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Мой прекрасный сад №03/2019
Quattroruote №03/2019
Сабрина. Журнал по вязанию. №03/2019
Сабрина. Вязание для детей. №1/2019
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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited
Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 82
Наука, Образование/Философия
Stephen Schwartz P. "A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy. From Russell to Rawls"
David Johnston "A Brief History of Justice"
Charles Taliaferro "A Brief History of the Soul"
Stephen Davies "A Companion to Aesthetics"
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen "A Companion to Applied Philosophy"
Allan Gotthelf "A Companion to Ayn Rand"
Singer Peter "A Companion to Bioethics"
Jonathan Schaffer "A Companion to David Lewis"
Lawlor Leonard "A Companion to Derrida"
Ernest Lepore "A Companion to Donald Davidson"
Ernest Sosa "A Companion to Epistemology"
Dennis Patterson "A Companion to European Union Law and International Law"
Justin Sytsma "A Companion to Experimental Philosophy"
Christopher Falzon "A Companion to Foucault"
Houlgate Stephen "A Companion to Hegel"
Jon Stewart "A Companion to Kierkegaard"
Susana Nuccetelli "A Companion to Latin American Philosophy"
Ernest Sosa "A Companion to Metaphysics"
Jon Mandle "A Companion to Rawls"
Bart Vandenabeele "A Companion to Schopenhauer"
Nancy Bauer "A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir"
Aviezer Tucker "A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography"
Crispin Wright "A Companion to the Philosophy of Language"
Hagberg Garry L. "A Companion to the Philosophy of Literature"
Heather Dyke "A Companion to the Philosophy of Time"
Lepore Ernest "A Companion to W. V. O. Quine"
Paul Goldin R. "A Concise Companion to Confucius"
David Hunter A. "A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking. Deciding What to Do and Believe"
Andrew Bowie "Adorno and the Ends of Philosophy"
Peter Lamarque "Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. The Analytic Tradition, An Anthology"
Willis Domingo "Against Epistemology. A Metacritique"
Claire Colebrook "Agamben"
Maximilian Gaynesford de "Agents and Their Actions"
William Irwin "Alien and Philosophy. I Infest, Therefore I Am"
Jurgen Habermas "An Awareness of What is Missing. Faith and Reason in a Post-secular Age"
Scott James M. "An Introduction to Evolutionary Ethics"
Lester Hunt H. "Anarchy, State, and Utopia. An Advanced Guide"
Thomas Blackson A. "Ancient Greek Philosophy. From the Presocratics to the Hellenistic Philosophers"
Jean Kazez "Animalkind. What We Owe to Animals"
Jeffrey Reiman "As Free and as Just as Possible. The Theory of Marxian Liberalism"
Ed Pluth "Badiou. A Philosophy of the New"
Young Linda S. "Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality. Water Control and Effects"
Janaway Christopher "Better Consciousness. Schopenhauer's Philosophy of Value"
Wanda Teays "Business Ethics Through Movies. A Case Study Approach"
David Sherman "Camus"
Fritz Allhoff "Christmas - Philosophy for Everyone. Better Than a Lump of Coal"
Naomi Hodgson "Citizenship for the Learning Society. Europe, Subjectivity, and Educational Research"
Dean Kowalski A. "Classic Questions and Contemporary Film. An Introduction to Philosophy"
David Oderberg S. "Classifying Reality"
Fritz Allhoff "College Sex - Philosophy for Everyone. Philosophers With Benefits"
Stephen Palmquist R. "Comprehensive Commentary on Kant's Religion Within the Bounds of Bare Reason"
Badiou Alain "Confrontation. A Conversation with Aude Lancelin"
Stephen Angle C. "Contemporary Confucian Political Philosophy"
Christopher Wellman Heath "Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics"
Ernest Sosa "Contemporary Debates in Epistemology"
James Dreier "Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory"
Christman John "Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy"
Thomas Davis D. "Contemporary Moral and Social Issues. An Introduction through Original Fiction, Discussion, and Read"
Zeus Leonardo "Critical Pedagogy and Race"
Mark Mason "Critical Thinking and Learning"
Fritz Allhoff "Cycling - Philosophy for Everyone. A Philosophical Tour de Force"
Mark Rollins "Danto and His Critics"
Brad Hooker "Developing Deontology. New Essays in Ethical Theory"
Karl Polanyi "Economy and Society: Selected Writings"
Ben Kotzee "Education and the Growth of Knowledge. Perspectives from Social and Virtue Epistemology"
Richard Smith "Education Policy. Philosophical Critique"
Michael Boylan "Environmental Ethics"
Sahotra Sarkar "Environmental Philosophy. From Theory to Practice"
Sahotra Sarkar "Environmental Philosophy. From Theory to Practice"
John Turri "Epistemology. A Guide"
Hugh LaFollette "Ethics in Practice. An Anthology"
James Speight G. "Ethics in the University"
John Mizzoni "Ethics: The Basics, 2nd Edition"
Stephen Turner P. "Explaining the Normative"
Stephen Turner P. "Explaining the Normative"
Fritz Allhoff "Fashion - Philosophy for Everyone. Thinking with Style"
Fritz Allhoff "Fatherhood - Philosophy for Everyone. The Dao of Daddy"
Paul Veyne "Foucault. His Thought, His Character"
Dominic Lopes McIver "Four Arts of Photography. An Essay in Philosophy"
Fritz Allhoff "Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone. Cultivating Wisdom"
Schutter Helder De "Global Democracy and Exclusion"
Hilary Kornblith "Goldman and His Critics"
Craig Calhoun "Habermas and Religion"
Herman Paul "Hayden White"
J. M. Fritzman "Hegel"
Thom Brooks "Hegel's Philosophy of Right"
Bernard Gert "Hobbes"
Bernard Gert "Hobbes"
J. Hackett Edward "House of Cards and Philosophy. Underwood's Republic"
Fritz Allhoff "Hunting - Philosophy for Everyone. In Search of the Wild Life"
Timothy Williamson "Identity and Discrimination"
Simon Critchley "Impossible Objects"
Alain Badiou "In Praise of Theatre"
Francois Laruelle "Intellectuals and Power"
Johnson David Kyle "Introducing Philosophy Through Pop Culture. From Socrates to South Park, Hume to House"
Miller Seumas "Investigative Ethics. Ethics for Police Detectives and Criminal Investigators"
Bart Streumer "Irrealism in Ethics"
Oliver Davis "Jacques Rancière"
Dale Miller E. "John Stuart Mill. Moral, Social, and Political Thought"
Dale Miller E. "John Stuart Mill. Moral, Social, and Political Thought"
Inna Semetsky "Jung and Educational Theory"
Bruce Michael "Just the Arguments. 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy"
John Burgess P. "Kripke"
Stacey Keltner "Kristeva"
Ludwig Wittgenstein "Lecture on Ethics"
Richard Arthur T.W. "Leibniz"
Anna Strhan "Levinas, Subjectivity, Education. Towards an Ethics of Radical Responsibility"
Sam Crane "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Dao. Ancient Chinese Thought in Modern American Life"
Samuel Rickless C. "Locke"
A. Pyle J. "Locke"
Scott Pratt L. "Logic. Inquiry, Argument, and Order"
Lepore Ernest "Meaning and Argument. An Introduction to Logic Through Language"
Stephen Hetherington "Metaphysics and Epistemology. A Guided Anthology"
Timothy Pickavance "Metaphysics. The Fundamentals"
Noel Carroll "Minerva's Night Out. Philosophy, Pop Culture, and Moving Pictures"
Christina Howells "Mortal Subjects"
Fritz Allhoff "Motherhood - Philosophy for Everyone. The Birth of Wisdom"
Verena Conley "Nancy Now"
Francis Bacon "New Atlantis and The Great Instauration"
Zygmunt Bauman "On Education. Conversations with Riccardo Mazzeo"
Peter Kivy "Once-Told Tales. An Essay in Literary Aesthetics"
Nick Walker "Ontology and Dialectics 1960-61"
Roy Cook T. "Paradoxes"
A. Martinich P. "Philosophical Writing. An Introduction"
Alain Badiou "Philosophy and the Idea of Communism. Alain Badiou in conversation with Peter Engelmann"
Kevin Schilbrack "Philosophy and the Study of Religions. A Manifesto"
Michael McGhee "Philosophy as a Way of Life. Ancients and Moderns - Essays in Honor of Pierre Hadot"
Sharon Todd "Philosophy East / West. Exploring Intersections between Educational and Contemplative Practices"
Vansieleghem Nancy "Philosophy for Children in Transition. Problems and Prospects"
Constantine Sandis "Philosophy of Action. An Anthology"
William Jaworski "Philosophy of Mind. A Comprehensive Introduction"
Richard Creel E. "Philosophy of Religion. The Basics"
Matt Lawrence "Philosophy on Tap. Pint-Sized Puzzles for the Pub Philosopher"
Damien Broderick "Philosophy's Future. The Problem of Philosophical Progress"
Antonio Negri "Pipeline. Letters from Prison"
Stella Sandford "Plato and Sex"
Stella Sandford "Plato and Sex"
Alain Badiou "Plato's Republic"
James Fishkin S. "Political Theory Without Borders"
Thomas Pogge W. "Politics as Usual. What Lies Behind the Pro-Poor Rhetoric"
Bernard Reber "Precautionary Principle, Pluralism and Deliberation. Science and Ethics"
Douglas Edwards "Properties"
Williamson Thad "Property-Owning Democracy. Rawls and Beyond"
Oliver Davis "Ranciere Now"
Simons Maarten "Rancière, Public Education and the Taming of Democracy"
John Broome "Rationality Through Reasoning"
Morwenna Griffiths "Re-Imagining Relationships in Education. Ethics, Politics and Practices"
Edwards Richard "Researching Education Through Actor-Network Theory"
Robert Schwartz "Rethinking Pragmatism. From William James to Contemporary Philosophy"
Thomas White I. "Right and Wrong. A Practical Introduction to Ethics"