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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Социология
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Социология
0+ "Nie" to za mało
0+ «Nothing is political…»
0+ «Морские ворота» Санкт-Петербурга: Канонерский остров в дискурсе городских публик
0+ «Поворот к материальному»: тридцать лет спустя
0+ «Родители меня не отпускали»: протестная политизация подростков в деполитизированном обществе
0+ «Уехать от» vs «Уехать для». Качество городской среды как фактор миграционных установок населения
0+ «Фантом коррупции»: аналитическая реконструкция общественного феномена
0+ «Эшафот как театр» Николая Евреинова
0+ 2014–2015 годы. Экономический кризис – социальное измерение
0+ 44 Letters From the Liquid Modern World
0+ 44 Letters From the Liquid Modern World
0+ 50 Great Myths of Human Sexuality
0+ A Book of Britain: The Lore, Landscape and Heritage of a Treasured Countryside
0+ A Brief History of Chocolate
0+ A Companion to Biological Anthropology
0+ A Companion to Border Studies
0+ A Companion to Celebrity
0+ A Companion to Chinese Archaeology
0+ A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology
0+ A Companion to Cultural Resource Management
0+ A Companion to Dental Anthropology
0+ A Companion to Diaspora and Transnationalism
0+ A Companion to Folklore
0+ A Companion to Forensic Anthropology
0+ A Companion to Latina/o Studies
0+ A Companion to Medical Anthropology
0+ A Companion to Moral Anthropology
0+ A Companion to Organizational Anthropology
0+ A Companion to Paleopathology
0+ A Companion to Paleopathology
0+ A Companion to Popular Culture
0+ A Companion to Rock Art
0+ A Companion to Social Geography
0+ A Companion to the Anthropology of Education
0+ A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health
0+ A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe
0+ A Companion to the Anthropology of India
0+ A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion
0+ A Companion to the Anthropology of the Body and Embodiment
0+ A Companion to the Anthropology of the Middle East
0+ A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
0+ A Companion to Urban Anthropology
0+ A Concise History of World Population
0+ A God of One's Own. Religion's Capacity for Peace and Potential for Violence
0+ A Handbook of Practicing Anthropology
0+ A History of Sweets in 50 Wrappers
0+ A History of Television in 100 Programmes
0+ Advances in Comparative Survey Methods. Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3M
0+ Africa's Information Revolution. Technical Regimes and Production Networks in South Africa and Tanza
0+ After the Car
0+ Age Estimation in the Living. The Practitioner's Guide
0+ Ageing, Dementia and the Social Mind
0+ Agent-Based Computational Sociology
0+ Agent-Based Modelling in Economics
0+ AIDS, Sex, and Culture. Global Politics and Survival in Southern Africa
0+ Allah Made Us. Sexual Outlaws in an Islamic African City
0+ Alternative and Activist New Media
0+ An Anthropology of Biomedicine
0+ An English Affair: Sex, Class and Power in the Age of Profumo
0+ An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt
0+ Analytical Sociology. Actions and Networks
0+ Anthropology and Management Consulting. Forging a New Alliance
0+ Anthropology For Dummies
0+ Anthropology in the Public Arena. Historical and Contemporary Contexts
0+ Anthropology in Theory. Issues in Epistemology
0+ Apocalypse. From Antiquity to the Empire of Modernity
0+ Archaeologies of the Middle East. Critical Perspectives
0+ Archaeology For Dummies
0+ Archaeology in Practice. A Student Guide to Archaeological Analyses
0+ Archaeology in Practice. A Student Guide to Archaeological Analyses
0+ Articulations of Capital. Global Production Networks and Regional Transformations
0+ Assembling Export Markets. The Making and Unmaking of Global Food Connections in West Africa
0+ Au Pair
0+ Badania fokusowe
0+ Baidu SEO. Challenges and Intricacies of Marketing in China
0+ Banking Across Boundaries. Placing Finance in Capitalism
0+ Banking Across Boundaries. Placing Finance in Capitalism
0+ Basic Statistics for Social Research
0+ Beyond Duty. Life on the Frontline in Iraq
0+ Białe maski / szare twarze
0+ Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton
0+ Biomolecular Archaeology. An Introduction
0+ Black Sabbath and Philosophy. Mastering Reality
0+ Blood Will Out. Essays on Liquid Transfers and Flows
0+ Body Work in Health and Social Care. Critical Themes, New Agendas
0+ Bogactwo i nędza narodów
0+ Bracia polscy
0+ Broke: Who Killed the Middle Classes?
0+ Careers in 21st Century Applied Anthropology. Perspectives from Academics and Practitioners
0+ Careers in Anthropology. Profiles of Practitioner Anthropologists
0+ Case Studies in Social Work Practice
0+ Categorical Statistics for Communication Research
0+ Children and the Internet
0+ Children, Health and Well-being. Policy Debates and Lived Experience
0+ Chiny kultura i tradycje
0+ Cities in Relations. Trajectories of Urban Development in Hanoi and Ouagadougou
0+ Cities of Tomorrow. An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880
0+ Civilization and Science. In Conflict or Collaboration
0+ Classical Archaeology
0+ Collateral Damage. Social Inequalities in a Global Age
0+ Commodity Chains and World Cities
0+ Comparing Groups. Randomization and Bootstrap Methods Using R
0+ Composing Research, Communicating Results. Writing the Communication Research Paper
0+ Concise Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology
0+ Confronting Equality. Gender, Knowledge and Global Change
0+ Connected: The Amazing Power of Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives
0+ Connecting Social Welfare Policy to Fields of Practice
0+ Consumed: How We Buy Class in Modern Britain
0+ Contested Knowledge. Social Theory Today
0+ Contested Knowledge. Social Theory Today
0+ Core Concepts in Sociology
0+ Create to Learn. Introduction to Digital Literacy
0+ Creating Prehistory. Druids, Ley Hunters and Archaeologists in Pre-War Britain
0+ Crime Scene Management. Scene Specific Methods
0+ Criminology For Dummies
0+ Crying Shame. Metaculture, Modernity, and the Exaggerated Death of Lament
0+ Cultural Sociology. An Introduction
0+ Cywilizacja zdrowia
0+ Czas postprawdy
0+ Człowiek we współczesnym świecie. Zagrożenia i wyzwania: perspektywa interdyscyplinarna, t. 5
0+ Czy wszyscy jesteśmy ekspertami?
0+ Death, Mourning, and Burial. A Cross-Cultural Reader
0+ Democracy and Disenfranchisement
0+ Demokracja przepraszamy za usterki
0+ Desertification, Land Degradation and Sustainability
0+ Deviance and Deviants. A Sociological Approach
0+ Diasporas in the Contemporary World
0+ Diferencias Hombre Mujer
0+ Digital War Reporting
0+ Disaster Response and Recovery. Strategies and Tactics for Resilience
0+ Dlaczego miłość rani? Studium socjologiczne
0+ Do You Mind if I Put My Hand on it?: Journeys into the Worlds of the Weird
0+ Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All?
0+ Doing Ethnography Today. Theories, Methods, Exercises
0+ Doktryna szoku
0+ Domesticating Neo-Liberalism. Spaces of Economic Practice and Social Reproduction in Post-Socialist
0+ Doskonale zwyczajna rzeczywistość
0+ Double Vision. Anthropologists at Law
0+ Early Human Kinship. From Sex to Social Reproduction
0+ Elity kongijskie w poszukiwaniu tożsamości
0+ Embarrassment of Product Choices 1. How to Consume Differently
0+ Emocje i polityka
0+ Emotions, Media and Politics
0+ Engineering Polymer Systems for Improved Drug Delivery
0+ Eruptions of Memory. The Critique of Memory in Chile, 1990-2015
0+ Experience. New Foundations for the Human Sciences
0+ Experiments in Holism. Theory and Practice in Contemporary Anthropology
0+ Family Problems. Stress, Risk, and Resilience
0+ Family Theories. Foundations and Applications
0+ Fashioning Globalisation. New Zealand Design, Working Women and the Cultural Economy