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Книги из категории: Бизнес-Книги - Управление, подбор персонала
Книги из категории: Бизнес-Книги - Управление, подбор персонала
0+ MarketPsych. How to Manage Fear and Build Your Investor Identity
0+ Markets for Managers. A Managerial Economics Primer
12+ Masin, platvorm, inimene. Meie digitulevik
0+ Master Data Management in Practice. Achieving True Customer MDM
0+ Master Traders. Strategies for Superior Returns from Today's Top Traders
0+ Master Your Mind. Counterintuitive Strategies to Refocus and Re-Energize Your Runaway Brain
0+ Mastering Corporate Finance Essentials. The Critical Quantitative Methods and Tools in Finance
0+ Mastering Elliott Wave Principle. Elementary Concepts, Wave Patterns, and Practice Exercises
0+ Mastering Mobile Learning
0+ Mastering Organizational Knowledge Flow. How to Make Knowledge Sharing Work
0+ Mastering Private Equity Set
0+ Mastering Private Equity. Transformation via Venture Capital, Minority Investments and Buyouts
0+ Mastering the 7 Essentials of High-Growth Companies. Effective Lessons to Grow Your Business
0+ Mastering the Art of Equity Trading Through Simulation, + Web-Based Software. The TraderEx Course
0+ Mastering the Complex Sale. How to Compete and Win When the Stakes are High!
0+ Mastering the Instructional Design Process. A Systematic Approach
0+ Mastering the Stock Market. High Probability Market Timing and Stock Selection Tools
0+ Mathematics and Statistics for Financial Risk Management
0+ Maxed Out: Hard Times, Easy Credit
0+ Maximizing the Value of Consulting. A Guide for Internal and External Consultants
12+ MBA без воды
0+ MBA в кармане: Практическое руководство по развитию ключевых навыков управления
12+ MBA в кармане: Практическое руководство по развитию ключевых навыков управления
0+ McKinsey's Marvin Bower. Vision, Leadership, and the Creation of Management Consulting
0+ Meaningful Workplaces. Reframing How and Where we Work
0+ Measuring Operational and Reputational Risk. A Practitioner's Approach
0+ Mechanical Trading Systems. Pairing Trader Psychology with Technical Analysis
0+ Medicare For Dummies
0+ Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage For Dummies
0+ Mentored by a Millionaire. Master Strategies of Super Achievers
0+ Merger Arbitrage. How to Profit from Global Event-Driven Arbitrage
16+ Merry кризис. Настольное руководство по антикризисному менеджменту в современной России
0+ Mesh-модель: Почему будущее бизнеса – в платформах совместного пользования?
0+ Mezzanine Financing. Tools, Applications and Total Performance
0+ Michael Allen's 2012 e-Learning Annual
0+ Michael Allen's Guide to e-Learning. Building Interactive, Fun, and Effective Learning Programs for
0+ Michael Allen's Online Learning Library: Successful e-Learning Interface. Making Learning Technology
0+ Microeconomics For Dummies
0+ Million Dollar Consulting Proposals. How to Write a Proposal That's Accepted Every Time
0+ Million Dollar Consulting Toolkit. Step-by-Step Guidance, Checklists, Templates, and Samples from Th
0+ Mind+Machine. A Decision Model for Optimizing and Implementing Analytics
0+ Misplaced Talent. A Guide to Better People Decisions
0+ Mobile Marketing For Dummies
0+ Mobile Marketing. An Hour a Day
0+ Mochtar Riady. My Life Story
0+ Model Building in Mathematical Programming
0+ Modeling Derivatives in C++
0+ Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++. New Trading and Money Management Concepts
0+ Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft Excel. A Step-by-Step Guide
0+ Models. Behaving. Badly. Why Confusing Illusion with Reality Can Lead to Disaster, on Wall Street an
0+ Moderne Parabeln. Eine Fundgrube für Trainer, Coachs und Manager
0+ Monetizing Your Data. A Guide to Turning Data into Profit-Driving Strategies and Solutions
0+ Money Magnet. How to Attract Investors to Your Business
0+ Money: A User’s Guide
0+ More Jolts! Activities to Wake up and Engage Your Participants
0+ More Mortgage Meltdown. 6 Ways to Profit in These Bad Times
0+ More Than a Numbers Game. A Brief History of Accounting
0+ Mortgage-Backed Securities. Products, Structuring, and Analytical Techniques
0+ Motivating the "What's In It For Me?" Workforce. Manage Across the Generational Divide and Increase
0+ Multicriteria Decision Aid and Artificial Intelligence. Links, Theory and Applications
0+ Multinational Finance. Evaluating Opportunities, Costs, and Risks of Operations
0+ Multinational Finance. Evaluating the Opportunities, Costs, and Risks of Multinational Operations
0+ Mutual Funds. Portfolio Structures, Analysis, Management, and Stewardship
0+ My Life as a Quant. Reflections on Physics and Finance
16+ My Pillow
0+ Napoleon Hill's Golden Rules. The Lost Writings
0+ Nature's Keepers. The Remarkable Story of How the Nature Conservancy Became the Largest Environmenta
0+ Nauka o informacji w okresie zmian
0+ Nauka o informacji w okresie zmian
0+ Negotiating at Work. Turn Small Wins into Big Gains
0+ Nerds on Wall Street. Math, Machines and Wired Markets
0+ Net Profit. How to Succeed in Digital Business
0+ Network Advantage. How to Unlock Value From Your Alliances and Partnerships
0+ NeuroInvesting. Build a New Investing Brain
0+ Never by Chance. Aligning People and Strategy Through Intentional Leadership
