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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 58
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Joseph Goodman W. "Statistical Optics"
Soumyajyoti Biswas "Statistical Physics of Fracture, Beakdown, and Earthquake. Effects of Disorder and Heterogeneity"
Ian Ford "Statistical Physics. An Entropic Approach"
Reif B. A.Pettersson "Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows"
Reinhard Hentschke "Statistische Mechanik. Eine Einführung für Physiker, Chemiker und Materialwissenschaftler"
H. Baharvand "Stem Cell Nanoengineering"
Khalid Shah "Stem Cell Therapeutics for Cancer"
Thesleff Irma "Stem Cells in Craniofacial Development and Regeneration"
Nasib Qureshi "Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine. Science, Regulation and Business Strategies"
Saura Sahu C. "Stem Cells in Toxicology and Medicine"
Rob Burgess "Stem Cells. A Short Course"
Robert Meyers A. "Stem Cells. From Biology to Therapy"
McClellan George S. "Stepping Up to Stepping Out: Helping Students Prepare for Life After College. New Directions for Stu"
Gawley Robert E. "Stereochemical Aspects of Organolithium Compounds"
Gábor Hornyánszky "Stereochemistry and Stereoselective Synthesis. An Introduction"
Igor Alabugin V. "Stereoelectronic Effects. A Bridge Between Structure and Reactivity"
Dieter Enders "Stereoselective Multiple Bond-Forming Transformations in Organic Synthesis"
Ramon Torres Rios "Stereoselective Organocatalysis. Bond Formation Methodologies and Activation Modes"
Andrushko Natalia "Stereoselective Synthesis of Drugs and Natural Products"
Daniel Lednicer "Steroid Chemistry at a Glance"
Daniel Lednicer "Steroid Chemistry at a Glance"
Nahar Chowdhury Lutfun "Steroid Dimers. Chemistry and Applications in Drug Design and Delivery"
Pere Colet "Stochastic Numerical Methods. An Introduction for Students and Scientists"
Susan Marine B. "Stonewall's Legacy. Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Students in Higher Education: AEHE"
Jurgen Kiefer "Strahlen und Gesundheit. Nutzen und Risiken"
Jurgen Kiefer "Strahlen und Gesundheit. Nutzen und Risiken"
Steven Farmer "Strange Chemistry. The Stories Your Chemistry Teacher Wouldn't Tell You"
Kelli Smith K. "Strategic Directions for Career Services Within the University Setting. New Directions for Student S"
Kelli Smith K. "Strategic Directions for Career Services Within the University Setting. New Directions for Student S"
Shannon Ellis E. "Strategic Planning in Student Affairs. New Directions for Student Services, Number 132"
Riviere Jim E. "Strategies for Reducing Drug and Chemical Residues in Food Animals. International Approaches to Resi"
Michael Roggow J. "Strengthening Community Colleges Through Institutional Collaborations. New Directions for Community "
Michael Roggow J. "Strengthening Community Colleges Through Institutional Collaborations. New Directions for Community "
Frans Bruijn J.de "Stress and Environmental Regulation of Gene Expression and Adaptation in Bacteria, 2 Volume Set"
Y. Cheng Frank "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pipelines"
Takao Someya "Stretchable Electronics"
Lubchenko Vassiliy "Structural Glasses and Supercooled Liquids. Theory, Experiment, and Applications"
Norbert Mitzel "Structural Methods in Molecular Inorganic Chemistry"
Cordova Benedetto "Structural Steel Design to Eurocode 3 and AISC Specifications"
Cid Maria-Magdalena "Structure Elucidation in Organic Chemistry. The Search for the Right Tools"
Varlotta Lori E. "Student Affairs Budgeting and Financial Management in the Midst of Fiscal Crisis. New Directions for"
J. Loper Renay "Student Affairs Professionals Cultivating Campus Climates Inclusive of International Students. New D"
Kristen Renn A. "Student Development in College. Theory, Research, and Practice"
Katrina Meyer A. "Student Engagement Online: What Works and Why. ASHE Higher Education Report, Volume 40, Number 6"
Elizabeth Barkley F. "Student Engagement Techniques. A Handbook for College Faculty"
Phil Davis "Student Finance For Dummies - UK"
Donald Stenta A. "Student Leadership Development Through Recreation and Athletics. New Directions for Student Leadersh"
