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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 38
Наука, Образование/Медицина
Christian Wittekind "TNM-Supplement. Erlauterungen zur einheitlichen Anwendung"
Christian Wittekind "TNM. Klassifikation maligner Tumoren"
Meyer Hans-Joachim "TNM. Klassifikation Maligner Tumoren"
David Colby C. "To Improve Health and Health Care, Volume XVI. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Anthology"
Dominick Splendorio "Tools for Teaching Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education, Enhanced Edition. Lessons, Activities, a"
Farid Khan "Toothwear. The ABC of the Worn Dentition"
John Kelly "Top Tips in Urology"
Benson Heather A.E. "Topical and Transdermal Drug Delivery. Principles and Practice"
Ronald Tyrl J. "Toxic Plants of North America"
Gary Isom E. "Toxicology of Cyanides and Cyanogens. Experimental, Applied and Clinical Aspects"
Yves Vanlandewijck C. "Training and Coaching the Paralympic Athlete"
Debra Haire-Joshu "Transdisciplinary Public Health. Research, Education, and Practice"
Michael Maccoby "Transforming Health Care Leadership. A Systems Guide to Improve Patient Care, Decrease Costs, and Im"
Lesneski Cheryll D. "Transforming Public Health Practice. Leadership and Management Essentials"
Nicolas Jabbour "Transfusion Free Medicine and Surgery"
Jeffrey McCullough "Transfusion Medicine"
Souzan Yanni B. "Translational ADMET for Drug Therapy. Principles, Methods, and Pharmaceutical Applications"
Edgar Garcia-Rill "Translational Neuroscience. A Guide to a Successful Program"
Edgar Garcia-Rill "Translational Neuroscience. A Guide to a Successful Program"
Lisa Norris "Transplant Administration"
Li Xian C. "Transplant Immunology"
Gerd Folkers "Transporters as Drug Targets"
Henry Willmott "Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance"
Lars Andersson "Traumatic Dental Injuries. A Manual"
Raposa Karen A. "Treating the Dental Patient with a Developmental Disorder"
Mary Gardner "Treatment and Care of the Geriatric Veterinary Patient"
Sophie Levitt "Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Motor Delay"
Oliver Koch "Trypanosomatid Diseases. Molecular Routes to Drug Discovery"
Donald Meuten J. "Tumors in Domestic Animals"
Hendrickson Dean A. "Turner and McIlwraith's Techniques in Large Animal Surgery"
June Boon A. "Two-Dimensional and M-Mode Echocardiography for the Small Animal Practitioner"
Ian McMillan "Tyldesley and Grieve's Muscles, Nerves and Movement in Human Occupation"
University College London Hospitals "UCL Hospitals Injectable Medicines Administration Guide. Pharmacy Department"
Martin Fey "UICC Manual of Clinical Oncology"
Philip Preshaw M. "Ultrasonic Periodontal Debridement. Theory and Technique"
Marcela Carmen del "Uncommon Gynecologic Cancers"
David Pittenger J. "Understanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences"
Anders Kallen "Understanding Biostatistics"
Peter Spector "Understanding Cardiac Electrophysiology. A Conceptually Guided Approach"
Claveirole Anne "Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health"
David Bowers "Understanding Clinical Papers"
Fred Kusumoto M. "Understanding Intracardiac EGMs. A Patient Centered Guide"
Chris Higgins "Understanding Laboratory Investigations. A Guide for Nurses, Midwives and Health Professionals"
Stephanos Kyrkanides "Understanding Masticatory Function in Unilateral Crossbites"
Tim Swanwick "Understanding Medical Education. Evidence,Theory and Practice"
John Goodfellow A. "Understanding Medical Research. The Studies That Shaped Medicine"
Jeremy Dale W. "Understanding Microbes. An Introduction to a Small World"
Marek Gierlinski "Understanding Statistical Error. A Primer for Biologists"
Gerald Tannock W. "Understanding the Gut Microbiota"
Heaslip Vanessa "Understanding Vulnerability. A Nursing and Healthcare Approach"
David Vlahov "Urban Health. Global Perspectives"
Toshimitsu Niwa "Uremic Toxins"
Ravi Kulkarni "Ureteric Stenting"
Jawed Fareed "Urgent Interventional Therapies"
Grasso Michael "Urinary Stones. Medical and Surgical Management"
Hashim Hashim "Urology at a Glance"
Trisha Greenhalgh "User Involvement in Health Care"
Boniface Gail "Using Occupational Therapy Theory in Practice"
David Parkin "Using Patient Reported Outcomes to Improve Health Care"
Yehuda Shoenfeld "Vaccines and Autoimmunity"
Gregg Milligan N. "Vaccinology. An Essential Guide"
D. Davies Huw "Vaccinology. Principles and Practice"
Yosef Dlugacz D. "Value Based Health Care. Linking Finance and Quality"
Joel Lazar S. "Value by Design. Developing Clinical Microsystems to Achieve Organizational Excellence"
Gomtsyan Arthur "Vanilloid Receptor TRPV1 in Drug Discovery. Targeting Pain and Other Pathological Disorders"
Stephenson Matthew "Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at a Glance"
Mauricio Castillo "Vascular Imaging of the Central Nervous System. Physical Principles, Clinical Applications, and Emer"
Mary Collins "Venepuncture and Cannulation"
Raviele Antonio "Ventricular Tachycardia / Fibrillation Ablation. The state of the Art based on the VeniceChart Inter"
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) "Versorgungsforschung in Deutschland. Stand – Perspektiven – Förderung – Standpunkte"
F. Schulman Yvonne "Veterinarian's Guide to Maximizing Biopsy Results"
Chiara Noli "Veterinary Allergy"
Kurt Grimm A. "Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. The Fifth Edition of Lumb and Jones"
Rebecca Johnson A. "Veterinary Anesthetic and Monitoring Equipment"
Zajac Anne M. "Veterinary Clinical Parasitology"
S. Cahalan "Veterinary Embryology"
E. S. FitzPatrick "Veterinary Embryology"
Kathleen Cooney A. "Veterinary Euthanasia Techniques. A Practical Guide"
Melinda Merck "Veterinary Forensics. Animal Cruelty Investigations"
Beth Vanhorn "Veterinary Guide to Animal Breeds"
Terry Campbell "Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry"
Chick Weisse "Veterinary Image-Guided Interventions"
Jennifer Hodgson L. "Veterinary Medical Education. A Practical Guide"
Angela Taibo "Veterinary Medical Terminology. Guide and Workbook"
Melissa Kennedy "Veterinary Microbiology"
Marc Vandevelde "Veterinary Neuropathology. Essentials of Theory and Practice"
Simon Girling J. "Veterinary Nursing of Exotic Pets"
Brian Gilger C. "Veterinary Ophthalmology. Two Volume Set"
R. Coop L. "Veterinary Parasitology"
R. Coop L. "Veterinary Parasitology"
Brook Niemiec "Veterinary Periodontology"
Mark Papich G. "Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics"
Valissitie Heeren "Veterinary Technician's Daily Reference Guide. Canine and Feline"
Brianne Bellwood "Veterinary Technician's Handbook of Laboratory Procedures"
D'Andrea Amy "Veterinary Technician's Large Animal Daily Reference Guide"
David Anderson E. "Veterinary Techniques for Llamas and Alpacas"
Anna Lok S.F. "Viral Hepatitis"
Jeang Kuan-Teh "Viral Oncology. Basic Science and Clinical Applications"
Hugo Kubinyi "Virtual Screening. Principles, Challenges, and Practical Guidelines"
William Brady J. "Visual Diagnosis in Emergency and Critical Care Medicine"
Slevin Oliver "Vital Notes for Nurses. Nursing Models, Theories and Practice"
Steven Campbell "Vital Notes for Nurses. Principles of Care"
Jane Wills "Vital Notes for Nurses. Promoting Health"
