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Тринле Тхае Дордже Кармапа XVII
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SALON-interior №06/2018
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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited
Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited
Бизнес-Книги/Банковское дело
Brett King "Bank 4.0. Banking Everywhere, Never at a Bank"
James Gardner A "Innovation and the Future Proof Bank. A Practical Guide to Doing Different Business-as-Usual"
Joel Bessis "Risk Management in Banking"
Joel Bessis "Risk Management in Banking"
Moorad Choudhry "The Principles of Banking"
Бизнес-Книги/Бухучет, налогообложение, аудит
Jessica Pill S. "A Guide to Forensic Accounting Investigation"
Matthew Leitch "A Pocket Guide to Risk Mathematics. Key Concepts Every Auditor Should Know"
Matthew Leitch "A Pocket Guide to Risk Mathematics. Key Concepts Every Auditor Should Know"
Graham Lynford "Accountants' Handbook, Financial Accounting and General Topics"
Graham Lynford "Accountants' Handbook, Special Industries and Special Topics"
Thomas Weirich R. "Accounting and Auditing Research and Databases. Practitioner's Desk Reference"
Steven Bragg M. "Accounting Best Practices"
Steven Bragg M. "Accounting Best Practices"
Steven Bragg M. "Accounting Control Best Practices"
Cormac Butler "Accounting for Financial Instruments"
R. Subramani Venkata "Accounting for Investments, Equities, Futures and Options"
R. Subramani Venkata "Accounting for Investments, Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Derivatives. A Practitioner's "
Maria Davis K. "Accounting for Real Estate Transactions. A Guide For Public Accountants and Corporate Financial Prof"
AICPA "Accounting Guide: Brokers and Dealers in Securities 2017"
AICPA "Audit and Accounting Guide Depository and Lending Institutions. Banks and Savings Institutions, Cred"
AICPA "Audit and Accounting Guide Depository and Lending Institutions. Banks and Savings Institutions, Cred"
AICPA "Audit and Accounting Guide: Construction Contractors, 2017"
AICPA "Audit and Accounting Guide: Investment Companies, 2017"
Отсутствует "Audit and Accounting Guide: Property and Liability Insurance Entities 2018"
Curtis Verschoor C. "Audit Committee Essentials"
AICPA "Audit Guide. Government Auditing Standards and Single Audits 2017"
AICPA "Audit Risk Alert. General Accounting and Auditing Developments, 2017/18"
AICPA "Audit Risk Alert. Government Auditing Standards and Single Audit Developments: Strengthening Audit I"
Brian Kush D. "Auditing Leadership. The Professional and Leadership Skills You Need"
Grant Newton W. "Bankruptcy and Insolvency Accounting, Volume 1. Practice and Procedure"
Grant Newton W. "Bankruptcy and Insolvency Accounting, Volume 2. Forms and Exhibits"
Paul Barrow "Bookkeeping For Dummies"
Robert R. Moeller "Brink's Modern Internal Auditing. A Common Body of Knowledge"
AICPA "Codification of Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services: Numbers 1 - 23"
David Coderre "Computer Aided Fraud Prevention and Detection. A Step by Step Guide"
Joseph Wells T. "Computer Fraud Casebook. The Bytes that Bite"
Steven Bragg M. "Controllership. The Work of the Managerial Accountant"
Joseph Wells T. "Corporate Fraud Handbook. Prevention and Detection"
Richard A. Brealey "Cost of Capital. Applications and Examples"
Richard Lanza B. "Cost Recovery. Turning Your Accounts Payable Department into a Profit Center"
Michael Jones J. "Creative Accounting, Fraud and International Accounting Scandals"
Michael Jones J. "Creative Accounting, Fraud and International Accounting Scandals"
William Stewart "Family Law Services Handbook. The Role of the Financial Expert"
Peter Goldmann "Financial Services Anti-Fraud Risk and Control Workbook"
Sunder Gee "Fraud and Fraud Detection. A Data Analytics Approach"
K. H. Spencer Pickett "Fraud Smart"
AICPA "Guide: Preparation, Compilation, and Review Engagements, 2017"
William Lalli R. "Handbook of Budgeting"
Robert Mainardi L. "Harnessing the Power of Continuous Auditing. Developing and Implementing a Practical Methodology"
AICPA "Health Care Entities, September 2017"
