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Книги из категории: Бизнес-Книги - Управление, подбор персонала
Книги из категории: Бизнес-Книги - Управление, подбор персонала
0+ Point, Click and Wow!. The Techniques and Habits of Successful Presenters
16+ Pokerstar
0+ Portable Alpha Theory and Practice. What Investors Really Need to Know
0+ Portfolio Construction and Analytics
0+ Portfolio Investment Opportunities in Managed Futures
0+ Portfolio Investment Opportunities in Precious Metals
0+ Positive Thinking Pocketbook. Little Exercises for a happy and successful life
0+ Power Entertaining. Secrets to Building Lasting Relationships, Hosting Unforgettable Events, and Clo
0+ Power Mentoring. How Successful Mentors and Proteges Get the Most Out of Their Relationships
0+ Power of An Hour. Business and Life Mastery in One Hour A Week
16+ PR для птиц высокого полета. 18 фишек для раскрутки топ-менеджеров, чиновников, звезд, etc
0+ Practical Speculation
0+ Practicing Organization Development. Leading Transformation and Change
0+ Precious Metals Investing For Dummies
0+ Precious Metals Trading. How To Profit from Major Market Moves
0+ Predicting Success. Evidence-Based Strategies to Hire the Right People and Build the Best Team
0+ Predictive Analytics for Human Resources
0+ Predictive Analytics. The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die
0+ Preventing Identity Theft in Your Business. How to Protect Your Business, Customers, and Employees
0+ Pricing and Hedging Financial Derivatives. A Guide for Practitioners
0+ Pricing Done Right. The Pricing Framework Proven Successful by the World's Most Profitable Companies
16+ Primal Soymilk, соевое молоко с разными вкусами
0+ Principles of Quantitative Development
0+ Principles of Quantitative Development
0+ Privacy Means Profit. Prevent Identity Theft and Secure You and Your Bottom Line
0+ Private Capital Markets. Valuation, Capitalization, and Transfer of Private Business Interests
0+ Private Capital Markets. Valuation, Capitalization, and Transfer of Private Business Interests
0+ Private Equity in Action. Case Studies from Developed and Emerging Markets
0+ Private Wealth. Wealth Management In Practice
0+ Probabilistic Reliability Models
0+ Process Design: Making it Work. A Practical Guide to What to do When and How for Facilitators, Consu
0+ Procurement 20/20. Supply Entrepreneurship in a Changing World
0+ Product and Systems Development. A Value Approach
0+ Product Life-Cycle Management. Geometric Variations
0+ Productive Workplaces. Dignity, Meaning, and Community in the 21st Century
0+ Professional Automated Trading. Theory and Practice
0+ Professional Financial Computing Using Excel and VBA
0+ Professional Services Marketing. How the Best Firms Build Premier Brands, Thriving Lead Generation E
0+ Professionell Präsentieren in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften
0+ Professionell Präsentieren. in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften
0+ Professionelles Preismanagement. Die Komponenten langfristig wirksamer Preisgestaltung
0+ Professionelles Produktmanagement. Der prozessorientierte Ansatz, Rahmenbedingungen und Strategien
0+ Profiles in Performance. Business Intelligence Journeys and the Roadmap for Change
0+ Profitable Candlestick Trading. Pinpointing Market Opportunities to Maximize Profits
0+ Profitable Candlestick Trading. Pinpointing Market Opportunities to Maximize Profits
0+ Profiting from Hedge Funds. Winning Strategies for the Little Guy
0+ Profiting from Weekly Options. How to Earn Consistent Income Trading Weekly Option Serials
0+ Project Financing. Asset-Based Financial Engineering
0+ Project Manager's Spotlight on Change Management
0+ Project Manager's Spotlight on Planning
0+ Project Manager's Spotlight on Risk Management
0+ Property Entrepreneur. The Wealth Dragon Way to Build a Successful Property Business
0+ Property Finance. An International Approach
0+ Property Rich. Secure Your Financial Freedom
0+ Prosperity in The Age of Decline. How to Lead Your Business and Preserve Wealth Through the Coming B
16+ Psühholoogia. Poliitika. Võitlus
16+ Purdue Pharma
16+ PureLove
16+ QBIK
16+ Quadro Electric
0+ Quality Control for Dummies
0+ Quantitative Finance For Dummies
0+ Quantitative Financial Risk Management
0+ Quantitative Financial Risk Management. Theory and Practice
0+ Quantitative Methods in Derivatives Pricing. An Introduction to Computational Finance
0+ Quantitative Momentum. A Practitioner's Guide to Building a Momentum-Based Stock Selection System
0+ Quantitative Risk Management. A Practical Guide to Financial Risk
0+ Quantitative Trading. How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business
0+ Quantitative Value. A Practitioner's Guide to Automating Intelligent Investment and Eliminating Beha
0+ Questions That Get Results. Innovative Ideas Managers Can Use to Improve Their Teams' Performance
0+ Radical Outcomes. How to Create Extraordinary Teams that Get Tangible Results
0+ Rapid Instructional Design. Learning ID Fast and Right
0+ Rapid Organizational Change
0+ Rattiner's Review for the CFP Certification Examination, Fast Track, Study Guide
