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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
0+ Ecosystem Sustainability and Global Change
0+ Educating Nurses. A Call for Radical Transformation
0+ Educating Physicians. A Call for Reform of Medical School and Residency
0+ Education Nation. Six Leading Edges of Innovation in our Schools
0+ Educational Neuroscience. Initiatives and Emerging Issues
12+ Eesti asi. Miks kõik on nagu on?
0+ Effective Grading. A Tool for Learning and Assessment in College
0+ Effective Inclusive Schools. Designing Successful Schoolwide Programs
0+ Effective Instruction for STEM Disciplines. From Learning Theory to College Teaching
0+ Effective Learning in the Life Sciences. How Students Can Achieve Their Full Potential
0+ Effective Online Teaching. Foundations and Strategies for Student Success
0+ Effects of Persistent and Bioactive Organic Pollutants on Human Health
0+ Ein- und zweidimensionale NMR-Spektroskopie. Eine Einführung
0+ Einführung in die Festkörperphysik
0+ Einführung in die Kernphysik
0+ Einführung in die Nanobiomechanik. Bildgebung und Messung durch Rasterkraftmikroskopie
0+ Einfuhrung in Projektmanagement. Definition, Planung, Kontrolle und Abschluss
0+ Eko Czochrałem antarktycznego słonia
0+ Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics
0+ Electrical Conduction in Graphene and Nanotubes
0+ Electrical Machine Drives Control. An Introduction
0+ Electrical Phenomena at Interfaces and Biointerfaces. Fundamentals and Applications in Nano-, Bio-,
0+ Electrocatalysis. Theoretical Foundations and Model Experiments
0+ Electrochemical Aspects of Ionic Liquids
0+ Electrochemical Engineering Across Scales. From Molecules to Processes
0+ Electrochemical Engineering. From Discovery to Product
0+ Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
0+ Electrochemical Processes in Biological Systems
0+ Electrochemical Science and Technology. Fundamentals and Applications
0+ Electrochemical Water Processing
0+ Electrochemistry of Carbon Electrodes
0+ Electrochemistry of Functional Supramolecular Systems
0+ Electrochemistry of Metal Complexes. Applications from Electroplating to Oxide Layer Formation
0+ Electrodeposition from Ionic Liquids
0+ Electromagnetic Compatibility. Analysis and Case Studies in Transportation
0+ Electromagnetic Computation Methods for Lightning Surge Protection Studies
0+ Electromagnetic Modeling and Simulation
0+ Electromagnetic Phenomena in Matter. Statistical and Quantum Approaches
0+ Electromagnetic Reverberation Chambers
0+ Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method
0+ Electromagnetic Time Reversal. Application to EMC and Power Systems
0+ Electromagnetic Wave Propagation, Radiation, and Scattering. From Fundamentals to Applications
0+ Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from Random Rough Surfaces. Asymptotic Models
0+ Electromagnetics of Body Area Networks. Antennas, Propagation, and RF Systems
0+ Electromagnetism. Maxwell Equations, Wave Propagation and Emission
0+ Electron and Proton Kinetics and Dynamics in Flaring Atmospheres
0+ Electron Cyclotron Heating of Plasmas
0+ Electron Flow in Organic Chemistry. A Decision-Based Guide to Organic Mechanisms
0+ Electronic Structure and Properties of Transition Metal Compounds. Introduction to the Theory
0+ Electronic Structure Calculations on Graphics Processing Units. From Quantum Chemistry to Condensed
0+ Electrophoresis in Practice. A Guide to Methods and Applications of DNA and Protein Separations
0+ Electrospray and MALDI Mass Spectrometry. Fundamentals, Instrumentation, Practicalities, and Biologi
0+ Electrowetting. Fundamental Principles and Practical Applications
0+ Elektrophorese leicht gemacht. Ein Praxisbuch für Anwender
0+ Elementarteilchen und ihre Wechselwirkungen
0+ Elementary Particle Physics. Foundations of the Standard Model V2
0+ Elementary Particle Physics. Quantum Field Theory and Particles V1
0+ Elements of Environmental Chemistry
0+ Elements of Modern X-ray Physics
0+ Elements of Structural Dynamics. A New Perspective
0+ Elitestudent. Wie werde ich besser als der Durchschnitt?
