Production and Distribution
0+ Microcirculation Imaging
0+ Microneedle-mediated Transdermal and Intradermal Drug Delivery
0+ Microsurgery in Endodontics
0+ Midwifery at a Glance
0+ Midwifery Emergencies at a Glance
0+ Międzynarodowa Klasyfikacja Praktyki Pielęgniarskiej. ICNP® w praktyce pielęgniarskiej
0+ Mikrobiologia lekarska
0+ Mikrobiologia w kosmetologii
0+ Mikrobiologia w kosmetologii. Rozdział 1-2
0+ Mikrobiologia w kosmetologii. Rozdział 10-11
0+ Mikrobiologia w kosmetologii. Rozdział 12-13
0+ Mikrobiologia w kosmetologii. Rozdział 14
0+ Mikrobiologia w kosmetologii. Rozdział 15
0+ Mikrobiologia w kosmetologii. Rozdział 3-4
0+ Mikrobiologia w kosmetologii. Rozdział 5-6
0+ Mikrobiologia w kosmetologii. Rozdział 7
0+ Mikrobiologia w kosmetologii. Rozdział 8-9
0+ Mind Time: How ten mindful minutes can enhance your work, health and happiness
0+ Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Pain. A Clinical Manual and Guide
0+ Mindfulness. A Kindly Approach to Being with Cancer