Jane Wills "Vital Notes for Nurses. Promoting Health"
Sue Barker "Vital Notes for Nurses. Psychology"
Smith Joyce "Vital Signs for Nurses. An Introduction to Clinical Observations"
David Lillicrap "Von Willebrand Disease. Basic and Clinical Aspects"
Stevens Gregory D. "Vulnerable Populations in the United States"
Janine M. H. Selendy "Water and Sanitation Related Diseases and the Environment. Challenges, Interventions and Preventive "
Heidi B. Lobprise "Wiggs's Veterinary Dentistry. Principles and Practice"
Linacre Adrian "Wildlife DNA Analysis. Applications in Forensic Science"
Huffman Jane E. "Wildlife Forensics. Methods and Applications"
Alison Keen "Women's Cancers"
Robert Hirsch P. "Workbook to Accompany Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft "
Patrick Butaye "Working in Biosafety Level 3 and 4 Laboratories. A Practical Introduction"
Carl Fertman I. "Workplace Health Promotion Programs. Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation"
Ian Peate "Wound Care at a Glance"
Madeleine Flanagan "Wound Healing and Skin Integrity. Principles and Practice"
Madeleine Flanagan "Wound Healing and Skin Integrity. Principles and Practice"
Holland Karen "Writing for Publication in Nursing and Healthcare. Getting it Right"
Fergus Shanahan "Yamada's Atlas of Gastroenterology"
Dr. Tadataka Yamada "Yamada's Handbook of Gastroenterology"
Gary West "Zoo Animal and Wildlife Immobilization and Anesthesia"
James Steele H. "Zoonotic Tuberculosis. Mycobacterium bovis and Other Pathogenic Mycobacteria"
Наука, Образование/Политика, политология
Schmidtz David "A Brief History of Liberty"
Carver Miriam Mayhew "A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Adjacent Leadership Roles. CGO and CEO"
John Carver "A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Ends and the Ownership"
John Carver "A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Evaluating CEO and Board Performance"
Carver Miriam Mayhew "A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Implementing Policy Governance and Staying on Track"
Carver Miriam Mayhew "A Carver Policy Governance Guide, The Governance of Financial Management"
John Carver "A Carver Policy Governance Guide, The Policy Governance Model and the Role of the Board Member"
Robert Rotberg "Africa Emerges. Consummate Challenges, Abundant Opportunities"
Geoffrey Pleyers "Alter-Globalization. Becoming Actors in a Global Age"
Robin Niblett "America and a Changed World. A Question of Leadership"
David McKay "American Politics and Society"
David McKay "American Politics and Society"
David McKay "American Politics and Society, eTextbook"
Matthew Hill Alan "American Politics For Dummies - UK"
Aran MacKinnon "An Introduction to Global Studies"
Barry Buzan "An Introduction to the English School of International Relations. The Societal Approach"
Netting F. Ellen "Analyzing Social Policy. Multiple Perspectives for Critically Understanding and Evaluating Policy"
Cynthia Lietz "Applying Theory to Generalist Social Work Practice"
John Cox B. "ASAE Handbook of Professional Practices in Association Management"
Paul Nolan Matthew "Biological Weapons. Recognizing, Understanding, and Responding to the Threat"
Alex Callinicos "Bonfire of Illusions. The Twin Crises of the Liberal World"
Sarah Durham "Brandraising. How Nonprofits Raise Visibility and Money Through Smart Communications"
Rosemary Hollis "Britain and the Middle East in the 9/11 Era"
Sherman Anne "Building Nonprofit Capacity. A Guide to Managing Change Through Organizational Lifecycles"
Craig LeCroy W. "Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment"
Jan Pronk P. "Catalysing Development? A Debate on Aid"