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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 41
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Eric Toone J. "Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology"
Belharouak Ilias "Advances in Inorganic Phosphate Materials"
Nicusor Iftimia "Advances in Optical Imaging for Clinical Medicine"
Armando J. L. Pombeiro "Advances in Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis. The Silver / Gold Jubilee International Conferen"
Thomas DeRosa F. "Advances in Polymer Chemistry and Methods Reported in Recent US Patents"
Olevsky E. A. "Advances in Sintering Science and Technology"
Bansal Narottam P. "Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells VI"
Guillermo Kaufmann H. "Advances in Speckle Metrology and Related Techniques"
Noam Lior "Advances in Water Desalination"
Robert Young B. "Advancing the Integrity of Professional Practice. New Directions for Student Services, Number 135"
L. Phelps Allen "Advancing the Regional Role of Two-Year Colleges. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 157"
L. Phelps Allen "Advancing the Regional Role of Two-Year Colleges. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 157"
Tamiki Komatsuzaki "Advancing Theory for Kinetics and Dynamics of Complex, Many-Dimensional Systems. Clusters and Protei"
Stewart Donaldson I. "Advancing Validity in Outcome Evaluation: Theory and Practice. New Directions for Evaluation, Number"
Hodgson Christopher "Adventure Sport Physiology"
John Schuh H. "Advising Student Groups and Organizations"
Lancaster N. "Aeolian Sediments. Ancient and Modern (Special Publication 16 of the IAS)"
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Anjun Qin "Aggregation-Induced Emission. Fundamentals"
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Kennes Christian "Air Pollution Prevention and Control. Bioreactors and Bioenergy"
Taherzadeh Shahram "Air Quality Management"
Wendisch Manfred "Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research. Methods and Instruments"
Martin Hewitt "Aircraft Fuel Systems"
Dieter Simon "Albert Einstein: Akademie-Vorträge. Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 191"
Kostas Terzidis "Algorithms for Visual Design Using the Processing Language"
Elloumi Mourad "Algorithms in Computational Molecular Biology. Techniques, Approaches and Applications"
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John Tebby C. "Alkynes in Cycloadditions"
Olaf Kuhl "Allgemeine Chemie. Für Biochemiker Lebenswissenschaftler, Mediziner, Pharmazeuten..."
Olaf Kuhl "Allgemeine Chemie. für Biochemiker Lebenswissenschaftler, Mediziner, Pharmazeuten..."
Danielle Nied M. "Allies for Inclusion: Disability and Equity in Higher Education. ASHE Volume 39, Number 5"
Fathi Habashi "Alloys. Preparation, Properties, Applications"
Puigdefabregas C. "Alluvial Sedimentation (Special Publication 17 of the IAS)"
Lawrence Tannenbaum V. "Alternative Ecological Risk Assessment. An Innovative Approach to Understanding Ecological Assessmen"
Bhagyalakshmi Neelwarne "Alternative Respiratory Pathways in Higher Plants"
Michael Keller "Amazonia and Global Change"
Wesselingh Frank "Amazonia, Landscape and Species Evolution. A Look into the Past"
David A. Bender "Amino Acid Metabolism"
Andrew Hughes B. "Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Chemistry, Analysis and Function of Amino Acids and Pe"
Andrew Hughes B. "Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Chemistry, Building Blocks, Catalysis and Coupling Che"
Andrew Hughes B. "Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Chemistry, Building Blocks, Catalysis and Coupling Che"
Andrew Hughes B. "Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Chemistry, Protection Reactions, Medicinal Chemistry, "
Erode Mahadevan G. "Ammonium Nitrate Explosives for Civil Applications. Slurries, Emulsions and Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oi"
Rainer Schoch R. "Amphibian Evolution. The Life of Early Land Vertebrates"
Daniel Otzen Erik "Amyloid Fibrils and Prefibrillar Aggregates. Molecular and Biological Properties"
Leonard Brillson J. "An Essential Guide to Electronic Material Surfaces and Interfaces"
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John Reynolds M. "An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics"
Alexander Lerch "An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis. Applications in Signal Processing and Music Informatics"
Heindel Theodore J. "An Introduction to Bioreactor Hydrodynamics and Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer"
Moorad Choudhry "An Introduction to Bond Markets"
Michel Soustelle "An Introduction to Chemical Kinetics"
Paul-Gerhard Reinhard "An Introduction to Cluster Science"
Biringen Sedat "An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by Example"
William Goodwin "An Introduction to Forensic Genetics"
Elisa Bergslien "An Introduction to Forensic Geoscience"
Douglas Bowman "An Introduction To High Content Screening. Imaging Technology, Assay Development, and Data Analysis "
Eric Perramond "An Introduction to Human-Environment Geography. Local Dynamics and Global Processes"
Christopher Cox "An Introduction to LTE. LTE, LTE-Advanced, SAE and 4G Mobile Communications"
Stefan G. Hofmann "An Introduction to Modern CBT. Psychological Solutions to Mental Health Problems"
Andrew Liddle "An Introduction to Modern Cosmology"
Mark Stoneking "An Introduction to Molecular Anthropology"
Michael Wink "An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Fundamentals, Methods and Applications"
