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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 81
Наука, Образование/Техническая литература
Q. Xu Alan "Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Its Applications"
Mark Brook V. "Ultrasonic Inspection Technology Development and Search Unit Design. Examples of Pratical Applicatio"
Jean-Luc Gennisson "Ultrasound Elastography for Biomedical Applications and Medicine"
Mar Villamiel "Ultrasound in Food Processing. Recent Advances"
Radi Bouchaib "Uncertainty and Optimization in Structural Mechanics"
Alain Appriou "Uncertainty Theories and Multisensor Data Fusion"
Doug McLean "Understanding Aerodynamics. Arguing from the Real Physics"
Shanthi Pavan "Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters"
Mark Peters "Understanding Distillation Using Column Profile Maps"
Casazza Jack "Understanding Electric Power Systems. An Overview of the Technology, the Marketplace, and Government"
Luis Castaner "Understanding MEMS. Principles and Applications"
Franco Maloberti "Understanding Microelectronics. A Top-Down Approach"
Richard Tilley J.D. "Understanding Solids. The Science of Materials"
Richard J. D. Tilley "Understanding Solids. The Science of Materials"
J. Das C. "Understanding Symmetrical Components for Power System Modeling"
Medikonda Manasa "Understanding the Nanotechnology Revolution"
Alois Schaffarczyk "Understanding Wind Power Technology. Theory, Deployment and Optimisation"
Louis Theodore "Unit Operations in Environmental Engineering"
William Rouse B. "Universities as Complex Enterprises. How Academia Works, Why It Works These Ways, and Where the Univ"
Wei Shyy "Unmanned Aircraft Systems"
Reg Austin "Unmanned Aircraft Systems. UAVS Design, Development and Deployment"
Fred Sherratt "Unpacking Construction Site Safety"
Hendry Rahardjo "Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice"
Sivakumar V. "Unsaturated Soils. A fundamental interpretation of soil behaviour"
Spiller Marcus "Urban Infrastructure. Finance and Management"
Xiaojun Yang "Urban Remote Sensing. Monitoring, Synthesis and Modeling in the Urban Environment"
Xiaojun Yang "Urban Remote Sensing. Monitoring, Synthesis and Modeling in the Urban Environment"
Cosquer Mathilde "User-Centered Agile Method"
Dogan Ibrahim "Using LEDs, LCDs and GLCDs in Microcontroller Projects"
John McCool I. "Using the Weibull Distribution. Reliability, Modeling, and Inference"
Hans Hartnagel "Vacuum Nanoelectronic Devices. Novel Electron Sources and Applications"
John Kelly "Value Management of Construction Projects"
Laberteaux Kenneth "VANET. Vehicular Applications and Inter-Networking Technologies"
Haitham Abu-Rub "Variable Speed AC Drives with Inverter Output Filters"
Savera Tanwir "VBR Video Traffic Models"
Martin Meywerk "Vehicle Dynamics"
Jiri Tuma "Vehicle Gearbox Noise and Vibration. Measurement, Signal Analysis, Signal Processing and Noise Reduc"
Zhang Tao "Vehicle Safety Communications. Protocols, Security, and Privacy"
Labiod Houda "Vehicular Networks. Models and Algorithms"
Kindmann Rolf "Verbindungen im Stahl- und Verbundbau"
Kindmann Rolf "Verbindungen im Stahl- und Verbundbau"
Avner Engel "Verification, Validation, and Testing of Engineered Systems"
Betty Prince "Vertical 3D Memory Technologies"
Andrew Rushton "VHDL for Logic Synthesis"
Bernard Piette "VHF / UHF Filters and Multicouplers. Application of Air Resonators"
Alan Palazzolo "Vibration Theory and Applications with Finite Elements and Active Vibration Control"
Daniel Inman J. "Vibration with Control"
Robert Randall Bond "Vibration-based Condition Monitoring. Industrial, Aerospace and Automotive Applications"
Duarte OttoCarlos M.B. "Virtual Networks. Pluralistic Approach for the Next Generation of Internet"
