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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 11
Книги по психологии/Общая психология
Gysbers Norman C. "Developing and Managing Your School Guidance and Counseling Program"
Mark Johnson H. "Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. An Introduction"
Dennis Thompson "Developmental Psychology in Historical Perspective"
Dante Cicchetti "Developmental Psychopathology, Developmental Neuroscience"
Dante Cicchetti "Developmental Psychopathology, Maladaptation and Psychopathology"
Dante Cicchetti "Developmental Psychopathology, Risk, Resilience, and Intervention"
Dante Cicchetti "Developmental Psychopathology, Theory and Method"
Brande Flamez "Diagnosing and Treating Children and Adolescents. A Guide for Mental Health Professionals"
Andrew Bein "Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Wellness and Recovery. Interventions and Activities for Diverse Cli"
Lane D. Pederson "Dialectical Behavior Therapy. A Contemporary Guide for Practitioners"
Val Williams "Disability and Discourse. Analysing Inclusive Conversation with People with Intellectual Disabilitie"
Theodore Millon "Disorders of Personality. Introducing a DSM / ICD Spectrum from Normal to Abnormal"
Ulrich Beck "Distant Love"
Richard Bromfield "Doing Therapy with Children and Adolescents with Asperger Syndrome"
Lourie Reichenberg W. "DSM-5 Essentials. The Savvy Clinician's Guide to the Changes in Criteria"
Sophia Dziegielewski F. "DSM-5 in Action"
Casey A. Barrio Minton "DSM-5 Learning Companion for Counselors"
Sophia Dziegielewski F. "DSM-IV-TR in Action. DSM-5 E-Chapter Update"
Goss Ken "Eating and its Disorders"
Laura Choate H. "Eating Disorders and Obesity. A Counselor's Guide to Prevention and Treatment"
Andy Tolmie "Educational Neuroscience"
Helen Beinart "Effective Supervisory Relationships. Best Evidence and Practice"
Michael West A. "Effective Teamwork. Practical Lessons from Organizational Research"
Beins Bernard C. "Effective Writing in Psychology. Papers, Posters,and Presentations"
Mashek Debra "Empirical Research in Teaching and Learning. Contributions from Social Psychology"
Linda Steg "Environmental Psychology. An Introduction"
Fred Volkmar R. "Essential Clinical Guide to Understanding and Treating Autism"
Drew Erhardt "Essentials of ADHD Assessment for Children and Adolescents"
David Kilpatrick A. "Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties"
Tulio Otero M. "Essentials of CAS2 Assessment"
Linda Wilmshurst "Essentials of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology"
Bradley Postle R. "Essentials of Cognitive Neuroscience"
Alan Kaufman S. "Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment"
Mather Nancy "Essentials of Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention"
McCloskey George "Essentials of Executive Functions Assessment"
Marc Ackerman J. "Essentials of Forensic Psychological Assessment"
Steven Pfeiffer I. "Essentials of Gifted Assessment"
Ron Dumont "Essentials of IDEA for Assessment Professionals"
Linda Wilmshurst "Essentials of Intellectual Disability Assessment and Identification"
Elizabeth Lichtenberger O. "Essentials of KTEA-3 and WIAT-III Assessment"
Blaise Amendolace "Essentials of MCMI-IV Assessment"
Kemp Sally L. "Essentials of NEPSY-II Assessment"
Vincent Alfonso C. "Essentials of Planning, Selecting, and Tailoring Interventions for Unique Learners"
Milton Dehn J. "Essentials of Processing Assessment"
Susana Urbina "Essentials of Psychological Testing"
VanDerHeyden Amanda M. "Essentials of Response to Intervention"
Jessica Gurley R. "Essentials of Rorschach Assessment. Comprehensive System and R-PAS"
Daniel Miller C. "Essentials of School Neuropsychological Assessment"
Daniel Miller C. "Essentials of School Neuropsychological Assessment"
