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Александр Блок
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Александр Блок
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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
0+ Design of Piles Under Cyclic Loading. SOLCYP Recommendations
0+ Design Optimization of Fluid Machinery. Applying Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Optimiza
0+ Designing and Conducting Your First Interview Project
0+ Designing and Teaching Undergraduate Capstone Courses
0+ Designing Dendrimers
0+ Designing for Learning. Creating Campus Environments for Student Success
0+ Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory
0+ Detection and Intelligent Systems for Homeland Security
0+ Developing and Assessing Personal and Social Responsibility in College. New Directions for Higher Ed
0+ Developing and Sustaining Successful First-Year Programs. A Guide for Practitioners
0+ Developing Culturally Relevant Leadership Learning. New Directions for Student Leadership, Number 15
0+ Developing Ethical Leaders. New Directions for Student Leadership, Number 146
0+ Developing Reading Comprehension
0+ Developing Students' Leadership Capacity. New Directions for Student Services, Number 140
0+ Development for Academic Leaders. A Practical Guide for Fundraising Success
0+ Development of Marine Resources
0+ Developmental Approaches to Human Evolution
0+ Developmental Genomics of Ascidians
0+ Developmental Neurotoxicology Research. Principles, Models, Techniques, Strategies, and Mechanisms
0+ Developments in Electrochemistry. Science Inspired by Martin Fleischmann
0+ Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders. A Lifespan Perspective
0+ Diagnostic Electron Microscopy. A Practical Guide to Interpretation and Technique
0+ Dictionary of Developmental Biology and Embryology
0+ Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology
0+ Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology
0+ Dictionary of Mass Spectrometry
0+ Dictionary of Scientific Principles
0+ Dictionary of Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Translational Medicine
0+ Die Chemie des Lebens
0+ Die Chemie und ihre Methoden. Eine Philosophiche Betrachtung
0+ Die Invasion der Waschbären. und andere Expeditionen in die wilde Natur
0+ Die Invasion der Waschbären. und andere Expeditionen in die wilde Natur
0+ Die Menschen Macher. Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit
0+ Die Vielfalt des Lebens. Wie hoch, wie komplex, warum?
0+ Dielectrophoresis. Theory, Methodology and Biological Applications
0+ Differentiated Assessment. How to Assess the Learning Potential of Every Student (Grades 6-12)
0+ Differentiated Instruction for the Middle School Science Teacher. Activities and Strategies for an I
0+ Diffraction and Spectroscopic Methods in Electrochemistry
0+ Diffusion in Nanoporous Materials
0+ Diffusion-controlled Solid State Reactions. In Alloys, Thin Films and Nanosystems
0+ Digital Design for Print and Web. An Introduction to Theory, Principles, and Techniques
0+ Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems. A Practical Approach
0+ Digital Futures for Cultural and Media Studies
0+ Digital Games: A Context for Cognitive Development. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Developm
0+ Digital Media Law
16+ Digital native дети, рождённые в цифровую эпоху
0+ Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the OMAP - L138 eXperimenter
0+ Digital Signal Processing for RFID
0+ Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB for Students and Researchers
0+ Dignity in Adversity. Human Rights in Troubled Times
0+ Dinosaur Paleobiology
0+ Dioxine. Chemie, Analytik, Vorkommen, Umweltverhalten und Toxikologie der halogenierten Dibenzo-p-di
0+ Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry. Principles and Practices of DART-MS
0+ Directed Evolution of Selective Enzymes. Catalysts for Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology
0+ Directed Selectivity in Organic Synthesis. A Practical Guide
0+ Disability and Campus Dynamics. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 154
0+ Disability in Higher Education. A Social Justice Approach
0+ Discipline in the Secondary Classroom. A Positive Approach to Behavior Management
0+ Discipline Survival Guide for the Secondary Teacher
0+ Discipline-Centered Learning Communities: Creating Connections Among Students, Faculty, and Curricul
0+ Discovering Chemistry With Natural Bond Orbitals
0+ Discovering the Future of Molecular Sciences
0+ Discovery-Based Learning in the Life Sciences
0+ Discrete Mechanics
0+ Discrete Stochastic Processes and Optimal Filtering
0+ Discussion in the College Classroom. Getting Your Students Engaged and Participating in Person and O
12+ Dismiss your Interpreter! 200 useful daily dialogues / Английский без переводчика
0+ Disordered Pharmaceutical Materials
0+ Dispersion of Powders in Liquids and Stabilization of Suspensions
0+ Distance and E-learning in Transition. Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges
0+ Distributed Cooperative Control of Multi-agent Systems
0+ Distributed Cooperative Control. Emerging Applications
0+ Distributed Model Predictive Control for Plant-Wide Systems
0+ Distribution Theory. With Applications in Engineering and Physics
0+ Diversity and Non-integer Differentiation for System Dynamics
0+ Diversity of Hydrothermal Systems on Slow Spreading Ocean Ridges
0+ Diversity-Oriented Synthesis. Basics and Applications in Organic Synthesis, Drug Discovery, and Chem
0+ DNA Engineered Noble Metal Nanoparticles. Fundamentals and State-of-the-Art of Nanobiotechnology
0+ Do Good Well. Your Guide to Leadership, Action, and Social Innovation
0+ Do Species Exist? Principles of Taxonomic Classification
0+ Doctors and Healers
0+ Documenting Learning with ePortfolios. A Guide for College Instructors
0+ Doing Physics with Scientific Notebook. A Problem Solving Approach
0+ Doing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Measuring Systematic Changes to Teaching and Improve
0+ Domino and Intramolecular Rearrangement Reactions as Advanced Synthetic Methods in Glycoscience
0+ Domino Reactions. Concepts for Efficient Organic Synthesis
0+ Don't Forget to Write for the Elementary Grades. 50 Enthralling and Effective Writing Lessons (Ages
0+ Don't Forget to Write for the Secondary Grades. 50 Enthralling and Effective Writing Lessons (Ages 1
0+ Doppler Radar Physiological Sensing
0+ Downstream Industrial Biotechnology. Recovery and Purification
0+ Drawing Geological Structures
0+ Dried Blood Spots. Applications and Techniques
0+ Driven by Data. A Practical Guide to Improve Instruction
0+ Driven by Data. A Practical Guide to Improve Instruction
0+ Drought and Aquatic Ecosystems. Effects and Responses
0+ Drought. Science and Policy
0+ Drug Delivery Strategies for Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs
0+ Drug Disposition and Pharmacokinetics. From Principles to Applications
0+ Drugs. From Discovery to Approval
0+ Drying Phenomena. Theory and Applications
0+ Dual Enrollment Policies, Pathways, and Perspectives. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number
0+ Dual Enrollment: Strategies, Outcomes, and Lessons for School-College Partnerships. New Directions f
0+ Duchy wokół nas
0+ Ductile Shear Zones. From Micro- to Macro-scales
0+ Dunes. Dynamics, Morphology, History
0+ Duplex Stainless Steels
0+ Dust Explosion and Fire Prevention Handbook. A Guide to Good Industry Practices
0+ Dusza materii
0+ Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry. In Drug Discovery, Bioorganic Chemistry, and Materials Science
0+ Dynamic Covalent Chemistry. Principles, Reactions, and Applications
0+ Dynamic Modeling and Predictive Control in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. First Principle and Data-based Ap
0+ Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces. Volume 1 - Current Developments
0+ Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces. Volume 2: Fundamentals
0+ Dynamics of Large Herbivore Populations in Changing Environments. Towards Appropriate Models
0+ Dynamics of Large Structures and Inverse Problems
0+ Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies. A Self-Learning Approach
0+ Dynamics of the Earth's Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere
0+ Dynamische Chemie. Schnelle Analysen mit Teststäbchen
0+ Dyslexia and Employment. A Guide for Assessors, Trainers and Managers
0+ Dyslexia and Employment. A Guide for Assessors, Trainers and Managers
0+ Dyslexia. A Complete Guide for Parents and Those Who Help Them
0+ Dyslexia. A Practitioner's Handbook
0+ Dyslexia. A Practitioner's Handbook
0+ Działalność Żandarmerii Wojskowej Sił Zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w systemie bezpieczeństwa
0+ Dziecko w Oriencie
0+ Early Earth Systems. A Geochemical Approach
0+ Early Modern England 1485-1714. A Narrative History
0+ Early Triassic Ammonites from Western Himalaya
0+ Earth Environments. Past, Present and Future
0+ Earth's Climate Evolution
0+ Earthquakes. Models, Statistics, Testable Forecasts
0+ Earthquakes. Models, Statistics, Testable Forecasts
0+ Eating Disorders and the Brain
0+ Eclipse: The science and history of nature's most spectacular phenomenon
0+ Ecoacoustics. The Ecological Role of Sounds
0+ Ecojustice Adult Education: Theory and Practice in the Cultivation of the Cultural Commons. New Dire
0+ Ecoliterate. How Educators Are Cultivating Emotional, Social, and Ecological Intelligence
0+ Ecological Biochemistry. Environmental and Interspecies Interactions
0+ Ecological Challenges and Conservation Conundrums. Essays and Reflections for a Changing World
0+ Ecological Methods
0+ Ecological Parasitology. Reflections on 50 Years of Research in Aquatic Ecosystems
0+ Ecology and Evolution of Dung Beetles
0+ Ecology and Management of Forest Soils
0+ Ecology of Lianas
0+ Ecology of North America
0+ Ecology of Wildfire Residuals in Boreal Forests
0+ Economic Geography. A Critical Introduction
0+ Economic Geology. Principles and Practice
0+ Economic Geology. Principles and Practice
16+ Ecosociology Sources. Series: «Ecosociology»