Ronald Baker J. "Implementing Value Pricing. A Radical Business Model for Professional Firms"
Alfred King M. "Internal Control of Fixed Assets. A Controller and Auditor's Guide"
Joseph Wells T. "Internet Fraud Casebook. The World Wide Web of Deceit"
Erik Laykin "Investigative Computer Forensics. The Practical Guide for Lawyers, Accountants, Investigators, and B"
Robert R. Moeller "IT Audit, Control, and Security"
Janice Roehl-Anderson M. "IT Best Practices for Financial Managers"
Zahid Khalid "Optimizing Back Office Operations. Best Practices to Maximize Profitability"
Michael McGrath R. "Practical M&A Execution and Integration. A Step by Step Guide To Successful Strategy, Risk and Integ"
Hofbauer Günter "Professionelles Controlling in Marketing und Vertrieb. Ein integrierter Ansatz"
Kevin Callahan R. "Project Management Accounting. Budgeting, Tracking, and Reporting Costs and Profitability"
AICPA "Prospective Financial Information"
Tony Hines "Reaching Key Financial Reporting Decisions. How Directors and Auditors Interact"
Jane Kelly E. "Sage 50 Accounts For Dummies"
Markus Krebsz "Securitization and Structured Finance Post Credit Crunch. A Best Practice Deal Lifecycle Guide"
William Olsen P. "The Anti-Corruption Handbook. How to Protect Your Business in the Global Marketplace"
Sridhar Ramamoorti "The Audit Committee Handbook"
K. H. Spencer Pickett "The Essential Guide to Internal Auditing"
K. H. Spencer Pickett "The Internal Auditing Handbook"
Steven Bragg M. "Treasury Management. The Practitioner's Guide"
Roldan Fernandez "Wiley Federal Government Auditing. Laws, Regulations, Standards, Practices, and Sarbanes-Oxley"
Heather Smith "Xero For Dummies"
Heather Smith "Xero For Dummies"
Бизнес-Книги/Зарубежная деловая литература
Elaine Biech "A Coach's Guide to Developing Exemplary Leaders. Making the Most of The Leadership Challenge and the"
Elaine Biech "A Coach's Guide to Developing Exemplary Leaders. Making the Most of The Leadership Challenge and the"
Center for Creative Leadership "Accountability. Taking Ownership of Your Responsibility"
Sona Blessing "Alternative Alternatives. Risk, Returns and Investment Strategy"
Rongxing Guo "An Introduction to the Chinese Economy. The Driving Forces Behind Modern Day China"
Tim Flanagan A. "Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader. How You and Your Organization Can Manage Conflict Effectively"
David Dinwoodie "Becoming a Strategic Leader. Your Role in Your Organization's Enduring Success"
Anderson Dean "Beyond Change Management. How to Achieve Breakthrough Results Through Conscious Change Leadership"
Karl Keegan "Biotechnology Valuation. An Introductory Guide"
Jay Conger A. "Boardroom Realities. Building Leaders Across Your Board"
Royston Guest "Built to Grow. How to deliver accelerated, sustained and profitable business growth"
Frank Gallo T. "Business Leadership in China. How to Blend Best Western Practices with Chinese Wisdom"
Gregory Chow C. "China's Economic Transformation"
Les Oxley "China's Economy. A Collection of Surveys"
Fetzer Amy V. "Climb the Green Ladder. Make Your Company and Career More Sustainable"
Rock David "Coaching with the Brain in Mind. Foundations for Practice"
Angélique Werner "Communication2Win. Praxishandbuch für Innovative Marketingkommunikation im Zeitalter Sozialer Netzwe"
Pierre Maillard "Competitive Quality Strategy"
Joan Turley "Connecting with China. Business Success through Mutual Benefit and Respect"
Lan Liu "Conversations on Leadership. Wisdom from Global Management Gurus"
Chia Tan "Demystifying Exotic Products. Interest Rates, Equities and Foreign Exchange"
Wilson Meena Surie "Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today. Insights from Corporate India"
Flanagan Tim A. "Developing Your Conflict Competence. A Hands-On Guide for Leaders, Managers, Facilitators, and Teams"
Hans-Jürgen Borchardt "Dezentrales Marketing und Crowdsourcing. Warum und wie sich das Marketing neu erfinden muss"
Cameron Kim S. "Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture. Based on the Competing Values Framework"
Dirk Börnecke "Die Gehälterlüge. Verdienen die Anderen Wirklich Mehr Als Ich?"
Peter Kinne "Die Kunst, bevorzugt zu werden. Das Erfolgskonzept Wertebalance"
Sommerlatte Tom "Die Zukunft der deutschen Wirtschaft. Visionen für 2030"
King Sara N. "Discovering the Leader in You Workbook"
David Altman "Discovering the Leader in You. How to realize Your Leadership Potential"
Paul R. Lawrence "Driven to Lead. Good, Bad, and Misguided Leadership"
Hughes Marcia "Emotional Intelligence in Action. Training and Coaching Activities for Leaders, Managers, and Teams"
Sebastien Henry "EQ and Leadership In Asia. Using Emotional Intelligence To Lead And Inspire Your People"
Paul Schmitz "Everyone Leads. Building Leadership from the Community Up"
B. Kim Barnes "Exercising Influence. A Guide for Making Things Happen at Work, at Home, and in Your Community"
Sylvester Taylor "Experience-Driven Leader Development. Models, Tools, Best Practices, and Advice for On-the-Job Devel"
Frank Lavin "Export Now. Five Keys to Entering New Markets"
Malcolm Kemp "Extreme Events. Robust Portfolio Construction in the Presence of Fat Tails"
Ingrid Bens "Facilitating with Ease!. Core Skills for Facilitators, Team Leaders and Members, Managers, Consultan"
E. Hart Wayne "Feedback in Performance Reviews"
Wilson Lord Michael "Fixing Britain. The Business of Reshaping Our Nation"
Lord Jones Digby "Fixing Business. Making Profitable Business Work for The Good of All"
Michael Pellny "Führungskompetenz. Was wirklich wichtig ist"
Kim Klein "Fundraising for Social Change"
Panos Kouvelis "Handbook of Integrated Risk Management in Global Supply Chains"
Darbyshire Paul "Hedge Fund Modeling and Analysis Using Excel and VBA"
Robert Kuhn Lawrence "How China's Leaders Think. The Inside Story of China's Past, Current and Future Leaders"
Bernd Rodewald "Ihr Wegweiser zu rationalen Analysen und Entscheidungen. Wie man Fehler vermeidet und die richtigen "
Saporito Thomas J. "Inside CEO Succession. The Essential Guide to Leadership Transition"
Paul Temporal "Islamic Branding and Marketing. Creating A Global Islamic Business"
McDonald Malcolm "Key Account Management. The Definitive Guide"
Laurie Sudbrink "Leading with GRIT. Inspiring Action and Accountability with Generosity, Respect, Integrity, and Trut"
Karin Jironet "Leading with Spirit, Presence, and Authenticity. A Volume in the International Leadership Associatio"
Chester Dawson "Lexus. The Relentless Pursuit"
Jim Aspinwall "Life Settlements and Longevity Structures. Pricing and Risk Management"
David Belmont P. "Managing Hedge Fund Risk and Financing. Adapting to a New Era"
Fischer Anke "Mentale, emotionale und körperliche Fitness. Wie man dauerhaft leistungsfähig bleibt"
David Ley "Millionaire Migrants. Trans-Pacific Life Lines"
Juan Humberto Young "Mindfulness-Based Strategic Awareness Training. A Complete Program for Leaders and Individuals"
Jeanne Brett M. "Negotiating Globally. How to Negotiate Deals, Resolve Disputes, and Make Decisions Across Cultural B"
Mark Daskin S. "Network and Discrete Location. Models, Algorithms, and Applications"
Mark Daskin S. "Network and Discrete Location. Models, Algorithms, and Applications"
Patrick Corsi "Operationalizing Sustainability"
Stefano Iacus M. "Option Pricing and Estimation of Financial Models with R"
John Child "Organization. Contemporary Principles and Practice"
Jennifer Blake "Partir Du Bon Pied"
Sarah Lewis "Positive Psychology and Change. How Leadership, Collaboration, and Appreciative Inquiry Create Trans"
Sarah Lewis "Positive Psychology at Work. How Positive Leadership and Appreciative Inquiry Create Inspiring Organ"
Ciara Conlon "Productivity For Dummies"
Katherine Willoughby G. "Public Budgeting in Context. Structure, Law, Reform and Results"
Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries "Reflections on Groups and Organizations. On the Couch With Manfred Kets de Vries"
Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries "Reflections on Groups and Organizations. On the Couch With Manfred Kets de Vries"
Lee Bolman G. "Reframing Organizations. Artistry, Choice, and Leadership"
John Bessant "Responsible Innovation. Managing the Responsible Emergence of Science and Innovation in Society"
Jochen May "Schwarmintelligenz im Unternehmen. Wie sich vernetzte Intelligenz für Innovation und permanente Erne"
Traci Nathans-Kelly "Slide Rules. Design, Build, and Archive Presentations in the Engineering and Technical Fields"
Bénédicte Faivre-Tavignot "Social Business and Base of the Pyramid. Levers for Strategic Renewal"
Moorad Choudhry "Structured Credit Products. Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation"