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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Социология
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Социология
0+ Female Sexual Offenders. Theory, Assessment and Treatment
0+ Femen
0+ Filozofia religii
0+ First Migrants. Ancient Migration in Global Perspective
0+ Fortress Russia: Conspiracy Theories in Post-Soviet Russia
0+ Freemasons For Dummies
0+ From Health Behaviours to Health Practices. Critical Perspectives
0+ From World City to the World in One City. Liverpool through Malay Lives
0+ Game of Thrones versus History. Written in Blood
0+ Gender and Culture
0+ Gender and Culture
0+ Gender and International Relations
0+ Gender and Power. Society, the Person and Sexual Politics
0+ Gender, Identity and Place. Understanding Feminist Geographies
0+ Geographical Information and Urban Transport Systems
0+ Girls, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice
0+ Global Heritage. A Reader
0+ God, Sex, and Gender. An Introduction
0+ Gospodarka i społeczeństwo w europejskiej perspektywie
0+ Gramsci. Space, Nature, Politics
0+ Habermas and the Media
0+ Handbook of HIV and Social Work. Principles, Practice, and Populations
0+ Hard Time. A Fresh Look at Understanding and Reforming the Prison
0+ Hardkorowy romans
0+ Health Geographies. A Critical Introduction
0+ Human Biology. An Evolutionary and Biocultural Perspective
0+ Human Brain Evolution. The Influence of Freshwater and Marine Food Resources
0+ Human Geography. A Concise Introduction
0+ I Am No Longer Myself Without You: How Men Love Women
0+ Identities in Context. Individuals and Discourse in Action
0+ Ile szczęścia dają nam inni ludzie
0+ Improvised Lives. Rhythms of Endurance in an Urban South
0+ Inside Anthropotechnology. User and Culture Centered Experience
0+ Inside Concentration Camps. Social Life at the Extremes
0+ Inside the Brotherhood
0+ Into the Wardrobe. C. S. Lewis and the Narnia Chronicles
0+ Introducing Social Research Methods. Essentials for Getting the Edge
0+ Introduction to Cities. How Place and Space Shape Human Experience
0+ Introduction to Digital Media
0+ Introduction to Homeland Security. Understanding Terrorism Prevention and Emergency Management
0+ Introduction to Information Literacy for Students
0+ Introduction to Sociological Theory, eTextbook. Theorists, Concepts, and their Applicability to the
0+ Introduction to Sociological Theory. Theorists, Concepts, and their Applicability to the Twenty-Firs
0+ Investigating Culture. An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology
0+ Investigating Culture. An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology
0+ Iron Curtains. Gates, Suburbs and Privatization of Space in the Post-socialist City
0+ It’s Christmas!: Whatever Happened to the Christmas Single?
0+ Jacked: The unauthorized behind-the-scenes story of Grand Theft Auto
0+ Joining the Resistance
0+ Karnawał czy post?
0+ Karta Prekariatu
0+ Kisisi (Our Language). The Story of Colin and Sadiki
0+ Kobiety niepokorne
0+ Kod kapitalizmu
0+ Komunikowanie śmiercią
0+ Kontrrewolucja
0+ Krótka historia młodzieżowej subkulturowości
0+ Last Woman Standing
0+ Leadership in the Creative Industries. Principles and Practice
0+ Lewica. Stare błędy, nowe wyzwania
0+ Liars and Outliers. Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive
0+ Life. A Critical User's Manual
0+ Liquid Surveillance. A Conversation
0+ Living Language. An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
0+ Living Language. An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
0+ Locating Neoliberalism in East Asia. Neoliberalizing Spaces in Developmental States
0+ Logistyka współczesnego terroryzmu
0+ London Calling: How Black and Asian Writers Imagined a City
0+ Love. A Sketch
0+ Making Knowledge. Explorations of the Indissoluble Relation between Mind, Body and Environment
0+ Managing Applied Social Research. Tools, Strategies, and Insights
0+ Map Addict
0+ Materialities of Care. Encountering Health and Illness Through Artefacts and Architecture
0+ Matki i córki we współczesnej Polsce
0+ Maulana Karenga. An Intellectual Portrait
0+ Max Weber and the Theory of Modern Politics
0+ Methods and Tools for Creative Competitive Intelligence
0+ Między rozumieniem a porozumieniem
0+ Miłość na odległość. Formy życia w epoce globalnej
0+ Mitologia współczesna
0+ Modeling Urban Dynamics
0+ Modern Environments and Human Health. Revisiting the Second Epidemiological Transition
0+ Modernity
0+ Moral Blindness. The Loss of Sensitivity in Liquid Modernity
0+ Mother of All Myths
0+ Mysteries and Conspiracies. Detective Stories, Spy Novels and the Making of Modern Societies
0+ Naznaczeni popkulturą
0+ New Directions in Biocultural Anthropology
0+ Next: A Vision of Our Lives in the Future
0+ Nierówność, która zabija
0+ Nowa kwestia miejska
0+ Nowe praktyki kulturowe Polaków
0+ Nowe trendy i zjawiska w rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczym Polski i Unii Europejskiej
0+ O dążnościach reorganizacyjnych w spółeczeństwie
0+ Odkrywanie socjologii
0+ Odmienne czy zwyczajne?