0+ New Frontiers in Technical Analysis. Effective Tools and Strategies for Trading and Investing
0+ Newcits. Investing in UCITS Compliant Hedge Funds
0+ Next Generation Demand Management. People, Process, Analytics, and Technology
0+ No Boundaries. How to Use Time and Labor Management Technology to Win the Race for Profits and Produ
0+ No Excuses. How You Can Turn Any Workplace into a Great One
0+ No More Consultants. We Know More Than We Think
0+ No-Hype Options Trading. Myths, Realities, and Strategies That Really Work
0+ None of Us is As Good As All of Us. How McDonald's Prospers by Embracing Inclusion and Diversity
0+ Nonlinearity, Complexity and Randomness in Economics. Towards Algorithmic Foundations for Economics
0+ Nonprofit Consulting Essentials. What Nonprofits and Consultants Need to Know
0+ O Segredo De Ser Feliz
0+ Objectives and Key Results. Driving Focus, Alignment, and Engagement with OKRs
16+ Oh, my
16+ Old Boys и Краснополянская косметика
0+ On Equal Terms. Redefining China's Relationship with America and the West
0+ On Target Living. Your Guide to a Life of Balance, Energy, and Vitality
0+ Onboarding. How to Get Your New Employees Up to Speed in Half the Time
0+ One Good Trade. Inside the Highly Competitive World of Proprietary Trading
0+ One Minute Mentoring: How to find and work with a mentor - and why you’ll benefit from being one
0+ One Report. Integrated Reporting for a Sustainable Strategy
0+ One Strategy. Organization, Planning, and Decision Making
0+ One Word That Will Change Your Life, Expanded Edition
0+ Online Dispute Resolution For Business. B2B, ECommerce, Consumer, Employment, Insurance, and other C
0+ Online Investing on the Australian Sharemarket
0+ Online Reputation Management For Dummies
0+ Open Innovation. Corporate Incubator
0+ Open Innovation. New Product Development Essentials from the PDMA
0+ Operational Risk Assessment. The Commercial Imperative of a more Forensic and Transparent Approach
0+ Operational Risk Management. A Complete Guide to a Successful Operational Risk Framework
0+ Operational Risk Management. A Practical Approach to Intelligent Data Analysis
0+ Operational Risk Management. Best Practices in the Financial Services Industry
0+ Operational Risk Toward Basel III. Best Practices and Issues in Modeling, Management, and Regulation
0+ Operational Risk with Excel and VBA. Applied Statistical Methods for Risk Management, + Website
0+ Opportunities in Emerging Markets. Investing in the Economies of Tomorrow
0+ Optimization Modeling with Spreadsheets
0+ Optimize Your Greatest Asset -- Your People. How to Apply Analytics to Big Data to Improve Your Huma
0+ Option Pricing Models and Volatility Using Excel-VBA
0+ Option Spread Trading. A Comprehensive Guide to Strategies and Tactics
0+ Option Trading. Pricing and Volatility Strategies and Techniques
0+ Options for Volatile Markets. Managing Volatility and Protecting Against Catastrophic Risk
0+ Options Math for Traders. How To Pick the Best Option Strategies for Your Market Outlook
0+ Options on Foreign Exchange
0+ Options Theory and Trading. A Step-by-Step Guide to Control Risk and Generate Profits
0+ Ordinary People, Extraordinary Profits. How to Make a Living as an Independent Stock, Options, and F
0+ Ordinary People, Extraordinary Profits. How to Make a Living as an Independent Stock, Options, and F
0+ Organic Materials for Sustainable Civil Engineering
0+ Organisational Behaviour For Dummies
0+ Organizational Consulting. How to Be an Effective Internal Change Agent
16+ Õuna südames
0+ Out of Our Minds. Learning to be Creative
0+ Out Think. How Innovative Leaders Drive Exceptional Outcomes
0+ Out-Executing the Competition. Building and Growing a Financial Services Company in Any Economy
0+ Outperform with Expectations-Based Management. A State-of-the-Art Approach to Creating and Enhancing
0+ Overload! How Too Much Information is Hazardous to your Organization
0+ Own the Future. 50 Ways to Win from The Boston Consulting Group
0+ Own YOUR Success. The Power to Choose Greatness and Make Every Day Victorious
0+ Paper Money Collapse. The Folly of Elastic Money
0+ Patents. Prompting or Restricting Innovation?
0+ Paul Volcker. The Making of a Financial Legend
0+ Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance
0+ Pension Revolution. A Solution to the Pensions Crisis
0+ Performance Appraisals and Phrases For Dummies
0+ Performance Consulting. Applying Performance Improvement in Human Resource Development
0+ Performance Dashboards and Analysis for Value Creation
0+ Performance Dashboards. Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business
0+ Performance Dashboards. Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business
0+ Performance-Based Certification. How to Design a Valid, Defensible, Cost-Effective Program
0+ Pervasive Intelligence Now. Enabling Game-Changing Outcomes in the Age of Exponential Data
0+ Philip A. Fisher Collected Works, Foreword by Ken Fisher. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, Paths
0+ Pinterest Marketing For Dummies
0+ Pinterest Marketing. An Hour a Day
0+ Playing to Wiin. Nintendo and the Video Game Industry's Greatest Comeback
16+ Playtronica оживляет повседневные предметы и дает им собственный голос
16+ PLOV.com
0+ Point and Figure Charting. The Essential Application for Forecasting and Tracking Market Prices