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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 20
Наука, Образование/Зарубежная образовательная литература
Rémi Lallement "Intellectual Property and Innovation Protection. New Practices and New Policy Issues"
Marcus Textor "Intelligent Surfaces in Biotechnology. Scientific and Engineering Concepts, Enabling Technologies, a"
Suchitra Shenoy-Packer "Intercultural Communication for Everyday Life"
Ron Scollon "Intercultural Communication. A Discourse Approach"
Scarino Angela "Intercultural Language Teaching and Learning"
K. Mittal L. "Interface / Interphase in Polymer Nanocomposites"
Dominique Bonneau "Internal Combustion Engine Bearings Lubrication in Hydrodynamic Bearings"
Lukas Klee "International Construction Contract Law"
Caroline Aggestam-Pontoppidan "Interpretation and Application of IPSAS"
Manuel Diaz-Campos "Introducción a la sociolingüística hispánica"
Manuel Diaz-Campos "Introducción y aplicaciones contextualizadas a la lingüística hispánica"
Kirsten Hummel M. "Introducing Second Language Acquisition. Perspectives and Practices"
Thomas Lipo A. "Introduction to AC Machine Design"
Yoshihiko Akaiwa "Introduction to Digital Mobile Communication"
Donghang Yan "Introduction to Organic Semiconductor Heterojunctions"
Viswanathan Arunachalam "Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes with Applications"
Bharat Bhushan "Introduction to Tribology"
Anna Forster "Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks"
W. Coombs Timothy "It's Not Just PR. Public Relations in Society"
Nadim Baba Z. "Journal of Prosthodontics on Complex Restorations"
Avinash Bidra "Journal of Prosthodontics on Dental Implants"
Klaus Leopold "Kanban Change Leadership. Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement"
Lesley Crane "Knowledge and Discourse Matters. Relocating Knowledge Management's Sphere of Interest onto Language"
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Cedric Boeckx "Language in Cognition. Uncovering Mental Structures and the Rules Behind Them"
Cedric Boeckx "Language in Cognition. Uncovering Mental Structures and the Rules Behind Them"
Rod Ellis "Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy"
Phillip Carter M. "Languages In The World. How History, Culture, and Politics Shape Language"
Mario Caironi "Large Area and Flexible Electronics"
Antonio Munjiza "Large Strain Finite Element Method. A Practical Course"
Jasbir Bath "Lead-Free Solder Process Development"
J. Dutrizac E. "Lead-Zinc 2000"
Elizabeth Barkley F. "Learning Assessment Techniques. A Handbook for College Faculty"
Bridgit Dimond C. "Legal Aspects of Mental Capacity. A Practical Guide for Health and Social Care Professionals"
M. Nevins Eleanor "Lessons from Fort Apache. Beyond Language Endangerment and Maintenance"
Ash Asudeh "Lexical-Functional Syntax"
John Grandfield "Light Metals 2014"
Margaret Hyland "Light Metals 2015"
Lappin Shalom "Linguistic Nativism and the Poverty of the Stimulus"
Hengeveld Kees "Linguistics"
Chris Binnie "Linux Server Security. Hack and Defend"
Elizabeth Evans A. "Litigation Services Handbook. The Role of the Financial Expert"
Andre Perez "LTE & LTE Advanced. 4G Network Radio Interface"
Harri Holma "LTE Advanced. 3GPP Solution for IMT-Advanced"
Juha Salmelin "LTE Backhaul. Planning and Optimization"
Rainer Liebhart "LTE for Public Safety"
Henning Sanneck "LTE Self-Organising Networks (SON). Network Management Automation for Operational Efficiency"
Ralf Kreher "LTE Signaling. Troubleshooting and Performance Measurement"
Harri Holma "LTE Small Cell Optimization. 3GPP Evolution to Release 13"
Abdelhamid Mellouk "LTE-Advanced DRX Mechanism for Power Saving"
Suveen Mathaudhu N. "Magnesium Technology 2011"
Norbert Hort "Magnesium Technology 2012"
Norbert Hort "Magnesium Technology 2013"
Norbert Hort "Magnesium Technology 2014"
Alok Singh "Magnesium Technology 2015"
Alok Singh "Magnesium Technology 2016"
Mrignayani Kotecha "Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Tissue Engineering"
Sali Tagliamonte A. "Making Waves: The Story of Variationist Sociolinguistics"
Mohamed Abou-Donia "Mammalian Toxicology"
Joelle Marshall Jane "Managing Anxiety with Mindfulness For Dummies"
Francoise Simon "Managing Biotechnology. From Science to Market in the Digital Age"
Richard Heaslip J. "Managing Complex Projects and Programs. How to Improve Leadership of Complex Initiatives Using a Thi"
Stephen Pryke "Managing Networks in Project-Based Organisations"
Rob Willson "Managing OCD with CBT For Dummies"
Hans Thamhain J. "Managing Technology-Based Projects. Tools, Techniques, People and Business Processes"
Marcus Hines "Marketing Implant Dentistry"
Shaw Christopher "Materials and Methods in ELT"
Edgar Lara-Curzio "Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy"
Jack Simon "Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy II"
Yushan Yan "Materials for High-Temperature Fuel Cells"
Yushan Yan "Materials for Low-Temperature Fuel Cells"
Jean-Charles Pinoli "Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis"
Xin-She Yang "Mathematical Modeling with Multidisciplinary Applications"
Jonathan Salem "Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites IV"
Jonathan Salem "Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites IX. Ceramic Engineering"
Tatsuki Ohji "Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites V"
Jonathan Salem "Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites VI"
Sanjay Mathur "Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites VII"
Jonathan Salem "Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites VIII"
