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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 56
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Wicks Robert J. "Primer on Posttraumatic Growth. An Introduction and Guide"
Vicki Rosen "Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism"
American Society of Transplantation "Primer on Transplantation"
Jung-Ki Park "Principles and Applications of Lithium Secondary Batteries"
Bharat Bhushan "Principles and Applications of Tribology"
John Thomas Meurig "Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis"
Moiz Mumtaz "Principles and Practice of Mixtures Toxicology"
Zorzi Michele "Principles of Communications Networks and Systems"
Brian Pfennig W. "Principles of Inorganic Chemistry"
William Labov "Principles of Linguistic Change, Cognitive and Cultural Factors"
George Acquaah "Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding"
Tarik Regad "Principles of Stem Cell Biology and Cancer. Future Applications and Therapeutics"
Phillip Williams L. "Principles of Toxicology. Environmental and Industrial Applications"
Wen Shizhu "Principles of Tribology"
Baochun Fan "Principles of Turbulence Control"
Ikenberry Stanley O. "Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services. Reallocating Resources to Achieve Strategic Balance, Re"
Supriyo Bandyopadhyay "Problem Solving in Quantum Mechanics. From Basics to Real-World Applications for Materials Scientist"
Stuart Rice A. "Proceedings of the 240 Conference. Science's Great Challenges"
Smith Jeffrey D. "Proceedings of the Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR 2013)"
Boodhoo Kamelia "Process Intensification Technologies for Green Chemistry. Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Chem"
Ian Houson "Process Understanding. For Scale-Up and Manufacture of Active Ingredients"
Anne Robinson Skaja "Production of Membrane Proteins. Strategies for Expression and Isolation"
Hofbauer Günter "Professionelles Kundendienstmanagement. Strategie, Prozess, Komponenten"
Hellwig Claudia "Professionelles Vertriebsmanagement. Der prozessorientierte Ansatz aus Anbieter- und Beschaffersicht"
Dean Spaulding T. "Program Evaluation in Practice. Core Concepts and Examples for Discussion and Analysis"
Kenneth Karlin D. "Progress in Inorganic Chemistry"
Kenneth Karlin D. "Progress in Inorganic Chemistry"
Kenneth Karlin D. "Progress in Inorganic Chemistry"
Mark Robinson "Progress in Modern Hydrology. Past, Present and Future"
Manfred Burghardt "Projektmanagement. Leitfaden für die Planung, Überwachung und Steuerung von Projekten"
Gloria Crisp "Promising and High-Impact Practices: Student Success Programs in the Community College Context. New "
Donald Braben W. "Promoting the Planck Club. How Defiant Youth, Irreverent Researchers and Liberated Universities Can "
Aeron Davis "Promotional Cultures. The Rise and Spread of Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing and Branding"
Naminosuke Kubota "Propellants and Explosives. Thermochemical Aspects of Combustion"
Huang Danhong "Properties of Interacting Low-Dimensional Systems"
John Robinson G. "Protected Areas. Are They Safeguarding Biodiversity?"
Marina Lotti "Protein Aggregation in Bacteria. Functional and Structural Properties of Inclusion Bodies in Bacteri"
Mike Lee S. "Protein Analysis using Mass Spectrometry. Accelerating Protein Biotherapeutics from Lab to Patient"
Uversky Vladimir "Protein and Peptide Folding, Misfolding, and Non-Folding"
Joaquim Ros "Protein Carbonylation. Principles, Analysis, and Biological Implications"
Witt Stephan N. "Protein Chaperones and Protection from Neurodegenerative Diseases"
Lutz Stefan "Protein Engineering Handbook"
Lorenzo Pinna A. "Protein Kinase CK2"
Gerhard Friedrich Müller "Protein Kinases as Drug Targets"
Marina Ramirez-Alvarado "Protein Misfolding Diseases. Current and Emerging Principles and Therapies"
Brian Henderson "Protein Moonlighting in Biology and Medicine"
Lian Lu-Yun "Protein NMR Spectroscopy. Practical Techniques and Applications"
Vladimir Uversky "Protein Oxidation and Aging"
Jan-Christer Janson "Protein Purification. Principles, High Resolution Methods, and Applications"
Jan-Christer Janson "Protein Purification. Principles, High Resolution Methods, and Applications"