Gregory Blimling S. "Student Learning in College Residence Halls. What Works, What Doesn't, and Why"
Vasti Torres "Student Services. A Handbook for the Profession"
Kevin Eagan "Student Veteran Data in Higher Education. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 171"
Patrick Bahls "Student Writing in the Quantitative Disciplines. A Guide for College Faculty"
Viviane Robinson "Student-Centered Leadership"
John Gardner N. "Students Helping Students. A Guide for Peer Educators on College Campuses"
Paul Klute "Study Abroad in a New Global Century. Renewing the Promise, Refining the Purpose, ASHE Higher Educat"
Xueli Wang "Studying Transfer in Higher Education: New Approaches to Enduring and Emerging Topics. New Direction"
Seth Stein "Subduction Dynamics: From Mantle Flow to Mega Disasters"
Anthony Burgess "Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf. Quaternary Paleoenvironments"
Koksal Hocaoglu A. "Subsurface Sensing"
Chehil Sonia "Suicide Risk Management. A Manual for Health Professionals"
Udo Birk J. "Super-Resolution Microscopy. A Practical Guide"
Alexey Bezryadin "Superconductivity in Nanowires. Fabrication and Quantum Transport"
Yizhak Marcus "Supercritical Water"
Nada Matta "Supervision and Safety of Complex Systems"
Rasmus Fehrmann "Supported Ionic Liquids. Fundamentals and Applications"
Larry Roper D. "Supporting and Supervising Mid-Level Professionals. New Directions for Student Services, Number 136"
Nicola Brunswick "Supporting Dyslexic Adults in Higher Education and the Workplace"
Anita Crawley "Supporting Online Students. A Practical Guide to Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Services"
Anita Crawley "Supporting Online Students. A Practical Guide to Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Services"
C. Ozaki Casey "Supporting Student Affairs Professionals. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 166"
Kleiner Reinhold "Supraleitung. Grundlagen und Anwendungen"
Inoue Yoshihisa "Supramolecular Photochemistry. Controlling Photochemical Processes"
Akira Harada "Supramolecular Polymer Chemistry"
Takashi Nakanishi "Supramolecular Soft Matter. Applications in Materials and Organic Electronics"
Friedbacher Gernot "Surface and Thin Film Analysis. A Compendium of Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications"
Krister Holmberg "Surface Chemistry of Surfactants and Polymers"
Dzombak David A. "Surface Complexation Modeling: Gibbsite"
Dario Farina "Surface Electromyography. Physiology, Engineering and Applications"
Kiefer Wolfgang "Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Analytical, Biophysical and Life Science Applications"
Bo Sernelius E. "Surface Modes in Physics"
Chris Geddes D. "Surface Plasmon Enhanced, Coupled and Controlled Fluorescence"
Dieter Lutzke "Surfen in die digitale Zukunft"
Jay Beagle R. "Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry"
Jo Dewulf "Sustainability Assessment of Renewables-Based Products. Methods and Case Studies"
Lowellyne James "Sustainability Footprints in SMEs. Strategy and Case Studies for Entrepreneurs and Small Business"
Amarjit Sahota "Sustainability. How the Cosmetics Industry is Greening Up"
Prof Scott Keith "Sustainable and Green Electrochemical Science and Technology"
Maria-Magdalena Titirici "Sustainable Carbon Materials from Hydrothermal Processes"
Michael Williams T. "Sustainable Catalysis. Challenges and Practices for the Pharmaceutical and Fine Chemical Industries"
Luigi Vaccaro "Sustainable Flow Chemistry. Methods and Applications"
Roger Brunet "Sustainable Geography"
Guenther Robin "Sustainable Healthcare Architecture"
David Atwood A. "Sustainable Inorganic Chemistry"
Gary Zatzman M. "Sustainable Resource Development"
R. Rajagopal "Sustainable Value Creation in the Fine and Speciality Chemicals Industry"
Chandrappa Ramesha "Sustainable Water Engineering. Theory and Practice"
Dionne Rosser-Mims "Swimming Up Stream 2: Agency and Urgency in the Education of Black Men: New Directions for Adult and"
Dionne Rosser-Mims "Swimming Upstream: Black Males in Adult Education. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education"
Robert Glaser "Symmetry, Spectroscopy, and Crystallography. The Structural Nexus"