Jonathan Salem "Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites X"
Jonathan Salem "Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites XI"
Отсутствует "Mechanical Stress on the Nanoscale. Simulation, Material Systems and Characterization Techniques"
Misha Gorfunkle "Mechanics of Fluid Flow"
Andrew Alexandra "Media, Markets, and Morals"
David Glocker "Medical Coatings and Deposition Technologies"
Virginia Greiman A. "Megaproject Management. Lessons on Risk and Project Management from the Big Dig"
Alston Purvis W. "Meggs' History of Graphic Design"
Sheri Jacobs "Membership Essentials. Recruitment, Retention, Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources"
John Thompson B. "Merchants of Culture. The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century"
Houman Borouchaki "Meshing, Geometric Modeling and Numerical Simulation 1. Form Functions, Triangulations and Geometric"
Dennis Smith A. "Metabolite Safety in Drug Development"
Jorg Friedrich "Metal-Polymer Systems. Interface Design and Chemical Bonding"
Norbert Stockhausen "Methoden der digitalen Signalverarbeitung. Mit interaktivem Lernprogramm und LabView-Experimenten"
Winifred Aldrich "Metric Pattern Cutting for Women's Wear"
Wei Wang "Microfluidics for Advanced Functional Polymeric Materials"
Bruno Cayoun A. "Mindfulness-integrated CBT. Principles and Practice"
Douglas Deporter "Minimally Invasive Dental Implant Surgery"
Dominique Bonneau "Mixed Lubrication in Hydrodynamic Bearings"
Dominique Assing "Mobile Access Safety. Beyond BYOD"
Werner Mohr "Mobile and Wireless Communications for IMT-Advanced and Beyond"
Guy Pujolle "Mobile and Wireless Networks"
Oriol Sallent "Mobile Broadband Communications for Public Safety. The Road Ahead Through LTE Technology"
Frank H. P. Fitzek "Mobile Clouds. Exploiting Distributed Resources in Wireless, Mobile and Social Networks"
Simone Frattasi "Mobile Positioning and Tracking. From Conventional to Cooperative Techniques"
Sajal Das Kumar "Mobile Terminal Receiver Design. LTE and LTE-Advanced"
Bruno Legeard "Model-Based Testing Essentials - Guide to the ISTQB Certified Model-Based Tester. Foundation Level"
Jerry Fairley P. "Models and Modeling. An Introduction for Earth and Environmental Scientists"
Ernest Hodgson "Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology"
Leonas Valkunas "Molecular Excitation Dynamics and Relaxation. Quantum Theory and Spectroscopy"
David Murphy "Molecular Neuroendocrinology. From Genome to Physiology"
Dennis Bours "Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation: A Review of the Landscape. New Directions fo"
Hugh Sampson A. "Mount Sinai Expert Guides. Allergy and Clinical Immunology"
Serges Darolles "Multi-factor Models and Signal Processing Techniques. Application to Quantitative Finance"
Dimitar Kondev "Multi-Party and Multi-Contract Arbitration in the Construction Industry"
Naim Dahnoun "Multicore DSP. From Algorithms to Real-time Implementation on the TMS320C66x SoC"
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Robert Liska "Multiphoton Lithography. Techniques, Materials, and Applications"
Ruey S. Tsay "Multivariate Time Series Analysis. With R and Financial Applications"
George Tchobanoglous "MWH's Water Treatment. Principles and Design"
Shlomo Magdassi "Nanomaterials for 2D and 3D Printing"
Mrityunjay Singh "Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology III"
Tatsuki Ohji "Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology IV"
Sanjay Mathur "Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology V"
Sanjay Mathur "Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology VI"
Sanjay Mathur "Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology VII"
Mrityunjay Singh "Nanostructured Materials and Systems"
David Etheridge "Natural Ventilation of Buildings. Theory, Measurement and Design"
Lobeck Anne "Navigating English Grammar. A Guide to Analyzing Real Language"
Vedat Coskun "Near Field Communication (NFC). From Theory to Practice"
Matthew Monte "Network Attacks and Exploitation. A Framework"
Robert Shepherd K. "Neurobionics. The Biomedical Engineering of Neural Prostheses"
Nathan Gomes J. "Next Generation Wireless Communications Using Radio over Fiber"
Benny Bing "Next-Generation Video Coding and Streaming"
Claude-henri Lamarque "Non Smooth Deterministic or Stochastic Discrete Dynamical Systems. Applications to Models with Frict"
R. Rhinehart Russell "Nonlinear Regression Modeling for Engineering Applications. Modeling, Model Validation, and Enabling"
Jeanne Bell "Nonprofit Sustainability. Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability"
Ping Huang "Numerical Calculation of Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication. Methods and Programs"
Robert Bowen E. "Oceans and Human Health. Implications for Society and Well-Being"
Konstantin A. Korotenko "Oil Spill Risk Management. Modeling Gulf of Mexico Circulation and Oil Dispersal"
Jon Brown "Online Risk to Children. Impact, Protection and Prevention"
Scott Adkins "OpenStack Cloud Application Development"
Igor Ushakov A. "Optimal Resource Allocation. With Practical Statistical Applications and Theory"
Sanjib Chowdhury "Optimization and Business Improvement Studies in Upstream Oil and Gas Industry"
Laurie Lewis "Organizational Change. Creating Change Through Strategic Communication"
Laurie Lewis "Organizational Change. Creating Change Through Strategic Communication"
Gianfranco Pacchioni "Oxide Ultrathin Films. Science and Technology"
C. Ingleton "Palliative Care Nursing at a Glance"