Flanagan Dawn P. "Essentials of Specific Learning Disability Identification"
Hedwig Teglasi "Essentials of TAT and Other Storytelling Assessments"
Hedwig Teglasi "Essentials of TAT and Other Storytelling Assessments"
Diana Joyce "Essentials of Temperament Assessment"
Kirby Wycoff L. "Essentials of Trauma-Informed Assessment and Intervention in School and Community Settings"
Elizabeth Lichtenberger O. "Essentials of WAIS-IV Assessment"
Vincent Alfonso C. "Essentials of WISC-V Assessment"
Susan Raiford Engi "Essentials of WISC-V Integrated Assessment"
John Garruto M. "Essentials of WJ IV Cognitive Abilities Assessment"
Nancy Mather "Essentials of WJ IV Tests of Achievement"
Lisa Drozdick W. "Essentials of WMS-IV Assessment"
Milton Dehn J. "Essentials of Working Memory Assessment and Intervention"
Raiford Susan Engi "Essentials of WPPSI-IV Assessment"
Jeffrey Barnett E. "Ethics Desk Reference for Counselors"
Jennifer Berton D. "Ethics for Addiction Professionals"
Kirk Heilbrun "Ethics in Forensic Psychology Practice"
Melba Vasquez J.T. "Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling. A Practical Guide"
Derek L. Milne "Evidence-Based CBT Supervision. Principles and Practice"
Peter Sturmey "Evidence-Based Practice and Intellectual Disabilities"
Barry Cohen H. "Explaining Psychological Statistics"
Michael Hogg A. "Extremism and the Psychology of Uncertainty"
Hal Arkowitz "Facts and Fictions in Mental Health"
Paul Gamber "Familientherapie für Dummies"
David Lawson M. "Family Violence. Explanations and Evidence-Based Clinical Practice"
Gavin Helen "Female Aggression"
Nadal Kevin L. "Filipino American Psychology. A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice"
Joanne Sumerson Broder "Finish Your Dissertation, Don't Let It Finish You!"
Holschuh Jane "First Person Accounts of Mental Illness and Recovery"
McMurran Mary "Forensic Case Formulation"
Matthew Fanetti "Forensic Child Psychology. Working in the Courts and Clinic"
Valentine Tim "Forensic Facial Identification. Theory and Practice of Identification from Eyewitnesses, Composites "
Towl Graham J. "Forensic Psychology"
Anthony Beech R. "Forensic Psychology. Crime, Justice, Law, Interventions"
Richart DeMier "Forensic Reports and Testimony. A Guide to Effective Communication for Psychologists and Psychiatris"
David Capuzzi "Foundations of Couples, Marriage, and Family Counseling"
Charles Schaefer E. "Foundations of Play Therapy"
Richard Ebstein "From DNA to Social Cognition"
David Steele "From Therapist to Coach. How to Leverage Your Clinical Expertise to Build a Thriving Coaching Practi"
Sam Cartwright-Hatton "From Timid To Tiger. A Treatment Manual for Parenting the Anxious Child"
Ross Parke D. "Future Families. Diverse Forms, Rich Possibilities"
Mathieu Lafourcade "Games with a Purpose (GWAPS)"
Chris Stout E. "Getting Better at Private Practice"
Stephen Hupp "Great Myths of Adolescence"
Joan Erber T. "Great Myths of Aging"
Stephen Hupp "Great Myths of Child Development"
Jeffrey Holmes D. "Great Myths of Education and Learning"
Matthew Johnson D. "Great Myths of Intimate Relationships. Dating, Sex, and Marriage"
Christian Jarrett "Great Myths of the Brain"
Phil Rich "Grief Counseling Homework Planner"
Timothy Franz M. "Group Dynamics and Team Interventions. Understanding and Improving Team Performance"
Timothy Franz M. "Group Dynamics and Team Interventions. Understanding and Improving Team Performance"
Geri Miller "Group Exercises for Addiction Counseling"
Farrell Joan M. "Group Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder. A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual with Patie"
Rhea Paul "Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Assessment, Interventions, and Policy"
Rhea Paul "Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Diagnosis, Development, and Brain Mechanis"