Levi Paul "Synergetic Agents. From Multi-Robot Systems to Molecular Robotics"
Nicholas Sobin "Syntactic Analysis. The Basics"
Andrew Carnie "Syntax. A Generative Introduction"
Huaqiang Cao "Synthesis and Applications of Inorganic Nanostructures"
Terence Warner E. "Synthesis, Properties and Mineralogy of Important Inorganic Materials"
Robert Meyers A. "Synthetic Biology"
Markus Schmidt "Synthetic Biology. Industrial and Environmental Applications"
Brillas Enric "Synthetic Diamond Films. Preparation, Electrochemistry, Characterization and Applications"
Chen Baixiao "Synthetic Impulse and Aperture Radar (SIAR). A Novel Multi-Frequency MIMO Radar"
Elisabetta Brenna "Synthetic Methods for Biologically Active Molecules. Exploring the Potential of Bioreductions"
Dean Karnopp C. "System Dynamics. Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Mechatronic Systems"
Schoukens Johan "System Identification. A Frequency Domain Approach"
Chen YangQuan "System Simulation Techniques with MATLAB and Simulink"
Ward Wheeler C. "Systematics. A Course of Lectures"
Robert Meyers A. "Systems Biology"
Guoan Luo "Systems Biology for Traditional Chinese Medicine"
Siamak Najarian "Tactile Sensing and Displays. Haptic Feedback For Minimally Invasive Surgery And Robotics"
Harbers Matthias "Tag-based Next Generation Sequencing"
Daniel Miller "Tales from Facebook"
Ruth Hammelehle "Taschenatlas der Biotechnologie und Gentechnik"
Liudmil Antonov "Tautomerism. Concepts and Applications in Science and Technology"
Liudmil Antonov "Tautomerism. Methods and Theories"
Bill Handley "Teach Your Children Tables"
Noam Gil G. "Teacher-Student Relationships: Toward Personalized Education. New Directions for Youth Development, "
Ralph Brockett G. "Teaching Adults. A Practical Guide for New Teachers"
Margaret Golden "Teaching and Learning from the Inside Out: Revitalizing Ourselves and Our Institutions. New Directio"
Rebecca Brent "Teaching and Learning STEM. A Practical Guide"
Linda Nilson B. "Teaching at Its Best. A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors"
Patricia Howlin "Teaching Children with Autism to Mind-Read. The Workbook"
Stephen Brookfield D. "Teaching for Critical Thinking. Tools and Techniques to Help Students Question Their Assumptions"
Ginsberg Margery B. "Teaching Intensive and Accelerated Courses. Instruction that Motivates Learning"
José Bowen Antonio "Teaching Naked Techniques. A Practical Guide to Designing Better Classes"
José Bowen Antonio "Teaching Naked. How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning"
Kristin Kipp "Teaching on the Education Frontier. Instructional Strategies for Online and Blended Classrooms Grade"
Verma Dinesh C. "Techniques for Surviving Mobile Data Explosion"
Manfred Baerns "Technische Chemie"
Wolfgang Heidemann "Technische Thermodynamik. Kompaktkurs für das Bachelorstudium"
Kathleen King P. "Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning"
Tod Treat "Technology Management. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 154"
Tod Treat "Technology Management. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 154"
Stefan Przyborski "Technology Platforms for 3D Cell Culture. A User's Guide"
Carmela Nanton R. "Tectonic Boundaries: Negotiating Convergent Forces in Adult Education. New Directions for Adult and "
Burbank Douglas W. "Tectonic Geomorphology"
Anderson John B. "Tectonic, Climatic, and Cryospheric Evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula"
Busby Cathy "Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins. Recent Advances"
Paddy Scannell "Television and the Meaning of 'Live'. An Enquiry into the Human Situation"
Lue Neal "Telomerases. Chemistry, Biology and Clinical Applications"
Leonid Blumberg M. "Temperature-Programmed Gas Chromatography"
W. Shuttleworth James "Terrestrial Hydrometeorology"
Qiuhong Tang "Terrestrial Water Cycle and Climate Change. Natural and Human-Induced Impacts"
Kyle Bunds S. "The "Front Porch": Examining the Increasing Interconnection of University and Athletic Department Fu"
Camarillo Gonzalo "The 3G IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Merging the Internet and the Cellular Worlds"