Piñeiro Ángel "Proteins in Solution and at Interfaces. Methods and Applications in Biotechnology and Materials Scie"
Gary Walsh "Proteins. Biochemistry and Biotechnology"
Timothy Veenstra D. "Proteomic Applications in Cancer Detection and Discovery"
Bryan Ham M. "Proteomics of Biological Systems. Protein Phosphorylation Using Mass Spectrometry Techniques"
Andrew Ellis M. "Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry. Principles and Applications"
Luis Velasco "Provisioning, Recovery, and In-Operation Planning in Elastic Optical Networks"
Mark Reuter "Psychologie im Projektmanagement. Eine Einführung für Projektmanager und Teams"
David Tandberg A "Public Policy and Higher Education: Strategies for Framing a Research Agenda. ASHE Higher Education "
Nokhodchi Ali "Pulmonary Drug Delivery. Advances and Challenges"
Mohammed Khalid A.A. "Pumps, Channels and Transporters. Methods of Functional Analysis"
Rogers Patricia J. "Purposeful Program Theory. Effective Use of Theories of Change and Logic Models"
Patrick Allo "Putting Information First. Luciano Floridi and the Philosophy of Information"
Rozana Carducci "Qualitative Inquiry for Equity in Higher Education: Methodological Innovations, Implications, and In"
Leslie Goodyear "Qualitative Inquiry in Evaluation. From Theory to Practice"
Sharan Merriam B. "Qualitative Research in Practice. Examples for Discussion and Analysis"
Tisdell Elizabeth J. "Qualitative Research. A Guide to Design and Implementation"
Stephen Lapan D. "Qualitative Research. An Introduction to Methods and Designs"
Akbar Rahbar G. "Quality of Service in Optical Packet Switched Networks"
Krishnan Kannan "Quantitative Modeling in Toxicology"
Chérif Matta F. "Quantum Biochemistry"
Shapiro Moshe "Quantum Control of Molecular Processes"
Min Xiao "Quantum Control of Multi-Wave Mixing"
Fabio Bagarello "Quantum Dynamics for Classical Systems. With Applications of the Number Operator"
Sabre Kais "Quantum Information and Computation for Chemistry"
Fayngold Moses "Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information"
Uwe Siegner "Quantum Metrology. Foundation of Units and Measurements"
Schattke Wolfgang "Quantum Monte-Carlo Programming. For Atoms, Molecules, Clusters, and Solids"
Tim Maudlin "Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity. Metaphysical Intimations of Modern Physics"
Wolfgang Schleich P. "Quantum Optics in Phase Space"
Henri-Rousseau Olivier "Quantum Oscillators"
Furusawa Akira "Quantum Teleportation and Entanglement. A Hybrid Approach to Optical Quantum Information Processing"
Paul Harrison "Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots. Theoretical and Computational Physics of Semiconductor Nanostructures"
Alsharhan Abdulrahman S. "Quaternary Carbonate and Evaporite Sedimentary Facies and Their Ancient Analogues. A Tribute to Doug"
Metcalfe Sarah E. "Quaternary Environmental Change in the Tropics"
Charlie Rose "Race and Social Change. A Quest, A Study, A Call to Action"
Harris Beider "Race, Housing and Community. Perspectives on Policy and Practice"
Tara Parker L. "Racism and Racial Equity in Higher Education. AEHE Volume 42, Number 1"
Knut Stamnes "Radiative Transfer in Coupled Environmental Systems. An Introduction to Forward and Inverse Modeling"
Holst John D. "Radicalizing Learning. Adult Education for a Just World"
Andrew Dubber "Radio in the Digital Age"
Ralf Rudersdorfer "Radio Receiver Technology. Principles, Architectures and Applications"
Amraoui Asma "Radio Resource Allocation and Dynamic Spectrum Access"
Haim (Madjar) Mazar "Radio Spectrum Management. Policies, Regulations and Techniques"
Levent Sevgi "Radio Wave Propagation and Parabolic Equation Modeling"
Peter Scott J.H. "Radiochemical Syntheses, Volume 1. Radiopharmaceuticals for Positron Emission Tomography"
David Atwood A. "Radionuclides in the Environment"
Gebremichael Mekonnen "Rainfall. State of the Science"
Shu-Lin Zhang "Raman Spectroscopy and its Application in Nanostructures"
Ado Jorio "Raman Spectroscopy in Graphene Related Systems"
Sasic Slobodan "Raman, Infrared, and Near-Infrared Chemical Imaging"
Chun-Hui Huang "Rare Earth Coordination Chemistry. Fundamentals and Applications"
Herbert DaCosta "Rate Constant Calculation for Thermal Reactions. Methods and Applications"
Rakesh Parashar Kumar "Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Synthesis"
