Книга "Essentials of TAT and Other Storytelling Assessments" - Hedwig Teglasi

Автор: Hedwig Teglasi

Название: Essentials of TAT and Other Storytelling Assessments

Категория: Книги по психологии/Общая психология

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

ISBN: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Тип: book

Описание: Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score, and interpret a variety of storytelling techniques Storytelling techniques are a popular projective approach for assessing many aspects of a person's personality, such as

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Книга "Essentials of TAT and Other Storytelling Assessments" - Hedwig Teglasi

Автор: Hedwig Teglasi

Название: Essentials of TAT and Other Storytelling Assessments

Категория: Книги по психологии/Общая психология

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

ISBN: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Тип: book

Описание: Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score, and interpret a variety of storytelling techniques Storytelling techniques are a popular projective approach for assessing many aspects of a person's personality, such as

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