Robert Ubell "Virtual Teamwork. Mastering the Art and Practice of Online Learning and Corporate Collaboration"
Qi Wang "Visible Light Communications. Modulation and Signal Processing"
Stephen Tou "Visualization of Fields and Applications in Engineering"
Hartmut Dunkelberg "Vitamine und Spurenelemente. Bedarf, Mangel, Hypervitaminosen und Nahrungsergänzung"
Andre Perez "Voice over LTE. EPS and IMS Networks"
William Flanagan A. "VoIP and Unified Communications. Internet Telephony and the Future Voice Network"
William Flanagan A. "VoIP and Unified Communications. Internet Telephony and the Future Voice Network"
Wolf Karl Heinz "VoIP Emergency Calling. Foundations and Practice"
Iravani Reza "Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems. Modeling, Control, and Applications"
Michael Gross "Von Geckos, Garn und Goldwasser. Die Nanowelt lässt grüßen"
Kemi Adeyeye "Water Efficiency in Buildings. Theory and Practice"
Lawler Desmond F. "Water Quality Engineering. Physical / Chemical Treatment Processes"
Susanne Charlesworth M. "Water Resources in the Built Environment. Management Issues and Solutions"
Wilson Chin C. "Wave Propagation in Drilling, Well Logging and Reservoir Applications"
R. Ganiev F. "Wave Technology in Mechanical Engineering. Industrial Applications of Wave and Oscillation Phenomena"
Zhengyou He "Wavelet Analysis and Transient Signal Processing Applications for Power Systems"
J. Davim Paulo "Wear of Advanced Materials"
David Phillips H. "Welding Engineering. An Introduction"
Ossicini Stefano "What is What in the Nanoworld. A Handbook on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology"
Vincent Consonni "Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Nanowires 2. Heterostructures and Optoelectronic Devices"
Dr. Sabban Albert "Wideband RF Technologies and Antennas in Microwave Frequencies"
Sudhir Dixit "WiFi, WiMAX and LTE Multi-hop Mesh Networks. Basic Communication Protocols and Application Areas"
Patricia Morales "Wild Plants, Mushrooms and Nuts. Functional Food Properties and Applications"
Sandra Lee "Willis's Elements of Quantity Surveying"
Sandra Lee "Willis's Elements of Quantity Surveying"
Allan Ashworth "Willis's Practice and Procedure for the Quantity Surveyor"
Peter Muller "WiMAX Security and Quality of Service. An End-to-End Perspective"
You-Lin Xu "Wind Effects on Cable-Supported Bridges"
Emil Simiu "Wind Effects on Structures. Modern Structural Design for Wind"
Andrew Swift "Wind Energy Essentials. Societal, Economic, and Environmental Impacts"
Nick Jenkins "Wind Energy Handbook"
Colin Hansen H. "Wind Farm Noise. Measurement, Assessment, and Control"
Thomas Ackermann "Wind Power in Power Systems"
Victor Lyatkher M. "Wind Power. Turbine Design, Selection, and Optimization"
Matthew Zhang Huaiquan "Wind Resource Assessment and Micro-siting. Science and Engineering"
Michael Brower "Wind Resource Assessment. A Practical Guide to Developing a Wind Project"
Keith Grainger "Wine Production and Quality"
Clarke Ronald J. "Wine. Flavour Chemistry"
Andreas Molisch F. "Wireless Communications"
Jyrki T. J. Penttinen "Wireless Communications Security. Solutions for the Internet of Things"
Haesik Kim "Wireless Communications Systems Design"
Giulio Colavolpe "Wireless Communications. Algorithmic Techniques"
Robert Schober "Wireless Information and Power Transfer. Theory and Practice"
Primak Serguei "Wireless Multi-Antenna Channels. Modeling and Simulation"
Chris Mi "Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles and Mobile Devices"
Stojmenovic Ivan "Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks. Algorithms and Protocols for Scalable Coordination and Data C"