Pagliaro Louis A. "Handbook of Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance Abuse. Pharmacological, Developmental, and Clini"
Ulrich Mueller "Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, Cognitive Processes"
Tama Leventhal "Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, Ecological Settings and Processes"
Michael E. Lamb "Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, Socioemotional Processes"
Richard Lerner M. "Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, Theory and Method"
Paris Goodyear-Brown "Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse. Identification, Assessment, and Treatment"
Moore Bret A. "Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Psychologists"
Gary Greenberg "Handbook of Developmental Science, Behavior, and Genetics"
Peter Sturmey "Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Psychology, Child and Adolescent Disorders"
Liliana Albertazzi "Handbook of Experimental Phenomenology. Visual Perception of Shape, Space and Appearance"
Robert Sadoff L. "Handbook of Forensic Assessment. Psychological and Psychiatric Perspectives"
Strack Ph.D. Stephen "Handbook of Interpersonal Psychology. Theory, Research, Assessment, and Therapeutic Interventions"
Lynett Metzger Henderson "Handbook of Multicultural Counseling Competencies"
Irving Weiner B. "Handbook of Personality Assessment"
Charles Schaefer E. "Handbook of Play Therapy"
Gary Groth-Marnat "Handbook of Psychological Assessment"
Irving Weiner B. "Handbook of Psychology, Assessment Psychology"
Sheri Mizumori "Handbook of Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience"
George Stricker "Handbook of Psychology, Clinical Psychology"
Jayanthi Mistry "Handbook of Psychology, Developmental Psychology"
Irving Weiner B. "Handbook of Psychology, Educational Psychology"
Irving Weiner B. "Handbook of Psychology, Experimental Psychology"
Randy Otto K. "Handbook of Psychology, Forensic Psychology"
Irving Weiner B. "Handbook of Psychology, Health Psychology"
Irving Weiner B. "Handbook of Psychology, History of Psychology"
Scott Highhouse "Handbook of Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology"
Irving Weiner B. "Handbook of Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology"
Irving Weiner B. "Handbook of Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology"
Zachary Hamilton "Handbook of Recidivism Risk/Needs Assessment Tools"
George Burns W. "Happiness, Healing, Enhancement. Your Casebook Collection For Applying Positive Psychology in Therap"
Riley Diane "Harm Reduction in Substance Use and High-Risk Behaviour"
Brian Brunt Van "Harm to Others. The Assessment and Treatment of Dangerousness"
Whealin Julia M. "Healing Stress in Military Families. Eight Steps to Wellness"
Sheffield David "Health Psychology in Action"
Susan Young "Helping Children with ADHD. A CBT Guide for Practitioners, Parents and Teachers"
Bob Palmer "Helping People with Eating Disorders. A Clinical Guide to Assessment and Treatment"
Milton Dehn J. "Helping Students Remember. Exercises and Strategies to Strengthen Memory"
Chung Man Cheung "History and Philosophy of Psychology"
James R. Flynn "How To Improve Your Mind. 20 Keys to Unlock the Modern World"
James R. Flynn "How To Improve Your Mind. 20 Keys to Unlock the Modern World"
Sommers-Flanagan John "How to Listen so Parents Will Talk and Talk so Parents Will Listen"
David Capuzzi "Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan. Applications for Counselors"
Michael Kyrios "IAAP Handbook of Applied Psychology"
Jeannette Milgrom "Identifying Perinatal Depression and Anxiety. Evidence-based Practice in Screening, Psychosocial Ass"
Bert Klandermans "Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies. A Multidisciplinary Perspective"
Wayne Katon "Integrated Care. Creating Effective Mental and Primary Health Care Teams"