Christian Hopmann "Reactive Extrusion. Principles and Applications"
Maya Singh Shankar "Reactive Intermediates in Organic Chemistry. Structure, Mechanism, and Reactions"
Santos Leonardo S. "Reactive Intermediates. MS Investigations in Solution"
Christoph Martin Wieland "Reading R. S. Peters Today. Analysis, Ethics, and the Aims of Education"
Laplante Phillip A. "Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis. Tools for the Practitioner"
Robert Wubbolding E. "Reality Therapy and Self-Evaluation. The Key to Client Change"
Cynthia Wells A. "Realizing General Education: Reconsidering Conceptions and Renewing Practice. AEHE Volume 42, Number"
Sandra Mathison "Really New Directions in Evaluation: Young Evaluators' Perspectives. New Directions for Evaluation, "
Sandra Mathison "Really New Directions in Evaluation: Young Evaluators' Perspectives. New Directions for Evaluation, "
James Chu A. "Rebuilding Shattered Lives. Treating Complex PTSD and Dissociative Disorders"
Stephane Quideau "Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, Volume 4"
Stephane Quideau "Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, Volume 5"
Mauri Pelto "Recent Climate Change Impacts on Mountain Glaciers"
Michael Roberts F. "Receptor Biology"
Laura Osteen "Reclaiming Higher Education's Purpose in Leadership Development. New Directions for Higher Education"
Maria Iacobucci Stella "Reconfigurable Radio Systems. Network Architectures and Standards"
Gary Zatzman M. "Reconstituting the Curriculum"
Kate Pound "Reconstructing Earth's Climate History. Inquiry-based Exercises for Lab and Class"
Allen Lawrence R. "Recreation as a Developmental Experience: Theory Practice Research. New Directions for Youth Develop"
Daniela Gamenara "Redox Biocatalysis. Fundamentals and Applications"
Yonghong Xu Jade "Refining the Focus on Faculty Diversity in Postsecondary Institutions. New Directions for Institutio"
Bolman Lee G. "Reframing Academic Leadership"
David Kalsbeek H. "Reframing Retention Strategy for Institutional Improvement. New Directions for Higher Education, Num"
David Kalsbeek H. "Reframing Retention Strategy for Institutional Improvement. New Directions for Higher Education, Num"
Kanoglu Mehmet "Refrigeration Systems and Applications"
Bernd-Markus Pfeiffer "Regeln mit SIMATIC. Praxisbuch für Regelungen mit SIMATIC und SIMATIC S7 PCS7 für die Prozessautomat"
Idier Jérôme "Regularization and Bayesian Methods for Inverse Problems in Signal and Image Processing"
Michael Zhou "Regulated Bioanalytical Laboratories. Technical and Regulatory Aspects from Global Perspectives"
Fiona McConnell "Rehearsing the State. The Political Practices of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile"
Ramdeholl Dianne "Reimaging Doctoral Education as Adult Education. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, "
Jostein Hellesland "Reinforced Concrete Beams, Columns and Frames. Mechanics and Design"
Jostein Hellesland "Reinforced Concrete Beams, Columns and Frames. Section and Slender Member Analysis"
Kevin Parker A. "Reintroduction Biology. Integrating Science and Management"
Jeffrey Kottler A. "Relationships in Counseling and the Counselor's Life"
Xiwen Wang "Relative Fidelity Processing of Seismic Data. Methods and Applications"
Markus Reiher "Relativistic Quantum Chemistry. The Fundamental Theory of Molecular Science"
Rindler Wolfgang "Relativitätstheorie. Speziell, Allgemein und Kosmologisch"
Adams Randee "Reliability and Availability of Cloud Computing"
Ghias Kharmanda "Reliability in Biomechanics"
Venkataraman Lakshmi "Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle"
Dieter Sell "Renewable Raw Materials. New Feedstocks for the Chemical Industry"
Damaraju Raghavarao "Repeated Measurements and Cross-Over Designs"
J. Verma P. "Repeated Measures Design for Empirical Researchers"
Pauline Reynolds J. "Representing "U": Popular Culture, Media, and Higher Education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 40:4"
Brian Schiff "Rereading Personal Narrative and Life Course. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, N"
C. Neal Stewart, Jr. "Research Ethics for Scientists. A Companion for Students"
Martin Georgianna L. "Research-Driven Practice in Student Affairs: Implications from the Wabash National Study of Liberal "