Vuran Mehmet Can "Wireless Sensor Networks"
Ali Abedi "Wireless Sensor Systems for Extreme Environments. Space, Underwater, Underground, and Industrial"
Emmanuelle Vivier "Wireless Telecommunication Systems"
Ladislav Reinprecht "Wood Deterioration, Protection and Maintenance"
Jim Coulson "Wood in Construction. How to Avoid Costly Mistakes"
J. Davim Paulo "Wood Machining"
Guoyu Li "World Atlas of Oil and Gas Basins"
Rosemary Ommer "World Fisheries. A Social-Ecological Analysis"
Peter Farrell "Writing a Built Environment Dissertation. Practical Guidance and Examples"
Peter Farrell "Writing Built Environment Dissertations and Projects. Practical Guidance and Examples"
Goudeau Philippe "X-Rays and Materials"
Jean Salencon "Yield Design"
Jiri Cejka "Zeolites and Catalysis. Synthesis, Reactions and Applications"
M. Khan M. "Zero Waste Engineering. A New Era of Sustainable Technology Development"
Dietmar Placzek "Zielgenau bis ans Ende des Tunnels. Handbuch für die Bauvorbereitung, Vermessung und Bauüberwachung "
Wu Xiao-Feng "Zinc Catalysis. Applications in Organic Synthesis"
Didier Dumur "Zonotopes. From Guaranteed State-estimation to Control"
Наука, Образование/Физика
Alessandro Boselli "A Panchromatic View of Galaxies"
Volker Beckmann "Active Galactic Nuclei"
Richard Grijs de "An Introduction to Distance Measurement in Astronomy"
Plaxco Kevin W. "Astrobiologie für Einsteiger"
Alfred Weigert "Astronomie und Astrophysik. Ein Grundkurs"
Rudolf Dvorak "Celestial Dynamics. Chaoticity and Dynamics of Celestial Systems"
Uwe Meierhenrich "Comets And Their Origin. The Tools To Decipher A Comet"
Yang Gao "Contemporary Planetary Robotics. An Approach Toward Autonomous Systems"
Friedel Weinert "Copernicus, Darwin and Freud. Revolutions in the History and Philosophy of Science"
Alexander Stepanov "Coronal Seismology. Waves and Oscillations in Stellar Coronae"
Yun Wang "Dark Energy"
Thomas Posch "Das Ende der Nacht. Lichtsmog: Gefahren - Perspektiven - Lösungen"
Wiebke Salzmann "Der Urknall und andere Katastrophen"
Otterstein Sybille "Einführung in die moderne Kosmologie"
Govert Schilling "Europe to the Stars. ESO's First 50 Years of Exploring the Southern Sky"
Roland Wengenmayr "Geheimnisvoller Kosmos. Astrophysik und Kosmologie im 21. Jahrhundert"
Oli Usher "Hubble. Das Universum im Visier"
Pierre-Richard Dahoo "Infrared Spectroscopy of Triatomics for Space Observation"
Menk Frederick W. "Magnetoseismology. Ground-based Remote Sensing of Earth's Magnetosphere"
Christian Iliadis "Nuclear Physics of Stars"
Salaris Maurizio "Old Stellar Populations. How to Study the Fossil Record of Galaxy Formation"
Guy Monnet "Optical 3D-Spectroscopy for Astronomy"
Sun Kwok "Organic Matter in the Universe"
Declan Diver "Plasma Formulary for Physics, Astronomy, and Technology"
Horace Smith A. "Pulsating Stars"
Sergei Kopeikin "Relativistic Celestial Mechanics of the Solar System"
Markus Boettcher "Relativistic Jets from Active Galactic Nuclei"
Regina Berlepsch von "Reviews in Modern Astronomy, Deciphering the Universe through Spectroscopy"
David Clarke "Stellar Polarimetry"
Claus Madsen "The Jewel on the Mountaintop. The European Southern Observatory through Fifty Years"
Martin Bojowald "The Universe. A View from Classical and Quantum Gravity"
Matthias Bartelmann "Theoretical Astrophysics. An Introduction"
Donald Hoard W. "White Dwarf Atmospheres and Circumstellar Environments"
Regina Berlepsch von "Zooming in. The Cosmos at High Resolution"
Наука, Образование/Философия
Belshaw Christopher "12 Modern Philosophers"
Schüklenk Udo "50 Great Myths About Atheism"
Schüklenk Udo "50 Voices of Disbelief. Why We Are Atheists"
Gareth Southwell "A Beginner's Guide to Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil"