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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Медицина
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Медицина
0+ Nutrition and HIV
0+ Nutrition and Metabolism
0+ Nutrition at a Glance
0+ Nutrition for Sport and Exercise. A Practical Guide
0+ Nutrition in the Childbearing Years
0+ Nutrition Research Methodologies
0+ Nutrition, Health and Disease. A Lifespan Approach
0+ Nutritional and Metabolic Bases of Cardiovascular Disease
0+ Nutritional Management of Equine Diseases and Special Cases
0+ Nutritional Management of Hospitalized Small Animals
18+ Nymphomanin. Wie man Nymphomanen erkennt
0+ Objawy chorób wewnętrznych. Podręcznik dla studentów
0+ Obliczanie dawek leków
0+ Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Current Science and Clinical Practice
0+ Obstetric Clinical Algorithms
0+ Obstetrics and Gynaecology
0+ Obstetrics and Gynaecology
0+ Obstetrics and Gynecology at a Glance
0+ Occupation Analysis in Practice
0+ Occupation-Centred Practice with Children. A Practical Guide for Occupational Therapists
0+ Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases. Diseases from Work, Home, Outdoor and Other Exposures
0+ Occupational Emergency Medicine
0+ Occupational Science. Society, Inclusion, Participation
0+ Occupational Therapy and Neurological Conditions
0+ Occupational Therapy and Older People
0+ Occupational Therapy and Stroke
0+ Occupational Therapy Evidence in Practice for Mental Health
0+ Occupational Therapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health
0+ Od lekarza do grabarza
0+ Oncology at a Glance
0+ Onkologia. Inhibitory osi EGFR w leczeniu niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuca
0+ Open-Bite Malocclusion. Treatment and Stability
0+ Ophthalmology at a Glance
0+ Ophthalmology of Exotic Pets
0+ Opieka nad kobietą ciężarną
0+ Opieka nad osobami starszymi
0+ Opieka położnej w ginekologii i onkologii ginekologicznej
0+ Opiekun medyczny w praktyce
0+ Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. A Diagnostic Approach
0+ Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
0+ Oral Bioavailability Assessment. Basics and Strategies for Drug Discovery and Development
0+ Oral Bioavailability. Basic Principles, Advanced Concepts, and Applications
0+ Oral Formulation Roadmap from Early Drug Discovery to Development
0+ Oral Medicine and Medically Complex Patients
0+ Oral Medicine and Pathology at a Glance
0+ Oral Microbiology at a Glance
0+ Oral Precancer. Diagnosis and Management of Potentially Malignant Disorders
0+ Oral Rehabilitation. A Case-Based Approach
0+ Oral Wound Healing. Cell Biology and Clinical Management
18+ Orgazm yaşamak için nasıl öğrenilir. “Başlangıç” dan “son” a kadar alıştırma yapın
0+ Orofacial Pain. A Guide to Medications and Management
0+ Orthodontic Functional Appliances: Theory and Practice
0+ Orthodontic Retainers and Removable Appliances. Principles of Design and Use
0+ Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth
0+ Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth
0+ Orthodontically Driven Corticotomy. Tissue Engineering to Enhance Orthodontic and Multidisciplinary
0+ Orthodontics for Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists
0+ Orthodontics in the Vertical Dimension. A Case-Based Review
0+ Orthodontics. Principles and Practice
0+ Orthognathic Surgery. Principles, Planning and Practice
0+ Ortopedia Duttona t.1
0+ Ortopedia Duttona t.2
0+ Ortopedia Duttona t.3
0+ Ortopedia Duttona t.4
0+ OSCEs at a Glance
0+ OSCEs for Medical Finals
0+ Osteopathy and the Treatment of Horses
0+ Osteoporosis. Diagnosis and Management
0+ Ostre stany zagrożenia życia w chorobach wewnętrznych
0+ Ostre stany zagrożenia życia w obrażeniach ciała
0+ Ostre zatrucia w praktyce ratownika medycznego
0+ Otępienia i organiczne zaburzenia psychiczne w praktyce lekarza POZ
0+ Overactive Bladder. Practical Management
0+ Pacjent na oddziale psychiatrycznym
0+ PACS and Imaging Informatics. Basic Principles and Applications
