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Евгений Викторович Донтфа
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Редакция газеты Советский Спорт (Федеральный выпуск)
Советский Спорт 152-2018
Редакция газеты Комсомольская Правда. Санкт-Петербург
Комсомольская Правда. Санкт-Петербург 91-2018
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Категории книг
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Прочая образовательная литература
0+ Auroral Phenomenology and Magnetospheric Processes. Earth and Other Planets
0+ Australian Freshwater Ecology. Processes and Management
0+ Autoecology and Ecophysiology of Woody Shrubs and Trees. Concepts and Applications
0+ Automated Transit. Planning, Operation, and Applications
0+ Automating with SIMATIC. Hardware and Software, Configuration and Programming, Data Communication, O
0+ Automation in Proteomics and Genomics. An Engineering Case-Based Approach
0+ Automation Solutions for Analytical Measurements. Concepts and Applications
0+ Automatische genetische Analytik
0+ Automaty liczą
0+ Autonomous Learning Systems. From Data Streams to Knowledge in Real-time
0+ Avian Evolution. The Fossil Record of Birds and its Paleobiological Significance
0+ Aнализ в матричных областях
0+ Bachelor 40plus. Plädoyer für ein neues Bildungskonzept
0+ Bad Science
0+ Bakterien rüsten auf. EHEC & MRSA
0+ Basic Bioscience Laboratory Techniques. A Pocket Guide
0+ Basic Concepts of X-Ray Diffraction
0+ Basic Gas Chromatography
0+ Basic Geological Mapping
0+ Basics of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Equilibria
0+ Basics of Biomedical Ultrasound for Engineers
0+ Basin Analysis. Principles and Application to Petroleum Play Assessment
0+ Basin Analysis. Principles and Applications
0+ Batch Effects and Noise in Microarray Experiments. Sources and Solutions
0+ Battery Systems Engineering
0+ Bawełna, samowary i Sartowie
0+ Beam Propagation Method for Design of Optical Waveguide Devices
0+ Beam Structures. Classical and Advanced Theories
0+ Because Digital Writing Matters. Improving Student Writing in Online and Multimedia Environments
0+ Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher
0+ Becoming a Student-Ready College. A New Culture of Leadership for Student Success
0+ Becoming an Engaged Campus. A Practical Guide for Institutionalizing Public Engagement
0+ Beetles in Conservation
0+ Being Me. What it Means to be Human
0+ Beispiele zur Bemessung nach Eurocode 2. Band 1 – Hochbau
0+ Bemessung von Befestigungen in Beton. Einführung mit Beispielen
0+ Benchmarking in Institutional Research. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 156
0+ Berechnungen in der Chemie und Verfahrenstechnik mit Excel und VBA
0+ Bergman's Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation
0+ Best Practices in Faculty Evaluation. A Practical Guide for Academic Leaders
0+ Bewusst oder unbewusst?
0+ Beyond Foundations. Developing as a Master Academic Advisor
0+ Beyond Oil and Gas. The Methanol Economy
0+ Beyond Oil and Gas. The Methanol Economy
0+ Beyond the Bubble Test. How Performance Assessments Support 21st Century Learning
0+ Beyond the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics
0+ Beyond the Two-State Solution. A Jewish Political Essay
0+ Beyond Training: The Rise of Adult Education in the Military. New Directions for Adult and Continuin
0+ Bez ograniczeń
0+ Bezdrożami - w kolizjach - ku wyższości. Nowa ontologia i twórczość
0+ Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals. Theory, Simulation and Experiment
0+ Big Bang
16+ Big data простым языком
0+ Big Picture Pedagogy: Finding Interdisciplinary Solutions to Common Learning Problems. New Direction
0+ Big Questions, Worthy Dreams. Mentoring Emerging Adults in Their Search for Meaning, Purpose, and Fa
0+ Bio-Based Solvents
0+ Bio-Ceramics with Clinical Applications
0+ Bio-Glasses. An Introduction
0+ Bio-inspired Materials for Biomedical Engineering
0+ Bio-pigmentation and Biotechnological Implementations
0+ Bioactive Carboxylic Compound Classes. Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals
0+ Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes. Agrochemicals
0+ Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes. Pharmaceuticals
0+ Bioactive Natural Products. Chemistry and Biology
0+ Bioanalysis of Pharmaceuticals. Sample Preparation, Separation Techniques and Mass Spectrometry
0+ Bioanalytical Chemistry
0+ Bioanorganische Chemie. Metalloproteine, Methoden und Modelle
0+ Biocatalysis and Biomolecular Engineering
0+ Biocatalysis for the Pharmaceutical Industry. Discovery, Development, and Manufacturing
0+ Biocatalysts and Enzyme Technology
0+ Biochemical Pathways. An Atlas of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
0+ Biochemistry For Dummies
0+ Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation
0+ Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation. Exploring the Evidence for a Link
0+ Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation. Bridging the Gap Between Global Commitment and Local Actio
0+ Bioelectrochemistry of Biomembranes and Biomimetic Membranes
0+ Bioelectrochemistry. Fundamentals, Applications and Recent Developments
0+ Bioelectrochemistry. Fundamentals, Experimental Techniques and Applications
0+ Biofilm Eradication and Prevention. A Pharmaceutical Approach to Medical Device Infections
0+ Biofuel Crop Sustainability
0+ Biofuels
0+ Biofuels and Bioenergy
0+ Biogas Production. Pretreatment Methods in Anaerobic Digestion
0+ Biogeography. An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach
0+ Biohybrid Systems. Nerves, Interfaces and Machines
0+ Biohybrid Systems. Nerves, Interfaces and Machines
0+ Bioinformatics and Biomarker Discovery. Omic Data Analysis for Personalized Medicine
0+ Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics
0+ Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution
0+ Bioinformatics Challenges at the Interface of Biology and Computer Science. Mind the Gap
0+ Bioinformatics For Dummies
0+ Bioinorganic Chemistry -- Inorganic Elements in the Chemistry of Life. An Introduction and Guide
0+ Bioinorganic Medicinal Chemistry
0+ Bioinspiration and Biomimicry in Chemistry. Reverse-Engineering Nature
0+ Bioinspired Catalysis. Metal-Sulfur Complexes
0+ Biological Chemistry of Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth
0+ Biological Diversity. Exploiters and Exploited
0+ Biological Monitoring. Heutige und Kunftige Moglichkeiten in der Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin
0+ Biological Sludge Minimization and Biomaterials/Bioenergy Recovery Technologies
0+ Biology For Dummies
0+ Biomarker Validation. Technological, Clinical and Commercial Aspects
0+ Biomarkers. In Medicine, Drug Discovery, and Environmental Health
0+ Biomass to Biofuels. Strategies for Global Industries
0+ Biomaterials
0+ Biomaterials Surface Science
0+ Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System. Modeling of Data Uncertainty and Knowledge
0+ Biomechanics. Optimization, Uncertainties and Reliability
0+ Biomedical Applications and Toxicology of Carbon Nanomaterials
0+ Biomedical Devices. Design, Prototyping, and Manufacturing
0+ Biomedical Materials and Diagnostic Devices
0+ Biomedical Nanomaterials
0+ Biomedical Sciences. Essential Laboratory Medicine
0+ Biomedical Signal Analysis
0+ Biomimetic Approaches for Biomaterials Development
0+ Biomimetic Organic Synthesis
0+ Biomimetic, Bioresponsive, and Bioactive Materials. An Introduction to Integrating Materials with Ti
0+ Biomimetics. Advancing Nanobiomaterials and Tissue Engineering
0+ Biomolecular Information Processing. From Logic Systems to Smart Sensors and Actuators
0+ Bioorganometallic Chemistry. Applications in Drug Discovery, Biocatalysis, and Imaging
0+ Biophysical Bone Behaviour. Principles and Applications
0+ Biophysical Chemistry of Biointerfaces
0+ Biophysical Chemistry of Biointerfaces
0+ Biophysico-Chemical Processes Involving Natural Nonliving Organic Matter in Environmental Systems
0+ Biophysico-Chemical Processes of Anthropogenic Organic Compounds in Environmental Systems
0+ Biophysics For Dummies
0+ Bioprocessing for Cell-Based Therapies
0+ Bioprocessing of Renewable Resources to Commodity Bioproducts
0+ Bioprocessing Technology for Production of Biopharmaceuticals and Bioproducts
0+ Bioreactors. Design, Operation and Novel Applications
0+ Biorefineries and Chemical Processes. Design, Integration and Sustainability Analysis
0+ Bioremediation and Sustainability. Research and Applications
0+ Bioremediation of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
0+ Biosensing Using Nanomaterials
0+ Biostatistical Design and Analysis Using R. A Practical Guide
0+ Biostatistical Design and Analysis Using R. A Practical Guide
0+ Biosynthesis of Heterocycles. From Isolation to Gene Cluster
0+ Biotech Funding Trends. Insights from Entrepreneurs and Investors
0+ Biotechnology and Biopharmaceuticals. Transforming Proteins and Genes into Drugs
0+ Biotechnology and Biopharmaceuticals. Transforming Proteins and Genes into Drugs
0+ Biotopschutz in der Praxis. Grundlagen -Techniken - Fordermoglichkeiten - Grundlagen - Planung - Han
0+ Biotribology
0+ Bioverfahrensentwicklung
0+ Bioverfahrensentwicklung
0+ Bipolar Disorder. Clinical and Neurobiological Foundations
0+ Black Male Collegians: Increasing Access, Retention, and Persistence in Higher Education. ASHE Highe
0+ Blask popiołów. Myśli o Wszechświecie dla wierzących w Boga
0+ Blended. Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools
0+ Blending Leadership. Six Simple Beliefs for Leading Online and Off
0+ Blending Play Therapy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Evidence-Based and Other Effective Treatmen
16+ Blockchain для маркетинга