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Редакция газеты Комсомольская Правда. Санкт-Петербург
Комсомольская правда. Санкт-Петербург 143-2015
Редакция газеты Ежедневная Деловая Газета Рбк
Ежедневная деловая газета РБК 232-2015
Редакция газеты Аргументы и Факты Москва
Аргументы и факты Москва 51-2015
Редакция газеты Коммерсантъ (понедельник-пятница)
Коммерсантъ (понедельник-пятница) 232-2015
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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Техническая литература
0+ "Zośka" - moja wielka miłość. Wspomnienia Hali Glińskiej
16+ "Роскачество" протестировало приложения под Android и iOS для поиска работы
16+ "Яндекс" объявил об улучшении сервиса "Яндекс.Погода"
16+ «Лыжный» день
16+ «Сатана» и «Воевода». Самое грозное ядерное оружие мира
16+ «Царь-ракета» Н-1. «Лунная гонка» СССР
0+ 10 увлекательных проектов аналоговой электроники
0+ 100 автомобилей, изменивших мир
0+ 102 способа хищения электроэнергии
0+ 12 kropel życia
16+ 12 сентября состоится презентация компании Apple; ZTE Blade V9 Vita представлен в России
0+ 13-go w Piątek
0+ 17 goździków
16+ 18:9 – новое соотношение сторон экрана будущего iPhone. Зачем?
0+ 1st International Conference on 3D Materials Science, 2012. July 8-12, 2012, Seven Springs Mountain
0+ 2.5D Printing. Bridging the Gap Between 2D and 3D Applications
0+ 20% Chance of Rain. Exploring the Concept of Risk
16+ 2062: время машин
0+ 25 polskich wynalazców i odkrywców, którzy zmienili świat
0+ 2D and 3D Image Analysis by Moments
16+ 30 стран, в которых iPhone стоит меньше, чем в России
0+ 300 схем источников питания
16+ 360 практических неисправностей. Записки телемастера
0+ 365 dni bez zapałek
0+ 3D Discrete Element Workbench for Highly Dynamic Thermo-mechanical Analysis. GranOO
0+ 3D Displays
0+ 3D Industrial Printing with Polymers
0+ 3D Modeling of Buildings. Outstanding Sites
0+ 3DTV. Processing and Transmission of 3D Video Signals
16+ 4 октября – чего ждать?!
0+ 4G Wireless Video Communications
0+ 4th International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing
0+ 50 praktycznych formuł na każdą okazję
0+ 50 лет отечественной микроэлектронике. Краткие основы и история развития. Выпуск 5
0+ 5G Networks. Fundamental Requirements, Enabling Technologies, and Operations Management
0+ 60GHz Technology for Gbps WLAN and WPAN. From Theory to Practice
0+ 6LoWPAN. The Wireless Embedded Internet
0+ 7 научных прорывов России и еще 42 открытия, о которых нужно знать
16+ 7 нефтяных сестёр
0+ 77th Conference on Glass Problems
0+ 78th Conference on Glass Problems. Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Issue 1
0+ A Concise Introduction to Additives for Thermoplastic Polymers
0+ A Guide to Safe Material and Chemical Handling
0+ A Guide to the Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge (WEBOK)
0+ A History of a cGMP Medical Event Investigation
0+ A Polygeneration Process Concept for Hybrid Solar and Biomass Power Plant. Simulation, Modelling, an
0+ A Practical Approach to Hazard Identification for Operations and Maintenance Workers
0+ A Practical Approach to Hazard Identification for Operations and Maintenance Workers
0+ A Practical Guide to Welding Solutions. Overcoming Technical and Material-Specific Issues
0+ A Project Manager's Book of Forms. A Companion to the PMBOK Guide
0+ A Project Manager's Book of Forms. A Companion to the PMBOK Guide
0+ A Real-Time Approach to Process Control
0+ A Scientific Approach to Writing for Engineers and Scientists
0+ A treatise on mechanics
0+ A treatise on spinning machinery
0+ A treatise on the general principles, powers, and facility of application of the Congreve Rocket Sys
0+ A Two-Step Perturbation Method in Nonlinear Analysis of Beams, Plates and Shells
0+ A User's Manual to the PMBOK Guide
0+ A User's Manual to the PMBOK Guide
0+ ABC of Dementia
0+ ABC of Mental Health
0+ Abfall. Behandlung, Management, Rechtsgrundlagen
0+ Abriss der Bierbrauerei
0+ Accelerated Reliability and Durability Testing Technology
0+ Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development
0+ Access 2010. Praktyczny kurs
0+ Acid Mine Drainage, Rock Drainage, and Acid Sulfate Soils. Causes, Assessment, Prediction, Preventio
0+ Acoustical Imaging. Techniques and Applications for Engineers
0+ Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers
0+ Acoustics, Aeroacoustics and Vibrations
0+ Active and Passive Vibration Damping
0+ Activity Based Costing for Construction Companies
0+ Activity Learning. Discovering, Recognizing, and Predicting Human Behavior from Sensor Data
0+ Ad Hoc Networks Telecommunications and Game Theory
0+ Ad Hoc Networks. Routing, Qos and Optimization
0+ Adaptive Aeroservoelastic Control
0+ Adaptive Filters. Theory and Applications
0+ Addressing Techniques of Liquid Crystal Displays
0+ Adhesion in Foods. Fundamental Principles and Applications
0+ Adhesive Bonding. Adhesives, Applications and Processes
0+ Adhesive Joints. Ageing and Durability of Epoxies and Polyurethanes
0+ Adjustment Computations. Spatial Data Analysis
0+ Adsorption Refrigeration Technology. Theory and Application
0+ Advanced 2D Materials
0+ Advanced Aircraft Design. Conceptual Design, Technology and Optimization of Subsonic Civil Airplanes
0+ Advanced Battery Management Technologies for Electric Vehicles
0+ Advanced Bioelectronics Materials
0+ Advanced Biomaterials and Biodevices
0+ Advanced Biomaterials. Fundamentals, Processing, and Applications
0+ Advanced Carbon Materials and Technology
0+ Advanced Catalytic Materials
0+ Advanced Chipless RFID. MIMO-Based Imaging at 60 GHz - ML Detection
0+ Advanced Circuits for Emerging Technologies
0+ Advanced Coating Materials
0+ Advanced Composite Materials for Automotive Applications. Structural Integrity and Crashworthiness
0+ Advanced Composites for Aerospace, Marine, and Land Applications
0+ Advanced Composites for Aerospace, Marine, and Land Applications II
0+ Advanced Computational Materials Modeling. From Classical to Multi-Scale Techniques
0+ Advanced Computational Nanomechanics
0+ Advanced Concrete Technology
0+ Advanced Concrete Technology
0+ Advanced Control of AC / DC Power Networks. System of Systems Approach Based on Spatio-temporal Scal
0+ Advanced Control of Aircraft, Spacecraft and Rockets
0+ Advanced Dynamics. Rigid Body, Multibody, and Aerospace Applications
0+ Advanced Electric Drives. Analysis, Control, and Modeling Using MATLAB / Simulink
0+ Advanced Electrode Materials
0+ Advanced Energy Materials
0+ Advanced Engineering Materials and Modeling
0+ Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
0+ Advanced Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock
0+ Advanced Functional Materials
0+ Advanced Green Composites
0+ Advanced Healthcare Materials
0+ Advanced Hierarchical Nanostructured Materials
0+ Advanced Instrumentation and Computer I/O Design. Defined Accuracy Decision, Control, and Process Ap
0+ Advanced Interconnects for ULSI Technology
0+ Advanced Kalman Filtering, Least-Squares and Modeling. A Practical Handbook
0+ Advanced Magnetic and Optical Materials
0+ Advanced Materials for Agriculture, Food and Environmental Safety
0+ Advanced Materials for Electromagnetic Shielding. Fundamentals, Properties, and Applications
0+ Advanced Materials Innovation. Managing Global Technology in the 21st century
0+ Advanced Millimeter-wave Technologies. Antennas, Packaging and Circuits
0+ Advanced Multicarrier Technologies for Future Radio Communication. 5G and Beyond
0+ Advanced Nanoelectronics. Post-Silicon Materials and Devices
0+ Advanced Petroleum Reservoir Simulation. Towards Developing Reservoir Emulators
0+ Advanced Power Electronics Converters. PWM Converters Processing AC Voltages
0+ Advanced Process Control. Beyond Single Loop Control
0+ Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment
0+ Advanced Safety Management. Focusing on Z10 and Serious Injury Prevention
0+ Advanced Sensor and Detection Materials
0+ Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications
0+ Advanced Smartgrids for Distribution System Operators
0+ Advanced Solutions in Power Systems. HVDC, FACTS, and Artificial Intelligence
0+ Advanced Structural Damage Detection. From Theory to Engineering Applications
0+ Advanced Surfaces for Stem Cell Research
0+ Advanced Textile Engineering Materials
0+ Advanced Theranostic Materials
0+ Advanced Thermoforming. Methods, Machines and Materials, Applications and Automation
0+ Advanced Thermoforming. Methods, Machines and Materials, Applications and Automation
0+ Advanced Transport Protocols. Designing the Next Generation
0+ Advanced UAV Aerodynamics, Flight Stability and Control. Novel Concepts, Theory and Applications
0+ Advanced Wireless Communications and Internet. Future Evolving Technologies
0+ Advanced Wireless Networks. Cognitive, Cooperative & Opportunistic 4G Technology
0+ Advances in Battery Manufacturing, Service, and Management Systems
0+ Advances in Bioenergy. The Sustainability Challenge
0+ Advances in Biofeedstocks and Biofuels, Volume 1. Biofeedstocks and Their Processing
0+ Advances in Biofeedstocks and Biofuels, Volume 2. Production Technologies for Biofuels
0+ Advances in Ceramics for Environmental, Functional, Structural, and Energy Applications
0+ Advances in Computed Tomography for Geomaterials. GeoX 2010
0+ Advances in Dairy Ingredients