0+ Offshoring
0+ On Critique. A Sociology of Emancipation
0+ On the World and Ourselves
0+ Opieka nad osobami starszymi
0+ Opium globalizacji
0+ Organizacje pozarządowe w Elblągu
0+ Origination. The Geographies of Brands and Branding
0+ Pacific: The Ocean of the Future
0+ Pandemics and Emerging Infectious Diseases. The Sociological Agenda
0+ People and Nature. An Introduction to Human Ecological Relations
0+ Perfumy
0+ Pętla dobrego samopoczucia
0+ Place, Exclusion and Mortgage Markets
0+ Place. An Introduction
0+ Podglądanie ryzyka
0+ Political Attitudes. Computational and Simulation Modelling
0+ Political Oratory and Cartooning. An Ethnography of Democratic Process in Madagascar
0+ Polska w apostazii
0+ Praca kobiet świadczących usługi seksualne w agencjach towarzyskich
0+ Praca socjalna z rodziną problemową
0+ Practices of Selfhood
0+ Prasowe gatunki dziennikarskie
0+ Prekariat i nowa walka klas. Przeobrażenia współczesnej klasy pracowniczej i jej form walki
0+ Prisons We Choose to Live Inside
0+ Projektowanie badań społeczno-ekonomicznych. Rekomendacje i praktyka badawcza
0+ Prokrastynacja
0+ Przemoc i mowa w nowoczesnej myśli społecznej
0+ Przepych i przemoc. Dominacja i kontestacja w myśli Ibn Chalduna
0+ Przesilenie Nowa kultura polityczna
0+ Psychologia Pedagogie postu
0+ Quantitative and Statistical Research Methods. From Hypothesis to Results
0+ Race. Are We So Different?
0+ Raising Boys: Why Boys are Different – and How to Help them Become Happy and Well-Balanced Men
0+ Re-wizja psychologii
0+ Reflective Practice
0+ Reinventing Political Culture. The Power of Culture versus the Culture of Power
0+ Res publica, понятая буквально: к социологии Этого
0+ Retrotopia
0+ Różnym głosem
0+ Rural Social Work. Building and Sustaining Community Capacity
0+ Sacred Cows: Is Feminism Relevant to the New Millennium?
0+ Seahenge: a quest for life and death in Bronze Age Britain
0+ Seduction. Men, Masculinity and Mediated Intimacy
0+ Setting the Agenda. Mass Media and Public Opinion
0+ Sex & Intimacy 101
0+ Sex, Drugs and Chocolate: The Science of Pleasure
0+ Sexual Offending. Cognition, Emotion and Motivation
0+ Sinews of the Nation. Constructing Irish and Zionist Bonds in the United States
0+ Smart Swarm: Using Animal Behaviour to Organise Our World
0+ Smoking Geographies. Space, Place and Tobacco
0+ Social Work and Social Policy. Advancing the Principles of Economic and Social Justice
0+ Social Work Fields of Practice. Historical Trends, Professional Issues, and Future Opportunities
0+ Sociobiology vs Socioecology. Consequences of an Unraveling Debate
0+ Sociology For Dummies