12+ Email-маркетинг
0+ Embracing Writing. Ways to Teach Reluctant Writers in Any College Course
0+ Emerging Pollutants. Origin, Structure, and Properties
0+ Emerging Technologies for 3D Video. Creation, Coding, Transmission and Rendering
6+ Emil und die detektive / Эмиль и сыщики. Книга для чтения на немецком языке
0+ Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students. Facilitation and Activity Guide
0+ Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students. Inventory
0+ Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students. Student Workbook
0+ Emotionally Intelligent Leadership. A Guide for Students
0+ Emulsion Formation and Stability
0+ Emulsions, Foams, Suspensions, and Aerosols. Microscience and Applications
0+ Emulsions, Foams, Suspensions, and Aerosols. Microscience and Applications
0+ Enabling Technologies for High Spectral-efficiency Coherent Optical Communication Networks
0+ Enacting Intersectionality in Student Affairs. New Directions for Student Services, Number 157
0+ Encyclopedia of Nuclear Physics and its Applications
0+ Encyclopedia of Polymer Blends, Volume 1. Fundamentals
0+ Encyclopedia of Polymer Blends, Volume 2. Processing
0+ End-of-Life Issues, Grief, and Bereavement. What Clinicians Need to Know
0+ Endocrine Disrupters. Hazard Testing and Assessment Methods
0+ Energia do sześcianu
0+ Energy and Global Climate Change. Bridging the Sustainable Development Divide
0+ Energy and Mass Transfers. Balance Sheet Approach and Basic Concepts
0+ Energy Balance Climate Models
0+ Energy Storage
0+ Energy Storage. A New Approach
0+ Energy Systems Security
0+ Energy Transfers by Conduction
0+ Energy Transfers by Convection
0+ Engaging 'Hard to Reach' Parents. Teacher-Parent Collaboration to Promote Children's Learning
0+ Engaging Diversity in Undergraduate Classrooms: A Pedagogy for Developing Intercultural Competence.
0+ Engaging Ideas. The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning
0+ Engaging Imagination. Helping Students Become Creative and Reflective Thinkers
0+ Engaging Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching. A Guide for Faculty
0+ Engaging Students through Social Media. Evidence-Based Practices for Use in Student Affairs
0+ Engaging Students. The Next Level of Working on the Work
0+ Engaging the Digital Generation. New Directions for Student Services, Number 155
0+ Engaging the Online Learner. Activities and Resources for Creative Instruction
0+ Engaging Youth in Leadership for Social and Political Change. New Directions for Student Leadership,
0+ Engineered Nanoparticles and the Environment. Biophysicochemical Processes and Toxicity
0+ Engineering Hydrology for Natural Resources Engineers
0+ Engineering Principles in Biotechnology
0+ English Grammar Workbook For Dummies
0+ English Lexicology
0+ English. Практикум по домашнему чтению. Упражнения по произведению Дж. Гришема «Theodore Boone: Kid
0+ Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn. A Comprehensive Guide for Teaching All Adults
0+ Enhancing and Expanding Undergraduate Research: A Systems Approach. New Directions for Higher Educat
0+ Enhancing Student Learning and Development in Cross-Border Higher Education. New Directions for High
0+ Enhancing Sustainability Campuswide. New Directions for Student Services, Number 137
0+ Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Collaborative Structures. New Directions for Teaching and Le
0+ Enterprise Interoperability. I-ESA'12 Proceedings
0+ Enterprising Nature. Economics, Markets, and Finance in Global Biodiversity Politics
0+ Entropy Theory and its Application in Environmental and Water Engineering
0+ Environmental and Low Temperature Geochemistry
0+ Environmental Biotechnology. Theory and Application
0+ Environmental Geomechanics
0+ Environmental Hydraulics. Mathematical Models
0+ Environmental Hydraulics. Modeling Software
0+ Environmental Hydraulics. Modeling Software
0+ Environmental Hydraulics. Numerical Methods
0+ Environmental Hydraulics. Numerical Methods
0+ Environmental Impact of Polymers
0+ Environmental Management of Energy from Biofuels and Biofeedstocks
0+ Environmental Pest Management. Challenges for Agronomists, Ecologists, Economists and Policymakers
0+ Environmental Physics. Sustainable Energy and Climate Change
0+ Environmental Process Analysis. Principles and Modeling
0+ Environmental Scanning and Sustainable Development
0+ Environmental Science For Dummies
0+ Environmental Trace Analysis. Techniques and Applications
0+ Environmental Transport Processes
0+ Enzybiotics. Antibiotic Enzymes as Drugs and Therapeutics
0+ Enzyme Kinetics. Principles and Methods
0+ Enzyme Kinetics. Rapid-Equilibrium Applications of Mathematica
0+ Enzyme Regulation in Metabolic Pathways
0+ Enzyme Technologies. Metagenomics, Evolution, Biocatalysis and Biosynthesis
0+ Enzyme Technologies. Pluripotent Players in Discovering Therapeutic Agent
0+ Enzyme. Struktur, Kinetik und Anwendungen
0+ Epigenetic Regulation and Epigenomics
0+ Epistemology of the Cell. A Systems Perspective on Biological Knowledge
0+ Eportfolios for Lifelong Learning and Assessment
0+ Equilibria and Kinetics of Biological Macromolecules
0+ Equilibrium and Transfer in Porous Media 1. Equilibrium States
0+ Equilibrium and Transfer in Porous Media 3. Applications, Isothermal Transport and Coupled Transfers
0+ Equine Genomics
0+ Erosion in Geomechanics Applied to Dams and Levees
0+ Essential Computational Fluid Dynamics
0+ Essential Developmental Biology
0+ Essential Fluid, Electrolyte and pH Homeostasis
0+ Essential Guide to Reading Biomedical Papers. Recognising and Interpreting Best Practice
0+ Essential Laboratory Skills for Biosciences