0+ PACS-Based Multimedia Imaging Informatics. Basic Principles and Applications
0+ Padaczka
0+ Padaczka. Etiologia
0+ Paediatric Advanced Life Support. A Practical Guide for Nurses
0+ Paediatric Dentistry at a Glance
0+ Paediatric Handbook
0+ Paediatric Intensive Care Nursing
0+ Paediatrics and Child Health
0+ Paediatrics at a Glance
0+ Paediatrics at a Glance
0+ Paediatrics, eTextbook. Clinical Cases Uncovered
0+ Pain in Childbearing and its Control. Key Issues for Midwives and Women
0+ Pain Management for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
0+ Pain Management in Veterinary Practice
0+ Pain-Relieving Procedures. The Illustrated Guide
0+ Painless Evidence-Based Medicine
0+ Pancreatic Cancer, Cystic Neoplasms and Endocrine Tumors. Diagnosis and Management
0+ Pancreatitis. Medical and Surgical Management
0+ Parasitology. An Integrated Approach
0+ Parazytologia medyczna. Kompendium
0+ Parenthood and Mental Health. A bridge between infant and adult psychiatry
0+ Parkinson's Disease. Non-Motor and Non-Dopaminergic Features
0+ Part 2 MRCOG: Single Best Answer Questions
0+ Partnering for Recovery in Mental Health. A Practical Guide to Person-Centered Planning
0+ Partners in Health. How Physicians and Hospitals can be Accountable Together
0+ Passing the FRACP Written Examination. Questions and Answers
0+ Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits
0+ Pathology of Liver Diseases
0+ Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds
0+ Pathology of Small Mammal Pets
0+ Pathophysiology for Nurses at a Glance
0+ Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine
0+ Patient and Public Involvement Toolkit
0+ Patient Safety
0+ Patient Safety and Healthcare Improvement at a Glance
0+ Patient Studies in Valvular, Congenital and Rarer Forms of Cardiovascular Disease. An Integrative Ap
0+ Patients First. Closing the Health Care Gap in Canada
0+ Patofizjologia
0+ Patolodzy
0+ Pediatria TOM I - II
0+ Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
0+ Pediatric Cardiology. The Essential Pocket Guide
0+ Pediatric Cardiovascular Medicine
0+ Pediatric Dentistry. A Clinical Approach
0+ Pediatric Drug Development
0+ Pediatric Incontinence. Evaluation and Clinical Management
0+ Pediatric Non-Clinical Drug Testing. Principles, Requirements, and Practice
0+ Pediatric Nutrition Handbook. An Algorithmic Approach
0+ Pediatric Psycho-oncology. Psychosocial Aspects and Clinical Interventions
0+ Pediatric Robotic and Reconstructive Urology. A Comprehensive Guide
18+ Pediatric stroke. Revascularization and reconstructive surgery in children with cerebrovascular dise
0+ Pediatric Urology. Surgical Complications and Management
0+ PEKiP: игра и движение. Более 100 развивающих игр для детей первого года жизни
12+ Peldēšanas trenera kvalifikācijas diplomprojekts. Jaunmārupes sākumskolas peldbaseins
0+ Peptide Chemistry and Drug Design
0+ Peptide Drug Discovery and Development. Translational Research in Academia and Industry
0+ Percutaneous Renal Surgery
0+ Performing the Small Animal Physical Examination
0+ Perfusion for Congenital Heart Surgery. Notes on Cardiopulmonary Bypass for a Complex Patient Popula
0+ Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist. Clinical Guide to Maintenance and Disease Complicatio
0+ Periodontal-Restorative Interrelationships. Ensuring Clinical Success
0+ Periodontology at a Glance
0+ Perioperative Medicine for the Junior Clinician, Enhanced Edition
0+ Perioperative Practice at a Glance
0+ Peripheral Artery Disease
0+ Person-Centred Healthcare Research
0+ Person-centred Nursing. Theory and Practice
0+ Person-Centred Practice in Nursing and Health Care. Theory and Practice
0+ Personal Health Records. A Guide for Clinicians
0+ Personal Health Records. A Guide for Clinicians
0+ Personalizing Precision Medicine. A Global Voyage from Vision to Reality
0+ Perspectives on Cancer Care
0+ Pesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinators
0+ Pharmaceutical Anti-Counterfeiting. Combating the Real Danger from Fake Drugs
0+ Pharmaceutical Calculations