0+ Rattiner's Review for the CFP(R) Certification Examination, Fast Track Study Guide
0+ Re-Made in the USA. How We Can Restore Jobs, Retool Manufacturing, and Compete With the World
0+ Reading the Room. Group Dynamics for Coaches and Leaders
0+ Real Estate Development and Investment. A Comprehensive Approach
0+ Real Traders II. How One CFO Trader Used the Power of Leverage to make $110k in 9 Weeks
0+ Real-Time Risk. What Investors Should Know About FinTech, High-Frequency Trading, and Flash Crashes
0+ Reality-Based Leadership. Ditch the Drama, Restore Sanity to the Workplace, and Turn Excuses into Re
0+ Red Capitalism. The Fragile Financial Foundation of China's Extraordinary Rise
0+ Red-Blooded Risk. The Secret History of Wall Street
0+ Rediscovering Value. Leading the 3-D Enterprise to Sustainable Success
16+ Redneck ware
0+ Reframe The Marketplace. The Total Market Approach to Reaching the New Majority
0+ Regulating Wall Street. The Dodd-Frank Act and the New Architecture of Global Finance
0+ Regulation of Securities, Markets, and Transactions. A Guide to the New Environment
0+ Reinventing Giants. How Chinese Global Competitor Haier Has Changed the Way Big Companies Transform
0+ Reinventing Management. Smarter Choices for Getting Work Done
0+ Reinventing Management. Smarter Choices for Getting Work Done, Revised and Updated Edition
0+ Reinventing Professional Services. Building Your Business in the Digital Marketplace
0+ Reinventing Talent Management. How to Maximize Performance in the New Marketplace
0+ Relevance. Hitting Your Goals by Knowing What Matters
0+ Renegades Write the Rules. How the Digital Royalty Use Social Media to Innovate
0+ Renminbi Rising. A New Global Monetary System Emerges
0+ Resistance is Useless. The Art of Business Persuasion
0+ Resisting Corporate Corruption. Cases in Practical Ethics From Enron Through The Financial Crisis
0+ Resisting Corporate Corruption. Cases in Practical Ethics From Enron Through The Financial Crisis
0+ Resource Salvation. The Architecture of Reuse
0+ RESPECT. Delivering Results by Giving Employees What They Really Want
0+ Responsibility and Freedom. The Ethical Realm of RRI
0+ Responsible Business. How to Manage a CSR Strategy Successfully
0+ Results at the Top. Using Gender Intelligence to Create Breakthrough Growth
0+ Results Rule!. Build a Culture That Blows the Competition Away
0+ Results That Last. Hardwiring Behaviors That Will Take Your Company to the Top
0+ Retrofitting Cities for Tomorrow's World
0+ Retrofitting the Built Environment
0+ Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel + Website. A Step-by-Step Guide
0+ Reverse Mortgages and Linked Securities. The Complete Guide to Risk, Pricing, and Regulation
0+ Revolutionize Learning & Development. Performance and Innovation Strategy for the Information Age
12+ Rework. Бизнес без предрассудков
16+ Richard Hampton
0+ Rigged Money. Beating Wall Street at Its Own Game
0+ Risk Arbitrage
0+ Risk Budgeting. Portfolio Problem Solving with Value-at-Risk
0+ Risk Management At The Top. A Guide to Risk and its Governance in Financial Institutions
0+ Risk Management for Islamic Banks. Recent Developments from Asia and the Middle East
0+ Risk Management in Banking
0+ Risk Management in Life Critical Systems
0+ Risk Management in Trading. Techniques to Drive Profitability of Hedge Funds and Trading Desks
0+ Risk Management under UCITS III / IV. New Challenges for the Fund Industry
0+ Risk Management under UCITS III / IV. New Challenges for the Fund Industry
0+ Risk Management. Foundations For a Changing Financial World
0+ Risk Management. Lever for SME Development and Stakeholder Value Creation
0+ Risk Transfer. Derivatives in Theory and Practice
0+ ROI of Social Media. How to Improve the Return on Your Social Marketing Investment
0+ Rough Diamonds. The Four Traits of Successful Breakout Firms in BRIC Countries
0+ Rules to Break and Laws to Follow. How Your Business Can Beat the Crisis of Short-Termism
0+ Run Your Business Like a Fortune 100. 7 Principles for Boosting Profits
0+ Running a Bar For Dummies
0+ Running a Restaurant For Dummies
0+ Running an Effective Investor Relations Department. A Comprehensive Guide
16+ Russian Elka
0+ Ruthless. How Enraged Investors Reclaimed Their Investments and Beat Wall Street
0+ S.K.I.R.T.S in the Boardroom. A Woman's Survival Guide to Success in Business and Life
0+ Safeguarding Critical E-Documents. Implementing a Program for Securing Confidential Information Asse
0+ Sales Chaos. Using Agility Selling to Think and Sell Differently
0+ Salesforce Marketing Cloud For Dummies
16+ SaltMakers
16+ Samocat Sharing System
0+ Scammed. How to Save Your Money and Find Better Service in a World of Schemes, Swindles, and Shady D
0+ Scenario Planning. A Field Guide to the Future
0+ Scenario-based e-Learning. Evidence-Based Guidelines for Online Workforce Learning
0+ Scenarios. The Art of Strategic Conversation
0+ Science, Technology and Innovation Culture
12+ Scrum
16+ Scrum. Навчись робити вдвічі більше за менший час
12+ Scrum. Революционный метод управления проектами