Daniel Madden J. "An Introduction to Proof through Real Analysis"
Stefanos Trachanas "An Introduction to Quantum Physics. A First Course for Physicists, Chemists, Materials Scientists, a"
Mark Levene "An Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation"
Ronald Wardhaugh "An Introduction to Sociolinguistics"
Philip PhD Willmott "An Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation. Techniques and Applications"
Roger Wardman H. "An Introduction to Textile Coloration. Principles and Practice"
J. F. P. Galvin "An Introduction to the Meteorology and Climate of the Tropics"
Rahman M. Azizur "An Introduction to Wavelet Modulated Inverters"
Paul Rees A. "An Introduction to Zoo Biology and Management"
Peter Burgess "Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Sedimentary Systems. From Understanding to Prediction (Special P"
Joseph Caruso A. "Analysis of Chemical Warfare Degradation Products"
Richard Unwin D. "Analysis of Protein Post-Translational Modifications by Mass Spectrometry"
Jong-Shyong Wu "Analytical and Numerical Methods for Vibration Analyses"
Ashutosh Shukla K. "Analytical Characterization Methods for Crude Oil and Related Products"
Wendy Sandoval "Analytical Characterization of Biotherapeutics"
Aihui MaHam "Analytical Chemistry. A Chemist and Laboratory Technician's Toolkit"
Madden Timothy L. "Analytical Methods for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology"
Christoph Schalley A. "Analytical Methods in Supramolecular Chemistry"
Caroli Sergio "Analytical Techniques for Clinical Chemistry. Methods and Applications"
Oliver Schmitz J. "Analytische Chemie. Grundlagen, Methoden und Praxis"
Niessen Wilfried M.A. "Analyzing Biomolecular Interactions by Mass Spectrometry"
Larry Roper D. "Angst and Hope: Current Issues in Student Affairs Leadership. New Directions for Student Services, N"
John M. Davis "Animal Cell Culture. Essential Methods"
Thomas Schmidt "Animal Manure Recycling. Treatment and Management"
Kristin Bowman-James "Anion Coordination Chemistry"
Frank Helmus Peter "Anlagenplanung. Von der Anfrage bis zur Abnahme"
Michael Wink "Annual Plant Reviews, Biochemistry of Plant Secondary Metabolism"
Robert Hall D. "Annual Plant Reviews, Biology of Plant Metabolomics"
Michael Wink "Annual Plant Reviews, Functions and Biotechnology of Plant Secondary Metabolites"
Voelckel Claudia "Annual Plant Reviews, Insect-Plant Interactions"
Andrew Fleming J. "Annual Plant Reviews, Intercellular Communication in Plants"
Zhenbiao Yang "Annual Plant Reviews, Intracellular Signaling in Plants"
Jane Parker "Annual Plant Reviews, Molecular Aspects of Plant Disease Resistance"
Foyer Christine "Annual Plant Reviews, Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants in the Post-genomic Era"
Kevin Davies "Annual Plant Reviews, Plant Pigments and their Manipulation"
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Dresselhaus Gene "Anomalous Effects in Simple Metals"
Uwe Böhme "Anorganische Chemie kompakt für Dummies"
Mahlon Kennicutt C. "Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments"
Jakob Bro-Jorgensen "Antelope Conservation. From Diagnosis to Action"
Rosaleen Anderson "Antibacterial Agents. Chemistry, Mode of Action, Mechanisms of Resistance and Clinical Applications"
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Gupta Ramesh C. "Anticholinesterase Pesticides. Metabolism, Neurotoxicity, and Epidemiology"
Frederick Harris "Antimicrobial Peptides"
Keen Patricia L. "Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment"
Daniel Lednicer "Antineoplastic Drugs. Organic Syntheses"
Rajmund Michalski "Application of IC-MS and IC-ICP-MS in Environmental Research"
Ajay Mishra Kumar "Application of Nanotechnology in Water Research"
David Cagna R. "Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics"
Hubert Hermans J. "Applications of Dialogical Self Theory. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number "
Hubert Hermans J. "Applications of Dialogical Self Theory. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number "
Satish Totey "Applications of Flow Cytometry in Stem Cell Research and Tissue Regeneration"
Robert Scott A. "Applications of Physical Methods to Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry"
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Crawley Matthew L. "Applications of Transition Metal Catalysis in Drug Discovery and Development. An Industrial Perspect"
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Rivka Felsher A. "Applied and Workforce Baccalaureates. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 158"
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Donald Huddler "Applied Biophysics for Drug Discovery"
Kress Bernard C. "Applied Digital Optics. From Micro-optics to Nanophotonics"
Mehmet Yavas "Applied English Phonology"
Robert Paknys "Applied Frequency-Domain Electromagnetics"
Matthias Beller "Applied Homogeneous Catalysis with Organometallic Compounds. A Comprehensive Handbook in Four Volume"
V. Narayanamurthy "Applied Impact Mechanics"
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Jim Hone "Applied Population and Community Ecology. The Case of Feral Pigs in Australia"
Holder Tim "Applied Sport Psychology. A Case-Based Approach"
David Rissik "Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation"
Richter Matthias "Applied Urban Ecology. A Global Framework"
Robin Spaid L. "Applying College Change Theories to Student Affairs Practice. New Directions for Community Colleges,"
Andrea Venezia "Applying the College Completion Agenda to Practice. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 16"